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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. The answer's no, but even if it is yes it's not a problem coz t17 deserves it Personally, I don't find much use for that widget and I've never used it till now. But there may a lot of members who will put it to good use so let's not bother much about its appearance and all that!
  2. Until today I had no reason to use The Vent but today's different. It's cool to have a place like this to purge out all feelings in as many words as possible I'm not here today just because I'm angry at someone/something. I'm not even irritated. Well, maybe a little. I was daydreaming some time ago and began to think about the world and everything else. Three millenniums ago I don't know how many people existed on earth, but I can confidently say that their lives were far better than ours. Yes they fought wars and all but on the whole they were peaceful. And that was because they didn't live for money, as we do today. If I'm not wrong, the barter system was the first method which is similar to the currency system we use today. If someone wanted something, they had to exchange it with something they already had. That was the barter system.Of course due to the many loopholes, it died soon. Then slowly, coins and then paper money were introduced and the greed for money began to torment people. I'm no economist to know what will happen if all the money were to disappear from the world and people began to live without using money, but I think it is due to money that happiness is disappearing from everyone's lives. The rich people are unhappy because they're always greedy for more money and are worried about their security. The poor are unhappy because they barely get enough money to eat three meals a day. And the middle-class are unhappy because although they have the capacity to spend their money, they're afraid they might not have enough money later. It's due to the single thing called money that there is so much unhappiness in the world. Seriously, can't we live without it?! It's driving everyone crazy. Just because someone has more stacks of paper that he calls money, he thinks he is greater than those who don't have those many papers! For getting the basic necessities of life this paper comes in the way. Can't we just throw away these papers? Some people may say that money is the goal towards which everyone works for in life. It is such a bizarre goal! Why not have something more sensible? Why become machines who always look for more and more money, forgetting to enjoy life? Well I've asked a lot of questions but sadly I don't know answers to most of them. As I said before, I really can't imagine what would happen if the currency system were to suddenly be removed from the world. There would be utter chaos, I guess. So maybe we need some kind of miracle where all the money should go, but also people should realise that they can live without money, by helping each other get what they want. Oh well, that's just my thought. I know there are many loopholes in this as well, but I'll be waiting for your opinions.
  3. Do you know any foreign languages? In some countries like mine, people are required to learn more than one language to keep up with people from different regions (I had to learn Hindi and English besides my mother tongue Telugu). I know there are other countries too where people speak different languages across different states. But those can't be called foreign languages - they're within the same country! :PSo do you know any language which is not usually spoken in your country? These days it seems to be some sort of a craze to learn foreign languages with the hope of landing a plum job, or for visiting the country it is spoken in, or just simply for the fun of it.I picked Japanese as a target, because it's somewhat similar to my native language. The only thing that bothers me is the writing system, which involves over 2000 kanji (symbols). Learning those perfectly could take a lot of time :(So what are you learning?
  4. yes, better contact the support team before you go changing email addresses on your own! I've had this experience before where I tried changing my forum and xisto ids but my myCENTS wouldn't transfer to my account! That's because the support team have to manually change your account email id and until then the myCENTs will keep on getting accumulated but will not transfer at all.
  5. My first and best webhost is Xisto That said, I've read the experiences of many users who've used other web hosts, including 000. The response to this has been mixed but mostly negative. I don't want to make any wild guesses without using the service, but the general talk is that they're not so great. So i'd steer clear of such sites...
  6. Hi there eastofsorrow and welcome to the Xisto forums I hope that you have a good time over here and make a lot of interesting posts. Just make sure that they aren't one-liners and you'll do fine. And I'm sure you'll find that waiting fo get hosted will be worth it because Xisto offers the best hosting plans ever! So post a lot and you will get hosted soooooooooon!
  7. I'd recommend the sourceforge - It's a site full of open source software, not just for linux but also for windows. I've found a lot of useful lnux apps on that site.And it has a similar interface as download.com. I found that a lot of developers put their apps on sourceforge instead of their own servers. This will tell you that the site is very reliable I hope you find something interesting over there!
  8. Thanks for the list Nameless_ I'll make sure to save the list for later use. For now I have decided to use the Gonzo daily theme suggested by mahesk2k. It looks really simple and has all that I'm looking for. The theme is ok, but now the real task of blogging starts. I'm not blogging for any particular reason, but I've always wanted to keep a blog running regularly and that's something hard to do! Well let's see. thanks - this theme looks really brilliant - I think I'm not ready yet to face the issues that you mentioned, so I'll keep this on my list of themes too. Thanks for the suggestion
  9. Those are some good looking files, mahesh2k. I forgot to mention that I was looking for free themes only... The ones you suggested do look good, and I think I'll use one of them temporarily till my blog builds up. I didn't know that premium themes had such insane costs as $300-$1000 on them! All that for just a blog! The ones who buy these expensive themes might be having really good blogs or maybe they're simply wasting money
  10. I also voted "No" because in my opinion, a lot of people are getting hosted on trap nowadays, and there would simply be too many members in the group if it's activated again. So what would be the point of creating a separate group, when the almost everyone is eligible to join it? Also, it would mean a lot of work for the mods/admins because a lot of people are getting hosted daily and they have to keep on adding new people to the group daily. In such a case there wouldn't be anything special about the group, would it? That's just my opinion though. If someone has an idea for groups which are based on a similar concept but somewhat practical then please suggest them.
  11. I've just started a new wordpress blog, ditching my old blogger account and am now in the hunt for a new theme to use. The problem is that there are so many to choose from! On blogger there wasn't much choice so it was easy to pick something (ok not even one was that great to be honest!) but on WP there are over 900 themes and I don't think I have the patience to see them all!So can someone suggest me a good theme to use? I'm not looking for anything heavy but I do have some points in mind and it would be good if I got a theme like that - 1) I was thinking something along the terms of a newspaper headline - the latest post should appear on the top, not the full post but an excerpt or something like that. 2) The category links should be placed horizontally on the top instead of the vertical position found on most blogs. 3) I'm not particular about the colour, but anything light would be good.I think there won't be many themes which will meet the above conditions, but if there is a possiblity that you know about a theme like this, then please mention its name here tHaNkS for the help!
  12. As some of you may/may not know, experiments are going on to launch the world's first flying car although there's no particular estimation when the day will come where everyone owns such a car! It's nothing like the flying cars shown in movies, cartoons, etc where you can take off, land and drive as you please. This one requires that you have an airport to take off and land, and also have a pilot's license along with a driver's license! Now I wonder how popular that's gonna be. Then there's the high cost of it involved. I think for the first ten years after it is introduced, the price will be out of the range of the common man. Maybe after that it will slowly come int everyone's budget. Anyway, would you buy such a car if you could? Would you really be interested in such a contraption?
  13. Those were some very interesting words from all of you...thanks for the thoughts. I personally think watching anime is just another of the many habits that we tend to develop over time, and there isn't anything particularly good or bad that comes from it. Until now the only anime that I'm really interested in is Dragonball Z and I can watch 3-4 episodes on a stretch without getting bored. I've tried others but so far haven't found anything good. Apart from Dragonball Z the other fancy animes such as one piece, naruto, bleach, etc haven't caught my attention yet and I think that's lucky because they never seem to end! At least DBZ ended at 291 episodes - add to that the 153 episodes of the original Dragonball and the 64 of Dragonball GT, and it's still much better than the others, which seem to be running into 700-1000 episodes! I heard about an anime which supposedly had 2000 episodes!! I can't remember its name though. One of the main reasons I watch anime is to learn Japanese. For this I could watch Japanese TV which is more practical and close to reality. But anime has a special feeling that normal TV can't give. That's the main reason I prefer to watch anime is that it's relaxing and although far-fetched it does tend to entertain you!
  14. wow that's quite an impressive tutorial - it seemed easy enough to read now I have to try it out.Thanks for the initiation! I have one doubt regarding this - once we create a game using gamemaker, is it our own or will it still be the property of gamemaker? I ask because if I manage to create the game mentioned above then I would like to distribute it among friends so I hope there won't be any problem with that. Anyway, once again thanks a lot - I will be looking forward to your next tutorial Keep up the good work!
  15. Now that I come to think of it, there isn't anything that would come across as "important" to other people in my inbox. But I store some messages just as a sentiment because they might have brought a lot of happiness when they first arrived. To other they might just seem to be junk! But there's another reason apart from mail which needs to be taken care of and that is your contact list. There may not be any important mail but if there are people with who you're in regular touch then the hacker could misuse your account to contact your contacts! That would indeed be a messy situation, wouldn't it?
  16. It's 10PM over here as I'm typing this, so I think I'll wait till the morning before submitting a support ticket. The Server status link says that the EPSILON server might be down, so I'm guessing my domains are on that one. These aren't new domain names - one has been active for two months and another for two weeks - I guess you could say the second one is new, but still, it's been active for a while. And I forgot that I could park the domain instead of redirecting. It's already an add-on domain so I temporarily wanted it to point to the main domain that's why I used a redirect. Anyway, I'm too sleepy to worry about it now so I hope it'll be all cleared in the morning. Otherwise there's a strange problem on hand.....
  17. Today I upgraded my hosting account with the help of the Xisto - Support team. everything was going on fine and I added an add-on domain and tested both the main and add-on domains. That was all fine. Then I requested for google apps to be activated for my new domain and it was readily done. Then the problem started. I redirected my add-on domain to my main domain, tested them and then shut down the system. Now I'm unable to access either of them I tried my other 2 domains and they're working fine (they have their own hosting accounts) - Is this just a general downtime or did my redirection/google apps/upgrade do anything to them? I would normally wait for a while before asking such questions, but I need to perform some important tasks on my domains and I can't even log into cpanel!!!
  18. This is a rather interesting discussion - I would say it's hard to really compare these platforms since each one of them has their own set of pros and cons, their own set of great games and their own way of providing great gaming experience. If I could afford it, I would readily buy all the consoles available in the market along with an extreme gaming PC! On consoles there is no hassle of installation/un-installation and that makes it easy to just pop in the game dvd and play instantly. On PCs there is always the fear that the latest games might not work on an outdated rig.Then again, FPS games are much more enjoyable on PCs than on consoles due to the convenience of aiming and shooting with the mouse. On consoles, fighting games like Tekken are much more enjoyable than on PCs. See where this is going?These days it's common to have a PC and a console in the same house, so instead of racking our brains to figure out the better gaming platform, why don't we just enjoy the best of both the worlds and get back to gaming?!
  19. Wow I never knew that KDE had this feature - that's because I didn't use KDE for a long time. Anyway, thanks for this interesting twist to the story! And paying for something like this is somehow......not feasible
  20. well I'm not sure about the ideal package but I found out that the setup fee for the pro package is only for the LOGIC mail solution. I said I didn't want LOGIC mail and asked support to upgrade my account. I'm awaiting the final answer now and my account will be upgraded in a day or two
  21. Hmm it looks pretty good Too bad that it's not freeware and one has to pay ~$10 after 15 days of a trial. It sure looks interesting though! I wish there was something like this for Linux since that's my primary OS. I do run Windows 7 on another partition but switching for this one application isn't too practical....Still, thanks for sharing this with us BCD it's a good one and I hope many people will find it enjoyable!
  22. This is why even talking about this stuff is risky! If any innocent fellow reads all of the above posts then he would somehow get an impression that since all of these guys are saying the this is wrong, it must be cool to do it! And then even that innocent guy can get really skilled in this field and after that it depends on whether he chooses to become a blackhat or a whitehat. *sigh* I've seen many people going over to the dark side and it all started with a conversation similar to this....
  23. Those are some true things you've said rayzoredge. I agree that the learning curve for Linux is indeed a bit . But Linux offers something that no other OS can - a quick way to repair! Imagine that you've done some tinkering with the Windows registry and something terribly went wrong. Worse still, you haven't backed up your data in any way! What would you do then? There are maybe two options - use the installation disc to run "Recovery console" or re-install the whole thing, both of which take a lot of time.... On the other hand, if you commit a mistake in Linux and the system becomes unusable, you have the option to use a Live CD/DVD which brings you straight to the desktop no matter how large your problem may be (unless your DVD drive isn't working! ) From there you can have access to all your data, backup what's needed and make any repairs using a shell. I've solved GRUB problems lots of times in this manner and it never took me more than 15-20 minutes to bring my system back to normal. This, I feel, is a very useful feature of Linux...
  24. Hey Rob! It's inspiring to see a Canadian being interested in Indian classical music, when most of India's youth is slowly drawing away from the same.....ICM sure is delightful to the one who truly appreciates it and it isn't all about tablas and sitars, to be honest And there is indeed a subtle difference between Carnatic and Hindustani music, which together comprise Indian Classical Music. The basic distinguishing factor is, as you said, the region. Carnatic music is mainly confined to the four southern states of India(Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu). To be more precise, the roots of Carnatic music are from the Sanskrit language, based on which these four states get their own regional languages. Hindustani music, on the other hand, is more distinguished and though set in Northern India, has roots from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal (except Afghanistan, the other three were actually a part of India a long time ago) and hence has masters who are both Hindus and Muslims. That is the reason we have Hindu "pandits" and Muslim "Ustads" like Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, both well-versed in Hindustani music. Now the question comes as to what is the difference between the two... Simply put, Carnatic music emphasizes more on singing than Hindustani. Most of the compositions in Carnatic are sung rather than played on instruments. Hindustani, on the other hand, is a mix of singing and instrumental. There are similarities between these two forms too. According to Wikipedia, So there's something for everyone in Indian classical music. It simply soothes the mind and challenges it at times too! Yes, to learn true ICM, you have to spend time with a Guru, who's willing to teach you all he knows provided you show the dedication and talent for it. There are strict Gurus present even today in remote areas of India but most of the time, students just visit the Guru/teacher's house/class as if it were a regular school and then go back to their homes and practice. From what I know, the few people who practice ICM with true dedication find their Gurus in their parents. It's kind of hereditary... The Canadian-Indian people you're talking about (better known here as NRIs - Non-Resident Indians), well just by living away from India shows that they're not that interested in India's culture and way of life. Things need to be too comfy for them so they're seeking their livelihood so far away from home!!! so it's most unlikely that you'll find someone who truly loves ICM among the NRI community. There are a select few, but it's hard to trace them. still,it's not hard to learn anything these days...I think a few goooooogly terms should help you find something useful I'll see if I can find something as well. Oh, and I have a funny video to show you - it shows you plainly how different ICM and western music are. I'll put it up ASAP.
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