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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. my thoughts is people need to be carefull in what they post over the internet...especially a comment like "hp is racist". that can get someone sued really quick. wouldn say that hp would care about it being posted in a place like trap that gets a lot of traffic already as much as a viral setting such as you tube where it it is possible to get a million viewsand no. black people shouldn't be offended because it can just as easily insinuate that the software needs to track the white man more than any other person.it's a foreground lighting issue for sure. i have messed with my own recognition software and i fooled around with the lighting. although i have a built in camera, i don't use it because i found it's too inconsistant just like the text to speech software i have as well. they are neat little toys, but i just dont count on themi think whoever made this video should have been more objective when showing it and not turn it in to some joke or racial situation. whoever he is, he's a fool. people need to be a little more responsible than to ruin someone's reputation. and who said it was a joke? maybe it wasn't a joke through the eyes of the racist who made and posted the video.
  2. yea, for one, include your blog in your signature. i would have visited to see what type of advice you need most but....ummm....you're not even advertising your blog to get the visitors....so i would start doing that FIRST
  3. are you able to fully boot from your dvd/cd drive? with your windows 7 recovery disk? if not, you need to call tech support. if you are, and it gives you the option to restore from a disk image, i would do that. this should restore your laptop to how you got it out of the box. i am assuming you don't have much data on your computer since it's fairly new and if smart, always have a backup of your important files and programs. one thing i like to do when experiencing problems like this is to see if i can get in to the bios or setup. on my laptop, it's f2 from there, you can manage to see if it's recognizing some of your hardware. you should also be able to set your boot preference order from there as well. this whole situation can be very frustrating. if it was me, i would have already called tech support to help me troubleshoot some stuff. i'm really sorry to hear about your new toy and i am really hoping it's just software related....which it actually seems to be from the descriptions you have given. i'm sorry that i cannot be of any further help about this power surge. if it was from a storm, always remember that you can unplug your laptop and it will run for a couple hours(depending on your battery). i live in missouri where lightening storms come and go often. i try to remember to always unplug my laptop until the storm passes. sorry. i don't even trust surge protectors. from there, i can still get a couple hours of good use out of it. one thing too is investing in another battery pack. you will probably have to purchase one anyway since they don't last forver. this way, you have double the power when your laptop is unplugged and not really wasting any money since you would probably have to invest in one sooner or later anyway. although i don't trust them, i would also invest in a good surge protector. it can't hurt if you do ever forget to unplug your computer during a storm. another option is to take your laptop back to wherever you purchased...if it wasn't through the mail. i bought my toshiba from walmart and i love walmart because they have a GREAT return and/or exchange policy within a month of purchase
  4. i am 100% against any groups that will seperate the users. sorry. i'm with BH on this one where the users title will always change depending on which posting level you are at. OR one can always ctreat their own custom title. the hosting group served it's purpose under the old credit system.if we ever do make groups for different people, might i suggest putting the spammers in a group of their own first? because i think it's important for everyone to recognize and differentiate the quality users who post quality content for the most part....from those who just spam for the most part for the mycents....then create a group just for the youngins who wont be fullfilled until they feel special when a group was created just for them. give them 10 gold stars while your add it to spice up their lives that much more.and if we have come that far in creating groups for users, then might as well create one especially for me that nobody can join because i just don't need others in my group.
  5. this is what you do. you cut off your finger because it's useless now. then try using your other hand.
  6. why? is there something better than that? waitressing is actually a kind of cool job for some because you get to meet so many different people and every day is different because of it. unless you live in a really small town and the same people come in at the same exact times every day...then it's kinda redundant but still a sense of a family atmosphere. it's not really what one does for a living, it's how they do it. just curious, is your sig making fun of the homeless?
  7. i pretty much agree with rayzor but i also believe their should be limits or ceratin times and places for things. and then flag burning? those are fighting actions in my eyes. i believe in freedoms...but burning a flag when it means more than just injustices? so if they have freedom to burn one, i should have the freedom to stop the flag from burning. i don't believe in the political correctness crap, but i also don't believe in being disrespectfull...especially if it's intentional or trying to prove a point where one goes to extremes just because they can.so sorry....it ain't the holidays to me. it's christmas and new years. when we take god out of the pledge, we are literally taking away our nations traditions and values which is even stamped on our currency. one doesn't have to believe in god. just what god stands for.....and it's nothing evil!but i will slap someone in the back of the neck just to tell them they are a redneck! haha and as much as i like the jokes....white, black, or anything inbetween, sometimes it's just not appropriate. and i do really hate those people that can't laugh at themselves at the same timeone thing i get a kick out of though and the picture above in razors post reminded me.....it's funny that it's still called "BLACK" historyour own u.s. constitution even suuports politically incorrect statements when in fact they include citizens of the "United States" and citizens of the "united states". our constitution at it's finest. now what will it take to get our own constituation to become politically correct? nothing. it ain't gonna happen. so all you second class citizens of the "United States" can choke on it.
  8. do you have a recovery disk? first thing i usually do is see if i can boot from the cd. if you can boot from the cd and not the c: drive, i would backup your files and reinstall the os. if that doesn't work, i wouldn't mess with it any further and administer your warrantee rights since it's a new laptop. tech support may want to troubleshoot over the phone first but will most likely have to end up sending it to one of their service centers. i'm with BH. i wouldn't tell them about any power outage. just play stupid like you know nothing about computers. don't help them solve the problem. let THEM do it. that is their job and you have a warrantee to back up your claim. but still, i would see if you can use a restore cd for your os first or somehow get to a command prompt
  9. i think i responded in this thread before. but anyway....yes, i have died in my dream and i don't have any dreams other than a first person perspective. this is why i know your belief is a myth. i was being chased by a guy with a knife. i ran to the end of a pier and when i turned around, i got stabbed. i fell. and then i was looking at my dead body while floating above it. it was a very real feeling dream. as soon as i was floating above my body, i woke up....but i did die in my dream from a first person perspective. i don't think i have ever has a dream when i wasn't looking through my own eyes in a dream. that would be like watching a movie with me in it. i don't have those dreams. dreams are not like the matrix, soviet. get real now. dreams a a trip. there is a lot to them, but they definately don't kill you unless your heart can't take it and have a heart attack or something....but then, it's not really the dream killing you. dreams can kill you just like aids can kill you. it just doesn't happen. it's the effect of aids or the effect of the dream that can kill you. not aids or dreams themselves. now, although i can totally 100% discredit you with my own experience, some people believe that other people or entities can enter your dreams and kill you...or you may feel you are dreaming, but really just astral projecting and THAT can kill you. now this may be true.....but astral projection isn't dreaming. i suggest you study dream or even the psychology behind dreams.....or maybe even trying to figure out what you can actually do when you are asleep or meditating before betting all your money.....because as of right now....i own all your money.....muhahaha! .
  10. what has happened to me now, i will go ahead and take advantage of the edit time but i fail to press submit to my full edit before the time is up oh well. i'm not even going to try to edit my posts anymore 2 OR 10 minutes.sometimes i feel like going back and rereading my posts and want to delete a whole segment of my post for whatever reason. this change is harsher for me than others because i tend to have a mouth on me sometimes where i really do need to reread and delete part of my post because the heat of the moment. that i feel sometimes when writing a post or if i reread something where i feel i was just a little too harsh so i edit the tonei'm have never wrote a post in an editor first, and then copy and paste. that is just stupid in my opinion. it's not time efficient at all and if changes like this is going to occur, then i suspect i be be more suspect for warnings......but....whatever....
  11. spammer scum ruined it for everyone. i hope they are reading this to know how low they areand opaque already knows the inconvenience of his decision to reduce edit time to 10 minutes(heck....at first it was 2 minutes) but he has no other way to control these spammer scums for the time being to offer the mycent system fairly to everyone without being screwed over himself at the same time.in my opinion, this is nothing more than STEALING. the people who did this were cold hearted theives.they are lucky i don't know who they are....i would have more than a few words to say...this is just like saint michael having to adjust the voting results because the scum want to take advantage of a system that has always treated them fairly. i always knew it, but i always hate being a part of the bad apples that sory of spoil the bunch.now when new users sign up, they will never know the advantages of what we had before.....before the scum came along and ruined it. hey scum! why don't you think of other ways you can ruin it or everyone!
  12. oh gosh...not another nameless! i am as disappointed as you are! do we all really need another nameless around here?!?!? hahaha :Dlisten bud....you will always be the original....and they broke the mold after you. but you said it yourself. we all know your name now so how can you be nameless anymore? :(i remember a long long time ago when i was the original "california kid" back in the 80's and when were were allowed to use spaces for our handles. so when the www came out and i joined yahoo, my screen name was "calkid". the ORIGINAL calkid. now there are like 100's of calkids. but that first time when i saw those others running around....that was disappointing. i felt like hiring a hitman! hahaanyway, send 'm to your blog and teach them how NOT to be nameless anymore
  13. well this thread wasn't very specific from the start. in the title, it talks about love and in the opening statement it talks about "like".nameless, i am not going to answer your question. you aren't a woman even though you act like it sometimes :)and and far as just someone liking you. it's really easy to tell because all people will give off signs. even the most shy will get caught staring(and then looking away) from time to time. this one sign of manybut see, i don't believe in these questions that people ask themselves because usually, a person will know if they are liked or feel loved. the real question is.....what is one willing to do after they find out the answer or even if you DONT know the answer. what really matters is what you know you feel for someone else and what you are going to do about it.the only reason why i semi answered this question with semi humor was to make a point that to love.....is to accept the good and the bad or someone's strengths with their faultsevery person is very complicated in their own ways and love is tricky to answer because alot of people are fake in the love they try to show. they aren't themselves like i mentioned in my first post....so then the question because.....who do they like....or who do they love. do they love the WHOLE you or just part of you.it's important to always be true to ones self so you can be true to others...and to even answer a question like this (if someone loves or likes you). love is complicated. that is why so many books have been written about it and the opposite sex. if it was so straight forward, and only one way to see it, then maybe there would only be 2-3 books written on this subjectso to me, people are asking the wrong questions about others like those answer should dictate their own actions.i have found if someone can be themselves fully, be true.....and be patient, the answers will come naturally. if people have to answer questions like this, most likely, they aren't ready for a relationship....or even love becaue one isn't really being patient in the questions they ask. they aren't looking hard or deep enough for their own answers and they are more cencentrated on the other person rather than 100% focused on their own selves to do something about how THEY feel when the like or love someone.it's also a lot easier to tell if a girl likes a guy rather than if a guy likes a girl. women are more emotionally open than guys. women are complicated in other ways...but they are NOT complicated when it comes to expressing feelings. guys will tend to hide their feelings more which makes it tougher for a woman to know if a guy likes or loves her. i mean....if a guy goes to bed with a woman....does it mean they like or love her? ofcourse not. but you will have more women liking a guy or even loving them to an extent when a guy beds her down. women will create an attatchment where guys are less likely. do guys think about this? NO! guys are selfish in the love area and they don't truely understand what the hurt they are creating for women sometimes when they should know how easily they get attatched.now if people are going to ask if someone likes or loves them, you might as well ask why they like or love you. some people want to know the answer to this question so bad that sometimes when they don't know, they let something slip away because their actions were based on an unanswered hidden question. so maybe the question should be...."do i want to live in regret?" and not let other peoples actions or feelings interfere with how you want to live your own life...which includes taking a chance....and being patient enough for all those unanswered hidden questions to become answered over time.....naturally....while you are being real and true to your own self and always showing what you mean to others....so THEY aren't as confused as you are.
  14. well i just noticed that my hosted tag isn't there anymore...but why is it still showing other people as "hosted" ???
  15. no doubt you know your stuff, bani....i am not arguing that. we are talking about style...and you are talking about one type of grip. now although i don't have any drum playing experience, i do know style and reflects on my past experiences when there are more ways than one to teach someone.this is why i say anything being shown should be a guide ONLY because it's more important to find ones own personal touch and style and comfortability.the only reason why i even posted what i did is because some people forget about the purpose of playing the drums. they will be so focused on doing it right, it will not be any fun. believe me. i was told how to hold and throw a ball from a coach and it was uncomfortable just like what rob said about a certain grip. and believe me, this is one of the lessons i learned which allowed me to become a good teacher on techniques. what i learned was that i did have to try different techniques until i found something that was comfortable and not so forced to be able to enjoy what i was doing. THEN over time, i sorta changed my techniques gradually over time without any help from anyone. the more i got better, the more my technique changed until i had my own personal technique that can't be taught in any video or animated drawing.and with drums, obviously there will be many techniques in holding the sticks since it's not just banging the drums. people get so wrapped up in teaching something that they forget to teach some of the most important things. i know rob asked how to hold the sticks, but my comment was for rob, not you but even you are not getting the whole point when someone is trying to learn something new.i'm a piano player myself. took lessons FOREVER. one of the first things i was taught was to raise my fingers more for more proper form rather than have my fingers playing flat against the keys. that advice is BS! and i can take that information and relate it to drums that i never played.technique is a combination of a lot of things. not just one thing. i got burnt out with lessons because my teacher refused to teach me anything but classical when i wouldn't liked to play some classic rock type stuff. this is my expertise in some ways bani because when there are a lot of people teaching something different, a person can become very confused. and then, if someone isn't using the right technique according to one person, critisism can set it and when people tend to be focused on a lot of the bs, they forget to just have fun with it. now THIS is my whole point bani which you have failed to get and i shouldn't have to explain myself if you are as good as you portray because you have already gone through the hardships of learning.fact is bani, there is no right or wrong way. the only way is the way that works for each individual and it's important that whatever technique that individual is learning, that it is comfortable.....not uncomfortable when starting out because when one gets better, hi technique is just going to naturally change in to something that is easier and probably more difficult than if he learned it straight away...also, what's easy for one, may not be easy for another. rob just wants to have some fun with his new toy and maybe do a little mixing so what i offer is an approach OTHER than a forced technique that can allow him to have his fun straight away with his new toy.
  16. i have never played the drums...but i have been a semi pro bowler and dart player(semi pro meaning i've won a lot of money). there are people out there that will actually teach you how to hold and release a bowling ball just like there are people out there to teach how to hold and throw a dart. ALL teachings are pretty much b.s. and i can tell you now even though i don't play, anyone who teaches one proper way to hold the drum sticks is bsing you. any teachings should be used as a guide only...but the more you practice, you will get more comfortable with any basic techniques and develop your own style. so what i am saying is NO style is the correct one. you will form your own over time. so, research the different styles and find one you are most comfortable with and use that as a starting point. no need to be uncomfortable playing the drums because it's supposed to be FUN FIRST. the more you play and have fun with it, the more comfortable you will be in finding your own style. let YOUR style come later. not now. i am assuming there are several ways to hold the drum sticks so just choose the easiest way for YOU right now. you're own style will come naturally later on with a lot of practice....trust me
  17. it is about time heheh i was always looking at that label for the longest time after the new credit system wondering when it was gonna change. it was cool to have the label while it lasted though. now i am just a regular member....where is the crying smiley! i got so used to that being attached to my account.
  18. i sorta had the same response as you....except i think it would be kinda cool if it greeted you with "hey stupid!" or something like that. just like my dad and i one day was having a discussion about his gps unit and how it's always so polite....even when you piss a turn on your routed course. it would be cool....just to hear..."hey dummy! you just missed your turn!" so...back on topic. i think it's just a way to allow the connection between a device and you to become more interactive right from the start. it's obviously not needed and ofcourse we aren't going to greet it back like a fool after seeing "welcome"....like "oh...hey there". i think those little things just add a little more character to whatever you are buying....just like the "you got mail" on aol....as well as the "welcome". for people like me, i can live without it. for others though, if they aren't greeted, the experience will never be the same
  19. ok. good. so it is compatible. a lot of people will go out and by a proccessor and it's not compatible. also some people will replace their processor without knowing if their bios needs to be upgraded as well since the bios my not recognize the cpu. the fire was a semi joke since you don't need the paste to install a cpu. it's just being safe. first time i ever installed one took me an hour. second time....maybe half that. you also don't need that much paste. just about the size of a booger you can pull out your nose. then what i did was just rub it around with my finger to just get that really thin layer on there...since all you need is that thin layer. i've heard horror stories of people using too much. but actually some cpu's already come with the paste attatched so i would ask this guy if that is the case so you don't start spending money on things you don't need. as far as alcohol, all you really need is rubbing alcohol. most people have it in their home already...and just like the paste, it's important not to use a lot of it either when cleaning. even a soaked q-tip could be too much so use sparingly. the littlest bit of alcohol will do it's job as needed. and like i said....steady hands when inserting this chip because you don't want to force it. sometimes people think it's fitted properly and it's not....or people start bending the pins which can be fixed with needle nose pliers or something BUT you still risk a chance of breaking a pin off... so yea...the first time i ever replaced one took me an hour knowing all the little things that could go wrong and wanting to prevent any one of those little things. a bit of advice though. ebay sellers don't like when their payments have to be delayed. it's good you contacted him, but that may not stop him from leaving negative feedback. i used to buy and sell and i refused to put anything on hold because i was running a business and a lot of people would ask me to hold stuff. only 25% of those people would actually ever fork over the cash. this guy sounds nice or he probably has more than one he's selling. i always made more money quicker when i would refuse to hold items which means i had more money quicker to buy other things to resell.
  20. no. you don't need either just like you don't need protection gear when riding a skateboard. so it basically boils down to how safe you want to be if you've never done this before. depending on the paste you use, it can be messy though....but you wont need anything like alcohol or acetone if you are very carefull. like i said. i have done this before without a hitch...but i was very carefull...
  21. if you want specific answers, then you need to be specific your own self sky....like what processor you are replacing and i guess i will just assume this is for a desktop...have you ever replaced a processor? if so, then you probably already know more than most. obviously you need the thermal compound and can't go wrong with what you already suggested....but you are going to have to know if you are going to have to replace your heatsink/fanwhy is it obvious that a processor includes the heatsink?i have replaced a couple in the past and all i did(aside from the cpu), was go out and buy the cheapest thermal paste i could find. heck though sky..you don't even need that unless you don't want to start a fire.but aside from the paste, the only thing i can really think of that could be an issue is the heatsink and fan.other than than, all you really need is some good hands and no static. replacing the cpu was always a $#% for me.
  22. yea, there really has to be another solution to this problem. can't you set permissions and just lower the permissions for certain users? this is going to be tough for the users who do a lot of postings....and then for the moderators who will have to do all the editing because of mistakes with quotes and what not....not to mention more double posts which is frowned upon.... so i don't really get what was going on. were users editing like 1 month old posts so nobody would notice? i would issue a no tolerance policy for anyone caught doing that. who ever was doing it....thanks alot! you just ruined the holidays for everyone. some people are just scum.
  23. wrong information there. i am using firefox and it is working perfectly. i don't get the messages you are referring to and i am using a 3.0.?? google isn't that cheap to only offer a service under their own web browser. they know there would be little to benefit from in the long run. only about 5% of internet users even use google chrome. firefox is about 30% and ie is around 60. you do the math. maybe i am missing something here but i have not run in to a single problem with google wave WHAT SO EVER. i don't use it that much right now but i have used it enough to try to push the resources on my browser and computer.
  24. first of all, what does twitter have to do with google wave? to compare twitter and google wave is just nonsense. now, about firefox. i don't think google is trying to make firefox look bad, but you do need the latest download of firefox for google wave. i've been using google wave and my browser hasn't crashed once. if you are having dificulty, maybe it's your own computer that can't handle the proccesses. maybe you need to upgrade. BUT! wave is still in beta for a reason so give it some time...
  25. ooops! no edit button...i also wanted to add(which you already know, i hope) is that you have two index files. personally, for seo, i would move your index.html file to an about me page and use your php index file for your main page. that way, your main page can always be updated. actually, i would create your about me page but have a different page for a more detailed services and pricing. but that's just me....the way you have your site set up now is once you leave your index.php page, there is no links to return you back
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