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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. You would need another domain name at the second server to accept the redirect from the international.domain.com page.Domain names can not (to my knowledge) be shared between two servers, unless they are on the same server cluster, maybe.
  2. rob86's reply to the opening post is, indeed, "poetic justice"... :)Welcome to the trap.
  3. On Saturday, I did a fresh install of 9.10 onto a partition next to the existing 9.04. It was slightly under 3 hours complete from start of download to install completion in total. Then, of course, I needed a few things from the repository. XAMPP, Skype, Editors, etc.Seems to be running quicker than the 9.04. I think I'll do a fresh, complete disk install of 9.10 later today. There are a few changes I'd like to try doing with the 9.10. I'll keep you posted of any issues I have, but it went well for me. No driver issues and the sound card runs cleaner, too.
  4. An "integrated" video is likely a chipset on the motherboard. Not easy to upgrade. Purchasing a new laptop would be the right thing to do, I am afraid to say.
  5. Certain sub-Forums need Moderator Approval. That is one of them.I have deleted several of your attempts to post there and made one visible.
  6. For the file transfer to work, you need to supply the Account FTP information for your Xisto account and then select the files to upload. I haven't used filezilla for a long time, but I think all you need to do is drop and drag the files from "local" to "up there".
  7. yes, mistakes can happen, and Moderators have their human side as well. We would not issue warnings on an occasional occurrence, but continuing the 'bumps' might earn a warning.
  8. As a general rule, if you have a valid addition to the Topic, no one will mind an old thread being added to, however, be sure not to be posting to 'dead' topics. For instance, one liners or adding a comment to a topic which appears to be resolved is considered spam and that will be deleted or spammed. The result of a spam posting is that your earned mycents is reduced.
  9. Members are reminded that participation in the Xisto Forums is different than many other Forums. We require that members are respectful amongst ourselves. If you can't be respectful in a reply, please do not post it.Several postings deleted from this topic. Next time thre will be warnings issued. Kindly re-read the Xisto readme file if you have any questions. It is explained in there in more detail.
  10. Have a look at the Xisto - Web Hosting Logic plan starting at $1.95USD per month. More than enough to start with. And Upgrades are available. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. to shadowx: Your description is in error. As soon as you issue the 'echo' statement, it is too late to issue another header statement. Headers need to be sent to the Browser before anything else, even a blank space because when you send something to the Browser, headers are sent with it. (before, actually), and you can no longer issue a header statement. You need to send the Headers before ANYTHING goes to the Browser. Here are a couple of tricks to allow you to process html before the headers are sent. 1. use ob_start() to delay the output. ob_start();echo stuff;send headers;ob_end();2. save your output in a variable, output the headers, then send the variable string to the Browser $var = "html output here";send headersecho $var The session_start is a php command, and you can perform any number of php statements before the header AS LONG AS THE STATEMENTS DO NOT SEND OUTPUT to the browser. Hope this helps.
  12. here is what I use to overcome this problem. the baseurl is defined in the config file. If it does not exist when the include file is accessed, then someone is trying to link directly to the file, so a redirect to the index.php is done. <?php/* * This is the main content module. * This page is included by index.php. */// Redirect if this page was accessed directly:if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { // Need the BASE_URL, defined in the config file: require_once ('../includes/config.inc.php'); // Redirect to the index page: $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php'; header ("Location: $url"); exit; } // End of defined() IF.?>
  13. Internet Explorer is an integral part of Windows. Unless you purchase a copy of the OS that was made for the EU, I don't think you can un-install the IE version on your local machine. Microsoft has a EU version which apparently allows you to affect the browser installation, but under any Windows OS I have run, un-installing the IE Browser will be reversed the next time you start the machine. This is due to the relationship between the IE Browser and the File system of Windows OS. I am not familiar with the exact particulars of Windows OS since I am running Linux, but this is what I understand about the problem you are having.
  14. The thing you need to understand is that html is the language which Browsers use to build web pages. PHP and other server-side languages are used to write the html code for your page.So... you need to refresh your html knowledge so that the pages (whether written by PHP or not) can be displayed properly in the Browsers your viewers are using. Then use a server-side language to create the content for those pages. Dynamic content methods are simplified by using a 'content management system', which is usually a server-side script that can automate a bunch of the things you want to do on the page without needing to learn all about PHP, etc. Learning PHP can be avoided by installing a CMS. Or perhaps a Forum software like AEF might serve your purposes?Another thing to consider is whether your Hosting service allows you to run PHP? Many free hosts restrict their offers. Rack up some posts and Mycents here at the Xisto and get your Hosting here. Lots of good features allowed, and the Forum members will assist you with your site development.To refresh yourself about HTML and the web experience, click on the OPERA link in my siggy.
  15. also, don't forget to register at xisto.com for your MyCents earnings.
  16. PHP Security Pointers Read this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ about register_globals being set to "off" by default and this one, too: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/security.globals.php about the reasons why they are "off" by default and the impact setting "on" has for your site security. Secure Programming includes: 1. Initializing variables - see Example #1 on the second link. Set values to 'false' until they are sourced and confirmed. 2. Know where your data is coming from and avoid using $_REQUEST['data'] 3. Validate your Data. This includes knowing where the Data is expected to be coming from, what its "type" is, what range of values is acceptable, etc. 4. Use $_GET or $_POST or $_SESSION or $_COOKIES to restrict the source of your Data. Not $_REQUEST. Misuse of the $_REQUEST array can have consequences for your site and account security. It doesn't take an extreme amount of effort to avoid the implications. If you have questions, please start a new Topic in the PHP Programming section. No serious programmer would ever want to have register_globals = "On". Thanks.
  17. Closed in order to avoid spam.
  18. This looks like an AJAX solution might be required. Check out the Tutorials at w3schools.com.
  19. Or you can simply forward the spam PM to a Mod and they can deal with it. That seems to work okay. We rarely have repeat offenders. And there are IP Bans that can be put into effect when they come back.
  20. Indeed, and please use the Report button when making a suggestion such as closing the Thread.When you use the Report button, every Moderator receives the information and it will be acted upon quicker than waiting for a Mod to happen to read the Thread.Thanks.and closed...
  21. No they do not own the Domain. They are an agency set up to protect you and your personal information. They stop spammers from grabbing your information. A middle-man of sorts.The Domain is clearly owned by you as witnessed by your ability to do things like change the name Servers as allowed by the xisto Control Panel which only you, the account and Domain owner, can access.
  22. Both Fantastico and Softaculous single click installers are available in your Xisto account Cpanel.Softaculous usually has the more recent versions of the packages. I would recommend that you use Softaculous for that reason.
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