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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I think there's a drop in the rate of postings because most people have piled up enough myCENTs to last them for a while so they're not posting with the same speed and zeal that they did when they joined the forum. And in the case of new members, well they do try to keep up the posting rate but most of them fall back sooner or later. But I'm not worried because we'll always have enough new members to keep the forum active and the active old members are a handful too. So don't worry about the rate of posting
  2. Yes I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and first I didn't notice any great change except for the splash and login screens. Only after doing a clean install did I get the full picture! And can anyone give me a link to the DVD ISO of 9.10? All I can seem to find are the CD images but I'm looking for the DVD version
  3. Soviet Rathe, I hope the confusion of domain and hosting costs are cleared up now. You have to pay the domain and hosting costs separately and the hosting package doesn't include a domain. You need $14 in your Xisto account to order a .com domain($9.99) with the $1.95 hosting package. There's a 12.5% tax on the domain so that brings your total to somewhere around $13.30 or something like that, so you need $14 to pay for your order. Just make a few good posts and you'll reach there soon enough I hope the above paragraph helped you as well. Here's a short summary of how to buy domains from Xisto : 1. Earn myCENTs through the forum 2. Once you have enough to order a domain, go to this page to place an order for a domain. 3. If the domain is available, then you are prompted to enter the nameservers for the domain (by default they are pointed to Xisto - Web Hosting's servers) 4. Now you can make the payment by selecting "myCENTS" option. I hope that helped
  4. Hi there Jonathan and welcome to the Xisto forums!It's good to see that you're getting busy as soon as you joined the forums so keep it up Looking forward to seeing some of your contributions to the GFX Forum soon. If you have any query regarding the forum do not hesitate to ask at any time and a member/mod will attend to it as soon as possible. So have a good time and see you in the forums!
  5. I'll try my best to define this....A supercomputer is an extremely powerful computing system which is mostly used to process a lot of data in very little time. Frankly I never thought about what this "data" is, and what's the need for processing it so fast! Supercomputers can perform millions, billions or even trillions of operations in a second (based on their speed and power). And they're not exactly pretty to look at. A single supercomputer may fill up an entire room or even a building! If I'm not wrong, they are mostly used for research purposes and the common man doesn't have any real use with the supercomputer in his daily life.... Check out good old wikipedia for more info on supercomputers
  6. yes I do mean domains like that. Another example is ఉదాహరణ.com. Leave alone typing, I doubt if most people have support for viewing these characters! And yeah these will no doubt be very expensive in the beginning but gradually their prices are bound to come down. As for how popular these will be, that is something we'll have to wait and see. But there will surely be a lot of takers for them no matter what the price may be
  7. Firefox came out of nowhere! I still remember the buzz that surrounded the release of version 1.0. People everywhere were screaming with joy that this new browser was much faster and secure than IE. And that excited bunch of people spread the addiction to everyone around and today Firefox has become a household name (at least in the computing world!). IE is now famously infamous and it will never get back its good name again (did it have one in the first place?!)
  8. I admit it's fair that users are allowed to change their custom title only after reaching that landmark. It's a kind of a gift, a small way to say "Thank you for being part of the forums for so long!". And it's definitely worth the wait so keep posting!!!
  9. Hmm so a guest replied to this topic which has been idle for almost two years and we have a lot of new replies Oh well I might as well join in then... These are the languages that I am fluent in as of now: Telugu Hindi English The first one is my mother tongue and I leaned the other two from school and movies these are the languages that I can understand but not speak (yet): Tamil Bangla Japanese Spanish Ok so literally speaking I speak three languages, but can understand seven Learning languages is good fun and I'm always ready to try and learn more about new languages. Presently I'm trying to improve my skills in those four languages, but my special attention is towards Japanese, because it's simply fascinating! Lol yeah a lot of people say that - learning almost 2000 characters/symbols just to use in daily life is a really tough job. I've learned around 200 kanji till now and I started six months ago. That's actually pretty slow but time is to blame for that I'm hoping to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) next year so that I may reach some level in my training!
  10. Soon you will be able to register domains written in your mother tongue - this is the latest approval by ICANN, which monitors the internet with a stern eye. Now people all over the world can do visit websites based on their native languages and there will be less of English everywhere I'm sure there will be a mad rush for the early names and people will try to sell the "premium" names in their mother-tongues at high prices! That's bound to happen and I hope to join the race myself :(So does any of you need such kind of domain names? Think about it - the average user still doesn't have the required input system to type in his/her own language. The number of people learning about this is increasing daily, but still the majority of the people type only in English. Then what would be the use of buying a domain whose name most people can't type!
  11. I was waiting for this release since a long time and I downloaded the CD image the same day it released (took me around 100 minutes to download the 700MB) and I immediately tested it out in VirtualBox. The experience was awesome and I'm only waiting till I can get the DVD to upgrade completely. Jaunty was an average kind of release and I had some problems with connecting my phone to it....just hoping that this gets solved in Koala.I read an article somewhere that it's recommended that a clean install is done instead of an upgrade, because some of the new features/packages won't work with the upgrade. I'm still pondering whether or not to re-install or not. It's been year since I did any installations! On the whole, this is a very good competitor to Windows 7 and I'm sure this will earn Ubuntu even more fans
  12. Um...this is indeed a busy time for the staff. You might have noticed that most of the moderators have been inactive and the admins as well - they seem to be busy fixing the bugs in the site that has made some users frustrated. Just get that thing called "patience" under your control and everything will be well :P
  13. It's day 3 for me without myCENTs and my impatience is slowly showing. Even more worried are some people who have no balance left to pay their hosting bill I hope there's some kind of solution for these people until the update takes place next month. Until then I urge the members not to be impatient like me
  14. Hi there Shiva and welcome to Xisto forums You need to make lengthier posts than that to survive over here What I mean is that one-liners aren't tolerated here and you may get into trouble if you continue to post like that. I'm sure you'll find a lot of topics around here to discuss and you can make nice and lengthy posts about them (taking care not to spam!). I'm sure you know all about the virtual money system called myCENTs? If not take a look at this page. Currently Xisto has a temporary problem due to which the myCENTs aren't being updated very frequently, but just be patient and they will soon appear (provided you have over 5 posts). Well, have fun and hope to see you more often!
  15. Although I have been a bit impatient I've always had faith in Xisto and was expecting something like the upgrade issue. My myCENTs were last updated three days ago and I immediately knew that it had something to do with the servers. The main problem is that the number of new members is more, but all of them make very few posts now and then or just disappear altogether. Still, their mere number means that the servers are taking a lot of load! I'm completely reassured by OpaQue's reply. There have been instances before when some people doubted the stability of the system but t17 has always come through and it will do so now too
  16. The other day I was lazily flipping through channels on the ol' idiot box and stopped at a movie which was about a young man who challenges everyone in his village that he would direct a movie in a year. His only skill was that he was an avid movie watcher and thus could understand what movies are "made of". He is mocked and made fun of, but he goes to the city and how he indeed makes a movie forms the rest of the story.Anyway the point is, do you think the movie-watching audience is indeed capable of such a thing? The audience probably watches more movies than the makers, thus they may have some strong opinions about movies and how they ought to be made. If some talented people out of these are given a chance, then they might be able to do something special and create some magic. Do you think this is possible?
  17. Hmm those are some interesting thoughts - it is indeed "part of his job" to maintain peace in the country and one might say he's just being rewarded for doing his job. But still you can't deny that he has done a lot to deserve this award, isn't it?
  18. Lol this is really funny - Microsoft is already losing a lot of sales to piracy and if they tinker with such ideas then the popularity of office will decrease which will directly impact their sales! I think MS is concentrating more on ads as it aims to achieve success similar to Google - but that's a really difficult task for MS and it's best if they realize it soon.
  19. Well done making the post so early Anyway it's a pleasant surprise to get this news and I guess no one expected this in the first place. I read somewhere that there was a dilemma to choose a candidate for the peace prize this year. But in the end I guess most people will be satisfied with the result. Congratulations Mr.Obama
  20. Did you ever want to create your own Linux distribution, with your own select choice of applications and such? You now have the power to do so, with SUSE Studio. As you may have guessed, the base will be OpenSUSE - here are the options you have for selecting the base: First you need to get into the site and for that you can either register, or use your existing Open ID, Yahoo, Gmail accounts. But there's a hitch - you need to be invited to the site first before you can use it. And the invitation has to come from the site itself and not the users, which is why I can't invite you guys But if you answer a single question and support the answer,i.e., "Why do you want to use this site" or something like that, then you can get the invitation much faster - I got it 10 minutes after signing in with my Yahoo ID. After you have finished signing in, follow these steps to build your distro.... 1. First choose a template from the options mentioned above 2.Give the distro some name. 3.Click the "software" tab. In this page you get to choose which software packages you want your distro to contain. It has a wide range of options and I'm sure you'll spend a lot of time to look through all the available packages. Choose wisely according to your needs. 4. Next click on the "configuration" tab. Here you can configure various options like keyboard layout, default language, etc. Also you can configure user groups and accounts. 5. * This step is optional * Click on the "Overlay Files" tab. Here you can add your own files to the distro. If you are a developer or have something special to put in your distro then you can upload it here or give a link to the files. 6. Click on the "Build" tab. It is here that your distro is finally prepared to be used. All packages, files, etc are built into Live CD/DVD/USB/Virtual Machine format. You need to specify the format and then click on "Build". Based on the size of your distro it will take some time to prepare the image and after it is ready it will give you the option to "testdrive" the OS, i.e., test it out in a browser or just download it. That's it! You're done! ALl you need to do is a bit of tweaking in the software section and you can prepare your own personalized distro that you can use on your own or distribute to others. Go ahead and have some fun then!!!
  21. It would indeed be frustrating if lot of users started changing their names as they liked without any care about the kind of effect it would have on the forum. Then again, a name is something personal and everyone wants to feel proud of their name. I, for one, got my name changed because I felt it wasn't unique and had already been used by someone else at many forums. That may sound like a silly reason to many but to me it was a very strong reason and that's why I pestered the admins to get it changed :PAll of us here are talking about what would happen if a lot of users started changing their names as they please, but how many users would really like to change their name?! Once they have established themselves over here on the forum, they wouldn't risk losing their identity by suddenly switching to a different name. That's what most people think. Then there are people like livepcportal and me, who are willing to take that risk
  22. We had a small discussion about this in this thread and I must say that if users were given the power to change their username/display name as many times then there would be some sort of chaos and it would be hard for the moderators to keep a check on everyone. On small forums allowing users to change their names is fine because in a small community everyone knows everyone else and no matter what name they use, they are recognized by the other users. But Xisto is a huge forum and it will be difficult to get to know other users if they change their names frequently. Lol that's a good point but if everyone started thinking like this and started changing names, the forum would become really confusing and irritating!!! That's the reason we have a controlled system of changing names and I think for the time-being it is indeed apt.
  23. Hmm those are some interesting questions you've raised Rob, and their answers are indeed difficult to come up with. It all comes down to one thing - if you know something that the others don't know, then you naturally feel like sharing it with someone, if not with everyone. That's why the world has seen so much development in all these years, although that development has come with its negative effects as well.If every inventor kept thinking about the negative effects of his/her invention, then we might never have seen some useful inventions which also have the potential to do harm to the society. For example, there's the common detergent soap that is a daily-use item. It's incredibly useful for cleaning, but it is also a potential bomb! So would you stop using it for that reason? The fact is that you use it for something useful and the negative effects aren't going to come out if you're careful.Same is the case with PGP and other such software, or other creations for that matter. They may be intended to do good or bad, but the world will naturally try to focus on the good side first. There will be those who try to make the most of the bad side, but their numbers are being checked daily.(And by the way, I was able to download a trial version of PGP without any block )
  24. If you feel that you need to use Windows for some application that you're not finding in Linux, and yet you don't want to use dual boot, then you can always use virtualization software to install a version of Windows within Linux itself. This technique is used by many users and they find it very convenient indeed. Since you're not an avid gamer, you need not worry about applications not working on virtual machines, because as far as I know only games cause problems in virtual machines. Other than that there's no trouble with them. You could try software like Virtualbox, VMWare, etc.
  25. First off, let me congratulate on your decision to switch to Linux. As much as I like your decision to "completely" migrate to Linux, I would still advice you that you keep Windows on dual boot because you never know when you're going to need some software that you can't readily find on Linux. Also, if you're interested in gaming, you can always turn to Windows to play the latest titles. It's just a suggestion, but you can do almost everything that's done on windows in Linux without much trouble. All the best for your migration
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