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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Welcome to Xisto and I would like to say that be fair to your self and your partners and try to follow a mid way apart from being on either side. Try to convince them upon the other and slowly see whether they are comfortable with each other. And if it is so then you are going to be successfull other wise I don't know what to do.?
  2. Dear friend first of all welcome to Xisto and a very very happy new year to you. By the way I am really impressed with your views on the topic and agree fully with you. Just saying may be flirting many a times and so its true that you should have the real caring feeling for your partner.?
  3. In todays busy life and a world with so much of competition its very difficult to find a good friend to share your views in a real manner. If you get such a partner on net then what is wrong in it. Whether you meet the person or not. After all meeting is also for communication then its ok on net. Very very normal. I should say.?
  4. If such a love emotionally satisfies you then its really really cool and otherwise its just the waste of your time. The matter here is of satisfaction emotional obviously. Every problem arises due to the lack of satisfaction and due to which people indulges in wrong things for themselves and if satisfied then this life will be like living in heven. Thats it dear friend.
  5. Dear friends with help of this forum I was able to make php pages for my website. So first of all thank you very much for the help done by you. A very happy new year 2009 to you all out there.?I have one more problem out there and I would like some help from your side.?For example I have two fields in a table. name and age. I would like to have form in which I should be permitted to select the age and name and only those items in the mysql table which matches those critarias should be displayed in the rest of the page bellow. Please help me dear friends.?
  6. Thank you friend for such a help ful link but frankly speeking I am not able to open that page is there any mistake in the address. Please check it if its true then it is going to help many over there.
  7. I craig that means I am talking to a DJ right now and I would like to welcome to Xisto. One suggestion if acceptable why don't you start your own internet radio station. If I am not mistaken I don't think it needs a huge investment. By the way best of luck for your search. Dear I will search for you and obviously if I find some good ones then will pm you or post it right here. A very happy new year 2009 to you.
  8. Yes strongly believe that it is a science obviously not an applied science but otherwise. And due to which many a people don't have faith in astrology. But on the other hand I would like to add that if we are going to trust it blind foldedly then it will be imposible for us to live normally. We will then indulge in behaviours which are otherwise treated as abnormal.
  9. Dear friend it was due to some problems in mycents system. Even now I have lost some earned dollars still don't know why. Last time when it occured it was only the mycents which was effected and this time its effecting the earned dollars also. Lets hope for the best and wait for some time to let it rectified.
  10. I think you should go for exercise instead of cursing your long term relations and blaming it for your weight gain. With your age you become fat if not taken care of as you reduce the time given to exercises etc. Other wise I don't think relations should be blamed for it.
  11. Well it is difficult to be answered as it depends. Personally I like php with mysql. It may be possible that in a future time I might be using ASP.net for some or the other reason but right now its only php. Thats it.
  12. For me its cricket which is the best to be watched sport I think. And on the other hand Chess is the most boring sport to be watched. But when it comes to playing I love chess.?
  13. To some extent I support your statement that it is the king of the sports. It is very famous and popular in our country too. But now a days cricket is taking its place in popularity. But still now it needs a huge amount of strong stamina in comparision to other sports in that context it is really the king.
  14. If you really don't like phpbb then try smf I think it will satisfy your needs. If I am not mistaken then it is customizable also. So if you want then you can give it a different look too. Best of luck for your search.?
  15. Even I was registered with them and had really bad experience I tried a lot for the Ip confirmation activation but the downloaded programm didn't work and I was not able to use their services. Thats it.
  16. Don't worry dear as you said he is your boy friend so you would be knowing his likings and dislikings. And if it is so then for some times just stick to his likings and avoid his dislikings. So that he should feel good with you and start loving you again. Best of luck for your future.?
  17. I think liking of a girl and a boy is not just the matter of hight only. Many other factors counts here. Just having a good height and physique and having a bad beviour will call a negative approach from girls. So if you are good in other factors I mean to say if you have other strong features with you and in your personality then just be bold and be confident.?
  18. Yes my dear it is a trend now a days I think. May be due to lack of good stories the movie makers are turning to good books and trying to convert them into a movie. Obviously it depends upon the group of the movie makers as to how successful it will be to convert a good book into a good movie. Obvious if the group lacks in any field like screen play , music, direction, editing etc. Then I think it will be messed up. And the whole flavour of the book will be destroyed.
  19. Yes I agree with you dear friend. Even I have tried internet for sometime on mobile but it was so expensive for me to aford that I droped the facility and prefered to get the facilities from other sources except mobile phones.?
  20. Dear friend two of my senior colegues have motorola razor phones and as you said they are really wider than my phone. A lot wider I should say. Obviously as they are making it extreamly thin they have to cover all the components in it isn't it. And because of that it becomes extreamly wide. And thats the reason why it is so. But I don't think that it is a practical thing to be accepted. Personally I prefer a small phone need not be thin but should have good features.?
  21. Dear friend I don't have a mobile with TV personally but two of my friends have it. And its some chinease brand which they own. I chinease mobiles are very cheap and easily available with many new techniques covered in it. The only thing which I think is they sacrifice the quality a lot.?
  22. Dear friend obviously it is a good idea. I think you should give such a good suggestion to the ?admins. So that they would think about it seriously.?
  23. Dear friend only go for a nokia. Its my personal experience. If you have no problem regarding the budget then you can go for expensive one. But don't prefer any other brands just go for a nokia.?
  24. Dear friend I think if you want to sustain well with your friendship then you should avoid money matters with them. I have many a times experienced that some of my best friends are not my friends now just due to this money matters and partnership business etc. Obviously many are successfull in their ventures and thats due to the reason that they are really very patient and if you have lots and lots of patience then only you be successful in such ventures. Otherwise it will end in a vein.?
  25. Dear friend since last many years I have made many resolutions every year but unfortunately I was not able to complete it or fullfill it. But this year I would like to take a resolution which I could be able to stick on. I would like to spend more time with my family. Last year I was not able to do so. I would like to change my habbit of yelling upon others just for small things. I would like to get up earlier, at least earlier than last year as I did.? Happy 2009 to you.?
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