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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Oh ok I expected that - how about this: I won't copy+pate, but will it be okay if I re-write the topics? I mean, the topic will be the same, but the matter will be written differently. Will that be accepted??????
  2. Wow it's strange that a lot of members don't need the video chat feature at all. Actually I don't need it too....looks like linux users aren't enthusiastic about video chatting!
  3. Yeah this has happened before but last time it worked for some while it didn't for others. But it got solved in the end. This time too some people have been saying that they got this error - I got it for around two hours and after that I have been able to log in normally. I think it might have been solved on your end as well. Well it pi]is[/i] a large system and there are bound to be some bugs from time-to-time. As for your support ticket reply, you get a copy of the reply to your email address too, right? So why not read it over there?
  4. Lol...as I said before, most of us enjoy chatting only when we do it with friends. But then there are bored souls like me who would want to meet a complete stranger and see where it goes from there. Omegle is just one of hundreds of such sites but this concept is a bit different - it's just too bad that the users are also too different!!!
  5. Hey there anwii good to see you back on the forums - I really missed you criticizing my threads I hope you're well-settled now and are enjoying your new apartment. I would never have managed to live for 3 weeks without the internet (at least not mentally) so that's quite an achievement :(Hope to see you more often in the forums...
  6. I get your point and agree - life shouldn't just be a routine thing. Most of the people are just content with an ordinary routine in which they get food, sleep and some entertainment thrown in! But life without some excitement and some challenges is really meaningless. But sadly, majority of the people in today's world do not care about this. They may think of such things at times but they don't take it too seriously and never stop to think about it in detail. All they want to do is exist. They don't care even if that existence is taking place without any meaning
  7. I got this really funny thought just now as I joined Xisto. It's a real pain to think of fresh topics to post up there so can I re-post some of my old topics from here? Is that allowed? I know that won't be fair because that would seem like cheating the system, but I want to know an official answer to this silly question!
  8. Just don't worry guys this problem will be solved pretty soon and if you have a payment pending then just write in a support ticket explaining the problem and I'm sure they'll understand and extend the last date for payment. Just be a little patient and everything will be ok
  9. I appreciate your decision to switch to Linux and strongly urge you to go ahead with it. You won't regret the decision once you make the switch. The biggest advantage of using Linux is of course, NO VIRUSES! Unless the user is very careless there's no chance of getting any virus/malware in Linux. You might confirm this by visiting known-infected sites using Windows and Linux, and you'll know the difference Since you're still starting out, I'd strongly recommend Ubuntu as the first choice for trying out Linux. I'm not saying it's the best distro available but it's certainly the most friendly distro available. Once you get enough experience you may want to try out the other distros,but Ubuntu's a great way to begin. In your case I recommend that you get a Live CD of Ubuntu and try it out first without installing - it will help you to get a feel of things. Then if you want you can install it inside windows without worrying about any partitions, or you can install it in dual boot alongside Windows. Take a look at this link for more details.
  10. You got Bollywood right - it comes from the "B", but Tollywood doesn't refer to the Tamil film industry; it is actually the Telugu film industry, which also happens to be the largest in India (going according to the number of movies produced) Hollywood inspired the name Bollywood, which in turn inspired Tollywood As for the Tamil film industry it is called "Kollywood", as it is based in a district called "Kodambakkam". Well whatever the names, these three industries together form a major chunk of Indian cinema (although all three produce different kinds of films) and including the film industries in all the remaining states (with similar names like Lollywood, Sandalwood, etc) produce over 1000 movies per year Now that would indeed be confusing wouldn't it!
  11. For some strange reason I've got addicted to podcasts lately. It all started when I started using the site Japanesepod101 one year ago for learning the language. I loved the format and the daily updates i got. Then I decided to try some English podcasts and since then I've been trying out a lot of podcasts that are reportedly "the best" in the net. But until now I didn't find anything that could impress me a lot I tried searching here on T17 to see if anyone had recommendations for good podcasts, but all I could find was a few threads describing how to create a podcast!So hear me out people, please share your audible wealth! Please give your podcast recommendations over here and satisfy my hunger Any subject will do. Thanks in advance...
  12. Well it loads fast, and it has an option to load an entire directory into the playlist, so I just load some music directories and the music keeps going on continuously - that's enough, isn't it?!
  13. Oh it's too bad that you've got a bad experience with Pidgin - it's really good once you get connected Well I didn't try out aMSN because I don't use my MSN account that much anyway, but I do agree that any messenger is better than MSN messenger!
  14. Oh thanks for the info - I also found out that Google is giving out select number of invites so as to not overload their servers!
  15. I think the special car was created exclusively for the game and doesn't really exist like the other cars. As for the music I think Hot Pursuit 2 has the best soundtrack - simply different from the rest of the bunch....
  16. To be honest, I too thought the same when I started learning C. It's not that I like C and C++ now, but I've learned to live with them. I am looking forward to the day when I can finally stop using them, but that's not going to come any sooner....well anyway my overall answer is: just be a bit patient and you'll learn to appreciate many sides of these languages!
  17. @mahesh: Yeah I wasn't expecting anything like TC on linux, but was hoping for a close match - I'll try out your suggestions too thanks a lot!
  18. I didn't take it seriously either, and anyway half the time the reason people chat with strangers is to pass the time - they're not looking to build any serious realtionships, are they?! Omegle is surely an entertaining site which you can visit whenever you have nothing else to kill the time.And btw, I never met any people like those in my convos - most of them just went on asking about my asl and when I didn't oblige, most of them disconnected
  19. I can answer only one question from the above list completely and that is the one about uploading a file to get registered for Google Apps - I believe that once you're registered, you can remove that file, because Google's not going to check again In this case, Google will check again I mean that your site will be indexed again and till then the old (cached) version will be displayed in the search results. I don't think creating a new account is necessary - just make a few fixes and you'll do fine. I'll stop making wild guesses here and wait for someone more experienced to reply - All the best with your experiments
  20. Doesn't the gallery package cost something too? It's not free along with the forum, is it? I guess they removed it to save some money seeing that no one was really using that package...
  21. And there was a special car that could be unlocked - the RX or something like that, and that was really insane! Blazing speeds and still easy to control - I preferred that car over ferrari and was never disappointed
  22. Oh NFS 2 SE was really amazing - put aside the graphics and it can be called the best game in the series. It was really thrilling using all those tracks and cars and in those days, it was jaw-dropping to see graphics like that!!!
  23. Transformation packs are good when you have the system resources to support it - I don't and if I try to install packs like those my RAM gets hogged up and the system becomes too slow. Anyway I have the RC version running still so no need for packs yet, at least not until April when the RC expires!
  24. I've used TC (Turbo C) all my life (meaning 2 years!) and although it's primitive it was enough for the basic programming I did. I did try GCC once but somehow didn't like the feel of it overall. Thanks for pointing out those two compilers - I'll try them out soon.
  25. I just noticed that the gallery page redirects for me too. I think it's out of order right now! As for the custom pages, I really don't know how to use it and never felt the need also actually, but I guess the GFX team is using the custom pages for their stuff. So the features is useful after all, although not for everyone....
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