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Everything posted by inverse_bloom

  1. Thats a good point, strategically formed attacks on civilians isn't war. War is two opposing sides fighting for the resolve of an issue in power. There is a sharp distinction between how both games are played out. After saying that though, it is important to draw attention to where these radical Muslims get some of their guns from. Please correct me if i'm wrong, but haven't American gun companies made profit in the last 2 or so decades while these people have been turning their guns on each other?I would suspect "that" barely scratches the surface when it comes to the corruption involved, but it is important to mention it because everyone should realize America (or at the very least American gun companies) aren't totally innocent in these matters.
  2. Is this the same issue that was happening a month or so ago? Will the myCents update when the script is back online?
  3. Just tried freeBSD on VirtualBox with great success! I installed KDE and its associated dependencies from the port library. I ensured that the Network adapter for the virtual machine was set to "PCnet-PCI II (nat)". I then configured the network and then set Xorg with a general Vga driver.?Everything loaded up with out a hitch after "startkde" and the performance is not bad for a virtual machine. FreeBSD is highly stable, finally i can have a go at it, thank you very much VirtualBox.?
  4. For some women their only ambition is to be a house maker and that is totally fair enough. Likewise some woman are steered towards career goals and thats OK too. I think this a long held debate where people often believe house makers are often unappreciated which i tend to agree with. I have seen some T.V programs that demonstrate what house makers skills are worth when tending to a home with say 2-3 children and a husband during a week . It concluded that although the weekly wage would be slightly lower than the typical average wage, it wasn't far off. I could imagine it becomes a real drag for some, generally there is not much opportunity for recognized achievements and in many instances no appreciation for their efforts.
  5. Well after a little play i managed to get the Xorg VMware video chip set driver working. As it turns out, the Xorg port installation doesn't install all modules. In this case it doesn't install the VMware graphics module nor the VMware mouse module. So when you go into xorgconfig and set the video card driver as option "30", vmware its pointing to nothing. So this requires quickly getting to the appropriate directory - cd /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware and then typing "make install clean".Likewise you do something similar for the mouse driver - cd /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmmouse and then typing "make install clean".Then you go through the setup again "xorgconfigure" and set the VMware graphics card with option "30" but there is no option to set the mouse protocol type to VMWare mouse (its not in the menu).So i tried guides on the net to manually point to it through xorg.conf, no success there. Also my keyboard isn't working (102 key). From what ive gathered VMWare only has limited support for freeBSD which probably results in much wasted time by individuals trying this avenue out.I'm going to try "virtual box" next to see how that goes.
  6. Yeah PyGame can do a lot with games. Think in terms of Adobe Flash like performance. The main difference is you won't get the same level of fine anti aliasing, or the same performance with transparent vector shapes. I think i did a test once and i had up to 100 vector circles bumping around in a simulation which resulted in minimal performance loss. That was on a Pentium M 1.4 Ghz. Pygame is capable of everything you mentioned even real time strategy, but of course the level complexity of the game will impact performance. Its capability is somewhere between a Super Nintendo and a N64 (in terms of graphics). Regarding your petri dish of intelligent things, that may take some serious commitment to complete. You will probably need to get very familiar with concepts such as recursion, but also neural networks which i believe involves a lot of math symbols. Here is one link to get started - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-neural/ After saying that, i think your idea for a simulation is alluring and something Ive dreamed of being able to do for a while. BTW if you need help creating sprites i don't mind being of assistance.
  7. We have a small one contained in the wall of our house. Its an old house, whats funny though is it has to be blocked off as my mothers cats try to crawl up it to get at the birds. Before that we were in a house that had a fireplace with a metal chimney going through the ceiling. That was annoying because my dad would burn stupid things that gave off green flames and irritating gases, all for the sake of saving a buck.
  8. Usually the idea is when you are not using the battery in the laptop for portable computing you take it out at 50% charge and run your laptop from your power pack. Then once and a while you discharge them totally and recharge, then go back to 50 %. Once batteries begin to go there is not really much to do for them, you just have to go and purchase another one. I've tried the supposed freezer trick; trying to revive cells by putting the battery in the freezer for a duration. It doesn't work and isn't worth the risk.
  9. From experience i found XP pro has less BSOD errors than NT and 98. Win 98 always had to be patched and i used Norton sys utils for much of that, which were actually good at that time. Surprisingly Win 3.1 was the most stable version I have tried, but that was AFTER it had been patched up. Likewise before the patch it was supposedly prone to errors also. I've tried windows 1 i believe or something very similar (maybe pre windows 1) but that didn't have much going on to get errors. (it was pretty much good for text editing and text editing only).
  10. Slander or "Defamation" are terms you need to be careful using in public. By pinning someone as a person who has defamed your good image or reputation who hasn't done so is a legal offense in its self. This is something people definitely need to be careful of.Nice story though.
  11. Ive been spending a little time trying to get freeBSD working on VMWare workstation 6 with limited success. Ive been following this guide which has been very helpful until i started installing XORG and flux box. A link to it is here - http://www.math.colostate.edu/ED/notfound.html The first problem i seem to be encountering is when i go into xorgconfig and set the graphics card driver as "VMWare guest OS (generic)" and try "startx" after the saved config, it fails to successfully load the "vmware" module explaining that it doesn't exist. It appeared that after installing an xorg freeBSD port, it didn't install everything such as the vmware driver. (i have tried the process twice) So i tried out the steps in this - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In the setup for this it requested what monitor resolution i wanted but after saving, i had no success here either (it didn't appear to have much effect at all). So instead I set xorgconfig with a generic VGA driver. This did get me some success, i enter into fluxbox but it loads at a 640x480 resolution and then appears to respond to nothing else; but the keys to kill the x window. In the first tutorial i mentioned above, it instructed me to modify ./xinitrc to start flux box upon entering "startx" (to avoid entering a graphic console first, i'm guessing?) I re modified ./xinitrc not to do that, but i get the following error message: config/hal couldn't initialize context: null null. My idea behind this is if i could enter a visual console i may have some success playing around with vmware-toolbox. Here is a screen shot where i did have a console up, but my path quickly drifted from that point so i dont know how to get it working again. So i'm a bit stumped where to go from here without confusing the matter. My aim is to get into a GUI of some sorts and flux box is much easier than installing gnome apparently. What i guess has happened here, is i have a non-recent version of freeBSD (6.3 not 7.2), when it goes to fetch xorg and flux box from the net it's installing a non-compatible version. If that wasn't the case then i'm confused because i have followed these tutorials to the letter. I haven't got the mouse working with xorgconfig as the intellipoint drivers for my USB Microshaft mouse dont recognize it. Despite that id even be happy to just get the trackpoint working and that could be ok, since i found a link explaining how to manually edit xorgconfig to allow this - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Can anyone help me get some GUI action happening? The main difference between freeBSD and linux in this instance is freeBSD's usage of "linux ports" which are available from their site. Has anyone successfully installed freeBSD 6.3 on a virtual machine be it VMware, MS Virtual PC 07 or Virtual Box?
  12. Maybe its a joke? My dad sometimes complains about such people, often it may be an individual from some remote part of the world that astounds you with their unique ability to be stupid. Usually it has something to do with their evidently severe lack of perspective or short sightedness. For instance their are some Americans (a minute few) who believe Australians have a unique kinship with Germany. ?Regarding your goats what do you use them for? pets?, lawn mowing? or are they good for their meat or wool?
  13. If it wasn't so dangerous it would be a little funny (playing chess with the dog in such a manner). You might have no option but to tie him up for a while while you tend to things and then come back to give him some attention. What a cheeky rascal.
  14. I remember an article contained in an edition of Scientific American about a year or two ago where they proposed a valid plan to convert America's main source of energy to that of solar. The plan was hypothetical but very well thought out. It basically had a plan to have this equipment occupy a portion of America (Nevada possibly? I cant remember) it would cost 50 billion U.S dollars to implement over something like 20 - 50 years.It would have an initial outlay and then the American population would contribute like an extra percentage of some thing like 50 % on top of their electric bill, for the project to continue to grow. The argument was that the cost associated with the plan would get cheaper as more and more infrastructure was put in (as it has less maintenance costs then current sources of energy). The result of the 20 - 50 year period would result in cheaper electricity bills for cleaner energy. In light of the current economic debacle, id anticipate people would only scoff at such an idea. But when things pick up we may very well have a responsibility to ourselves to take up these sort of sustainable initiatives. If some scientists are to be believed, we have already reached the point where damage cannot be undone, if that is true how far will we go till our own demise is irreversible in the next millennium?@ rvalkass post 5 - Yeah i know what you mean, but i was thinking more in terms of a stringently controlled group. Say you have a collection of scientists, physicists, mathematicians, geologists, economists etc lead by leading thought experts. Their aim would be to filter through all current information and disregard any information that doesn't come close enough within a certain "objective threshold". By that i mean if it doesn't seem like it will form objective data then disregard it.This is not necessarily to see what individual hypothesis and research are valid but only to form an answer the big question "how much harm are contributing to climate change". Just an "indication" we cant form exact conclusions, but more so a "good idea" based on what we do know so far. But it is politics that gets in the way of this happening, for one thing such a project may be considered by some as a waste of money just answering such a simple but crucial question.
  15. Yeah NotePad++ is a great little app i use that one as well. It contains syntax highlighting, numbered lines and you can tab easily between multiple files. What more can you ask for? i mean it is only creating/editing HTML, CSS and possibly PHP where talking about here.
  16. Yeah M8 i can see a good improvement with the gradient on my monitors you should stick with it. It's not meant to be particularly noticeable to people, trust me if you make a site with very subdued tricks like that people "wonder" why it is very good. I like the shift of your nav bar towards the left. It makes the top portion asymmetrical rather then symmetrical and therefore adding interest to the design tastefully. Regarding the text in the middle, you could still keep things liquid and make sure that when the browser is set to medium sized text it displays around 8 words per a line at a resolution of 1024 x 768 and whatever that results in higher resolutions so be it. I guess there is always a trade off to be had, personally for my site in its existing state i choose to make everything absolute, for the trade off that i know that the text is a little too large for the design and the design will look small on a 1600x1200 monitor. Although for my site i'm considering the advantages of having it liquid so... its kind of half and half. Really you kind of got to give people what they want so liquid will be the way to go perhaps. Regarding your side bars i agree with nameless, maybe they could be enlarged by 10 -15 pixels to accommodate an extra small word in them. Either that or reduce the text in the boxes to 80 %, it depends what content you plan to put in them if this is a valid choice or not. See your the 3-4 pixel lines on your vertical borders? they are an interesting element in your design. Id suggest playing around with them a little, you could consider resizing them an additional 100 % for stronger effect. Or resizing them an additional 200 % and making the color lighter. It depends on what you want to achieve I dont know if you have noticed it but the height and width of your top banner space in conjunction with the blue tabs on your side bars, make elements in the design look horizontally prominent. That is perfectly fine but you could balance it out with thicker vertical bars (your choice). A vertically prominent design psychologically suggests authority and power whilst horizontally prominent designs indicates stability. By changing the width of those vertical bars, you will shift the balance between the two seeking the "right" spot where you want it. A good example illustrating this is in the typical law establishment imagery where you see it has strong vertical "and" horizontal lines arranged and grouped in a certain way - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. That is very interesting but not totally unexpected. I guess that "is" the problem as rvalkass said "who knows which model to believe until we already know the answer". I guess the question this brings up for me - Do we as a world society have an organization focused on sifting through the B.S to come to some solid conclusions regarding all evidence and ideas already put forth?. The way it seems now, it is predominately people putting forth all these hypotheses with their own agendas, which ultimately drags us away from a clearer answer and is actually in a way counter productive. Surely we must have enough information today to make a heavily weighted decision, to decide how much effect we have on climate change. If the world population are given the truth in a "clear" answer, then the optimist in me says that they would take that on board whatever it may be. Too much politics is involved on this subject "of all things" and "could" be a fatal mistake for society.
  18. Just a regular doctor should be able to help you and if they cant, they can refer you onto someone else (like a dietitian).
  19. Yeah i agree with everything Anwii said, you really need to have a look at the problems he has brought up. I'd suggest going to a lawyer to get your "terms of agreement" written up for you. If you don't do this it could lead you to failure and possible financial implications in the future....You've got to really grasp that your current level of confidence isn't the only thing necessary to accomplish business success. There is always unforeseen hard work involved where you cant or should not take any shortcuts. You should already know that 80% of start up businesses fail, what are you going to do ensure your not in that group?I hope you have already constructed your business plan, this shouldn't be thought of as redundant paper work, but a plan to read and follow throughout the course of business operations. I hope you do succeed, but i question if you are prepared enough... You should realize the "full depth" of research involved in kicking of a business, have you thought of what will happen if someone tried to take your business name? have you adequately covered yourself with already?Do you have business insurance? and a mentor to help guide you?You really need to look at these if you are to succeed, what you must also know is even if you do offer the best service there is a certain element of "luck" that is needed. You need to be lucky to get good success, you give people what they want at the right "time".Any way hope you do well, you might need to just take a deeper look at some things.
  20. I don't think your in the weight range that doctors deem to be healthy. If i remember correctly it starts at somewhere near the weight i described i was (68 kg) to like 10 kilos over that, otherwise your not really on target.Ice cream isn't healthy and i'm by no means offering professional advice here, though if i were in your position thats definitely what I'd do. I'd have 1/4 of a kilo of ice cream a day for a week, if that doesn't do much than half a kilo a day. Metabolism is a process where your body processes food to gain energy, nutrients and protein for your body. Some people naturally take all these up fast, some take it up much more slowly. If i were hazard a guess, you would have a fast metabolism. Do you feel extremely hungry sometimes if you forgo a meal during the day?If you do that is a good indication. Otherwise a doctor should at least be able to give some good suggestions, or alternatively a dietitian. You should be looking to eat slow digesting goods such grains, oatmeal, multi grain bread, Basmati rice i think...The slower the better, i only suggest ice cream as a short term solution. Likewise i find pasta a better source of energy than some of the slow digesting foods i mentioned just before (but that is only me). Sugar is only good for quick energy hits, sometimes if ingested in excess quantities it is stored as fat, but that doesn't seem to be happening in your case. A doctor may be your best alternative.
  21. That sounds a bit of a serious issue to me. You obviously must have very fast metabolism. I was (and am) about the same height as you. At your age (19), i think at my absolute lowest i weighed about 68 kg. Pasta foods are a good way to gain weight and reasonably cheap too. You put in a slice of cheese, a sprinkle of chives, a little salt and you've got yourself a decent meal. Also how much protein is in your diet? Maybe you should look at having some more sausages or steak in your diet.Although you exercise at the moment (which is a good thing), i think your rate of metabolism would negate positive results from such actions. Your metabolism could very well be eating away at your muscle cells, if that is the case then you will have a hard time creating new muscle cells. Get your dad to buy you ice cream and give him the reason why, that is a food i believe any one would have trouble keeping their weight down on. It may give you some fat stores in your body so you can work from there. By the way FoulGilang, 19 years old ain't a boy, your a man!
  22. You should go for that one, to be honest when i look at these things, i consider points in this order - the graphics card, the CPU speed, how well the particular computer is reviewed and finally the make.For that reason I personally favor Asus. The biggest good point i can see about the Mac Book above is it has a respectable graphics card in it. (well compared to anything i have).Also with Mac you are guaranteed good build quality! But acer may not be bad, they can sometimes surprise you.
  23. @ rob86 post 5Pirate Bay may be offering some of their treasure to officials to look the other way at the moment. All these torrent sites being brought down, i won't know what to do with my self.
  24. Some people can really surprise you sometimes. He was obviously in a state of panic, which affected his ability to think. But who knows maybe there is some detail that wasn't mentioned about the incident, maybe he wasn't getting sufficient sleep.Maybe some sort of drug? Or maybe he "was" a bit of a lack wit, who knows.
  25. I don't go much for sugar unless its in a drink. For some reason i love soda's or flavored milk, ever since VERY young. My mum used to put flavored banana milk in my baby bottle when i wouldn't drink anything else.
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