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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I don't know the answer to your question, but my question is, why would you really need to do that?! You have two sub-domains, right? One server can handle them both at the same time, so using another server would be just waste of money, right? If you use two sub-domains and one server you save a lot than using 2 servers and 1 domain (if that is possible!)
  2. Thanks a lot Alex - Im in! But how do I invite the others? I don't seem to find any link to do so
  3. It's all up to you. Typing is not a very big issue for most people and if they like your site they will bookmark it, which removes the issue of typing! Creating a sub-domain makes things easy for you to manage and all. If the blog is just part of the main site things may become cluttered sometimes (or not). So it's upto you to make the choice.
  4. China is rapidly developing every year and this the rest of the world will indeed give a mixed reaction to this. Countries like th US, UK, etc will be apprehensive about this while Asian countries will be happier for the growing power among their "community". They already have the world's largest internet population (not to forget the largest human population ) and that means tons of human resources! No wonder they're progressingThese updates are really interesting - can you quote a source? Are there updates for other countries as well?
  5. That's indeed a neat trick But most Windows users I know will easily be irritated by the restrictions imposed on this kind of account and would rather prefer the admin account at all times. Well it's safety Vs convenience; the debate goes on....
  6. @rob: shipit is really busy these days - that's why it is denying new orders. In my case I did order a lot of CDs (50, to be exact!) so that's a good reason not to send me any more. But in your case, just 2.......that's really strange. And regarding the Internet upgrade, I think it's not that huge a download for many users? Before using a CD, I simply tried the internet upgrade and it said it needed just 690MB of files to download, and that it would take 50 minutes to download on my connection! Well I canceled that anyway and went on with the CD installation, but it's again strange that the download size is 1.5gb in your case!
  7. I edit my posts quite a lot.The trick is to edit the post before the myCENTs script kicks in. If you're fast enough, then you can beat the script in the race and will get credited accordingly
  8. Ah....you must be really lucky to have a peaceful sleep every night; how I envy you! I to must try to get my mind rid of all nonsensical thoughts before nap time...
  9. Netbooks are now touted to be the 'next-big-thing' in mobile (portable) computing. But the fact remains that they're not very powerful and are not really feature-loaded. Their prices are just about reasonable but man can never stop being greedy, can he?! Always wants more for less. Well an often-unnoticed player in the mobile computing market is the ultra-mobile PC. These tiny computers are powerful beasts which can make everyday computing more exciting. Don't believe it? Well take a look at this particular UMPC. It can run the resource-hungry Windows Vista with considerable ease. That's enough proof of it's capability! But as you might have guessed it, these PCs cost a bomb and are presently out of reach of the common man. It'll take a lot of time for the prices to come down to a sensible level But I think if more people embrace this technology then the prices will come down more rapidly, isn't that true?
  10. I was going to ask what you would do if you were a T17 mod, but let's just imagine you got the ultimate power and were made an admin What sort of changes would you bring about in the forum? Support your theories with some reasons too, otherwise they would just seem like empty ideas with no practical use...(note to the real admins: sorry! )
  11. I use wordpress for maintaining my personal site, and I blog within a sub-domain, with the main site containing only static pages. And guess what? My blog features on the first page of Google search (6th position, to be exact) for a particular search term, and that one term has managed to bring me some decent traffic for a blog that's less than one month old! So don't worry about SEO - if you feel the blog is better off on a sub-domain then go ahead with the idea. As for password-protecting your site, I suggest that you look at this thread For the matter of bandwidth, I think there's no reason to worry about that, at least not in the early days of your site. Is your host Xisto - Web Hosting or someone else? If it's the former then you can always get more bandwidth for free by using myCENTs, right? Finally about the matter of content on a personal website, it's up to your imagination. That's a general answer, but really, it's the thing that works. Rather than simply following others' ideas, try to be creative and just make sure that whatever you keep up on the site is decent and excellent
  12. I've gotten so used to TC that I find the process of editing and compiling C programs in Ubuntu a bit tiring So I was wondering if someone could direct me to a compiler/editor just like TC, built for Ubuntu? I've tried out a few but none of them seemed to come even close to TC...
  13. I've been using Ubuntu for almost a year now and I'm surprised I didn't use Rhythmbox till today! Until now I was completely happy with VLC so I didn't try out other players at all. But today after doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10, I felt a bit lazy to install VLC but wanted to listen to some music so i decided to try out the in-built Rhytmbox. Before I could add any of my own music tracks, I got distracted by "Magnatune" and "Jamendo" in the player. I opened them and was blown away by the choice of music over there! I'll be honest - not all of these tracks are good, but they're good enough for passing the time, and that's what I need while doing something like posting on trap, writing mails, etc. I was wondering why I didn't discover this before.Now that I have, I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. Does anyone here use Rhythmbox for this feature too?
  14. Chatting will never go out of fashion, right? It's always exciting to talk nonsense by typing away non-stop. Chatting is really fun when we do it with friends, because we're bound to chat for a long time and we can say anything to each other. But what about chatting with a stranger? I'm sure many of you might have the experience of chatting in chat rooms, half of which are filled with bots! This tends to irritate a lot of people and they just give up trying to chat with strangers - it's risky business anyway... But for those who like to chat with strangers and get to know new people, there's a good website called omegle.com where you can have a one-on-one chat with a complete stranger. You don't get to know their name or any other details. The stranger is simple displayed as "Stranger" in the chat, and it's up to you to start an interesting conversation. Similarly, you are introduced as a "Stranger" to the other person. At any given time there are over 1000 users on the site so you can get connected instantly to a random user.There's no stopping you from revealing your details to the stranger, but remember that it's your own risk. Another important thing is that once you lose contact with a stranger, you can never connect to the same stranger again! So are you ready for some strange chatting?! Start now!
  15. I have had enough of Microsoft's tomfoolery with its own software, so I just use Pidgin in Ubuntu for all my accounts. Now in the new version of Ubuntu Pidgin is replaced by Empathy but I still prefer the former as its feature-rich and saves logs of all chats, and even has that file sharing thing! So down with Live Messenger 200-whatever!
  16. Oh yeah I forgot about that video....actually I had to do some converting to extract that particular scene and in the middle of some other work I forgot Well it's okay I'll do it soon - it's a scene from a Telugu movie about ICM and how modern times are killing it. Well I play only one Indian instrument - the Veena and am a bit shabby now - been long since I practiced! Anyway I could recommend some songs for you but that'd mean stirring up my mind for some names. That should take a lil' time too. But the first name that comes to mind is M.S.Subbalakshmi who was a master of Carnatic music. Try and see if you can get a few of her songs from the net. There are quite a few sites offering them. well what can I say about those kind of people....well better not say it out This trend will continue to grow - Indians getting attracted to Western countries and vice-versa. Only time will tell what'll happen next!
  17. I was going to wait until December to install Ubuntu 9.10 (because then I would be getting a free DVD along with a magazine) but my impatience got the better of me and I installed through a CD today itself (a complete reinstall, not just upgrading like I had done with 3 previous releases). I was doing good in 9.04 till yesterday, and now suddenly I don't know what to say after seeing the new release! The looks and all are very beautiful, but maybe it's because of the fact that this was the first re-install in a year that I'm feeling a bit lost in here. I thought I'd do a little review of my own and put it up here for anyone who's about to try installing Karmic Koala... I'll start with the cons (at least from my point of view they are!) --> My favourite utility in Ubuntu was the "Network Manager" utility which could be added to the panel. One click on it and it would tell me how much bandwidth I had used. It also told me when the net was connected/disconnected. I got so used to this little tool, and now I find that it's missing. At least it's not in the list of utilities that can be added to the panel --> The preferences for the login screen window have disappeared! Now all I can do is choose whether or not to login automatically. There's no option to change the login screen, etc. They've been hidden somewhere! --> Empathy has replaced Pidgin as the default IM client, but for some reason it's not accepting my google account, and is displaying a "network error". My yahoo account is working fine, though. --> Remember the shortcut for "Show Desktop" on Windows? It's "Win Key+D", right? Until 9.04 I set "Win Key" (or super key as it is called in Ubuntu) as the shortcut for showing the desktop. But for some weird reason that key is disabled in 9.10. And now I'm without a single-key shortcut for showing the desktop. I observed all this in just an hour of using 9.10 - which means there are some weird bugs or something still present in it. That's not very promising for a new user of Ubuntu or rather of Linux! I don't know if these bugs are present for everyone or just me. If someone could point out a solution it would be much appreciated. Now for some pros of 9.10: --> GRUB2 bootloader - looking good! --> New Improved Splash Screen - beautiful! Well that's it for the visuals! But there's more: -->Software Center - replaces the old "Add/Remove" option - now you can install a whole set of new programs that weren't available through this option in the earlier versions. For example, I had to use Synaptic Package Manager to install VLC media player in the old versions. But now it's easily available in the Software Center itself -->Ubuntu One - not a very strong feature, but useful nevertheless. You get 2GB of free storage space on the internet. Since such features are available at many other places, this isn't much of an advantage. Well that's all i can think of for now. I think I'm finding 9.10 to be much more faster, but maybe that's again due to the fresh install. On the whole, I'd say definitely go for it but make sure to keep updating the system to get rid of those tiny bugs hiding here and there. Okay, that was a pretty rough review but that's the best I can do after using 9.10 for two hours!
  18. This is a weird question but makes sense for some, no, a lot of people! This question is not about your health or something like that. Before you make any other interpretations, read out mine.....I ask this question based on your lifestyle. Each one of us a different kind of lifestyle - different jobs, different habits, hobbies, etc. And we live out life in different ways. Everyone of us have some dreams, aspirations and goals. For some they come true, but for many, they do not. They are forced to settle for less and do something that they're not very interested in doing. All these things usually come to our mind before we sleep. Did you find yourself in this situation at any time: You're getting ready to sleep, and lie in your bed and are suddenly lost in thoughts - you think about the day, then the day before that, and slowly slip into the past. You wish you had done something better with your life....if only you had done that one important thing during childhood you might have been in a better position now.....thoughts like this usually flood the mind at night and many people lose their sleep due to it. They keep tossing in their beds thinking about all these and have a very disturbed sleep. So do you have any similar experiences? Do you have a peaceful sleep?!!
  19. It's not even been a week since the release of Ubuntu 9.10 and we already have some info about the next version of Ubuntu, whose name is "The Lucid Lynx". Ubuntu 10.04 will be released, as the name implies, in April 2010. This was actually announced before the release of Karmic Koala What's special about this release is that it will be an LTS (Long-Term-Support) release. That means support will be given from 3 years (desktop edition) to 5 years (server edition). Here's a brief synopsis from the Ubuntu site. The full page can be read here I installed KKoala only today and am already excited for the Lynx release - the OS seems to be getting better and better with each release, which is a good sign for the Linux community!
  20. As I said before, this time of the year just happens to be a busy one and that's why there's a significant drop of activity and that includes the number of new members coming in. But we still have a lot of "guests" coming in daily and they are teetering over the edge whether or not to join - if the existing members manage to keep up/improve the post quality then more guests will turn into members
  21. Hi there Raj and welcome to the Xisto forums. Thanks for the links, although it would be better if you posted them in the appropriate section instead of your intro post. I hope you'll find your stay here enjoyable and I'm looking forward to seeing your posts here - we don't get techies all the time you know! :(If you have any doubt regarding the functioning of the forum, feel free to open a thread in the relevant section. Have a good time
  22. Let me guess....you wrote this article as part of a task there, right? Well the concept sure sounds fun but even if it works, it's going to take a long time to earn the minimum payout of $9, and to be honest, that's a small amount for spending so much time on the site. Still, it's a good share and thanks for that.
  23. I read this in a newspaper and was really amused. The UK government is planning to implement a three-strike system for people who download illegal material off the internet. They will be given two warnings and if they continue their offenses then their internet connection will be terminated! The first reaction I got after reading this was "Is this possible?!". Ok even if ISPs can track their customers, would they really want to lose them? If I'm not wrong, every 4-5 people out of 10 download something illegally from the internet regularly. If all these people lose their connections, the biggest losers are the ISPs, who stand to lose millions! The people who lose their connections will no doubt find some other way to get back online but the losses for the ISPs still remain. Also, I'm sure many people will try to get around this system, by changing their IP address or some trick like that. So no matter how smart the tracking systems are, there will always be a smarter trick to fool it! Anyway, what is your opinion on all of this? Do you think it's sensible? Do you think it will actually stop people from getting their precious pirated stuff?!
  24. Skipping class is something of a challenge for some students. For me it's just part of my daily life! That doesn't mean I skip class daily but whenever the going gets too tough or I simply need a break I come out with my friends and do something worthwhile. All this seems good in college and there's no real damage as well. But I do agree that skipping classes at the school level itself isn't a healthy practice. School Days are golden days and not even one of them should me missed for any reason. That's what I think.....
  25. I would say Linux is still the best of the three even though the Mac and Windows have a lot of advantages over Linux in many aspects. Linux is entirely free and the support you get from users all over the world is simply amazing. In case of Windows you are paying for something weak and vulnerable and apart from some applications like games and Photoshop I don't think there's any reason for people to stick with Windows. I've never used Mac so I can't really comment on it, but it's out of the reach of the ordinary man and that itself is its biggest weakness. Unless it's available to the public at large it cannot hope to become the top OS. But it does seem a beautiful alternative to Windows, incorporating the security features from Linux as well.
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