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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Thanks everyone for the advice. I finally figured out the problem - I used the same username for both the installations and thus there was a collision of sorts. That's why there's been a problem. After using different usernames both the blogs are working fine now
  2. That's a really good point. Thanks to Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting, I can now experiment on a lot of websites by paying so very little. So I now have the freedom to experiment a lot, fail a lot, and in the process learn a lot. That's all that matters in the end. I'm sure the design for Google didn't come up in a day! (Funny how everyone's using Google as a reference!!!!) I've taken to web-designing so much that I'm planning a career shift soon. That's how exciting it is. So just keep on working
  3. well it so happens that I spent a lot of time on trap in the early days I joined so I do have a lot more posts than you Back then I was in a hurry to get my website started and that's the reason I posted furiously. Now I've slowed down a bit, down to a healthy 5 posts per day I'm sure you'll catch up some day.....all the best for the chase!
  4. Getting your adsense account working is a really good sign so keep it up Just don't lose the steam that you built up working till now and I'm sure you'll be fine. So go ahead and tell us soon what you next move is!
  5. 500 is a long way away for most members and I somehow feel that it would be better if it was reduced. Of course it's necessary to prove that the member is gonna stay but thing like custom member titles make members like the forum more and stay longer. So if it was introduced at a lower level something like 300, then it might make more members happy? Just my opinion
  6. I found asking myself this very question atevery stage of my life, beginning from kindergarten! Would it be nice to have only a select group of friends, or would it be nice to have a large group of friends??? I tried experimenting with the answers and I've found out that it's better to have only a few friends at any given time. In my early school days, I tried making friends with almost everyone around me. It worked, and I could bravely call almost every single person in my class as my "friend". Things were going on very well and I was happy for having such a large number of friends. But then I began to notice that I was losing my own life....every day I would be doing something with someone or the other. I didn't have time left for myself at all. All the time would be devoted to friends and I was beginning to get irritated. Then came college. Here I decided to have only a select group of friends. So I was friendly to everyone, but close to only a few. And this time I found that I did have a lot of time for myself. The same friends couldn't do the same things over and over everyday so each one of us began to have time for himself and life became a lot smoother! This case can be studied online too. If you have a large number of friends in Facebook or any such network, then over time some of them will complain that you've forgotten them; you're not contacting them at all, etc. The truth is that you simply won't have enough time to keep in touch with so many "friends". On the other hand if you have only a select group of friends, you can keep in touch with them all the time and can lead a happy life online/offline. Well this is just my observation. What do you think about it?
  7. The first step to do would be to take a backup of all your files. The next step would be to change the nameservers on your domain, so that they're pointing to your new hosts' nameservers. Then all that remains to be done is to go to your new hosts' control panel, add the domain and I think you're done! That was a pretty short description but I dont think there's anything else to it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please
  8. I'm running wordpress on one of my sub-domains right now and am happy with it. However, I want to start a blog in my native tongue, so I created another sub-domain and used Softacoulous to install wordpress on it, changing the names of the database and the table prefix. however, after I installed it, I found that there was some "Database communication error". I tried deleting the database and starting over again. But there seems to be no use at all. Now what am I supposed to do? I only want to use WP and no other blogging tool. Can someone suggest a way out of this please?
  9. A flying car would be a fancy item, but one may never know when the need will rise for such a thing. And anyway I don't think most people have the skill or will it takes to learn flying so on a large scale these cars won't sell much. Only the creamy layer of the society will find any use for these, employing pilots instead of chauffeurs!
  10. I'd vote for fallout 3 as well. One word to describe it is: HUGE! But it's not "free" entirely. There are free rpgs and there are good rpgs, but free & good rpgs....hmm hard to find
  11. Wow from a tutorial this topic has gone into business Making games itself is a huge achievement and selling them is yet another achievement. But if you ask me, the price won't matter once you get people to like your game(s). I would be happy if people loved my game and I'd readily sell it for as low as $5 - after all, popularity matters!!!
  12. wow threads like these have a tendency to go off-course and become fierce battles! I think it'll be difficult to answer this question. Does WoW have any tournaments or such things? That will be the only way to decide who's the best. Regular gameplay can't really be a deciding factor, can it?
  13. Sites like xe are useful only for knowing the basic currency conversions. When it comes to dealing with real money conversions, each person has their own rates so basically there won't be much use of it. But for a quick reference, it's a great resource.
  14. Hmm a new CMS? Don't we already have a bunch of them competing for our attention? I know a lot of people use CMSes but a lot more prefer designing their own sites so that they can proudly display something like "Powered by me!" instead of "Powered by a CMS".As for those who don't know coding, CMSes are good indeed, but it would be a lot better if you learnt coding and did the work by yourself, as it would help you in the long run. Ha, look who's talking - I don't know much coding myself
  15. Netscape Navigator was the leading browser in the market before Internet Explorer (IE) was forced onto people who bought the Windows operating system. If I'm not wrong, Bill Gates didn't believe in the potential of the internet at first and that's why Microsoft didn't release any mainstream products relating to the internet in the early days. However, when they saw how successful other companies became due to the net, they hurriedly put together the clumsy browser called IE, bundled it together with a new Windows version (I believe it was 95?) and threw it out into the open.At that time Windows' popularity was only increasing, so it was only natural that people who bought the OS used the browser readily since they weren't required to download and install a new one. This is the secret behind IE's "success". Anyway, that was a long time ago and now many people are ditching the browser for better ones. What about you? Are you one of those who still uses IE because it's ready-to-use or do you take the trouble t install a better browser?
  16. Cool another supporter for Japanese I'm not attending any courses; just learning on my own and though I have been lazy, I've managed to get in 120 or so kanji and maybe 2 levels of grammar/speech so far. But there's still a lot more to go and I'm really excited about it all! An appeal to all those who're learning French/Spanish : Could you please share some of your online learning resources with me please? I'm interested in learning those languages soon. Thanks for that.
  17. At this point of time, I'd recommend a break to you. You're obviously tired (not physically, but mentally) of doing a lot of work online all these weeks. And after getting through a project like newstack, you're gonna have to relax for a while before you're fully ready to deal with the next one. That way, you'll feel fresh and full of spirit when moving onto the new project. So think about it and all the best for your new project
  18. Cool thanks for the tip truefusion! It worked. I think I didn't notice it before because I was looking for it in the "About Me" page and then gave up. I've changed it to something stupid now but at least it's no longer the same old thing that everyone gets!!!
  19. I know that the display name of a user can only be changed by a mod, but how about the title? The thing that describes the user? The default titles are good, but custom titles are creative and even better. I've noticed that the only members who have custom titles are those with a heap of posts, well over 600. I was wondering at which point a user is allowed to get custom titles. Is it allowed at all, or does a mod/admin have to do that as well???
  20. Hmm French, Spanish, German seem to be on everyone's minds. Japanese is taking so long to learn so I'm thinking of starting to learn French/Spanish as well. They are supposed to be easier to learn than Japanese, which will take 3 more years to learn. But I know it'll be worth it. I like the tone of the Japanese language and I'm really fascinated by it. French sounds good too....
  21. VMware and Virtualbox are two different pieces of software, manufactured by different companies. I've tried both and prefer using Virtualbox, since it's easy to use and comes from a reputable company (Sun Microsystems). There's always the problem that running an OS inside an OS (called a virtual machine) will slow down your system, but if you have over 2GB of RAM then I think you won't have much trouble running any kind of OS. As for PuppyLinux, I think it's a good little thing but after getting used to Ubuntu it does take a while to see this kind of OS. The lure of faster booting time is good but I'd prefer some functionality as well. Hmm now that's a strange dialogue by a pro Windows hacker
  22. The Simpleton


    Hi there unsw and welcome to the Xisto forums I see that you've already made a few posts and that's a good sign. Keep making some quality posts and you'll soon be on your way to hosting your own website. Your myCENTs counter is already active which is a good sign. Now all you have to do is to make some quality posts in the forum and the counter will keep on rolling, earning you more and more dollars :PIf you have any doubt regarding the functioning of the forum then don't hesitate to start a thread in the relevant section and a member will soon attend to it. well have a good time and see you around!
  23. Hmm it's too bad that you got discouraged so soon, but like the members above me mentioned, don't expect results in a day or two, or even in a month. It does take a lot of time to reach a certain level. Take a good look at what companies like Google, Yahoo, Twitter did. Their initial strategy was not to earn money but to build a user base. In the beginning, Yahoo was puzzled at how on earth they could make money with their site which was gaining popularity day-by-day. But for the first year or so, they concentrated only on making their site better and the effort paid off. When Yahoo put in their first ads, they were scared that they might lose their visitors. But by that time people had gotten so used to using Yahoo that they didn't mind the ads at all, and thus began Yahoo's success story. Similar is the case with the later participants - Google and Yahoo. The only thing they did when they entered the internet scene was to maintain their site's quality and build a good user base. They didn't put ads on their site right away. Also, they didn't get discouraged at any point of time and went on with their efforts. You should do the same as well. I know there's heavy competition in the field you've chosen, but you put some more effort into it I think it'll pay off in the long run. Anyway I'll leave that decision to you since it's your site after all! If you're planning to start another site based on psychic phenomena then I suggest that you build your site before launching it. I committed the mistake of launching my site even before it was ready and am now left with an empty site. What's irritating is that the domain is getting quite a few clicks since I placed the link in my profile page. But all those visitors are just being greeted with an "Under Construction" page and I guess most of them won't go there again! So whatever you plan to do next, make sure you've done enough research and preparation to support your site. Take a good decision and all the best
  24. welcome aboard iconeo I hope you have a good time posting here at Xisto and get yourselves some quality hosting soon enough. Just keep yourself away from one-liners and you'll be fine here. If you have any doubt feel free to open a thread in the relevant section and someone will get to it soon....well see you in the forums!
  25. A little competition is always good and this deal will only make google better - I'm sure of it. Being a monopoly won't suit google because it may come into bad light but in a situation like this everyone will know that it's gonna take more than an MS and a Yahoo to take down google from the top of the search engine rankings!
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