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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Opaque already stated that the usefulness of threads has a weight now. More or less meaning if you make a post and nobody reads it (because it's trash) it has no real value. The ones tons of people visit have value because people view them as being more important. So if someone writes 50 pages and has one person view it, and another writes one line but has 50k people view it, the one with one line should earn significantly more.
  2. For splash pages you mean like in Flash, right? And what would you want in return for creating one for someone? After I'm finished with a couple projects I'm working on I plan to start an educational site. Not sure how long that'll be though.
  3. You wouldn't necessarily be able to use solar power because it depends on clouds, storms, etc. Nothing would suck more than having everyone grounded due to cloud-cover. It would affect too much of the world and would slow down production and cause other complications. As for the benefit, I think it's more due to clearing up traffic. In Dallas, for example, at 6 PM you can literally (and often do) spend 2 hours getting 1 mile. By allowing cars to fly, there would be more lanes open (due to layering) and it would clean up those issues. Though the looking cool part does factor in as well. Who doesn't want a flying car?!
  4. Good observation but I think the OP means something more along the lines of like Unreal Tournament. In that game there are bots you play against in single-player. Although every level you play gets harder than the last during the campaign, you can also increase the difficulty by choosing whether the bots are novice, easy, medium, hard, brutal. So the latter is what they are talking about -- where you're not only following the same difficulty path as everyone else would, but also a completely separate one that each player chooses on their own. As such, you could play only easy and complete the game, or as hardest and complete the game, and nothing would change in terms of the story or anything.
  5. You misinterpreted the post. Instead of reading it as 50 posts, read it as 50,000 characters then. I was using posts because it's a much smaller number and I was hoping to avoid confusion. The updates aren't based on *anything* other than when the script is run. I was just trying to explain why peoples' mycents fluctuate from time to time. In that, I used the assumption that they had made 50 posts before the first update. Whether those were worth 1 mycent or 50 mycents each is irrelevant -- the fact is they were counted. When 5 were counted as spam, those 5 were removed from the mycents earned (again, the amount is irrelevant, the fact is whatever the total counted as spam was, is removed from the total earned). I wasn't insinuating that post count had anything to do with it. Pretty much what I stated above is exactly what you responded with, only I used a real-world example to better help the reader visualize what is going on.
  6. I've seen quite a few threads asking about the updates and why some get them and others don't. Hopefully this information will help you understand why that is, although it is not deemed to be correct until OpaQue states so (though I am almost 100% positive it is, based on prior posts from OpaQue regarding the system and its calculations).The way the script seems to work is the following (this may not be correct, but it's how it seems to work):You make 50 posts, the system does the update and calculates your mycents based on those 50 postsYou make 20 more, the system recalculates based on 70 posts and then subtracts your total mycents earned from before. This is your new addition.You have 5 posts deleted and make 10 more, the system recalculates based on (50 + 20 + 10 - 5) and then subtracts all of your previously earned mycents.Please understand that in the number of posts, it is not based on the actual number. I just mean it's calculating those posts. Such as if you earned 5, 17, 21, 3, and 8 mycents for the first 5 posts, the "5" just represents the total calculation there (5+17+21+3+8).In other words, it is always doing full recalculations of everything on the forums. Spam posts/deleted posts would be factored in during the next "run" of the script, which is how you can go into negative (which Opaque stated will not remove funds from your Xisto account, just your mycents on the forums until you clear them again).This should help explain (if you have any posts removed) why you may not be getting updates. It should clear up confusion from the few people here who are also trying to spam in some posts and not in others, in an attempt to not get docked for it.
  7. I've gotten two emails and three updates. I think those of you who aren't getting emails need to check your accounts and quit worrying so much.As for those of you who haven't even gotten an update (when you check your account), I'd highly suggest you PM Opaque about it and see what he says. Maybe the script skips people or maybe you had spam posts that were recalculated in it.
  8. I agree with this. I think having different campaigns for different difficulty levels would destroy the fun of the game. Let's say you're someone who plays every FPS that comes out. Now a new one does with different campaigns for easy/hard/brutal. Well if you're a hardcore gamer you would be starting on hard. If you love FPS (such as in our example) you may be more comfortable with brutal. As you're playing you're doing fine. But this means that in order to enjoy the entire game you have to use a much easier mode. It then turns the game into more of a repetitive movie than a fun game. Without the challenge there is no point to playing. So although the idea is good in theory, it just wouldn't pan out properly. One thing I do like, however, is that some games have different campaigns between single player and multiplayer. I think that's a pretty nice change because you don't play the same levels all day everyday, and we all need to play with other people at some point.
  9. The alternative fuel is dead on. Not sure if you watch Eureka or not but it's based on the "smart" areas of the world (where people are technologically advanced). In there, they also use alternative types of energy to run things -- like beams and stuff like that. As for the falling down/crashing thing, I honestly never really took that into consideration. You do bring a very valid point to the table though -- one wreck in the air could cause many more below. Unless, of course, we had some kind of invisible barriers between layers to keep things from passing through -- think of a wall, only invisible. It's a huge leap from where we are now, but I think if we are able to do the flying cars, the barrier is more than possible as well.
  10. Thanks for clarifying that. The thing about how social bookmarking sites may help boost SERPS was new to me -- I didn't have any idea about that. I'm going to guess that's why soo many people are worried about Twitter/Facebook.
  11. I really like your main page there. I suck at graphical stuff so I have to deal more in the coding than anything. It'd be nice to have skills like that, lol.And welcome to our group! Maybe we can teach each other some stuff.
  12. I based the movie on Real Life because if you were part of the Open Source scene you'd understand the view behind it. It's the same one every piracy group has. You should read up on both -- you'd find out a lot. As for the "piracy is wrong," thing. I'm pretty sure I stated that "or," meaning inclusive (in other words, their view is either one or the other -- I didn't state one takes more prominence over the other). Re-reading, I did state that.
  13. The piracy will forever go on because of the thoughts out there that say "information should be free to the world." A direct representation of this is in the movie Antitrust.Another much less powerful reason for it is that people are just too used to it now. Think about the programs people need that they can't afford. To break down a personal one, it was Microsoft Office. We had to pay $650 for a normal copy (not even Professional) around 6 years ago (before the student pricing and all). For most people that would be a ridiculous amount -- and it was, but we had to have it and didn't want to have the piracy on our conscience.But for the most part, people don't view it as being wrong, or they just flat out don't care.Now as to whether or not it drops prices, I doubt that, but it *does* increase sales. When Napster and Morpheus came out (both were very popular song sharing platforms, P2P) record sales increased dramatically. People often download things because it allows them to see what they are missing out on; not solely because they want to steal. Another example is movies -- a lot of people will download a cam version of a movie in theaters and then buy the real DvD or BlueRay (as BR discs are 60 GB's pirating really isn't an option).The problem is the RIAA and whatnot would rather make everyone think it's purely negative instead of realize it's a two-sided coin.
  14. I agree with you. I dislike IM's for a lot of things because they require you to be attentive. We've all been at the point where it's either us or the other party getting angry since you (or the other) isn't responding fast enough. Email helps to soften that, giving a slower, much more comfortable pace (there are things IM's are good for, of course, but for things like websites you'd rather not have to respond instantly).
  15. Oddly enough I was watching Back to the Future a couple weeks ago and in the movie there were flying cars (I'm thinking it was the second one, maybe the third though). That movie was based on the early 2000's.A couple others have depicted flying cars by the 1990's (older movies, of course).And all we do is keep boosting the time frame. Now we're to the 2050's on our estimation.But as to whether or not it will ever become a reality, I think it will. Our technology is progressing at such a fast rate I don't see there being any real block to keep us from going that far.
  16. I view programming languages as being like English. Once I understand the syntax (which is like the words) it's very easy to figure out the rest.Most of programming is more in logic than anything else -- for example, if you want a computer to do the square root of 9, you have to explain to it *how* to, just as you would a normal person. In that sense, there is no difference between programming as it already is, and speaking to other people.In a lot of ways I find programming *easier* than trying to speak to others. At least the computer understands things the first time and doesn't need to be repeated, .
  17. I hate CPA Lead offers because they are intrusive. They completely break away the feeling of "choice" you usually have when visiting a site. Instead of being able to choose if and how you want to support the website, you are being forced to use their method. To me, this means the site is not reliable; if it was, they would be able to live without using such an annoying method.On the same token, I would never use them on my site for the same reason. I know there are a lot of people who also will leave websites as soon as they find out they are forced to do certain things just to be a reader.
  18. I have never even heard of xmarks, so even if we had high rankings on that, how would it bring in more traffic if nobody uses it?Or is there something else it affects other than just the Firefox addon itself?More or less... Do you only get extra traffic from those who have the addon?
  19. Yeah, mine apparently updated over the past 12 or so hours as well, but this time I didn't get an email about it. I didn't even notice until reading your post.
  20. 1) About your earnings, they are reflected in your quality of posts. Posting short little one-half sentences won't cut it (I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but if it is, there's your problem). It is also based on how informational your posts are, as that reflects how many views it gets. 2) About your login issue, which link are you using? I noticed you have a lot of posts so I'm guessing you're from the Xisto times? If so, and you're using that link, I had the same problem with the login. Once I changed my bookmark over to the Xisto link I no longer have to keep logging in.
  21. Did it say it credited $58 or was that in the "mycents" portion? Because in the first email, the mycents number represented the actual mycents you had on the forums (meaning if you looked in your profile, the number under mycents is what was sent there). The $0 thing was a bug since the script was in beta/is in beta.
  22. The lights on pop up are greater because their bulbs are huge compared to normal lights. It's hard to explain but if you've ever driven a car at night that has pop-up lights (pre-'97 miata, some Corvettes, etc.) there's absolutely no way you would want to drop back to the other inferior ones. Mine light up the entire highway both in front and to the side of the car. As for the wrecking -- people don't stop at red lights. One person "didn't see" me turning in a turn lane, another person wasn't paying attention at all (he said he was sorry and he was so busy thinking that he never even looked at the road), and another backed into me on the highway (there was a wreck in front of me -- I'm a safe driver so even though the car in front of me because part of the wreck, I wasn't. He demolished the car in front of him so he backed up... On top of my car). And the fuel efficiency... Hard to really compare. On the highway I get an average of 45-52 MPG with the top down. Residential it's around 38 MPG. Even against hybrids that's a very good ratio.
  23. I got into the interest a long time ago but never really followed it that far. As of recently I've been working on frameworking an RPG (it's text-based but it really works the same way as a 3d one -- only without graphics). For example, it has leveling, drops from monsters, evasion/blocking/different attacks, etc. built in. I'd suggest if you want to do a game you start with something like that (or a text-based framework of whatever it is you want to make). The knowledge gained throughout that will assist greatly when you decide to go deeper.
  24. Wow, tons of useful information in that post. Thanks a lot for clearing up a lot of questions. I never understood the system("pause") thing but yes, you're right about the use (to keep the window open). I didn't know it did anything else -- I always guessed that's *all* it did is keep it from closing. Thanks again for the information though; it really is much appreciated.
  25. The speed is very, very different. Windows 7 brought them a little closer together but Ubuntu is still way ahead of it. For example, Ubuntu can do full boot-up in 14 seconds (from power on to fully loaded desktop), on systems where Windows 7 takes 36+ seconds to do the same. Loading programs is faster on Ubuntu due to better memory management and the fact it organizes your files in a way that no fragmentation can take place (which Windows 7 does not do). But at the same time, write speeds are faster on Windows 7 than Ubuntu (in terms of the HDD -- discs seem about the same). Overall they are very similar when you consider that for each thing one does faster, the other does something else faster as well. One interesting thing I find about Ubuntu is that the 32 bit version recognizes 8 GB's of ram still. It doesn't manage it properly (it blocks it off into Int blocks rather than differentiating between char, float, etc.) but it still has the ability to use all of it.
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