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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. my view is that i really feel sorry for you that you can think lessor of a person on a subject that you are good or better at. personally, i think i might be older than you. and i also think that if we had a contest....you would be slower in the things i am good at.....but oh....that wasn't the topic of the post. it was how a younger person is faster in the things THEY know....what a joke.....
  2. you really need to be more specific than that bud. where is the specific questions? is he an employer or an employee? is your friend the product of transgender? does he want to know about the laws? or what can happen if an employer finds out? all security clearances are is access to information that most people don't have access to. transgenderism is just the thought or idea that the label they recieved as male or female was wrong or not a total clear picture of who they are. now to combine the two is a tricky situation....especially dependant on any security clearance and the roles that come with the security clearance. it's a touch world out there. an empoyer can fire anyone whether for legal or illegal reasons. sometimes, it's best to keep ones beliefs to themselves. and if transgender has anything to do with transexual ways or cross dressing, it's best to leave it outside the workplace. it's a compromise. in a way, you have to hide yourself, but in another way, you don't...in your own home or in acceptable social scenes. obviously security clearances are given under trust. if you lie about who you are or found out to have lied about who you are, the trust isn't there and one could find themselves fired. if the truth is not hidden, there may have to be psychological testing and what not depending on the clearance level. transgenderism is also a general term and could hold many definitions depending on specific people. therefore any relationship between transgenderism and security clearances would be up in the air on an individual basis. note that even people who don't consider themselves transgender could have psychological problems. same with those who ARE transgender...and since transgender isn't readily accepted within society yet, there could be many problems associated with transgenderism within society.....even legally speaking. one really has to make a choice. is it worth risking ones livelihood, fighting for rights when one can potentially lose everything....or take the safe route and conform to society when society demands it under certain circumstances. hope this helps a little. you need to really address your friends concerns a little better for a much more specific response. because you posted this under law, i am assuming now that this is a legal issue? in which case i can tell you that there are no laws against transgenders recieving security clearances since i believe the united states takes a firm stand on equal opportunities which include not discriminating against any one sex. but this does NOT include sexual preferences. i think transgenderism is tricky all by itself in society since there isn't really a lot of studies between the labels we are given at birth and who we really are and what it is based on(born that way or products of environment). so when you combine that with security clearances, then it gets even more tricky....since if you were born male and don't feel male(or vica versa), some people will believe that person is confused and nobody in their right mind should ever give security clearances to someone who is confused since trust would be one main factor in issuing a clearance. tricky tricky tricky....
  3. i am in missouri. it keeps snowing here. the most i have seen since i moved down here from california. tomorrow, the high will be about 8 degrees, with a low of about -8 degrees. what am i doing about it? i am staying inside. so is my dog. i have to laugh everytime i let him out to go to the bathroom though. watching him try to do his business in 10 inches of snow is pretty funny.this is definately the worst winter i have experienced here my own self since i moved down here. my apartment is VERY well insulated so i am cozy keeping the thermastat on medium. it's lightly snowing right now as i write this, but after the weekend, it's supposed to get back up to the mid 30's. can't wait! i need to do some grocery shopping and have to travel 30 miles to do it i live in a very small town of about 300 polulation.thank god my truck still starts. i was getting worried because i didn't put any antifreeze in heheheh.i was actually loving the snow at first because the first true snowfall happened on christmas. now i'm not really liking it or the cold all that much. i like to sit outside in one of my two chairs outside the apartment to drink coffee an enjoy the nature....but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. i have to feel kinda lucky though to say the least because i know it has to be a lot worse up north. if i had to stress about going to work everyday, i probably woulda already killed myself haha....so thank god for the internet.i drank all my rum. now all i have left is miller. not a very good winter drink. the amazing thing is....the mail kept coming.....wow!
  4. you're wrong, bani. it wont hurt your seo. it can only improve it. no matter what your site looks like now. one thing google takes in to consideration for the value of the site is how long it has been indexed. it's a little secret tip i share with you. that's why it better to buy an old domain that gets no traffic than a new one that gets no traffic. also, google likes to see changes to a website....so the more changes google sees, the better off it will be for seo purposes. the only legitimate reason to hold back from the s.e.r.p's(search engine result pages) is if you have an unfinished site and don't want any visitors to it yet.let me clue in in on something else. whether you want google to find you right now is irrelevant. because now that you are posting links to your site, google WILL find you....so you might as well include your title rather than "visit my website".i took a quick peek at your blog. software, physics and website development have nothing to do with eachother. it would be better to create a seperate blog for each one. the more general your blog is, the harder it will be to gain relevancy in any one area which means your keywords are going to have less worth to you.i didn't read your content. you write pretty good content so i don't think that is going to be a problem as long as you keep in mind that creating catagories are important, the title is very important, and inserting your keywords and title within the content of the post is VERY important.i would highly suggest you concentrate on one area for now. create a seperate subdomain for each area, and create a main page website for your top level domain and an entry pont for your blogs. if you go this route, make sure your main kjeyword is in your subdomain name.anyway, congrats bani....whatever route you choose, stick with it. i am sure it will be a success.
  5. that is just ridiculous. drunk drivers have killed a lot more people than people texting while driving. nobody thinks they are going to hurt or kill someone. let's face it, it's never intentional. to say a drunk should be less responsible than someone sober is just idiotic because the drunk should have been responsible BEFORE he/she ever started drinking and had the forethought to call a cab or suggest a friend drive 'm home FIRST....before drinking. sure, a drunk driver's reflexes shut down, their rational thought process shuts down, but they had that before they started drinking. think about the old saying...."guns don't kill people.....PEOPLE kill people". it's the same thing. cell phones don't kill people. neither does alcohol. it's the choices people make(direct or indirect) that kill people. that would be funny for a defense though. "you're honor, i know i was drinking a lot before i started driving, but it's not like i was texting on the phone sober". haha. you are right though. there is absolutely no reason for a person to text while driving in the first place. you can easily talk to the person on speaker or your blue tooth knowing texting would be more of a distraction than talking.
  6. you are one in a few, jade. or maybe you just don't check your bill or pay attention too much on what was offered and what you actually got. i guess the old saying IS true. what you don't know wont hurt ya haha
  7. cell texting doesn't have to be banned. haha. if a police officer saw you driving and texting at the same time, you would get pulled over in an instant. it's the same as when a police officer sees a woman put on makeup now while driving.i personally am not against cell use while driving. i am against the idiots who can't manage to do two things at once. i mean....if anyone can't drive and talk at the same time without being a danger, that person shouldn't even be on the road to begin with.
  8. did you write this post to make yourself feel better about what you do?anytime you are placing money on an outcome that can't be predicted, it is gambling. PERIOD. the only difference is the degree of the risk versus reward. even a person who can win 70% of all their sports bets doesn't mean they aren't gambling with their money. especially if they had always bet more on the losing teams. stock market is always a gamble. sure, there are safer "investments" like american express or disney etc...but even the professionals lost millions a year and a half ago. so i don't really know why you are saying there is a difference between gambling and controlled speculation because for the most part, controlled speculation is still gambling. i mean, come on. you mentioned the roulette wheel. if we are just talking betting on #'s and the law of averages, then that too can be considered controlled speculation....just like flipping a coin. already knowing that heads will come up 50%. or a number will come up 2.8% of the time(or something like that). but take in any place that puts caps and betting limits....then it ruins those laws of averages. in sports, there are injuries every day...but although they happen every day, you will never know who's going to be getting injured on any specific day that can change the odds and an outcome. there is only a few gamblers can do to minimize their losses. play the right games, bet the right amount of money, and know HOW the games work. to determine your choices. even with that recipe though, every time you put your money on something that isn't gauranteed to make you money, it is gambling.....PERIOD. so controlled speculation to me is only a way to minimize losses. not to maximize wins. you have some people hedge their bets or "investments" to minimize losses....but that doesn't mean it still isn't gambling. in fact, not only are they minimizing their losses, but they are minimizing their gains at the same time to where it's almost like they didn't bet/gamble/invest at all. so again, i ask, are you a controlled speculator because you just don't want to be considered someone who gambles? because controlled speculation will still always be considered gambling.....
  9. 20,000 songs times $22,500 = a coll 45 mil you owe. i am reporting you so sony doesn't have to sue anymore people for a mere 700k well, the dude got caught. he was wrong. he even indirectly admits he was wrong by asking the judge to reduce the fines. the fines are a bit excessive but i guess he didn't really have a proper defense now did he. he's asking for a retrial because of his own crappy defense. that's funny. the only thing he can wish for now is an appeal now even if his fines are cut in half, he would still probably have to declare bankruptsy at such a young age. nobody is going to give a student credit for anything anyway when a student owes so much. the only reason why it's getting attention is because of the excessive fines....but is it? when a judge could have easily ordered $150,000 per song? i think this guy is an idiot. when you were only charged for 30 songs, you don't tell people you've downloaded 30x that much. supposedly his internet lawyer is a crock and isn't doing his job now it's not about using a proxy, but hiding your ip is the safest way to go if you have something to hide. i think this guy was already in the public eye for some reason or another....acting stupid. he did something illegal, got caught, now has to pay the consequence. simples as that. in the news article, there were people willing to help him pay by sending him money. no don't people who do the same thing he has gotten caught doing and found guilty. criminals helping criminals. gotta love it. it doesn't state in the article though what he was being sued for specifically. also, there was no mention of attorney fees being paid by the defendant. that's fishy to me. sounds to me that some large corporation didn't know what to do with their high paid attorneys sittle idle so they decided to set an example. big deal. this certainly isn't the first case and wont be the last. this changes NOTHING in the internet community. if this was such a big case, this guy would be sitting in jail or on bond right now....this news blows
  10. all i have to say is call 911.....because people were robbed! haha what a joke....
  11. sure he will. don't you know that the best thing about creating something is the ability to destroy it? i'm sure the god created everything just so he CAN destory it. come on people. don't be stupid!
  12. old thread, but 2 1/2 is too early....WAY to early in my opinion. if the kid is smart, let 'm jump at 1st or second grade. there is nothing more rewarding than spending this time with your child. not only teaching, but nurturing. the child will love you for it too.
  13. i don't think you are looking at all the little details that were given in their relationship. they were seeing eachother at first, and then he broke up with her. he may have been influenced, but it was ultimately his choice and had a right to it. because of his choice, he got assualted.then they start talking again when they lived in the same building....and when he went in the army, he still kept in close contact with her. unfortunately, that didn't mean much to her after he allowed himself to get close to her. she found someone else while he was away for whatever reason.now....after she moved on, he did the same with another girl. this time, she didn't assault him, she just intentionally broke them up.now they are talking again. love does many strange things. i have seen jealousy and obsession before and it doesn't lead to anything good. maybe they both have just been hiding their feeling and getting hurt all the while when so close to eachother....so yea, i think it's time to lay the chips on the table, stop living a lie and see what happens and if it's worth ending a friend relationship for something more. but if you ask me....all this controlling crap needs to stop or a relationship will never be a healthy one and you two will just end up getting hurt again....and people need to be carefull because a friendship could be lost out of all this drama crap. see if a commitment can be made so you two can stop hurting eachother. if not, move on and hopefully a friendship can still be there....but i doubt it since you always wanted something more and it shows through your jealousy and obsession and your inability to control your emotions. you are already past a friendship level. you just haven't been honest with him if you truely do love him.i don't know why you are confused about his sexual questions. it's not about what you should think about it or to disect it. think about what you want out of a friendship or relationship. if you want to take it to the next level, then why are you so concerned about his sexual questions? if you don't want to take it to a sexual level or you so called definition of a friendship can't handle that sort of talk, then tell him so he can stop wasting his time on you to talk about the things he is interested in.i just hope you two stop getting hurt because of eachother and wish you both my best.....but yea....be open and honest. not only does that define a good friendship, but it also defines a good foundation for any relationship. ducky- don't be blind by the obvious. don't try to convince me that you influencing his relationship with another woman was any different than his friends influencing his relationship with you. who's there to give you a slap when YOU are wrong. and don't say you did it for him. you did it selfishly for yourself. that stuff needs to stop no matter where your relationship is going with this guy....
  14. men and women are different by nature. although i believe in equality to a certain extent, to even talk about it is to discuss the results of gender euqlitiy FIRST! a lot of people take a stand for the pure fact that women should hold the same rights as men. it is wrong to be blinded and to limit discussion to that argement alone. there is such a think as family values and traditions. what happens when we are so caught up talking about what is wrong or right and even trying to fight for our own rights, other things in life become less important and misplaced.i'm glad my mom quite her teaching job to raise her children and decided to be a full time mom. if this wasn't the case where my dad worked and my mom stayed home, my relationship with her would be totally different than it is today and that would be a shame. it would also be a shame if two parents were so busy that they didn't find the time to sit down and a dinner table with their whole family because they are too tired to cook at the end of the day.....or worse yet, have the children cook and eat on their own time.the one thing i loved being raised in my own family environment was the fact that there was gender inequality and the man and the woman had totally different roles.so i would suggest to anyone when they are trying to argue a fact that gender equality is a GOOD thing....think about what you take away just to gain that equality and determine if it really is worth it...come on now....do we really have to be equal? we are called "men" and "women" for a reason.
  15. sorry girlie....but you are FAR from being best friends. you use the term very loosely. you are selfish and friends don't influence other friends selfishly.with that said, there are no guarantees in life. i even question how you can love this guy and do what you do. if i was talking to him right now, i would tell him to steer clear. that's my advice to HIM.as far as you...take a chance....see where it leads. maybe he wants to go to the next level. i hope not. i would dump you in a heartbeat!
  16. if one can forget their first love, then they didn't love at all. this is just a very stupid question and the answer is obvious.
  17. you have to take yourself out of the environment that is making you angry or stressed. most people like to walk or run or excersize to get rid of the built up energy. some like to listen to music while others like to play video games to take their mind off the stress. also, keep a journal. everytime you get angry or stressed, write in your journal. also, it's important to know where the anger or stress is coming from. if you already know, then please post about it so we can help you further. the thing NOT to do is nothing and to just sit in your bedroom stuing over the b.s. because that really isn't a very good coping skill.
  18. how do you know you love eachother? do you know what love is at such a young age? i doubt a 14 year old knows. second, when you turn 18, she'll only be 15. that's going to look bad on you....being a legal adult and with a 15 year old. where are her parents to protect against a relationship like this?!?!? this is an old thread so i am assuming you are 18 now. age NEVER matters where love is concerned....except for minors. the law will be on the side of the 15 or 16 year old.....and for good reason. i hope you know why laws are in place to protect minors. if not, you're just plain sick and need some help. if you can't wait 3 years to enter in to a normal relationship, then it wasn't worth having to begin with. think on that when you're sitting their confused for no good reason.
  19. first off, if you ever fall out of love, i don't believe you ever truely loved at all. that's my opinion. when you truely know someone, you know they don't really change all that much where it should matter(where love is concerned). what changes is your own perception. this can be due to many reasons, but the #1 reason why a perception could change is from expectations and the idea of love that isn't being fullfilled.second, if you did love and are questioning it, then maybe you need to open yourself up to why you're arguing. usually it's due to stubborness. sometimes though when we argue, it's the best time to learn about our own selves from the other person. you should be open to that.try to find a better way to communicate so you both can understand eachothers needs more clearly.now....if you are truely questioning things, then maybe it's time to tell him and have a serious talk. be honest. don't mislead. if you are truely confused, take time off for your own self to figure things out without the distraction of the other. only YOU know what is right or wrong for YOU. nobody else. when you find your answer, be commited to it with complete honesty to the one you are with.
  20. hmmm...old thread....ok...#1 is to be honest with yourself and those you love. don't lead them on in any way and they should both know your true feelings. next, i would take time out for your own self. if you truely love both, one will stand out more than the other. eventually you will have to make a choice unless your morman and believe in that b.s.i guess it can be natural to love two people at once so i would hope others would understand that. at the same time, don't expect either to wait for you. it's you that is confused. not them.you really have to dig deep inside yourself and choose one that compliments your inner soul more than the other. just remember. just because you love someone....and in your case two people.....doesn't mean you are destined to be together. you know your own self more than these two women. it's up to you to take control of your own life with no regrets my friend....so take time out to find your way....
  21. thanks bud. love the poetry. couldn't have chosen a better time or words. i am glad to see you around more and hope it continues. happy new year!
  22. yea, i hate people who start threads and don't even give their own input well, i am like you. a night owl. you can tell by the time of this post. i usually go to bed around 2-3 am but it wont be my new years resolution to change that. i like the night and i also like knowing i am the only one up. i can relate to the phone calls. so i keep my phone right next to me so if i do wake up, i just look at the caller id. now i don't believe in new years resolutions because i don't think one should be forced on a certain day to change themselves. BUT! if i were to make one, i would say i am going to try harder to work on my website at least an hour a day. i recently moved about 3 months ago and it seems like i have no motivation and it doesn't even feel i have settled in yet. so i do want to force myself to spend an hour a day on average to work on my website. i was used to spending 3-4 hours on misc. internet work... but that went all to crap when i moved.
  23. it's when someone sends you an email and the email looks like it came from a legit business. what happens is they copy a webpage but attatch it to a fake domain name to collect personal information. a lot of people fall for it since it looks like the email is talking about their account....so they sign in....and BAM! theyjust got your personal information. it's a #'s game. they send thousands of those same emails. sooner or later someone will log in. it's an old hacker trick that is just now getting more attention to protect against it. it's called phishing.....like fishing....you throw the line out there and reel in all the suckers.
  24. isn't this just the typical phishing scam or am i missing something here?
  25. update: i had to see this video where i suggested a fool made it and posted it on you tube. there have now been other videos made to see how valid the claims were in the original video. it turns out, that there is a back light correction control on this camera when it's turned off, it's harder to recognize faces. when it's turned on and up, the camera has no problem recognizing faces will in fact move and adjust.so it is now obvious that i was originally correct when i stated only a fool could make those claims that hp is racists. in fact, only a racist could ever make such false claims. and in this case, it turned out to be a black man.i think this guy owes hp a huge public apology for being such a fool in his video when in fact it has been proven now that the camera DOES pick up black people. his video received over 1.6 million views, made false allegations, ruined the reputation of a company and most likely cost hp some business.i think it was unfair that he took it upon his own self to talk for ALL black people in his video because one bad apple does sometimes ruin the bunch. in the end, i am sure he still feels hp is racist....because let's face it. what else could it be??? OH!!!!!!! the back light correction controls....something as simple as that....
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