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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. There are millions, if not billions, of websites on the internet. Each one of them has a particular value, based on how popular they are. For example, google's value is estimated to be around $2.1 billion USD! Then there are sites which may not account to even $100. There are many websites which allow you to calculate your site's estimated value, and since each one of these sites takes different factors into consideration, the results may vary. For example. our good ol' Xisto's value is estimated to be around $277,588, according to Your Website Value, while it is $974,009.8 USD according to Website Outlook!!! I'm not sure if these figures can be believed or not, since there's such a large gap between them, but it sure feels good to know that your site has such a good value. So wouldn't you like to know how much your site is worth? Try out the sites mentioned above or if you want more results, just google it out and you'll get a lot of calculators which will estimate your site's value. And if you like, put down that value here as a trophy for everyone to see My site (which I haven't updated since I bought it 3 months ago!) has a value ranging betwen $53-150
  2. wow that sounds really interesting....too bad I wasn't around to use it when it existed It does sound fun to use. I bet compared to today, using computers in those days was more fun, coz you had the feeling of using something sophisticated, and something that not many people knew about. anyway, today's not so bad and there's still only small group of people who can really claim to know a lot about computers! The article you mentioned is indeed very interesting thanks for that
  3. Hi and welcome to the Xisto forums. Since you already seem to know how the forum works, I won't tell you much about it. Just make sure you post sensibly and even if you don't reach 10k posts again () don't worry, because over here, quality of posts is more important than quantity of posts So just make sure your posts make sense and everything should be fine. All the best for your site and all...see you in the forums!
  4. That's an interesting suggestion - I don't know about the number of hours but I think I could try to break Saint Michael's record for most number of posts, but I've got only 7 days left so that makes it approximately a thousand posts per day from now on
  5. I got this doubt based on a reply by truefusion in my previous thread; I'm only starting a new thread so as to not divert that topic.Internet Browsers came into existence only in the 90's, right? But the internet existed before that period, and if I'm not wrong, the first domain name was registered in the year 1985 or somewhere around that. So how exactly did people browse the net then? Of course, the "people" who used it were limited, but still there were someone!
  6. lol that's a good question, and while there is a sensible answer (i.e. getting the installation program from another source), one has to agree that it is convenient to download stuff like that instead of getting it from a cd or elsewhere. And I don't think one will get into trouble by using IE to download some other browser.
  7. No offense, but whenever a new member comes onto these forums and talks about these free sites, I get a bit amused. There sure are a lot of places where you can get free domains and hosting and a lot of other stuff as well for free, although you have to sacrifice something in return (ad space, etc) Here on Xisto we sacrifice precious time, typing out posts But it's worth it, right? All those other sites you mentioned may be good, but they do have something bad about them as well. So why come to a place where you are getting good services and talk about some other place where you're bound to lose something?
  8. I too will be waiting for a more knowledgeable person to reply, but I have made some observations regarding this matter and I will list them out below. --> Not all members ask for free hosting over here. There are quite a handful of members who support Xisto by paying for their hosting/domains. This is one source of income. --> The ads, of course, are an important part of the income. I'm sure they form a large chunk of the money earned, even if that total is small. --> https://xisto.com/ is a place where you can't pay with myCENTs. It is also a part of the Xisto Corporation and the people who buy from there pay real money. So I guess this is yet another source of income Whoops! My list is already over! I don't know if there is any other source of income for the company, but I sure do know that the owner has a kind heart and won't let us down should there be any problem. I'm also sure that if there is any problem, a lot of members will be ready to support Xisto. I pray that such a day shouldn't come, but I know we'll be ready for anything
  9. Everyone knows how much music piracy affects the industry as a whole. There are have various ways to fight this menace before, but not many have been successful. Recently, a film production company has tried a new way to curb the piracy menace and it's really interesting, although no one knows whether it'll work out or not...Bollywood - the industry that makes movies in Hindi got the name "inspired" from Hollywood "Inspired" from that, the industry which makes films in my state's regional language (Telugu) is called "Tollywood" Anyway that's not the point here. Tollywood churns out a huge number of movies every year and each movie releases its own soundtrack, and these albums are downloaded like crazy on the internet (Most of them are crap but the rare jewels surprise many). So thanks to piracy, the producers got worried. Then some of them tried new ways to curb piracy. Well they're "new" in this part of the world and I don' know if they were tried earlier before. Some movies offered free downloads of the soundtrack online, so there was no need of searching for illegal downloads. The interested people could then choose to buy the soundtrack in stores or not. This technique didn't work out too well because the sites which offered legal and free downloads were hard to find so people still continued their illegal pursuits! Then recently came another bold technique - the audio cassette of a new film (yeah many people still use those things known as cassettes!), which is usually priced between Rs.30-60(~$1-1.5) was priced at a mere Rs.10 (~0.10). And that's not where it ended - with the purchase of each cassette a free lifetime SIM card was offered, to everyone! This seems like a desperate attempt by the producers to earn more revenue out of the music, but it seems so new and interesting! There's nothing special about the SIM card offer, since every service provider is now offering lifetime sim cards at crazy prices such as Rs.5, 10, 20, etc.That's the story of the anti-piracy squad! Has anyone else heard about such attempts? And have they been successful?!!!
  10. The only difference between Xisto and Xisto is that while the former is a truly "Open" discussion forum, the latter only has technical forums. That means you have to talk about technology, hardware, software, the internet, computers, etc all the time in order to earn myCENTs. There are off-beat forums too but they have no post-count, which won't serve your purpose! Anyway, it's your choice whether or not you want to join a purely technical forum
  11. I was thinking of cancelling my logic plan too as I don't have anything to put on my domains. Then I decided to go for the logic pro plan instead. It doesn't make sense, but the logic pro somehow seems good for my inactive domains. The feeling that I'm paying a lot more for the hosting makes me want to create some content and put it on! That way I won't be wasting any cents and my sites will also have something! So I highly recommend that you reconsider cancelling your hosting plan.
  12. Hmm Xisto.....I think I had a look at it when I joined trap, but got attracted over here anyway. Asta looked friendly and all, but some unknown force brought me here Anyway, I think it's up to you to decide whether you can balance posting in both forums at the same time. Personally I would never be able to do it - keeping up with posts in both forums at the same time!The final decision is yours but I would say don't join Xisto, because it might seem an extra burden in your time schedule. Also, why don't you spend your time at school with something else than posting2host?! here are so many other things to do on the internet. It's not as if you have to come and post here whenever you have a second of spare time! You can pursuit other interests when in school and after reaching home you can continue your posting on trap. Well that's just my opinion...
  13. myCENTs is a very convenient system as you can earn a lot by posting and can afford to take a break from posting if the need arises. Every package in the Xisto - Support site can be bought using myCENTs, and all you need to do is have enough balance at the time of renewal. myCENTs automatically convert into dollars as soon as the counter reaches 100. You need to sign up at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email id which you used to register at the forums and after that the myCENTs will automatically transfer to your xisto account. It is up to you whether or not you want to renew your packages automatically, but it's more convenient to let the automatic setting on, as it's more convenient and hassle-free. You need not worry about any delays in this system.
  14. I just got 10 days of holidays and I'm not sure what to do with them. Unfortunately I can't go on vacation to some place due to some reasons, so I have to stay in my home town for 10 days, without any work to do! So I was hoping if some of you guys out there could give me some suggestions? That's a pretty silly question but I'm interested to see what kind of answers I'll get...
  15. Since you're saying that you're mostly into graphics, I would indeed recommend a Mac to you, even though it's pricey. The security that comes with it is worth every penny.Of course you can get this security for free by trying Linux, but you won't get all your hi-def work done in linux And I'm sure gaming won't be a very big problem on Mac, since there's always the option of good ol' dual-booting. I use Windows 7 purely as a gaming platform and for nothing else. I suggest you do the same, since Mac does pack in a punch for everything that it offers.
  16. lol yeah everyone is getting 'smarter' these days and I'm sure google must have noticed at least 1% reduction in their earnings since the time they introduced Adsense. I make sure that I never click any ads on a site unless I feel the owner deserves the money he's gonna get by my click A lot of people think in the same way and that is why there are not many people who earn high figures with adsense.
  17. you can keep your domain and money for as long as you like Many people leave their xisto accounts idle because the payment process is automatic and they don't have to bother about anything at all. The money comes in automatically and also goes out automatically (only the required amount of course!!) so after ordering your domain there's no harm in not visiting the xisto site for a long while!
  18. Hi there akira550 and welcome to the forums! You've made over 30 posts already?!!! Well that seems good but make sure that they're not spam and make some meaning as well! And don't use keep gaps between lines in order to make your post look big - most people don't like that and I believe the myCENT system doesn't like that either!Since you've already made yourself comfortable here I won't bother saying much, but should the need arise for any question regarding the functioning of the forum, then feel free to open a thread in the relevant section and a member will get to it as soon as possible so have a good time and keep up the active nature!!!
  19. You can't really call any martial art as the "best" because there's no such thing as a perfect martial art. There will always be a lot of pros and cons. There are a lot of suggestions made here, so I'd suggest you read up on all of them and try a few and decide which one will suit you the best. Ofcourse if you try you can master most of them, but it's best to stick with just one.
  20. I don't know...I've been used to Adobe for so long and then MS introduces Silverlight.....right from the beginning I've been skeptical about it. Anyway it seems to be a good tech but has to gain on popularity...
  21. I've used a lot of engines too but Wordpress has been easy to customize and use that's why I prefer it above the rest. I've never actually used the wordpress blog (on wordpress.com) but the blog engine is easy to install on a site and that's what makes it so good.Anyway, I would also like to know the name of the other software you found Rob. It would be interesting to get to know about WP's rival!
  22. I just opened today's newspaper to read a story about Dan Brown's latest book The Lost Symbol. Based on the report, sales of the book have been really strong, although there was nothing clearly mentioned about how good (or bad) the story was! All the report seemed to care about was the hype surrounding the sales figures of the book. All this has made me curious about this new book. It is the third one to involve Robert Langdon (got the spelling right?) and based on what I've read in Wikipedia, the plot isn't all that interesting, but could make a good read on a long boring day. So has someone read it yet? Could you please give me your (original) review here please? I always look for the people's reviews rather than newspaper/website reviews because they're honest
  23. Chrome has already come this far?!! I remember trying the first version of Chrome and after that I never really got hooked onto it at all. It was good, but not good enough to beat Firefox. Well this is just one field where Google can't get the top spot any soon. This new version may not make any major difference in my opinion, as it still doesn't offer many of the features that Firefox does.
  24. I think IE's days are numbered now. It has the most number of loopholes than any other browser and no matter how much MS says its safe, the damage is done now. And all those users lazy enough to switch to another browser better be careful because you never know how smart the cracker is, who's using the loopholes to gain access to your system!
  25. Even if I had an adsense account right now, I wouldn't bother to check it most of the time, coz I know my site isn't that great to cook up earnings every hour or so. For the beginners the enthusiasm is high so they check their accounts every now and then. But sometimes this can be dangerous because I've heard cases where google canceled the accounts of some people because they checked their earnings mostly at times when they got high clicks. so google got suspicious about the clicks and canceled the accounts!!! anyway I'd not bother much about the earnings as of yet. The first preference should be given to maintaining the site's standards. And as for myCENTs, I don't check them at all because I have a good stock of them already, and I get email updates anyway.
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