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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Well it certainly is a large setback for me for something like this to happen - now what am I going to do about playing the old PS2 games?!I'll have to buy both ps2 and 3 if I want to enjoy both generations of games, right? That doesn't really sound practical so I guess I'll have to try some other way to play PS2 games, like emulating them on PC (but that won't give the maximum experience). I don't understand why Sony took this sudden decision anyway - it was all going very well till the last model - one of the major things that set the PS3 apart from the XBOX360 was backward-compatibility and now even this feature has gone :PWell there's nothing much to do now except wait till I can afford to buy PS3 games and then I'll get the console.
  2. wow those are some good-looking frames! But could you please mention their brands? I'd like to know more about their pricing, etc. And as for the jewels, well that depends on the price, right? But that's a good idea too
  3. Hmm that does make sense - so the main advantage of the router is that I can connect to the net from anywhere in the range of the router, right? And yous say speed will get compromised - that sure is a con well anyway I'll continue my research in this are thanks for the reply!
  4. Those are some good points- while I agree that nothing beats printing on paper and storing them, putting pictures in frames and gifting them to someone is very thoughtful. I still take print-outs of my "digital" photos coz that's the best way to back them up. But here the point is about frames. In ordinary frames you only get to put one pic at a time while here there's a slideshow going on all the time. And if you ever get bored of seeing the same pics all the time it's easy to put in a fresh bunch.
  5. I don't know about everyone but the reason why I didn't answer this thread earlier was because I don't know anything about Drupal and why would I want to post about something that I don't know about - that would just confuse you and maybe even mislead you. The people who do know about this may not be replying because they may be caught up with other activities, or because they have little time to they give priorities to some other tasks, etc. Anyway, as I said earlier, I don't know much about Drupal so I can't give you any advice, but I suggest you look through some good Drupal tutorial sites so that you may find some help. Here are some sites that I found: Drupaltutorials Sitegound Drupal Tutorial Drupal Handbook Learn Druapal CMS Dtutorials
  6. I almost nearly have enough to finally buy the PS3, and ever since the price was decreased recently, I've gotten more excited. However, this page on the Sony site has got me worried. According to it, this new version of the console won't support PS2 games. At least that's what I interpreted from it. Could someone please have a look at this page (click on specifications) and confirm it, or does the line "Playstation 2 Compatability -No " mean something else? I'm worried because I will mostly be buying only older PS2 titles before being able to get PS3 ones because I want to experience some old PC games on the PS.
  7. Proxies can be used both for the good and the bad, and since people focus on the good part, they are still being made - new and new proxies are coming in daily for this reason. Let me give you an example.A long time ago, I got a one month rapidshare account. Unfortunately for me, at that time, someone from my area was trying to hack the rapidshare servers, so RS blocked access to all the users from that area! I protested, telling that I was a premium user and they had no right to block service to me, but my protest fell on deaf ears. Having no other choice, I looked for a good proxy site and after some effort, finally found one, and was able to use RS normally. In this case, I wasn't using proxies for anything bad, so the use is justified. But the reason why proxies are blocked in schools are that they give access to social networking sites, which, practically speaking, aren't supposed to be used in school time as they have lasting damage on the minds of children. Proxies are mostly harmless but in the case of schools, banning them is indeed justified
  8. This may seem to be a strange question, but I bet it's a thoughtful one. I'm not sure as to how many people do this, but I've observed many times that a lot of people tend to display a particular pose/style/fashion while talking on the phone (mobile/wired). They do this unintentionally and there's no real harm in it, except that sometimes it looks funny to others.For example, some people tend to wave their hands while talking, some, like me, just walk around the place while talking, while some keep nodding their head, etc. These habits crop up unknowingly and are hard to detect unless someone points it out to you. So, do you have any such pose/style?
  9. Rio de Janeiro has been chosen as the venue for the 2016 Olympic Games. That's pretty far, isn't it? This is the first time the Olympics are being held in a South American country. Naturally, the people over there are all excited and happy. Rio de Janeiro beat Tokyo and Chicago among other cities to successfully bid for the hosting.One funny aspect in this issue is that the US President Barack Obama went before the Olympic committee in the hope to get his home town Chicago to win. But that did not happen and the president was highly critisized fort this move of his, both by his own party and the opposition. Well this is afterall the Olympics and it's not a small mattter, right?Personally I never found the Olympics to be completely exciting. I like it because one can get to see events that aren't usually broadcast on television. Also there are some action-packed events which are enjoyable. Then there are some events which are exciting for the players but boring for the spectators. All in all, watching all the events of the Olympics isn't possible and it would really be stressful. Anyway, people from all over the world pick their facourite event(s) and have fun - that's the spirit of the olympics Beijing did a great job hosting the previous Olympics and I'm now looking forward to see what London is gonna do. I don't have much of an idea about Rio, but I heard it's a beautiful place and I think that's going to draw a lot of people in!
  10. I remember reading something about this in the papers but don't remember if it is exactly this or something else. I haven't tried editing in Wikipedia so far and don't plan to in the near future, but have always been skeptical about the articles and the people who write them. I know that most of them are true and accurate, but still the fact that anyone can edit the article makes it kind of creepy. If this new policy is really true then it will indeed be a relief but won't it also be time-taking?
  11. Everyone struggles in life for something or the other. For most of the people on this planet, that something is money. Whether they earn money to live or live to earn money is another matter, but the fact is that they struggle/work hard to earn money throughout their lives. Exceptions to this of course include philosophers, saints, etc, but let's not delve into that topic now. Since money is all that important for most of us, it somehow gives us a purpose for living, right? We work hard to earn money so that we can get whatever we like and live happily. At least that's what most people do. Then there are those people who already have a lot of money, and practically speaking, they have no need to slave for the rest of their lives in order to earn money. But they still do! They're never satisfied and are forever on a mission to earn more moolah. Often people like me day-dream and get thoughts like this: "If only I had the wealth of Mr.X. I would be satisfied and live a happy life forever!" That's a good dream but it ain't gonna happen any soon Anyway, would you be satisfied if you got a huge amount of wealth, or rather, if you became the richest person in the world, would you be satisfied? What would you do with all your wealth? Would you too think of increasing it or would you be happy with what you get and enjoy a peaceful life???
  12. That made a lot of sense - you made some good points over there. I think I'll start experimenting right away - since I don't care much about quality I think it'll be enough if all of them fit. Well I'll report back in a day or two...
  13. I fail to see why people are so let down when sites like pirate bay and demonoid go through tough times. I know users are attached and loyal to such sites, but is that the end of the road? They're forgetting the world's largest piracy site -GOOGLE! just a few search terms and you can get whatever you want, right? It's no use trying to stop people from illegally downloading media from the net, so at least let's try to cheer them up - what if demonoid's down - you still have google, cheer up!!!!
  14. It is at times like these that I feel all cosy and safe in the Linux environment - there's no fear of such viruses or most other infections. If I'm not wrong, only rootkits pose any sort of threat to linux users and that too only if the user is careless. So when worms like Conficker strike, it's best that people start to know more about Linux and switch as soon as possible. That way they'll be more safer and happier while computing....
  15. Just as everyone is settled into using the Google search engine, I'm settled into using the Firefox browser. And there are a lot of people like me - if google tries to attract us with that thing called "Chrome" then we can only pity them - coz there's not many new features and not so great performance when compared to the old fox - so there's still time for all of us to talk excitedly about chrome
  16. For both hosting and domain registration, myCENTs/real money can be used, as per your choice. The option for this can be found in your xisto account, and auto-renewal options also can be found over there.
  17. I've been wanting to start this thread since a long time but it kept slipping away from my mind. I wanted to know how a router works and how one can connect to the internet using it.I've been using broadband only for 2 years now and before that I was stuck to dial-up. That is my small-town story. But whenever I visit the city I see routers everywhere and everyone seems excited about it. I wanted to know about them but no one/no site has been able to explain in terms that this fool can understand Apart from the working process, I would like to have the following points clarified, if you please... -->Can I ditch my modem and switch to a router, using the same ISP/package?-->Will there be any significant change in speed?-->Any serious cons of using routers?
  18. That sure is an interesting figure, but what Facebook won't tell you is that almost half of those users have stopped using their accounts long ago. Most people have found out that using Facebook is a risky business so they left - but still FB counts them as well in their statistics. I guess the number of active users will be a lot less than 200 million - that's a far guess but I think that's true....
  19. This is applicable to students from all over the world. But as I said before, foreign students have to bear the living expenses, unlike the local students who already live there!
  20. Hmm I'm guessing you somehow misinterpreted my question rob - and anyway I don't like dvd menus that much, so I always convert videos to avi and play them. In this case, however, converting to dvd format is more convenient for me. I'm not too concerned about the quality - I just want to carry less DVDs around so if they all fit into 3 dvds that would be fine by me. I guess I'll wait for one more person to answer and then start experimenting...Thanks for the reply
  21. The matroska video (mkv) format is really great 'coz it allows you to compress files and keep the same video quality as the original. But for viewing it on a dvd player it has to be converted into avi, divx or just plain old dvd 'vob' format, right? I have some home videos gathering dust over the years that I want to convert to a dvd. For portability reasons I had them converted into mkv format sometime ago, and now I want to convert them into vob format to view on a dvd player (my initial idea was to convert to avi but I couldn't find a good encoder). I'm using the software "Convert X to DVD" and I have a small doubt regarding this. Once I used the same software to convert a 1gb mkv file to dvd, and it filled up the entire dvd! Now I have enough videos to fill 3 dvds, i.e. a little more than 12GB. Now while converting from mkv to dvd, will 4.7gb worth of mkv files convert to one dvd, or will they expand even more? I hope you got my point? No? I'm asking if 4.7gb of mkv files = 4.7gb of vob or will the converted size be even greater? please help me out with this....
  22. Oh that explains a lot! Now that I come to think of it, most of the games which I played were indeed ported onto the PC platform or were built for multiple platforms, so yeah that logic makes a lot of sense. And while I agree there may be some gamers who wouldn't like to have it too easy, there are others who get exhausted after playing for long hours and would like a bit of rest before the next big battle or something else. For people like those manual save points are a blessing. Some games have both automatic and manual save points so such a system would make both categories of people happy. Yup, just before the battle begins - I've seen some of my friends trying for hours to pass the chariot level, and a boss battle after that with no save point makes it very frustrating. I'm not saying there should be an option to save right in the middle of the fight; just before it and immediately after it if there were an option to save that would be a good reliever.
  23. A loss of $7 billion eh?That's too bad for good ol' Bill but I don't think it will affect him in any big way. He still has all those dollars stacked up and so not too much of a loss for him!
  24. I too have observed this trend of first building a community through blogs, websites and then trying to publish their books. It seems to have worked well for a lot of people... Thanks for the comments mahesh, but actually I was thinking of "True self-publishing", which, according to Wikipedia, means that the author bears all expenses and keeps all the profits It's truly a risky venture but sounds exciting as well...
  25. These days most games are bloated and take a long time to complete (although no one's complaining about that ) It's a good thing in a way 'coz we get to play a lot more and have some fun. But sometimes, we're stuck in the middle of an exciting situation when we need to suddenly quit the game and attend to something else urgently. What would you normally do? You'd look to save your game and then quit, right? But these days more and more games are following the trend of allotting pre-defined save/checkpoints. That means you can save your game only at that point and not wherever/whenever you like. Developers have found unique ways to implement this. For example, in the Prince of Persia (POP) trilogy, we get to save our game only when the Prince reaches a water basin/sink/waterfall. If we wish to quit in the middle of a fight, there's no other option but to play the game again from the last save point. This can get annoying at times when there's no opportunity to save, and quitting means going back to the starting of a long level. I'd like to take POP as an example again. I was playing POP:The Two Thrones and the level's name was The King's Road. The level involved a long chariot ride through many obstacles and then a boss-battle with two twins. And there was no way you could save in between! The chariot ride was a bit tough but I managed to complete it within 20 minutes. Then came the boss-battle and here it was tough - one had to figure out the strategy to beat the twins. Mere sword-slashing didn't help! I was already exhausted from playing for a long time so I wanted to quit at this point,but there was no way I could do so! If the prince died during the boss-fight he would respawn at the beginning of the fight, but quitting meant restarting from the chariot-ride all over again! Get my point? It's really frustrating in such situations, and I don't know why game deveopers seem to like this technique more. Why don't they just allow the gamers to save wherever they like?!!!
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