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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Also, check the Transfer information. I think a Transfer includes an additional year's renewal, that explains the $9.99 charge. You are actually paying for the extra year.
  2. Nice site. It shows up fine for me in Firefox/Linux.Excellent content, and best wishes for the site, its purpose and any residual benefits from it. All the best in your efforts.
  3. Display name changes are allowed. Simply PM an Admin ( Buffalohelp or Opaque) to have your name changed.In my opinion, I think there would be too much confusion around here if Members were allowed to do their own name changes.
  4. check out CSS floats and then use padding and margins to fine-tune the positioning.
  5. jlhaslip

    Isdate() ?

    Have a look here: http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php to see if this is what you want.
  6. True fusion is correct. Plus: the script is not instant. It runs only every 4 or 5 hours, so please be patient. The script works. Just give it some time, please.
  7. They will be able to set up the Hosting Account and order your domain at the same time, but propagation of the Domain name will take about 2 days, so the Xisto crew should have a temporary access for you. Usually the access will be by a numerical DNS number. You should be getting all that information in an email from Xisto - Support.
  8. Place the image files and html files in the same folder structure as what you used on your local machine. If the images are in their own folder locally, they also need the folder in cpanel. Otherwise your pages won't be able to find them.
  9. Disturbing, indeed. I can see a use for this in Criminal cases, but for ensuring the kids get to school on time? Ridiculous.One step away from the full Orwellian Reality.
  10. The biggest advantage would be that POST action would be more secure as a method since the data being sent is not visible in the URL. Using the GET method adds the data to the visible portion of the URL and is "less secure". When send ing sensitive information, or data which could be used to log-in to a site as an example, use the POST method. GET is often used to direct the client to specific pages on a dynamic site. For example, this page can be found using the GET method and the Query String is everything following the last '/' in the URL ie: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/67555-difference-between-get-and-post-method-to-set-the-data/
  11. Which PEAR modules doe it require? You may need to submit a Ticket to Support with a list of the PEAR Modules that the script needs for them to install. I can't remember if the Account user can add them or not.PHP version 5.2.5MySQL version 5.0.67-communityPHP 5.x includes the MYSQLI features you need.*edit*In your Cpanel, click on the PHP PEAR link under the Software Icon to see the installed PEAR Modules. If you know which ones you need, you can install them yourself by supplying the Module name.
  12. If you do a php_info() from your Cpanel and I'm fairly certain you will find that the gd library is enabled on Xisto accounts.You might need to review your script, or post a link to the text file so we can review it for you.
  13. The Logic Plan at $1.95 per month is a lot of service for a starting plan.Start with that one and you can upgrade at any time by submitting a Ticket to Support.Enjoy!
  14. Most of those guests are Google Bots, Yahoo Bots and MSN Bots. Xisto is very Search engine friendly.As for the regular members, there are typically time of the year when the members are busy elsewhere and take a break from the Xisto. Some members leave for a couple of years and then return. Don't worry, the Forum activity will rebound. The Search Bots send us new members on a regular basis.
  15. Very nice siggy.Very not nice reason for it.
  16. Today? I got up around 8 am, downloaded a set of files, adjusted some code to allow for sorting of the columns of a report for a client, went to town for coffee, had lunch, fixed another issue in the same files, and debugged and tested the code, then had a short nap. At Supper time, I went back into town to see the Royal Canadian Musical Ride perform. WOW! That was cool...Later, i will upload the files for that site and call it a day.In between all of that, I did two coats of finish on a Table Top I am building. If I can find the camera, I'll post some pictures of the Table later.
  17. I don't know anything about SMF, but look at MK Portal and AEF together as a Portal/Forum combination. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ AEF can be installed in the Cpanel of your account using the Softaculous installer.
  18. Google has not yet released the Chrome Browser for Linux, but you can download Chromium Browser from the repositories using Synaptic Package Manager. Chromium is an Open Source Browser that Chrome is based on. Works great in Ubuntu, with none of the Google ad stuff.
  19. Check out Russell Peters, another Canadian who uses his own heritage as the punch line to most of his work. He is an Indo-canadian. Or Shawn Magubner (sp?), another Indo-canadian (I think). Both of them are hilarious. Canada has produced some very good humour. Check it out. John Candy, Jim Carey, Leslie Neilsen are just a few who have made in the big time.
  20. You don't eat the salt. It is with the Ice in the outer bag. The edible stuff is in the small inner bag. The salt affects the Ice cubes. They stay cooler longer with the Salt. Try it both ways (with/without salt) and you will notice a difference.
  21. Anything which promotes discussion is a good idea, but before you continue, check the Search feature to confirm that there are not any discussions already happening about those topics.
  22. Any fruit or vegetable that is home-grown are much tastier than store bought. The flavour in fresh garden stuff is incredible compared to the generic, ripened in the container stuff. Fresh or dried, I'll take the home-grown stuff anytime.
  23. Rob,Slice them, lay them on a screened frame in the sun and they dry out into an ugly shape.Store them in a glass jar or a plastic bag. Drop them into soups/stews, etc as you need them.Tasty. I use a food dehydrator to do mine.
  24. It would barely be noticed. As Pleno says, the Sun is one big nuclear factory.Sending a Hiroshima-level bomb there would not even register on any scale.The sun would deflect it like a horse's tail swipes away flies.
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