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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I am CANADIAN!Lived here all my life. I remember when the Maple Leaf flag was created. (I'm old).Born and raised in Southern Ontario, but now I am in BC and love it here.
  2. I used Thunderbird before I was on Linux. Now I use Evolution which is native to Ubuntu, so my suggestions might be false due to running on my memory, but isn't there a master Password setting for Thunderbird? Look under Edit > Preferences to find it (I think). Removing the master Password should clear the requirement to enter it on start-up. Adding a Master password will require one on start-up (I think).Thunderbird worked great for my while I was using it.
  3. I have never used a Digital SLR camera, but if they are like Optical SLR's, with interchangeable lenses, you shuld be able to find a combo lens to suit your needs easily enough. I had a 28 x 100 zoom that could be used with a 2X adapter, so it could do 28mm fish-eye wide angle, or zoom to 200X with the adapter. Also had a front lens adapter which carries various 'special effect' filters which was cool to use. Flares, screens, colours, polarization lenses all fit onto it.Check with Buffalohelp. I think he knows quit a bit about Cameras.
  4. I use Transmission from a Ubuntu installation. Works great for me.I tried Vuse, but it was not as user-friendly, so I went back to Transmission.
  5. Have you considered running the GIMP software?Open Source, so price is not a consideration. Fully functional Graphics program with tons of developers and Tutorials available on the Web.
  6. Better than him picking on us... ...
  7. Internet Explorer 8 allows for IE7 emulation by using a Meta Tag in the head of the page. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">As described here
  8. check out sNews CMS found here and the support Forum is here. I find it is very effective and has all the things you ask about. SEO friendly URLs, breadcrumbs, Categories, sub-categories, Articles, static pages, sitemap, Comments, spam control on comments,. And Mods for Galleries, Tags for Article keywords, Tag Clouds, Langiage packs. Bunch of good stuff. Best part is that it is a single file CMS. Easy to use and Develop.
  9. The MyCents requires 5 postings and a couple of hours time before they display.As for the phpinfo, check your PM box.
  10. Also, check the Tutorials Section. I am certain that you will find an email script in there. Several, actually.And if you need assistance with the specific tutorial, ask questions in the PHP Sub-Forum.
  11. Nice looking vehicles. And the kid is looking good, too.
  12. Using Firebug to inspect the page shows me that the justify attribute is a part of an in-line style for the div containted within the div#content.You will likely need to check the Cutenews source code to resolve the issue, (or adjust the text to use smaller words so the justification happens in a more presentable fashion???) (or adjust the floated image size???).
  13. What character set is defined for your page? Is it UTF-8 or Hindi?
  14. Register at https://support.xisto.com/ using the same email as you use on the Forums. Lots of instruction in the Announcement Section.
  15. I vote to leave them as they are for now, until an Admin reviews them.It might be that they will retain the current structure since the Topic *could* be viewed as important to each to the Forum Topics they fall under.Let's wait and see, but thanks for pointing this out. Appreciated.
  16. OMG!5 years of the Xisto... but I came along about a year after it started. I will have been here for 4 full years next month. WOW! I'm getting old(er).:(Anyway, it has been a good place to hang out. Lots to learn around here, and some good people to hang with. I'm hoping for another 5 years... Yea! Opaque...
  17. A small issue I found on the Home page was the Category headings and the sub-category list item were not distinctly different and that leads to difficulty when trying to notice the heading labels.The Category should be larger text, which it is, and the sub-categories should be offset from the headings when you view the page, making the headings stand out more. The code you have will not be easy to adapt, either. All the subcategories are inside their own table cell. They could be placed into UL/LI lists with a class for sub-cats and then you could target them by the class, adding some margin-left or something.Just something I noticed.
  18. I believe the best approach is to submit a support ticket about the sendmail features.Xisto - Support.com are the ones to do anything about this. Even the Forum Admins hve no control over the Hosting services.
  19. Not certain if this will answer your question directly, but...One thing about Database management systems and why they are used for maintaining information has to do with 'data integrity'.meaning, that there should be one, and only one, source of information for the users. If you have name, email, etc available in a database for the SMF Forum, and an SSI feature for the Forum, I would strongly consider using that dataset for the personal profile system. Otherwise, you may end up in a situation where the same user will have 2 emails, 2 user names, etc. and confusion reigns. Back in the good old days, when sequential files were used, this was a serious issue and Databases are the solution, but one Database for the member information is enough. You already have that inside the SMF DB, so use their Profile manager should work (providing the SSI will allow for that).
  20. To start off your Web Hosting experience, you might consider using the Xisto Affiliate program.Check out the possibilities as detailed at the Xisto - Support.com site.It is as simple as having your 'clients' purchase Hosting using your Affiliate link.Xisto sends you payment each month.Good luck with it.
  21. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  22. When you did the "add-on" of the Domain, Cpanel builds the sub-domain and the folder for it. That's just how it works.
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