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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i wouldn't add any pugins until you get your problem resolved as far as permalinks for seo purposes, you will have to edit your .htaccess file to include... <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /your wordpress directory/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /your wordpress directory/index.php [L]</IfModule> once you figure out your cgi errors and permalinks, then you can start messin' around with the plugins. there are some good ones. aside from the seo ones(which wordpress has EXCELLENT ones), there is also one to redirect a user to a profile page and not the dashboard. it's also the one thing i hate about wordpress. in notepad, to save your htaccess file, you will have to save it as ".htaccess" WITH the quotes so it doesn't add the .txt at the end of the file
  2. i have three tests. if you pass all three, then you know she loves you... 1: start picking your nose while watching t.v. with her. roll the booger around with your fingers for extra effect and start flicking them. 2: intentionally start farting in the same room she's in 3: pretend to be asleep and create a hideous snoring sound that anyone in their right mind would hate to be in the same room if you do these three things and she doesn't leave the same room you are in, then you know she really does love you. it also means you can do pretty much whatever you want and she will still be by your side. my friend asked me the same question once but his answer which much simpler. all i said to him was...."dude, you're friggin' ugly. ofcourse she loves you!" now WHATEVER you do, don't ask her if she loves you. women tend to lie alot just so they don't hurt the ones they care about....especially if they think you love them and they don't feel the same. also, a question like that makes you look insecure and women for the most part like someone secure and stable. so thus....the tests. also....you know, i didn't have many gf's in the past. it was recomended to me that i should dress more nicely rather than my holey jeans and shirts. i was told to approach them more and even comb my hair once in a while. i wasn't even asking for advice but people would always think i needed it haha. anyway, my personal belief is that if you act like someone you aren't, then who are they really falling in love with. for me, yea...love is great, but i would rather be myself and wait for someone who is attracted to ME without me trying to impress anyone. let's face it. it's just being fake and those first impression phases wear off over time when people start to be more comfortable in a relationship...and then a person is seeing a whole other you they didn't see before because they were too busy trying to impress and be fake. now if all else fails and you are still wondering. a good prank is in order to REALLY find out. have a friend get his fake but realistic looking gun, walk through the door where you two are at. when this happens, hide behind her to see if she's willing to take a bullet for you. if she tries to squirm away or hide behind YOU....then dude....she doesn't love ya....or at least not THAT much. but heck....if she stands her ground in front of you....willing to take that bullet....you can safely assume she loves you....but not after she finds out it was just a prank....so don't even tell her! haha now sometimes it's hard to know what love is for some people. they could be in love and not even know it....or question it. personally, i don't like these questions because they seem like forced questions based on something other than love.....like selfishness. for instance. why ask? will that change how you act? if she doesn't love you, what are you going to do to make her love you? or...if she does love you....is the answer to that question based on some future decision you plan on making....or some change? so the most important thing to remember is just be yourself and go with the flow. women are able to be a lot more honest with their emotions than guys are and they WILL open up to you eventually to tell you exactly how they feel about you....even when they speak in that secret code which seems like beating around the bush. so my advice to you is just go with the flow because it doesn't really matter if a person loves you or not. what matters is the time you spend together and if that time makes you feel happy and content. so my point is, don't rush life with questions because questions like that has a motive attached usually. just enjoy your time together without dumb questions and let life unfold naturally.
  3. interesting. it is definately a countdows to new years. i did the figures and either i'm off by a second, or google is. as what i have estimated was that the countdown ends 1 second before new years. it could be that i am off by a second though.a countdown timer for new years doesn't really impress me. so when i think about google having one linked to their main search page, i really do have to wonder if it's for something else other than the start of a new year.could be endless possibilities. so now the question arises.....how many people will be watching the countdown on t.v. while looking at the google page? hahaand a funnier question would be....how many nerds will replace watching the countdown on t.v. and just watching googlei had originally thought that maybe it has something to do with the chrome os....but i did some research and i don't really think it has anything do do with that. possibly the google phone?if this ends up to be just a countdown timer, i am going to be terribly disappointed....i mean....anyone can create a countdown timer. this would be below even google's standards.
  4. like i said, i think it has something to do with your positioning there is also some unneccesary source which could be disrupting the positioning. this is why i HATE absolutes. i used them for my myspace page years ago. i have never used them when creating my own page though. so much can go wrong where the answer is so simple....but the answer is always hidden within a bunch of absolutes. it's just hard to find. from my own experience, it has in the past caused ie to show something different than firefox. i forget if firefox showed something different each time however. but i would start messing with the positioning like i said before and i would also HIGHLY suggest you clean up that code because it's just plain messy and some of it can be interfering. i don't have an hour to show you everything i see or what changes i would start making....but i would try to research on the web through google. you are probably not alone and the answer is out there somewhere already. after you find your answer, i also suggest you put your scripts in a seperate file. btw...i absolutely hate js too and try to avoid it if i can....but that's just me. are you writing this code yourself or did you copy it from somewhere and trying to edit it for your personal site?
  5. an answer was already given in the other thread so i don't know why you are creating a whole new one. you need to wait a while and the error message will go away. be patient
  6. all i can say is....WOW! i use firefox. at first, i didn't notice a problem as i refreshed. i even took a quick look at the source. then i refreshed a few more times and now know EXACTLY what you are talking aboutnow i wouldn't say it's a layout problem because the layout is basically the dropdown menu and the options to pick from when someone selects something from the dropdown menu. problem is how things are being displayed. now it's christams bud....and i have to admit, i've been drinking....but your source sucks and i believe it has something to do with your placement of your drop down menus. i would mess around with the values and see what happens. maybe i will look at it again when i'm sober....but i really hate looking at really crappy source code...thank god i'v been drinking. doesn't bother me as much...
  7. that's funny you mentioned that. my buddy ever since grade school called me up 2 days ago. he ended his message(i wasn't home at the time) with "happy holidays"....then he corrected himself saying, "forget that....i hate when people say that crap.....MERRY CHRISTMAS!". actually, he didn't say "crap" heheh...but ummmm there are rules here on trap. anyway, what *I* personally don't like is when people focus christmas around 1 person like jesus. it should in fact be centered around everyone and the act of unselfishly giving or sacrificing in order to give. i think most people can find more meaning in to that than focusing on just one person. but then, let's not forget about him either... this was a strange christmas to me because usually christmas or the holidays revolve around family and traditions. it's the first christmas i have spent alone....well....except for my dog bruin. it snowed on christmas(first snowfall of the year) so we played in the snow. i made the mistake of throwing his ball because it landed 3 inches in to the ground and was buried....but it was funny watching bruin try to get it. he was pushing every bit of snow up with his nose and face until he found the ball and could grab it without getting a full mouth of snow at the same time.
  8. update: i needed to edit a post today and when i went to click the submit button, it wouldn't let me. just said i didn't have permission. hmmm
  9. oh man....that was just extremely funny. i couldn't stop laughing when it got down to the first day of christmas...."and a beer"so in the words of whoever said it, "this song's a beauty"....but i don't think it ranks up there with stairway to heaven hahathanks rob...
  10. first of all, there is no borderline murder when an abortion takes place even at 9 months. you have to be a citizen of any country to be subject to any rights or any laws that protect ones rights. just because a fetus is developed...and maybe even cinsidered a human being, doesn't mean that fetus is a citizen. they become a citizen when they are born. now i personally don't like the idea of abortion and women are just careless, ignorant, and irresponsible to get pregnant just to have an abortion....even if they were raped. one of the many purposes of women in life is to pro create and use their bodies as a host for a fetus to develop. at the same time, i believe women should have rights to their own body with no exception. if abortion was illegal, you would literally be taking a woman's right away to her own body. when that happens, it just like bringing back slavery. the only reason there is any debate against abortion is mainly because of religious reasons and the soul or spirit that inhabits even a growing fetus. but all their arguements are MUTE because you aren't killing a soul or spirit. you are only killing a host and anyone who believes in reincarnation will obviously believe that child will be reborn. but i do believe that women need to stop being irresponsible with their bodies. if you want a child, then there is no abortion debate. if not, then get your tubes tied. you can always get them untied. rape is never a good excuse for getting an abortion because any excuses or reasons would be selfish ones. just like the many parents who selfishly have children. they aren't thinking of the unborn child, they are thinking of themselves. so i am against abortion, BUT i am also against taking away woman's rights since their purpose in life is not just to bear children. and for some, bearing children could in effect take away the woman's purpose in life and who she is meant to be her own self. having a child is a 20 year and longer distraction. i don't believe in foster care either. it's a shame women give up their child or are irresponsible in helping to create a life that they don't want to be a part of. in some respects of what i believe in seeing so many unwanted children, it's just SICKENING....and the woman holds the key to it all...
  11. you know what....i don't want to scare you, but go out right now and watch the movie, "thinner". maybe you are just cursed haha
  12. hmmm i hear a lot of people who stated that we are here because our parents pro created. i don't see it that way at all since i believe our bodies are just a host for our soul and spirit. what i believe is complicated....but a simple answer to the question is that the soul/spirit was ready.i believe our existance here on earth is to be a student until we die. we will always get lessons, we will always have to think and study, and there will always be tests. life is nothing but a school and we are the students who graduate or flunk from level to level...and from one lifetime to another...so what makes one ready to be born? that's a whol other question which i do have a belief in, it's just impossible for me to put what i believe in to words....
  13. i do believe in some of the things shadow and archangel are talking about. problem is, it takes practice and i wouldn't start with this this dream walking. i would start small and do small excersizes while your body is asleep. when you become more focused and in tune with yourself, then maybe try to dream walk or astral project.for instance. i remember i wanted to learn to control my dreams so every night, i would think about it consciously and i tried to do all the tricks to recognize when i was actually dreaming. first time failed. when i realized i was dreaming, i kinda freaked out and everything went black. i was sleeping still, i just wasn't dreaming anything at that point. takes practice. also, i heard someone wants to fly in their dreams. flying is tricky until you get used to it and know how to start flying from a standing position. for me, how i learned, was every night before bed, i would concentrate on wanting to learn how to fly in my dreams. someone came to me in my dreams for about a week to teach me to fly. the techniques i learned worked and after the teachings were done, i was able to fly whenever i wanted....which is good for me because i have a lot of chase dreams and when i learned how to fly, they couldn't follow. anyway, over time, i started not being so in to flying or remembering my dreams or even controling them. over time, you lose the techniques you learned(as in my case).but yea....start small. don't try to dream walk or astral project until you learn the other skills neccessary. it can also be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. you don't need spells or be a witch to do those things either so i don't know why this thread turned in to a witches playground. if you are going to use spells, create your own and practice the smaller spells that are less likely to harm before you get in to the more difficult spells. all spells are though is a technique to try to accomplish something. they are power of thought and you ARE able to do things without spells. spells work because one is more able to believe in spells just like people are more able to believe in prayer. sometimes you need spells or prayer because they allow you to gain that extra mental strength and concentration just like any meditiation techniques people use or need to meditate.you can actually train yourself before you go to bed with some visualization techniques...especially, when you are going to sleep and your eyes are shut, try visualizing a certain color when you can see any color as vivid as when your eyes are open, then you know you have come a long way in your concentrating skills where you aren't distracted by other things when your mind used to race.when you master certain skills, THEN you are ready to astral project or dream walk. i have never heard of dream walking before. i am assuming it's some sort of astral projection. i have never experienced this, but i do believe you can take something back with you that is unwanted. i also believe that something may prohibit you from returning so so i wouldn't travel too far. and it CAN be very scarey...but not as dangerous as scary. i liked the analogy someone said about being in the deep end when still learning to swim. that is EXACTLY what it's like. i choose not to mess with this stuff anymore.but if you just want to see your friend, get a friggin' webcam. that is MY suggestion....until one of you are able to venture out and go to either idaho or cali. it really isn't that far either. a good days drive. that's it.
  14. well, my favorite games of all time turn out to be the toughest....at least for me. they are the first two zeldas(ocarina of time and majora's mask) and then the ultima series wich are old old pc games back in the 80's. i remember the ultima games were tough and i always had to write things down on paper so i wouldn't forget the important keys to the game when i talked to people.i think even the unsolvable games are pretty tough. the ones where it gets tougher to play as time goes on. i used to spend all my lunch money on vid games when i was a teenager. i sorta got out of it when everything turned new age. but zelda was a semi recent one for the n64 that i loved.....and it was tough to solve those games. took over a year to solve each one...now i can solve 'm in a week . i never did solve the ultima games though. those games were ahead of their time. they would still be fun to play....even today. hard as nails though!
  15. the asked for traffic advice. not seo advice.dude, to get massive amounts of traffic, all you have to do is post some pictures and videos of naked women. that should do it. and....you're welcome. it's an old internet trick that has never failed
  16. you are just now noticing that? welcome to TRAP! btw- i just edited this post heheheh
  17. i went to africa once. was there for three weeks. was awake when everyone else in my group was asleep. what i noticed in their ritual is that they would jump up and down CONSTANTLY. so i believe it's in their blood AND belief to jump and have the strenth to do so. white men can't jump. not compared to someone from kenya. who is superior? maybe we all are compared to what we all have to offer. so maybe we have to combine our strengths....but that will never work when we believe someone is more superior to our own selves.....thus....this whole thread will dictate the end....never realizing that superiority will be based on the person.....not the race
  18. i don't think science will ever prove if one race is superior to another.what i do believe is that people are born with gifts inside them and to be more powerfull than others who hold different gifts.i hate the fact that we have to compare eachother....even in this thread because we are all different and have something different to offer
  19. this discussion is very tricky in my eyes. obviously, anyone who commits a crime, should do the time. at the same time, the punishment should fit the crime. how do you compare the punishment with the crime? with mitigating circumstance(extenuating circumstance).this kid was put on medication. not by his choice. fact is, depression meds don't work for everyone. that's why when you get on one, the doctors usually keep changing the meds or the dosage for most people. this is a FACT and it can be seen on national television when they advertise depressant meds and put disclaimers INCLUDING a reverse effect of becoming more depressed.i'm not a medical doctor and i don't really understand the physiology, but our thoughts are highly controlled by the chemicals our body produces. people who are depressed are lacking certain chemicals and need drugs to balance the chemicals that the body should be producing but isn't. this is why you hear the term "chemically imbalanced" alot when referring to disabilities like depression.whenever you get diagnosed with depression, the psychiatrist will issue you a drug or multiple drugs to control depression and anxiety. there is no exact science in issuing meds for each individual person. so the doctor will have to monitor the effects of the meds given by regular appointments. for most, it's a trial and error thing which means the doctor will always be changing the prescriptions until he finds something that works for that individual. what does that mean? people who are depressed and anxious because of their depression are used as guinea pigs until the right balance is found for each individuals system.in the meantime, people can feel even more depressed, more anxious, more irritable or angry until the right chemicals are found that works.so the real question in a court of law that has to be PROVEN before anyone could be found guilty on their own accord is....if a person wasn't taking any meds, would that person still have murdered? also, by taking the meds, did it increase a chance of a person to commit murder given the person's already deppresive and irritable state. a question has to be asked. was the medication working? or was the medication not working?these questions could be asked of adults who commited murder while on medication. but what about a child who has no choice but to take something that might not work....and even worse....have a reverse effect. medication that is given by a doctor and enforced by the parents to take whether in works or not.this situation is FAR from a drug user who is taking lsd and commits a murder. that person CHOSE to take that drug. and maybe there are mitigating circumstance to dictate that it wasn't murder, but MANSLAUGHTER....but that person still made a choice and should be punished for it....especially when making a choice to take an illegal drug.what makes this an interesting case is we really have to define what is chemically imbalanced and what is chemically balanced. we also have to go deeper and define what the meaning of life is since a lot of people are actually born chemically imbalanced according to doctors.....because it seems to me....when handing out drugs to the depressed and mentally ill, they are defining how a person should be. is it up to the doctors to define that? because if they are allowed to define that, then we are literally putting our life in their hands to make us "better". and when we commit the act of murder, who's fault will it then lie on when we put our life in the hands of a doctor?anyone who says drugs don't affect someone where they should always be liable for their actions is full of it!!!! especially when we are taking about chemicals that can influence a thought process. and more especially when a child has no choice but to take the chemicals inside his/her own body because it is always being enforced by the parent or gaurdian.then, in this case, there is the question....why was the child living with the grandparents and not the parents? could this innocent child be screwed up already by past events that wasn't his/her own fault?also...when dealing with people who are depressed, a simple answer given by most is to stop staying in the environment you're in to cause the depression. sometimes that advice could lead to something like murder.i was very shocked to hear that a child....who has very little rights, was commited to 15 years for each murder for a total of 30 years. i am normally one to believe in an eye for an eye...but there will always be exceptions....or mitigating circumstances....or extenuating circumstances. it's obvious...with the little i read in this case, that the overall child's mentality was forced on him in regards to many issues and the child can NOT be held accountable for his complete actions in killing two people.i'm not saying that the kid should go free and be put in foster care. BUT, the kid, at the very least, should be put on psychiatric evaluation until the one who judged people(in this case, doctors) can safely admit this person back in to society, knowing that this child, who still may hold problems, can fit it with every day life without the possibility of harming anyone else. including him/herself.now this is an old topic but i felt a need to write about it because believe it or not, this type of thing happens every day...even if it doesn't go to the extremes of "killing" someone. i say killing instead of murdering because for murder, it has to be proven that it was premeditated without any psychological influence.should the child be given the same sentance if he wasn't affected or influenced by any drugs? no. why? because the drugs were only part of the problem. take away the drugs, and you will find more problems that influenced the child.there are a lot of problems in society that society doesn't account for when describing what people should look like and act like. a person can be too fat....to skinny...be hyper....be withdrawn....not able to get that A in school that is a common goal in society. all those things can have an effect on people and change their chemical balance. but when a child is constantly reminded that he's messed up because he has to take medication, what is the actual worth of life to that child? is it more worth it? or is it less worth it?i personally believe that it's not just the medication that might work to make a child better, it's the love and discipline that works in combination with the drugs forced on a child. it's the idea that a child was born a certain way and we cannot just change the inner being of a child by giving him/her medication...but accepting the child for who he is and showing it be loving him. not by forcing medication to change him, but finding a way for that child to know he is loved. parents aren't perfect. they are far from it. they make mistake just like everyone else. most just give up when they don't find a way to love the child in the right way for the child to understand. they feel they have done everything they could for the child. the fact still remains though that there is a purpose in a parents to where if you aren't getting the right results, there is always another way...and maybe that way is unknown to the parents at the time.....but it DOESN'T mean that there isn't another way. it just means the parents didn't give it the full attention it deserved....and to never give up to the possibilities.so when should a child be held responsible for their actions? ALWAYS! i mean come on....when a child spills a drink on the floor, he/she already feels bad....now has to hear it from another person how bad he/she is. there are better ways to teach and guide rather than focus on just the negative. and some parents will always fail to realize one basic fact....that sometimes a child can teach the parent. unfortunately....most parents feel they ALWAYS need to teach the child because they are older and wiser....but is that always the case???yea, i know this is an old topic....and i would love to know how the appeal went because i don't think the judge took all the facts in the case into consideration when making a decision unless the childs lawyer was just VERY incompetent. my guess is, there was an appeal, and the sentance was reduced DRASTICALLY! if not, this is just one of many cases where a victim has to do the time because of the REAL injustices of this world that many people don't have a clue about and will sentence anyone for the surfacy crap that people will do without looking deeper for the mitigating circumstances.
  20. well, STRANGE the only word i can think of while my mouth is still wide open while my eyes are squinting, looking at the words i just read. to each their ownwonder what their kids are gonna look like.....
  21. well they have a trial/demo version of the software available. i suggest you use that fvirst and then come to your own conclusion. that's what the trial/demo is there for there are a lot of software out there that does somewhat of the same thing. the trick is to find the best one. i have downloaded a few in the past. some are ok. some are just horrible. i have yet to run across any really GOOD submission software....but the ok ones will still help you manage your time more so it's WELL worth it to do your research. i know you have to sell them puppies somehow.... if i can remember any software that is any good, i will post it here....but like i said...there are TONS. it's big business so again, you WILL have to sort through a lot of them until you get to something worthwhile.
  22. ahhh! good call! thanks for pointing that out correcting me! i had just woke up and thought, "how strange". i really should have a cup of coffee before reading the forums. my bad!
  23. wow! those results are a big difference. this one person did a huge disservice to the whole voting system and just wasted your time to go through the results and edit crap like this. but! hey, i was getting worried that i wouldn't be able to cast a deciding vote....but now a couple polls are really close again haha. i still haven't voted. oh btw- i was thinking that maybe the results shouldn't be shown. i was thinking about this concept before, i just never stated it. if people don't know who to vote for or don't really have that much information to vote, they are most likely to vote for the person with the highest votes just to go with the flow for the sake of voting. it wont illiminate people from voting for their friend or what not, but it will still give more fair and accurate results. i do like to see the growing results over time, but would gladly sacrifice that for more fair and accurate results.... also, in the 2007 awards, you mispelled jhaslip's name and inserted a semicolon there is also a misspelling of my own name int he currect voting polls. it's "anwiii"....not anwii. what's wrong with you?!?!? haha
  24. this guy created two threads with "my first sig" title...but with differents sigs. hmmm
  25. you can say that againl. i usually order extra just so i can have some refrigerator pizza in the morning
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