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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I have just another teensy little doubt regarding this topic. To check emails, I presume we have to login at gmail.com with the username something like yourname@domain.comIs there an alternate way of logging in? Can I set up the login procedure at my site?
  2. Right before I started this topic, I noticed that another member had posted a problem with Ubuntu 9.04 too! Is it a mere coincidence or is there a serious problem with this new version? :XD: Anyway, coming to the problem , I upgraded to version 9.04 just yesterday and set up my internet connection following the same procedure I had used for the previous versions. But now I have noticed two problems: Problem 1. When I tried creating a launcher having the command it wouldn't work. When I tried typing the command in the terminal, I got an error which goes something like this: So I went to "Users and Groups" and not finding a group named "dip" there I created the group and added my user name to it. But the command still wouldn't work. Then I tried using and the connection worked. But now I have to type this out each time, because the launcher wouldn't accept "sudo" directly, would it? To make things short, how can I go back to directly using the "pon dsl-provider" command again? Problem 2. When I do manage to get onto the net, I find that within 2 minutes, it automatically gets disconnected! What's worse, no variety of commands will get it connected till I restart the system. Any solution for this one? Thanks for reading I hope to get some answers soon...
  3. It all depends on the purpose for which you're using torrents for. Most of the people who don't use torrents simply assume that torrents are used for illegal downloads, and hence they pose a risk to your system. But that's not the truth. Torrents are used for the good too. For example, you may know that Linux distributions are free to download and modify. It is easier and faster to download these distributions using torrents because many people, most of them developers, will be downloading this at the same time. At such times, there is no risk of catching a virus.
  4. I've just joined the forum today and from what I've seen so far, I've understood that before the myCENT system, there used to be a credit system over here, and that the members had to place a request in the appropriate forum for buying a domain or for hosting. I've also seen from some posts that there's a screening process involved for getting the free domains. I've also seen that the last request for a domain was made in the year 2008! Well my query is, does this screening process still exist? I mean, from what I've read so far, the myCENT cents are automatically sent to the billing account, isn't it? And we use that account to buy the products. Between this, does the screening process exist? Sorry if I'm confusing you! But I hope I've got my question through.
  5. People have been complaining about the iPhone ever since it was launched. But it still sells! It's got that "something" feeling about it. So despite the many complaints, I would personally prefer the iPhone over the Pre, just for that "something"!
  6. MS Office is a great tool and most of us can't do without it (in spite of all the open-source applications available) and my only constant complaint is that it costs too much :XD: The basic edition itself costs Rs.7000/- here. That's maybe around USD 145! I don't know if it costs that much in the US...Anyway, the beta is a good chance for us to own it for freeeeeee Thanks a lot for the link
  7. Oh that wasn't a pretty picture....the poor thing might have been in constant pain. Well let us hope we don't see a day when majority of the cattle are born like this. That would be horrible! If this mutation has something involving the environment, then it's time for us to wake up and prevent this thing from happening again, isn't it?
  8. In the past one month, 12 students from India were attacked in Australia, allegedly due to racism. There have been many protests on this issue, with the Australian government promising to take action, and yet almost every other day, a fresh case involving an attack on an Indian student is showing up.I don't know about the situation in Australia and other countries, but here in India, the media is devotedly covering the issue, giving details about the victim(s) and exactly how the incident took place. There have been protests here as well, with students in many metro cities demanding the Indian government to settle this issue.Being an Indian, I feel bad about this issue, but I really must ask this - of the 12 cases, in how many was racism really involved? The attacks took place, yes, there is no denying that, but somehow, I feel that this issue has been really taken out of bounds by the media. The Australian police have admitted that the latest case really did involve racism, but all the previous cases before that could have just been "attacks without racism". For example, in one case, the victim was attacked when he tried to stop the attacker from stealing some beer. Even if an Australian was in his place, the attacker would have done the same, wouldn't he?And some people over here are mumbling that some of the students who were attacked provoked the attackers. And after being provoked, some people cannot control themselves....You may ask, why I am speaking against my compatriots? Well I'm not speaking against them. I'm not denying that some of the attacks did involve racism. I am merely pointing out that no matter what the country be, if people learn to treat the others as their equals and do not bother them, then these incidents can actually be eliminated.As of now I simply hope that the 200, 000 Indian students living in Australia try to live peacefully with the natives and be on the right side of the law.
  9. This is indeed a very tragic accident. All those times when I was seeing the programme "Air Crash Investigation" on a Tv channel, I felt really sorry for the people involved. With every new episode I prayed that there shouldn't be another crash anywhere in the world but alas, these things keep happening...Thanks to that very show I know how crucial finding the blackbox is....it will help a lot in revealing the mystery behind the sudden crash. Blackboxes have been helpful in giving us details about what happened in the plane from the moment it took off to the time when the crash was initiated.My condolences to everyone who lost their near and dear in that crash. Let us hope that the manufacturers of the planes and the operators concentrate more on increasing the safety of the planes rather than on increasing their business.
  10. LEGEND FIRE <insert fiery sub-title here> The fire that was legend Blazed through the wood Panic-struck woodizens Fled as fast as they could The fire that was legend Was once spoken of But never was it thought To suddenly spark off! The fire that was legend Was supposed to bring Merciless destruction and Loss of kith and kin The fire that was legend Did nothing like that now It simply chewed on the wood Like a grass-eating cow! The fire that was legend Now asked of the poet "Where is this story going You rhyme-crazy 'all blow-it'?" The fire that was legend From the poet got a surprise These words were written Only in the vain quest of a prize!
  11. Roger Federer finally won the French Open after losing in four consecutive finals! It was quite a sight seeing him become emotional after he won the match. I mean, we all know he punches the air in delight whenever he wins a match, but seeing him become tearful was something different.But he really deserves this win, and now he is only the sixth ATP player to win all the four Tennis Grand Slam Tournaments! Go Roger!
  12. Hi all this is Aditya writing from AP,India. I stumbled onto this website accidentally and I'm very pleased that I did! :XD: I've been looking for a hosting site and a place to buy a domain and I wanted both of them for liiitle money, 'coz even a "few dollars"- as many hosting sites term it - mean lots of money in my currency. This concept of hosting for posting is indeed very interesting and I hope it works out for me :lol:Well, see you around...
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