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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. 500 posts is the level for Privileged and it allows you to add a Custom message into your Posting box. See your Control Panel > Edit Profile.
  2. Can't tell you, because then we would have to kill you for knowing... That is the "note" bbcode to be used by Mods only. Exceptions made for its use under these circumstances, but regular members should not be using it.
  3. Members can review the list of Moderators by clicking on My controls or the following link : http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actmp;CODE=leaders Delete testmod because they never do anything around here... they should be fired. Vujsa is an Admin at Xisto and is rarely around here. Velma is a Support person from Xisto that is here so we have a direct link to Xisto - Support crew. So, really, we have about seven Mods only.
  4. As you Order your package from the Billing Centre, select the Logic Plan to customize the Account.One of the selections for customization under Configurable Options is to have JSP included. Monthly cost is $1.99.
  5. I see that Buffalohelp has now added an information reply for this issue.With graphics and everything. Look in the Hosting Application Forum for an Application that is marked [uPDATED] for the full explanation.
  6. php.ini is a Server-level file that will not be accessible on your account. And I don't think you can enable register_globals locally using .htaccess, either. You will need to find another software that does not require register_globals. *edit* see here: http://www.webhostingresourcekit.com/260.html
  7. I am here to announce that: if nominated, I will not campaign for any position you might nominate me for, so please be advised that I will ask for any Nominations to be withdrawn.
  8. Welcome to the Xisto.And the Hosting here is great. Good Support when you need it, but this Forum is the best Support system available for most of the issues you might have.And being helpful is a good thing around here. Looking forward to seeing your art/designs, too.
  9. Well, here is a scenario that will blow you away... I have a sister whose husband is older than my parents, and my sister and her husband have been together for 30 some years already. About a twenty-six year (I think) age difference there.So, as Moogie suggested, get to know the fella, and take it from there. It may well work out for you. Only you and he will determine whether it is a good thing. That's what matters most.
  10. Sign-in to your Billing Account. Select "Order" from the list on the left. To order a Basic, FREE Package: Select the Logic plan. Linux Hosting is recommended. Click to continue. (Most accounts use Linux on the Server.) Select the third option, to use a Xisto sub-domain. ie: hippie in the first spot, Xisto.com in the second spot. Click to continue. For a Basic package, choose the space and bandwidth that will suit your needs. The smallest (free) space is 1 Gig and the smallest bandwidth is 10 Gigs. That should be lots for a starter account. In addition, you will receive :1 MySql Database 1Add-on Domain 5 Parked Domains 5 Sub Domains Again, lots of features for a starter package. Proceed to the Checkout. Select Paypal for the method of payment to have your account set up using the XistoDollars on your Account. Done. Wait for the Email confirming the Account. Any more questions, please post here in order to keep the information all in one place.
  11. Mordent, At the time of this reply, you are showing only 4 posts. I think that you need 5 posts minimum to have the myCents on your account.Make another post or 2 and maybe the following script cycle will award the MyCents to your account.
  12. As a Moderator, I feel it my duty to advise the participants of this Debate that the discussions should remain peaceful, and no spamming flaming is allowed in this Thread. {I see a smear campaign approaching... }
  13. New domain propogation can take 24 to 72 hours depending on many issues, like how frequently your ISP updates their information. That is the bad news.The good news is that the Email from CH should contain a link for the account's cpanel to upload the files and get your account ready for the onslaught of visitors.
  14. Yes, it was an insane schedule at 120 miles per week, but that was during the winter and formed the conditioning base for the Spring/Summer seasons.Afterwards, (several years later), I learned of a program from Jeff Galloway that greatly reduced the mileage, yet added terrific results. I was past the competitive level by then, but it made running fun again. less miles with a long, slow run on Sundays, adding a mile or so every other week (if memory serves me correctly).Google Jeff Galloway to find out about his program. Worked a charm for me.
  15. Marked as Spam! What's funny about that??? j/k
  16. Mich, You should be able to continue with this set-up. Keep the nameservers pointed to Xisto like they are presently doing and set-up the same subdomain .trap17.com you are presently using as a Logic plan. Another option is to Transfer the Domain name to Xisto Domain Management. Last time I checked, if you transfer, you will receive 1 year free on the Domain name, too.
  17. Found this on Yahoo! Answers. And the Wikipedia article expands on the history of the Text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
  18. Are you needing a php script for file uploads?
  19. Have you tried NOD-32? It is a paid product, and when I ran Windows, (until Windows exploded), I was very happy with it. It cost about $40.00 for the first year, and around $30 after that. Now that I am on Linux, I don't need or use an Anti-virus.
  20. I *was* a runner once upon a time.1 mile, 2 mile, 5 K, 10K... used to train 120 miles per week, but I am old and feeble now. j/kBad knees from Sports and Work injuries made me stop running. Never got back into the program following the Knee surgery a while ago.
  21. I think you have a good grasp of the concepts here. Glad to be of help.
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