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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. The other day I read an article in the paper about how a director named Uwe Boll tried to acquire rights for the World of Warcraft movie, but was shooed away, just because his previous movies were...well, bad!. We all know that video games never work out as feature length movies, but I found out that the movies that Uwe Boll makes (based on video games) are extra-bad. At least that's what the 300,000+ people think who have signed a petition to stop him from making movies!!! So has anyone of you seen any of his movies? I remember reading the titles House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark on his Wikipedia page. Have you seen these movies? Are they really that bad?!!!! I ask because i found many funny articles and reviews about this guy and am curious to know more...
  2. Almost all the famous web portals/companies/.... followed the same route to success - first they offered a great service for free, and without ads. Then when they felt that they had built a sizable base of followers, they introduced ads and raked in loads of money along with fame! Let's not talk about all the other companies and just focus on Google. It's a big player today and earns millions of dollars everyday through advertising. It has a lot of other services too, most of which are popular. I was just wondering - where would Google be if it didn't serve ads? Would its income come down drastically? It does have other channels of income like Google Apps and many more, but the biggest channel of income is of course advertising. So can you imagine a Google without any ads? (that includes adwords/adsense) Try to guess in what position the company would be today!
  3. But it hasn't been released yet Wait till 11 November to get ur review...
  4. This is the reason many people stay away from iTunes. There are many other websites on the net which offer legal downloads without DRM. But the problem is not all songs may be available in this format But I absolutely hate DRM because it doesn't allow us to do whatever we want with the product that we have paid for!. It's completely meaningless to be honest....
  5. Wow these specs look so amazing and yet so out of reach!!!However as usual, time will bring down their prices and then we'll be talking about the next set of insane configs
  6. I beg to differ with this thread too. I have an even slower computer with just 512MB of RAM and I upgraded to Windows 7 (RC) from XP. Of course, upgrade meant formatting the XP drive and installing afresh, but the process hardly took more than an hour to complete. Installation was one of the matters Microsoft took care of, to reduce the time it takes to install. So I guess in your case you were just a bit unlucky?
  7. Well I'm not suggesting that all of us become Cyborgs, and I'm certainly not suggesting that we alter history!!! (as Nameless_ mentioned ) It's just a crazy idea that rolled out when I was thinking about how much of my brain I'm wasting (I'm probably wasting a lot more by creating threads like these!!!) by keeping unnecessary thoughts in and useful thoughts out. I'm just hopeful that there will be an easy way to solve this problem for everyone at one shot. Self-help and memory books/courses are useful, but not all have the time to complete them - I'm looking at an idea where we get a simple solution that works for everyone on the planet.....
  8. there's a brainy question waiting for you in the "My Ideas, Theories, Possibilities, Innovation" forum - happy answering congrats and keep it up I wish that from now on members will be a little patient before opening threads like this. Even if we face a similar problem in the future, I appeal to all the members to wait for 2-3 days. It is most likely that the problem will be solved
  9. No...it's not like that. If you read the Xisto story, you'll know that the name Xisto holds a special place in the founder's(OpaQue) heart. That's why he decided to name it like that. I'm sure not even 100, 000 members could make him change that name
  10. I do use the Ubuntu forums, but only as a last resort. Most of the times I simply google out my problem and I do find the solution within 2-3 sites. This is a sticky situation - it means that although finding problems to bugs is easy, it also means that a lot of people are running into bugs, which isn't a healthy thing!
  11. All this makes me squirm a bit - everyone's personal info is in danger of being exposed if you think about this "ISP Co-operation" thingy. That's why I make sure my most important activities like banking, etc are done manually, even though it takes more time. I don't want to take unnecessary risks now and worry about it later!
  12. This is the problem with spending too much time on computers - you end up getting crazy ideas like these!!! Anyway, let me get to the point. I'm sure you might be knowing that all of us have a thing known as the brain and that it is far more powerful than the fastest supercomputer available today. The only problem is that it doesn't have many efficient operators to make use of that speed! Okay let us not talk about the speed and power of the brain; instead I want to talk about the capacity of the brain. It is easy to imagine our brain as a large hard disk where we store information about all our activities. Whatever we see in daily life is recorded in our brain cells, maybe in 1080p Full-HD! And as you know, HD video takes up a lot of space....so we might consider freeing up some space from time to time in order to avoid overloading. Now in the case of computers it's easy to free up some space by transferring the files to DVDs or some other storage medium. But how can we do that to the brain?! Some of you might remember the Pensieve from the Harry Potter series - it's used to store memories. Well my idea is also something like that, but there's more. There are some things in life that we don't want to remember forever - wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to delete those files...I mean memories? Also, it would be awesome if we had something like a file manager for our brain. I'm sure there are lots of times in life when you want to remember something but never seem to get it at the right time. Then after everything's over, you suddenly remember it! It would be cool to have something like a grep utility for the brain to help us in these situations On the whole, I wish we could just train ourselves better to utilize the brain properly. That's a lot of power being wasted by us all-we need to harness it. Okay, so now what was I talking about.......????
  13. To be honest, the name Casual Tech does seem to work for me. It has some kind of promise that this is a website which is worth visiting daily to get some casual tips and tricks, etc. But the inclusion of the "-" in the middle can cause some problems as FouGilang said.I would too recommend that you find an alternative name without any special characters in between because not many casual surfers might find your site if you have special characters in between.
  14. I was looking for a way to kill a good Sunday and thought to spend some time with this thread. I haven't finalized my nominations yet because I'm finding it hard to select between equally good members - anyway I hope to put in my list in 2 days. And a big thank you to inverse_bloom, rob86,Nameless_, Baniboy and H.O.D for voting for me - I'm really surprised that I made it this far. Anyway,in the meantime, I thought it might interest you to know how the categories stand now, so I compiled the list of nominees for each category so far and am putting it here I've not included the nominations made by ordinary members for the "Most Reported" category because only mods can vote for it, right? Other than that I hope I've not made any mistake in counting the number of votes. And anyway this is only an unofficial count so it's not final I'm putting it in code tags instead of quotes because I feel it's more clear in code tags.... Updated on 15.11.2009Trapper of the year: mahesh2k, Nameless_, The Simpleton(3)Most Valuable Poster: truefusion, Nameless_,Ash-Bash(2), TheDarkHacker,The Simpleton(4)Mod of the year: rvalkass(3), jlhaslip(2), Saint Micheal(2), galexcdMost Helpful Member: mahesh2k(3), truefusion, Nameless_(2), TheDarkHacker, rvalkass, inverse_bloomMost Improved Member: .:Piper_2051:.,Ash-Bash, SpiderVV(2)GFXtrap GFX Elite: Tramposch(2), Baniboy(4), inverse_bloom7Gears Gamer of the Year- rpgsearcherz 1337 Programmer: jlhaslip, truefusion(2), TheDarkHacker,OpaQue(2)Comedian of the Year- Saint_Michael(2)Shoutboxer of the Year - Baniboy(3), Nameless, Ash-Bash, -Sky-,Saint MichealLives at Xisto - OpaQue, Nameless_(4), TheDarkHacker, The SimpletonMost Reported Posts: Ash-bash, mahesh2k, shadowx, TheDisturbedOneTech Geek—rayzoredge(2)Welcome Commitee: SpiderVV(3), Ash-Bash(4), -Sky-(2), Nameless_(2)Trap Eye for the Poor Guy- varaluCrazy Reviewer Person—Saint_Michael(2)Dr.Phil Wannabe: anwii(3)Most Creative Trapper: patavinatech, Nameless_, TheDarkHacker, -Sky-Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss- OpaQueNOTE: Still an unofficial count only! Apologies if I have missed someone or made any mistake in counting!
  15. Not a bad idea at all....it would do a lot of good to the forums
  16. BASIC was my first language too and I simply loved it. Then came C and it was just kind of okay. I guess real motivation will come when the student learns with some enthusiasm. Back when I was learning C, most of my classmates hated the lab sessions when the instructors poked them to get their programs right! If only they were given some encouragement they would be more motivated to learn the language.
  17. Yes, but so far people are buying more and more smartphones instead of UMPCs because they are ultra-mobile themselves and can also make phone calls So it's gonna take some time for this tech to get hot.
  18. @inverse_bloom: Well sadly no one has enough time to arrange that piece of cake I mean that the admins are busy with ensuring the background processes run smoothly, so they're not finding enough time to work out the look of the forum. But I'm sure they're noting down all of these suggestions and hopefully someday they will surprise us with a sparkling new theme
  19. @rayzoredge: Thanks for the tips. The student license is only valid in the US and as for the upgrade offer - I'm not using Vista But it is indeed interesting to note that Microsoft is trying hard to get back into people's good books and to improve their image. I wonder how far it will succeed! Lol...it's common knowledge that pirated copies will almost always come pre-loaded with trojans and all sorts of awful stuff hidden deep inside, so it's not advisable to go that way!!! MS is acting very friendly to US citizens (who doesn't at home!). But in the rest of the world it still holds a cold shoulder with its high prices
  20. @BCD: I have a subject on UNIX at college and over there I have no other choice but to use vim for coding It sure is fun sometimes but for long programming I still prefer a GUI and some convenient compiler/editor like TC
  21. 9.10 scores in the resource-handling category but it does have some bugs here and there that makes life irritating For a beginner I would still recommend 9.04 or even 8.10 as they're pretty stable and not a bad place to start with the Linux experience. As for the booting time, I remember reading that the target boot time for Lucid Lynx (10.04) is just ten seconds!
  22. Yes Windows hosting is available but most people would recommend that you go for a linux box instead of Windows. The last word will be yours, of course, but just think about the security advantage in Linux before going for Windows Anyway, here's a link to a page that gives you complete info about the Windows hosting plans.
  23. myCENTs are back in action!! I got a cool $2 for 6 posts. That's quite an improvement I even got the email from Xisto - been a long time since I received email updates. So yeah, the system is up and running again!
  24. The biggest reason why many people don't trust internet friends is that it's so easy to lie online!. You may be lucky and meet a few good people on the net but the majority of the online relationships (including friendship and others) are based on lies. And it's hard to spot who's lying and about what, unless you meet in real life. Meeting people online is actually an interesting process, because the people you meet are from all over the world instead of being across your street! But there are all kinds of people out there - some friendly, some sulky, some dangerous, etc. and you need to be prepared for their reactions if you want to chat with them. Personally I don't mind meeting new people online but I take care not to drop my guard and do something silly. For example, some idiot might be in an idiotic mood and comes onto sites like omegle.com where strangers chat. This idiot may dish out his anger by trolling, which irritates the other guy. But responding back in the same way is of little use and may even lead to something unsatisfactory. That's why online chats need to be taken care of carefully. Making new friends is awesome, but it should be done with care
  25. I'm now in Day 3 of using Karmic and am still having a mixed opinion for it. However, I wouldn't definitely suggest it to a new user - they are better off starting with 9.04 or even 8.10. I think this release was a liiiiiitle hurried into. The six-month target might have made the developers a bit nervous and they might have overlooked a few bugs in it.The latest bug I found is that the Calculator utility is faulty!!! I use it mostly to calculate how much bandwidth I have left, and it's giving me results like this: 2.5-1.081 = 2!!! I tried re-installing it but there wasn't any use. So I had to install a third-party app for calculating :)I managed to solve that Network Manager thing - I installed the appled from Synaptic and then restarted the system and it was added! Well at least now I can monitor my net usage - that's a relief!
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