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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Admins or the Server Tech's might be messing around or changing some stuff. They have been advised of the situation.
  2. "op" is an abbreviation for "operation" that should be a part of the query string in the link to this page. For example, domain.com?op=login should be a part of the anchor (link) for accessing this page.
  3. Can't be done except by removing your site from the Internet, and that sort of defeats the purpose of having a site. You can protect the files by placing them above the public_html folder in your account so they are not web-accessible, but then people can't find them. Once you 'serve' them the file, their computer (or cache) has a copy. Nothing you can change about that. It is how the http protocol works.
  4. here is a link to the one I like the best: Link
  5. The question here is "are you cooking? or cleaning up?"Sharing duties works well most of the time. There are occasions (both ways) that hamper the process, but I certainly don't mind shouldering my share. And I cook pretty well, too
  6. I don't know what you are calling suburbia, but I chased a small Black Bear cub off of the patio in July, and couldn't get out of my truck one evening last week due to there being a full grown Black Bear in my garbage can beside the driveway. I live 3 miles out of town. When the fruit trees are ripe, they'll even go into town to get the unattended fruits. They'll stare at you through a window. Close encounters of a wilderness kind of way. Cougars are a different story. They are out mostly at night and sightings are rare, but they do travel around during the day. They trapped one about 200 yards from under a cabin I was living in back a few years ago. It was getting chickens and piglets from a neighbour. Their dogs didn't so much as bark at it. Scared silent. They are truly stealthy critters. Yup, Western Canada, in the Rockies.
  7. Deadly animals around here include Black Bears, Grizzly Bears, Cougars, Elk, Moose, wolves, coyotes, but no snakes in these parts are poisonous, so you win that one. Actually, the Garter snake is the most common snake here, they do bite, but have no venom and small teeth, so they aren't dangerous.The Bears are the scary ones. A full size Black Bear can be quite lethal. Don't get in their way. Grizzly Bears are down-right nasty when provoked, but on the other hand, they can co-exist with humans quite peacefully. One gal around here tells the story of being out picking berries and having a Grizzly on the opposite side of a bush picking along with her. Probably only 12 feet away, but not concerned with her presence because it was contentedly eating its share of berries. If the bear was hungry, it might have been a different story.And the Elk and Moose can be dangerous if you don't heed their presence. They will charge with their horns down at a full gallop. That will hurt you.All in all, however, I enjoy the wildlife, and know enough to stay out of their way. They are wonderful to view at a distance.
  8. Had a quick look and my initial impression is that this doesn't look like anything I would be needing.Complier based, C-like language that is more of a language than I need for web programming.I'll stick to php for now.
  9. An install of XP on a Linux Virtual mschine took 32 minutes to complete.I'll install Win 7 when I get a chance and report back with the full install time and use this posting as a reference.
  10. Also, you might want to review your Meta tags. Meta tags are a "name/value pair". The first piece of information is the name of the meta-data you are supplying and the second piece of information is the data relating to the meta-data. The first meta tag is valid and a useful bit of information. The remainder are useless as meta-data. Meta-data is "data about data", meaning: the meta tag is used to describe your data. Some valid meta tags are as follows: <meta name="generator" content="Bluefish"><meta name="author" content=""><meta name="date" content=""><meta name="copyright" content=""><meta name="keywords" content=""><meta name="description" content=""><meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=http://">The above meta tags can be used to describe the meta data about a file. In particular, these meta tags (when completed) will describe the 'generator' - which editor you used to write the code, who holds the copyright, what your keywords for the search engines are, a description of the file, whether you want the search bots to follow and/or index the file, what type of parsing the Browser should use for the file, what the style content type is, when the information expires, and how often you want an automatic refresh done on the page from the server. I would encourage you to correct your meta tags. There is no sense using the current meta tags since they are terribly incorrect. Switch what you have for the 'name' as the 'content' and define a standard value for the 'name' of the meta tags. Is the first one your keywords? They should be a comma separated list of words/phrases. Is the other one the Author name? You decide and let the search bots handle them accordingly.
  11. anwii, I have a php script for this. I'll find the demo page and post the script as soon as I find it. *edit* Source Code: <?php$hour = date('H');if ($hour < 12 ) { $image = "morning.png";}elseif ($hour < 17 ) { $image = "day.png";}else { $image = "night.png";}$image = imagecreatefrompng( "$image" );if (!$image) { /* See if it failed */ header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreatetruecolor (150, 30); /* Create a blank image */ $bgc = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 200); $tc = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc); /* Output an errmsg */ imagestring ($im, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading Image", $tc); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); die(); }header("Content-type: image/png");imagepng($image);imagedestroy($image);//<!-- C:\xampplite\htdocs\time.png\index.php -->?>This snippet finds the current hour (server time) and provides an image based on th time. It uses 'morning' as midnight to noon, day as noon to 17:00 hours, and night after 5pm. demo: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This demo would base the image on Server time. I imagine that it could pull the 'local' time on the client by using javascript, but I am not really familiar with js, so you will need to figure that part out. Alternately, you could add a factor for the adjustment from server time to your Local time and arrange for the script to use that.
  12. Four hours??? It took less than that to install Ubuntu, including the time to download the iso file.Actually, the torrent download for Ubuntu 9.10 was fairly quick. 690 megs took under an hour with the actual install about the same. Full Install, not an update. The balance of the time was to do an update and add a bunch of applications, drivers, testing and checking stuff, so 4 hours is a terribly long time.Maybe I should set up a virtual machine and see how that goes with a Win7 install.
  13. I think Google Chrome might be faster than Opera, but still, I continue to use Firefox the most. I love the Firebug, Fireftp, Web Developer Extensions. One thing I do like about Opera is the sidebar and Notes integration. Does Firefox have a Notes Extension?
  14. There are already more than enough Forum Software packages available. Open Source and otherwise. One way to learn is to install a Forum package, then add some Mods and then write a few hacks/mods for it. It will teach you lots of stuff by doing that. Check out http://anelectron.com/ as a Forum software and anelectron.com/board/ for a demo. That second link is also their support board.
  15. The OP is running a MAMP server, which is a Unix/Linux-based Apache stack on a Mac. I think the cron is set up for that package, but maybe not. Perhaps PM to Alex the Mod to find out. He is running a Mac also. [edit] http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [/edit]
  16. Why not simply look for 'example.com; or 'example.com; and ignore the ones with a subdomain completely? No need finding the ones with a subdomain is what I am suggesting, so don't even search for those ones.
  17. What does your cron file look like? Post the code. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Are you using tabs between the data?
  18. The Ubuntu One feature is nice. You can add Tomboy notes and then synchronize them to the cloud.Also, your Evolution Mail contacts can be uploaded and synchronized, too. And they are adding some new stuff to it as we speak.Wouldn't it be nice to Sync your Calendar as well???Anyway, simply drag a file into your Ubuntu One folder and it will be uploaded and any changes you make to it will also get uploaded in due course. I haven't figured out the sequence or timing on the synch for files yet. In Tomboy Notes, look under the Tools tab.
  19. hey, have you tried a WUBI Live disk of Ubuntu?Wubi will run Linux Ubuntu inside a Windows install as a live disk Operating System, so you can check it out before you crash your system.Be careful though, don't "Install" the OS by mistake, or your Vista is gone...*edit*by the way, have you checked at the Dell site to see if there is a 'default' password?
  20. Yes, as the Disturbed One says, when you get your Hosting Account, request a Xisto subdomain and then alter the NameServers for your full Domain to point to the hosted Xisto sub-domain as a Parked Domain. Works for me.
  21. I used Pidgin under Ubuntu 9.04 and now am using Empathy under 9.10.Both are fine for me. Like others, I don't have any need for the video aspect of Empathy, and it comes with the Ubuntu 9.10, and seems to work fine for my requirements. Actually, I use Skype Chat for most of my communications with friends and family.
  22. I did the APTonCD thing and wrote the results to disk, so now I can reload without the Internet.Cool. Thanks for the heads up on APTonCD . tf.
  23. Note:President Clinton was not impeached. There is a two term limit on the US Presidency. He had been in office for two terms and could not be re-elected.
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