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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. "Just give me one reason to shift to Bing! I've settled down nicely into Google so why should I change to something inferior, even though it looks prettier than Google?!" This is an average answer that most people would give if asked to change to Bing. As many members have said above, it's not at all great and is far behind Google in terms of results. Maybe in the US it produces better results because of special algorithms and such, but for the rest of the world it's a real poor-quality engine that was never supposed to have been launched!!! And all those reports about Bing eating into google's share, well I think that "share" is primarily made up of Microsoft's employees and their families and such, and some die-hard MS fans. Other than that I don't think most people are really interested in Biiiiing!
  2. Tekken 3.....I remember playing it in the arcades - never actually got a chance to play on a console But it certainly provided hours of fun and entertainment. I haven't played the newer versions though but there's been a lot of talk about Tekken 6 and I hope to play it somehow when it comes.
  3. Yeah I've heard about such opportunities - since Sweden and other such countries are part of the European Union, they can afford to provide free education to students. I think most people don't make use of this facility and still prefer countries like th UK, Us, etc, because they're skeptical about the quality of "free" education. If they're shelling down huge amounts of money for education they somehow get the feeling that the more they pay the better the quality of the education they get I found this site regarding this opportunity - https://studyinsweden.se/ where you can get some information about this. You have to pay the living expenses and some student union fees and apart from that there is no other fee. That sure is an advantage
  4. Ubuntu has security issues?!!! Now that's amusing....Okay, I know it's not entirely perfect, but no OS in this world is perfect in terms of security. I read sometime ago that one common complaint from advanced users was that Ubuntu didn't come in with a built-in firewall and that was a security concern. I'm not sure how much of a concern it really is, but I have to agree that providing an in-built firewall would give some assurance to new users about security. Apart from that I don't think there are other faults in Ubuntu, unless of course, you leave your system completely unprotected, and use a weak root password, etc!
  5. Well it sure is a welcome change to see something come "Free" from the Microsoft stable. The question is whether or not it'll be effective. I seriously doubt the stability of this program and its capabilities too. There are so many flaws in the Windows OS - what's the guarantee that this program itself won't have one?!! I'm waiting for some reviews of this package before trying it out myself.
  6. I'm one of those millions of aspiring authors around the world who hope to make it big someday. But since this number is so huge, the reputed publishers have tightened their screening process and it's becoming more and more difficult to get published today. Due to this, self-publishing is slowly gaining in popularity, more so on the internet, where authors sell their books digitally. All I want to know is, how effective is this process? And how much does it cost? Let's say someone wants to self-publish a book, with an initial run of 1000 copies. How much will it cost to achieve this, and how effective will it be?! I know these are some difficult questions to answer since it depends on a lot of factors (author's skill, publicity, etc), but can someone give me an approximate reply to these questions?
  7. That's some new info, and is indeed preferable for those who are dual-booting different versions of Windows. But for those who are using Windows and Linux, the GRUB boot loader is more preferable to the Windows one, because it is much easier to configure and easy to restore in case of damage, through a live CD. Restoring the Windows boot loader from damage can be a tricky process indeed...
  8. Well this is just the estimated value and can't really tell you how much you'll get if you try to sell it. For example, on the first site I mentioned (yourwebsitevalue.com), there was this one site (cant really remember the name) which sold for $600 even though it's value was estimated to be around $200. So these sites are useful only if you wanna know what range of money your site can be expected to fetch if you want to sell it (in most cases you wouldn't!) Well actually it has gone down a lot since your last visit I removed the forums entirely and there's just a welcome page now and nothing else. And yet I'm getting an estimated value of $146 on website outlook - here is the link if you wanna see!
  9. It's done and I hope my answers helped in whatever way possible and all the best with your project as well
  10. Hi and welcome to the forums - I hope you have a nice time here and am sure you'll fit nicely into the community Just make sure you don't get addicted to posting too much in order to earn myCENTs. That's really scary! Anyway, hope to see you around more often in the forums - bye for now!
  11. NetBooks aren't really meant for such applications, are they? Most of them are light on resources end and can't support many applications, games, etc. I would only use netbooks for surfing the net and maybe watching movies, but mostly for text-processing work. Other stuff will most likely never work on most netbooks
  12. The funny thing about these animals is that they get the urge to cross the road only when any vehicle approaches! When the road's clear they never seem to cross - I think they're in for a bit of an adventure. I've had many close encounters with these adventure-seekers and have taken a fall as well due to them
  13. Drupal seems to be quite popular around here - I was thinking of designing my site around it as well. I don't have plans for a very large community but Drupal does seem to offer what I have in mind.@Namelesss_: I hope your doubts abotu cPanel have been cleared by the above useful posts - one small piece of advice - although you can use cPanel for uploading files, stick with FTP transfer only as it's more convenient to use than through cPanel.
  14. To invent such a language you'll have to do some massive amount of programming yourself, trying to predict which sentence means what and so on. The thought is good but in the real world it is not very practical as you can't predict the thinking nature of each and every person who codes. Technically it may be possible to create such a language but practically it's not very wise to even try doing so. sorry thats just my useless opinion
  15. using this "comment" scares some people and many pranks were played in this way, that's why I didn't suggest it in the first place...
  16. Hmm I don't think the internet can be shut down in the true sense because somewhere someone will still be running their sites and make it accessible to everyone else. Unless of course some kind of disaster were to happen and all the computers and cables were to disappear, then the internet could be shut down And regarding who owns the internet, the answer is definitely no one. In a way internet is like skynet (from the terminator movies) - it is self-sustaining and no one can really control it. Some countries may take measures to control internet usage in their limits but on the whole no one can really claim to own the internet.
  17. Those days might have been really fun! A little irritating but still it must have been exciting to get to know the "latest" technology of the time, isn't it?!
  18. In my region hurricanes are unknown of, but I know how devastating they can be. But I have to admit that the weather is acting strangely this year in my part of the world too. It's supposed to be the rainy season here but it's stifling hot during the entire day, and instead of getting cooped up within blankets at night, we are being forced to use an air cooler everyday! Strange indeed!
  19. The biggest problem with my internet connection is that it offers limited bandwidth, and thus I have to keep checking every hour or so how much has been used. Over the past ten days, I have been noticing a strange trend in data transmission. Precisely around 8am, some amount of data is being sent/received and I don't know what that is...I usually surf and download a lot in the free time slot (2-8am) and at exactly 8am I disconnect. Earlier I used to confirm that no extra bandwidth was used in that slot, and the reading would show "0kb transmitted" until 8am. But now I'm getting readings as large as 56-150mb per day! This is seriosuly affecting my bandwidth and I'm puzzled as to where this is coming from. I have a dual boot for Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but I always use the internet through Ubuntu only. So is there some kind of infection which is using my computer unknown to me? It could be using my computer all throught the free time, where it's activity would be concealed among the larger data transmissions being done. Only at 8am, when I disconnect, this extra data is being shown. Is this some threat or am I getting worried unneccessarily?
  20. I've already spent 4 days without doing anything useful and although all of the suggestions mentioned above are great and all, the only thing I seem to be capable of doing is "lazing around" Anyway, thanks for the suggestions everyone...
  21. Currencies keep changing every other day - if you ask me, it's best to follow the daily newspaper for such a thing Seriously though, after sometime such tools aren't that practical to use in daily life.
  22. I have heard abut sites like these before but are they really that effective? No offense but can you please give some kind of proof that this actually works?
  23. Better than PHP-Nuke? Now that's an interesting claim! It may be secure and all, but I don't suppose it can beat php-nuke in a lot of other fields. However this is worth a try so I'll give it a shot and report back with my review (not that it will make any difference! )
  24. It's common knowledge that there are transliteration tools available for most of the languages in the world. For some languages, there are one or two tools to choose from, while for others there are a lot of options. For my mother-tongue Telugu, there are a number of transliteration tools available on the net, both for Windows and Linux, but the one that I find to be most effective is the tool offered by Google. I use it in gmail and blogger, and it works far more efficiently than the rest of the tools available for Telugu.The only problem is that Google's tool is only available online and I can't run it as a program whenever I want to. Is there any way to get this? Does google allow this tool to be downloaded as a software? please tell me more about this if possible...
  25. Okay so how far have you reached on your Xisto journey so far? If your experience is good then I'll also join since I can't help but admit that Xisto is getting a little boring day-by-day!
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