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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I'm sure the mods/admins have already talked or are still talking about this matter in their secret staff forum:P It's debatable whether or not we need more moderators, but as of now I think we can manage with the present team - that's because the activity isn't that buzzing to get out of control for this team.
  2. Well you're almost nearing 3000 right now Anyway I like the fact that you and the other mods do pitch in to help wherever possible and so I guess the little time you have to spend here goes towards helping others - Anyway I'll always be on a lookout for threads from you guys I never said they're not posting. They are making a lot of good posts, yes, but most of them are replies to threads by other members - I was making a point on the number of threads created by the mods themselves
  3. Don't misunderstand my question I just noticed that our mods are active and are helping a lot of members, but they don't seem to be starting many threads, at least not too often! At the time of writing this, I think 05 Nov was the last day when a mod started a thread (wouldn't like to name anyone). There are hundreds of users who do this so why am I pointing out only the mods? Well my intention is this: our mods are in that position because they know a lot more than the regular members, so any thread by them is bound to be interesting and useful.That's why I would like to see more threads by our mods
  4. When you visit sites like the pirate bay, mininova, etc, you immediately get to see what they're all about. But when you visit rapidshare.com, or megaupload.com or any such similar site, all you get to see is an innocent file-hosting website which makes money by selling premium accounts. But we know there's more - these sites are used to download terabytes of illegal content daily. I'm not going to ask which one you uses this sites or not, because that's an entirely different topic. What I'm talking about here is how strict are these file-hosting sites about their policies? Each one of these sites clearly state in their terms of use that no illegal content should be uploaded. But of course no one cares about those terms. And rapidshare knows that they're the leaders in illegal file distribution - they even know where to find all those illegal links - but they remain silent about it until someone reports the links. Why do they do this? Just so that they can make more money? We all know that these sites can never sell many accounts if they had only legal content uploaded on their servers! Their home pages clearly display their real intentions - they want more people to download these files so that they can sell more accounts! For example, rapidshare.com's home page looks very innocent when we go there - it just has an upload box and some options at the top. But if you click the "Premium Zone" and see the benefits of a premium account, you get to read this: They seem too enthusiastic about downloading rather than uploading, don't they? So what do you think about this? Are these sites really concerned about the amount of illegal content on their servers or are they simply too happy?!
  5. Hi there John and welcome to the Xisto forums! You've come to the right place to find some quality free hosting and I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Well look around and make some good posts and you'll soon be on your way to accumulating myCENTs and you can place our order pretty soon. If you have any doubt feel free to open a thread in the relevant section. Well have a good time
  6. Well I am an idiot! I first decided to wait till I was sure of a clear answer from here, but then went on and messed up the settings Well it isn't an entire loss because I had an old backup so the blog survived, but some of the newer posts are missing now Anyway the deed's done now and I've got mixed results! I don't mind repeating it, but I am an idiot!
  7. Well my friend that's just the theory and I figured that out myself - I have trouble with editing the databases - that's where I'm nervous to make a move without completely knowing what I'm doing - so basically I'm looking for a practical lesson
  8. I've had some bad experiences trying to tinker with databases, that's why I decided to ask for some help before going off on my own this time! I'm running a wordpress blog on a sub-domain of my personal site (like http://www.blog.mysite.com/) and I put it there because I wasn't expecting any traffic at all and wanted the main domain (mysite.com) to hold a little info about myself. But to my surprise, my blog has begun to get some traffic and even quite a few comments, all thanks to one keyword that managed to get onto the first page on Google search! But as you can imagine, it will be difficult to get returning visitors with a sub-domain, so I want to move the blog to the main domain (which presently holds a Joomla database).Can someone give me a small step-by-step procedure to make this transfer? I think the first step will obviously be to remove the Joomla database and backup my WP database. After that what should I do????????
  9. @anwii: 5 posts per day X 5 years = 9000, and that's not taking into consideration which months have 30/31 days and which years are leap years. So our top poster, Saint_Michael, should theoretically have 9000 posts, which he does not But he's pretty close to that...Anyway it shows that you can't really take that average posts per day into consideration, because most members cannot maintain a consistent rate. For example, many of our new members are really enthusiastic about posting, so they make anywhere between 10 and 50 posts per day, for around a week. Then their interest begins to wane and their average rate drops steadily. After some days it drops below zero! But then those members could regain interest and begin posting like mad again and their average will shoot up! So it's difficult to predict how each member will act and how much he/she will post in a day/week/month/year. Anyways, I wish you hit 1000 soon and become out newest Grand Marshal Member!
  10. It's true that Apple's products are actually very ordinary once you think about it. Other companies offer similar products which are better and are priced lower too. But Apple products are still very special and most people agree with that "shiny" line that Spudd mentioned. So if we see a gaming console matching up to the likes of PS3 or Xbox360, it will surely attract a lot of loyal Apple enthusiasts but may not survive in the long term...
  11. lol that's a good point you made there! It would seem too awkward to change the name after these many years
  12. I got the email too but I've temporarily taken down my forums. Not very sure I'll use SMF when it goes up again though. For those who haven't received the email or aren't subscribers, here's the list of new features in this version: So how is that new curve theme anyway???
  13. That's a great looking banner inverse_bloom! I wish I had good designing skills like you Well I think my list is finally ready. I've covered almost all the categories, except for Youtube Junkie and ....Bill Gate's Boss, 'coz I couldn't pick a particular member from among the lot. As for the other nominees, I looked at all the forums and also tried to remember whatever I knew about them. The categories are in the same order as Saint_Michael mentioned in the first post. If you look at the first two categories you'll notice that I nominated myself. I know I'm definitely not the best around here (quite a few members would agree with that ) but since some people have believed that I deserve to compete in these categories, it only makes sense that I support them by nominating myself. Other than that I have no other intention Enough talk - here's the list (put in quotes as SM suggested) That's it - I wish all the best to all the nominees and I'm also updating the vote count that I posted earlier - if there are any mistakes in there please point them out.
  14. I think the job with the most potential of earning is that of a writer. Based on the writer's skills, there's no limit to what he/she could earn in these days - books (both traditional and digital) will never go out of fashion and people will always look for them to escape from real life. So if a book is tooo good then the author can earn millions in a very short time...
  15. well since google has sources of income other than ads, I was trying to guess what it's financial position would be. And anyway the point is true that Google is indirectly funding all our websites over here But I'm not trying to think about the effects on websites using adsense, but the effect on Google itself.... (adsense users always have other options, isn't it?)
  16. @rob86: well you can't definitely call them rats.... And thinking up of a new name after all these years would seem a little awkward, at least for the old users, because we've been using it since we started using computers. So changing it now wouldn't seem very smooth. Anyway, what is your idea for a new name?
  17. I liked this feature in Windows 7 and even Ubuntu 9.10 has this but it's interesting to do it with a script...thanks for the script jlhaslip, and thanks for the question anwii
  18. Ha ha all this sounds interesting but I'm sure it is just a modded version like that Black XP or something....it's probably pre-loaded with trojans and all kinds of other nonsense so using it wouldn't be a good idea, assuming that you got it in the first place..
  19. well it's theoretically possible, but we all know that any new product of Apple's is bound to be expensive and out of reach for most people. So even if it comes out with a console, chances are that only few people will be able to try it out. And who knows what restrictions Apple will place on it, like it did with Mac and the iPHone?!!
  20. I would gladly invite you guys, but I still haven't received the "Invite friends" wave that is supposed to come to my wave inbox in a few days. Google thinks it'll overload their servers to enable invites all the time, so they're giving them away sparingly But as soon as I get any invites I'll give them out here first....
  21. Yes video games never make good movies at all! But each time a new one comes out, the fans of those game are intrigued and go see it anyway. I'm looking forward to the release of the "Prince of Persia" movie. But I can tell from the trailer itself that the plot has been messed up and it can't be that good. However,let's wait and see. And as for Mr.Boll, he's coming up with Alone in the Dark 2, but I'm sure he won't be getting any more rights (from the game makers) after this one!!!
  22. well trailers are made way before the movie is even ready so maybe the date got postponed.....it's releasing on 11th in some countries and 13 in others, but definitely not before 11th
  23. Yes it sounds insane but they're hoping to reach that target for an ordinary PC. It'll be interesting to see where they get to. I upgrade once every six months, so I think I'll stay out of the alpha, beta and RC releases - don't have that much bandwidth to spare!
  24. Firefox always worked well for me, and as I'm on a 'just decent' connection, speed isn't that much of a factor. Put aside speed, and FF will seem to be a winner for all situations. But anyway, it's not bad to have a little competition
  25. To be honest I never bothered about which file manager I'm using. Maybe that's because I don't have to manage most of my files So I guess Nautilus is just fine for me right now. No complaints about it and no problems either. The other managers that you mentioned do sound interesting and I think it will be nice to compare them to Nautilus. Let's see what the others have to say about this....
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