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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I never used the plug-in mode of Pidgin but heard it's really good. I'm on the second day of using Empathy instead of Pidgin and I still have mixed reactions. I think it will indeed be best if I simply go back to Pidgin, and stop worrying about which one is better!
  2. @truefusion: That's a very interesting answer Most people would readily accept a position of power but your intention is very thoughtful. Maybe I would say something similar and maybe I wouldn't be ready even for the mod position yet. Both are really challenging jobs and I guess I don't have what it takes to do it now.
  3. Thanks for the reviews guys I don't think anyone has had a BSOD in 7 yet (correct me if I'm wrong) so that's one good thing already. As for gaming, I can say it works well with lower-config PCs too, although with the graphics turned down. I don't know about the other bugs and issues but the most irritating factor is the price - it's still way too greedy for a virus-prone software like Windows!!!
  4. Wow the awards! Can't wait to get started. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be like the Pirates of The Caribbean 3 kind of voting - where everyone nominates themselves Anyway, I almost have my list ready, and just have a doubt before I go ahead and post the list - do I keep the nominations in quotes or post it directly? I ask because there are so many categories and just posting the categories' names and nominee names is enough to earn 100 myCENTs for anyone
  5. Windows 7 is available to download only for MSDN subscribers (legally). And Microsoft gave the public two chances to try Windows 7 - once during the beta release and then during the RC release. Both versions are closed for downloading now and so the only legal way to download Windows 7 is to become an MSDN subscriber. Otherwise, one has to purchase it from the stores in the old-fashioned way I've tried both the beta and RC versions but just wanted to know what changes have been made in the final build. From the screenshots I can tell that the appearance is about the same as in the RC, but I'm sure there has been something extra included in the final build and that's what I wanna know So if someone can tell me about this it would be very much appreciated.
  6. It's been a week since Windows 7 was unleashed into the markets (both legal and illegal ). I don't know how many people actually bought them off the shelves on the very first day, but I am interested in knowing whether you think it's worth the wait. I mean the wait from the release of Vista - we've all been waiting for a better Windows OS ever since Vista got released!!! So if you have purchased (or got hold of) Windows 7, please give a small review on how you feel it is. Would you recommend it to everyone you meet? Or do you still think it's just like a service pack to Vista?!
  7. I've noticed that Xisto has a few extra features apart from the forums - the gallery, applications, custom pages and the calender. How many users are actually making use of these features? I agree that they're useful, but I don't think they're being put to good use and they just make the forum a little more bloated. So do tell, are you using these features?
  8. As I said in another thread, I've only used the Linux Live Gamers DVD to try out any games in Linux and the compilation is really amazing. Agreed that there is still a long way to go, but we're definitely going somewhere in the gaming field too!
  9. Isn't there a new one out this year? Can't get to remember the name...I haven't played Undercover yet - I was disappointed with the reviews and so didn't try it at all...
  10. In the long run there's nothing new to these sort of games. Other than improved graphics I can't see anything exciting in the continuing series. But I'm not complaining too loudly - if I get a chance to play the latest version I surely would!
  11. That's a weird site but the concept's clean and that's what matters. I wouldn't want to say goodbye in any particular way - I would just want to pass on silently. Sure it would be worth it to leave a message to the loved ones, but I think going away in silence would be better for everyone.
  12. Thank you FouGilang and Nameless_ - you've given me some interesting music in the process of your translations
  13. Sorry for my ignorance, but isn't the komodo dragon a real dragon? I'm guessing it's not - is the name misleading? I think it's not a big matter whether they existed or not. For one thing they never bothered the world history, and they provided some good entertainment in the form of stories, so I've got no complaint about their existence!
  14. To be honest, Xisto - Web Hosting (T17) is my first and only host, and I love it! It has given me such a great experience of hosting that I don't know what else I could possibly need! Other hosts provide far less for greater money, and there are still the downtimes and everything to deal with - but here all that is bare minimum. So T17 rocks and is the best
  15. I think Windows users might not be very familiar with these two clients (although they are available on Windows), but users of Linux may be regular users of either of these clients. I've been using Pidgin for over a year now and found it just above average. Then I got to use Empathy today and found it to be slightly better, with more features than Pidgin (voice, video, etc). However, I do miss the overall feel of Pidgin. So I wanted to know the opinion of some experienced users - which one do you think is better and which one should I stick to?
  16. I too don't like the idea of too many ads messing up the site. Ads are only displayed to the guests and members with less than 100 posts, right? Those are the people whom we need to convert into long-term members. If we scare them off with to many ads on the site then it's our loss ultimately and it will effect everyone indirectly. So I think the present number of ads are more than enough for good ol' trap
  17. I think no one will believe me, but when I first heard the name Xisto, I strangely felt that it had something to do with video games - and imagine my surprise after finding out that it is really related to video games (read the Xisto story for more details ) I think that's enough to say how special the name is to me. And as for how trap generates money, there are the ads, and also the members who pay for their hosting rather than use myCENTs.
  18. I've been away from T17 for a few days and now I'm quite surprised and excited to see the new and improved myCENTs update system. In fact, I've been so excited by it that I've been posting like crazy today. Ah well it'll wear off soon and I'll go into hibernation again!
  19. My family and my country can be rated as "average" when compared to the rest of the world. My family's content with what we've got, and as for the country, well a lot can be said on people's responses here but the general rule is "Whatever happens to you, learn to live with it - just adjust a little bit!"
  20. Oh...ok and I just found a thread in the Suggestions section in which the same matter was discussed. I even did some googling about it and it does seem true that we're better off with the older version now
  21. Hmm your concept seems plausible but I don't know how far it will work out. I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait for an experienced person to clarify on this matter - the general opinion is that you can't do it but there may still be hope - just wait and see...
  22. Bumping old threads is okay only if the topic's still relevant to these times - as jlhaslip said above, it's meaningless to comment on something that has been resolved. As a personal rule, I never reply to old threads, and even if someone has resurrected an old thread, I don't reply to it even if the topic's interesting. I don't know why....just can't do it
  23. @Sky: OpaQue's planning to upgrade? That's weird...didn't read about it in the forums anywhere....is there a thread/post where this is mentioned? I don't have anything for or against v3.0, but I did hear a lot of people(including you) saying that its too complex and has some bugs in it. It would indeed be bad if a forum of T17's size got messed up!
  24. HI there bloblo and welcome to the Xisto forums. This is a great place to look for some free quality hosting so I'm sure you'll have a good time here. Avoid making small posts like that, though.They're not very healthy for earning myCENTs Make some good quality posts and soon you'll have enough money to buy a domain/hosting for yourself
  25. Those are some interesting suggestions, although I would like to comment on only one particular thing: What you said may be true in most forums but in our case it's entirely different. The entire show behind the scenes is being run by the admins. They may not be seen in the forums, but I'm sure they're working hard a lot to keep things running smoothly
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