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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. In comparision to a restaurant you can always cook good, nutritious and cheap food out at your home. So prefer cooking your food at your home. Try to make bread and have it with some cereals cooked well and add some fruits and vegetables in your diet so that it will become good, tasty and nutritious. If you would like some recipies of indian foods then you can through my topics they include some.
  2. With your post its not clear that which type of update do you want in your site, more over it is also necessary to be known that what is your site about. So if you can explain it all out here then only it will be possible for anyone to explain and suggest you on the relevant topic.
  3. My dear friend never spam out here. Otherwise you will get warnings. Always try to post on a relevant topic and be aware of your words. Always try to post good quality posts only.? Don't ever use bad and abusive words. Your contents should not be based on sexually explicit matters. You should not promote illegal matters out here.? You should not promote or advertise illegal sites or sites with illegal materials like porn sites etc.? So be careful dear.
  4. Cost wise dear friend you can trust on ebay I think. And about the brand etc. of processor and card it will be typically depending on your need. So you consolidate your need and then decide to buy the one suitable for you. Mainly you should concentrate on the graphical needs of yours to decide on which processor you would like to buy. I prefer buying any hardware from local vendors in spite of on internet. As far as guaranti and replacement concept its better to depend on local vendors. Best of luck for your search.
  5. I will be trying to watch the live telecast. Obvious the time factor matters a lot as our time zone differs from yours with about 10 hours but even though try to watch. As it is the first time when Americans voted for better person and not on the basis of caste and creed. That will be a history in Americans life. And not only Americans are but many other countries who are having good relationships with America is appreciating this decision of American people. I think you are eagerly waiting for this day isn't it.
  6. Friends I want to know some sites where I can download some really free CSS templates for my new website. If possible I want the templates in such a condition where the designer or the developer don't want their link at the bottom of the web page. I mean to say that I don't want to show on the web site that it is designed or developed by some one else. So if you can please help me dear friends. Thank you very much in advance.?
  7. Dear friend go for a Nokia. As its my personal opinion that Nokia rocks in all sections when it comes to a complete mobile. Your preference is not bad that is Nokia E71. So best of luck my dear friend for your search for a good mobile.
  8. I really think its tourchering to use browsing in mobile. Its very slow. And the addition is that its expensive too. So personally I don't prefer to browse on mobile Once I tried it and it was so heavy on my pocket that I stoped it imediately. So friend thats it about it which I know. So my suggetion is don't go for it.
  9. India has many places to be visited and people out here are really friendly. There are many places here for tourism. So I don't think earthquakes etc. will be effecting a lot to indian tourism. Obviously if even it effects it will be for a short period only.?
  10. Thanks for such a good information about such a beautiful places in the world. Obviously I liked the pics provided by you in the post. They really show how beautiful the pace is. As I am an Indian I have heard about beautiful places in Nepal, and would really love to visit there once. I have a lots of Nepali friends too. As Nepalis are really friendly people and piece loving people. Thanks again.?
  11. Even I was interested in buying one gaming console for myself and was after reading it I think why not give it a chance. As Sega is having one of the top place in this place in this field. So thanks for the information.
  12. Thanks dear friend it was really good one even I have downloaded some for my new website. There are plenty out there and I have to surf them all. They are really good some of them, I have seen at some other sites but others are really good ones.
  13. 404 error is encountered on the link to be opened and web site is not opened.?
  14. I think its a good one just try to change the menu style and please work on the colours more. So that it could become more catchy and good looking.
  15. Dear friend you don't have mentioned about the website have you completed the work of the website. What is the name of your Website. Please do mention these details so that I could be sending the pics. And also give the way to send or upload the pics.
  16. Dear friends I have a problem on the meaning of CSS. What is CSS. Is it a Language. How can we develope CSS based pages. Is there any free softwares for CSS concept.? Please help me on the above points. Thanks in advance.?
  17. Dear friend its showing 404 error in my browser I don't know why have you changed the page name or something like or you are no more hosted or what.?
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (normal) is good one I think. As it looked more proffessional and good looking. I think you don't have added credits below the site or copyright details etc. Rest every thing is cool. I think you can also work more on colours. Rest every thing is cool.?
  19. Dear friend I was travelling to North India the journey was for about 2 days. Unfortunately I forgot to take my books along with me to be read in the journey. But as I was sitting idle one of a co passenger said that he have some magazines if I would like to read. I thought to pass the time it was good. I borrowed one and it was a magzine based on criminal true stories. Oh it was a real torture for me. As the stories were not vanishing from my mind and I dragged all those thoughts for about 5 days. Never want to read crime stories any more.?
  20. Dear friend if you are really good at developement and you can design your own catchy design then I think you should always go for your own design. Otherwise readymade free stuff may be considered. The only thing with readymade designs are that you have to compromise a lot on. Obviously designing and developing your own site is a time consuming deal and takes a lot of time. But obviously the results are really customized and unique.?
  21. Dear I have heard a lot about it and what it to add to my site also. And sure about the payment as my friends have received their payments in time obviously they enquire in full about your personal details. But heard it positive about them.
  22. Dear friend welcome back and I should say that your work might be very interesting isn't it. I hope you are enjoying your work and having fun in the industry where you are. A very happy new year to you dear.
  23. Again a good piece of information for all. By the doubt remains as it is that what is the source of this information. Will you be able to disclose it. If so it will be beneficial for all.?
  24. I don't know why dear friend my browser is not able to load the site. May be some problem out there.?
  25. Dear friend raghav welcome to Xisto you are at the right place just concentrate on quality posts and earn good mycents and for that you can buy any plan provided by Xisto - Support. Any problems faced by you will be solved by the mods and admins out here in really a helping and friendly manner. Best of luck for your future. A very happy new year 2009.
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