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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The old-fashioned way,,, by making good posts, helping others with their questions, providing assitance and contributing quality posts. Making Spam posts or {cut &paste} posts will reduce your MyCents earned for those postings. Your contributions will be rewarded with the best Hosting you can get for free.
  2. What sort of collar would you use when you take it for a walk? :)Nope, that would not be my first choice of pets, either.
  3. Hello Jelly, Be sure to look up the information about the new Credit System 3.0, and the need to register at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61751-free-web-hosting-free-trap17asta-subdomain-hosting-procedure-how-to-order-yournametrap17com-or-yournameastahostcom/. The site is currently moving to a new system for Free Hosting and registering according to the instructions found at that link is critical to your earning the MyCents to activate your Free Hosting Account. Also, read the terms of Service, etc in the Xisto readme found here.
  4. That is correct. Instead of earning credits under the new Credit System version 3.0, you earn MyCents.After you register at the Billing link with the same email as you are using for the Xisto Forum, your Posts will now earn MyCents.When the MyCents are over 100, and the Credit System ver 3.0 script runs, the 100 MyCents becomes a Dollar to spend at the Xisto Billing Centre towards Domains, Hosting, and other services.It takes 4 to 5 hours before the MyCents and the XistoDollars script is run. And the script always transfers only full Dollars, so if you have 178.5 MyCents at the time the script operates, it will transfer $1 and you will still have 78.5 MyCents. (plus any new ones earned from intervening Posts)
  5. I will confirm that, yes, selecting the privacy option does, in fact, hide your personal information.
  6. Assume that your Account is Hosted on the Xisto, and that you are using a trap Subdomain. An example would be jlhaslip.trap17.com. The Account, in this case is already a sub-domain of the main Domain. Sub-Domains Your account can also have a sub-domain named "forum", in which case the access to the sub-domain would be either of forum.jlhaslip.trap17.com, or jhaslip.trap17.com/forum/. Creating a sub-domain automatically creates a folder in your account with the same name. Add-on Domains Let's say you purchase a domain-name of mydomain.com and "add-on" the domain to the above jlhaslip.trap17.com. In that case, you create an Add-on Domain on your account, pointing the nameservers to the Xisto Name-servers. When someone access the "mydomain.com, they get taken to a folder of your account, the folder specified when you created the Add-on Domain. Parked Domains Again, you purchase the "mydomain.com" domain name, but this time you Park the account on your account. In this case, when someone accesses the "mydomain.com", they are taken to the main folder of the account, in this case, jlhaslip.trap17.com. One of the distinctions between all these is that the add-on and sub-domains handle the Statistics for the account differently. The Stats for the Add-on and sub-domains are segregated in the Awstats reports. You can determine the number of visits, etc for them separately from your main account information. Boy, I hope I answered the question properly.
  7. Looking forward to seeing exactly what changes Opaque has in store for the Levels and Groups here.At present, we have the GFX Crew and Spam Patrol as official groups with insignias, but maybe those can be expanded. I see an Insignia for those writing Tutorials, Programmers Group, Help Group, etc being possible Groups here on the Trap.And Groups would be different than Levels, too. It may get exciting... stay tuned.
  8. Is the file saved as a php or an html file type? If it is an html file extension, the php is not being parsed properly.
  9. Domains purchased via the new Credit System 3.0 have an option to add Privacy Controls for free.
  10. I have used Ebay to purchase things, but never to sell stuff.
  11. So I should be placing my transfer order quickly, before the Masses get around to doing so???
  12. Presently, I am operating jlhaslip.trap17.com. I have the Xisto sub-domain hosting. I have a Parked Domain and also have several Add-on domains using a couple of my sub-domains. As I see it, I should soon be acquiring a new account under the Credit System ver 3.0 for my Hosting. Assuming that the Parked Domain become the new Account Domain name, and the Add-on Domains are retained, can you please advise how best to maintain the links between, say, jlhaslip.trap17.com and the new account Domain name, say jlhaslip.com so that the Google (and other) Bots will keep finding the files and so that I am not penalized for the loss of the jlhaslip.trap17.com links in the Search Engines. An example of a link I would not want lost in the fray would be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It has a very good page ranking in Google, msn Search, and yahoo, too.
  13. Second Place??? I will not be entering any more of your Credit Give-a-ways... :mad:
  14. Topic Moved as per suggestion.kindly use the Report Button to advise all moderators of a mis-placed Topic. Thanks.
  15. Submit a Ticket at https://support.xisto.com/ or, better still, access Live help at the same link. You will need to register, of course, in order to get full services at Xisto - Support.com. No big deal to Register.
  16. Try accessing the Security page in the default localhost directory: xampp by accessing http:localhost/ in your Browser.The basic installation has a Security link that may have some information.
  17. Thanks, serverph. As always, your information has been helpful.Emails sent. Awaiting replies. I'll keep this thread updated.
  18. I'm liking it... simply for the fact that now I can create separate Domains for the various things that I have been using my sub-domains for. Instead of cluttering up my Xisto account with a several sub-domains, I will be able to purchase a Domain and host each one separately now. Cool!
  19. There are Text Editors out on the Internet that will Find And Replace a phrase across all files currently open in the Editor.I think Context Editor will do that. Google it. It is free to download and use.
  20. I wrote a php script (function) that "blurs" email addresses and have successfully implemented it on several sites. To date, no spammers are getting those addresses. It works with the CMS I use, too, as a function added as a mod.If Opaque needs the function, I will certainly make it available, but he could probably write it quicker and better than I did.
  21. Yes, it stores all of the files you have uploaded/created, AND the account files inside your Account. I am just now unpacking the compressed tar.gz file to see if the Databases are in there, too. I will post back here when I get a chance to figure out all the files that are there and whether the DB's are included. Might take a while since I am dealing with a fairly large tar.gz file to unpack onto the thumbdrive, which is pretty slow.*edit*Indeed, there is a folder that contains SQL files of all the databases in my account. you would be able to restore all the database tables and their contents from the SQL files, as well as all the settings for the Account. This is definitely the way to go.
  22. That is sort of a two part question you have going there.First Question:Backing-up an Account is best done in the Cpanel. Select the Backup Wizard and then follow the steps 1 to 3. Assuming that you make the default selections, a full Account Back-up will soon be available in your Account File structure. The compressed file will have a name that includes the date-time-accountname.tar.gz (example: backup-10.16.2008_21-55-30_jlhaslip.tar.gz). Simply select the file in the File Manager and download it onto your PC. I then move the file to a Thumbdrive for long-term storage. You can then unpack that file into a directory on your PC and the html (or whatever) are then available for inspection locally. if you have a localhost server such as XAMPP running, the php files can then be tested and the databases recreated so that you have a full copy, however, you will nedd to modify all of the configuation file since the DB names and paths are usually different from the Web Host.Second Question:Depends. Some Forum Software contain the Configuration information inside their DB as a "registry" table. I am not familiar with phpbb3, so I can't comment specifically on that software. Phpmyadmin SQL backups should only be trusted as a method to restore the specific Database on the same servers. Again, it will depend on the contents of the Database and the software's method of storing the configuration information.
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