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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friend of mine you are right in saying that unconditional love is the perfect one and I think everybody will be accepting this without any conditions. And what I think only mothers love with her child is the most unconditional love which is devine. Rest I think for every love some conditions are being related with in different writings and sayings. So it was a good title dear friend.?
  2. You are absolutely right my dear friend. Without commitment from both the partners it is impossible for any relationship to be successful. If only one partner is commited towards the relationship then it should be called as a one sided relationship and nothing else. So agree with you completely and you are 100 percent correct in your statement.
  3. Dear friends whenever I have small bit of quarrel with my dearest wife I wandered whether there is any person in this world who never fought with his wife or who never had a small bit of quarrel with his wife. Obviously I love my wife the most in this world but even though many a times we quarrel a bit and afterwards when think about the reason for the quarrel it seems to be very silly so dear friends I want your experience on the following-1. How much you love your wife.2. Are you the one who never have had a quarrel with your wife.3. If not then which was the incident when you quarreled with your wife and afterwards felt very bad about what you have done.?Thanks dear friends for your replies in advance.?
  4. Dear friends I am designing my website and having a problem with designing a mono that is I want to write the name of the website in artistic ways and obviously would like to design a mono for my site. I am very much impressed with the image and mono used by XPRESS. So any one who can help me and suggest the softwares to be used for such monos. Thanks in advance dear friends. Please help me as it is urgent.?
  5. Thanks friends as even I was looking for some good editor for php codes and I think I will be helped and benefited with it a lot. Thanks again.
  6. Yes dear friend google earth or any other utility as such which is being started for good in this world, are in one way or other misused by the evil people out there wheather they are terrorists or any other person or organisation who don't enjoy living in peace and don't even let others live in peace, what to do people with such bad tendency will be there in one ways or the other.
  7. My dearest friend I dont know you or your locality but I thinks entirely differently from you. Parents are supposed to be worshiped according to our Indian culture we touch their feet early in the morning as soon as we get up. It may be possible that the situation faced by you is entirely different. As concerned to me I have never seen my parents shouting at each other I mean to say I can't even think of such a condition. Even my father or mother have never shouted on me or my brother unless and untill we have really commited something very wrong.? As one of my friends here in this topic said that at least you have your parents with you, its really true my dear friend as their are millions of people out there who don't have their parents with them and we are going to ask the importance of parents to them, I think they will be the one who are going to explain it really in a better manner. So concluding my point I should again say that parents should be worshiped, they are the god on earth for anyone concerned. That's it my dear friend.?
  8. I think it may be due to some other reason as I am connecting it daily and I don't have any problem and I believe it is the best with its services the only thing is that the number of spams increases my account continuously it may be because it is the most successful one so spammers are active out there.?
  9. Dear friend unfortunately I was having a really bad experience with them I have started my host previously out there but within some days I dont why the account was currupted or what I don't know what but its completely not working now. So I would not like to prefer it any more as not even trustworthy.
  10. Dear friend if you don't feel comfortable with the person and obviously if his or her company disturbs you then it is clear that you don't love a person anymore. Its obviously my own views it may differ from others.?
  11. Hi dear friends good evening how are all of you. Hope doing well with your health and fitness so here are some more tips for you people out there. 1. Today the first point which I would like to mention is that while eating many a times we don’t take care about the tendencies of the food items. So food items with opposite tendencies should be avoided and should not be preferred. Here I mean to say that these type of foods should not be taken together. For example you should not take banana and butter milk together.?2. Just after your meals don’t do hard and heavy work like running, exercise, intercourse etc. obviously you should go for a small walk, that will be good.?These tips which I have posted out here are really good will not cost anything extra to you and will keep you fit and healthy. So dear friends be healthy and fit.?
  12. Hello dear friends always try to follow the tips given bellow and it will cost you nothing and help you a lot in healthy living. 1. Before going to bed in the night wash your legs with cold water it will result in sound sleep. Obviously my dear friends if you have a tension in your mind then please don’t blame me as no tips will work in such condition.?2. In a week at least two times go for a massage and it will increase and make the blood circulation proper. And will keep you active.?Don’t forget these tips dear friends and I know you will be benefited a lot due to these.?Bye for now and I will be back soon with more of them.?
  13. Dear friends a very good and healthy morning. Ready for more useful tips. Obviously I know your answer will be a big yes. Then what are you waiting for be ready and get started here are your tips for today. As always two of them again. 1. Many of might be loving delicious and spicy food items isn’t it. But dear friends to be healthy regular intake of such food items is not a good thing for you. So always avoid consuming more salt and more spices in your food items. So be very careful about this tip and follow it as soon as possible.?2. Consuming lemon, ginger and goose berry in any form in your diet will keep you fit and healthy for ever. So try to consume those daily at least once. So follow these tips and be healthy always.?So my loving dear friends I will be back very soon and provide you with more cool tips for your healthy living.?
  14. Hello healthy people out there and obviously health conscious friends of mine here I am again with more tips and tricks for a healthy and fit body. So are you really ready for more of them, obviously yes so here they are. 1. Always remember one thing not ever be angry with anybody as being angry secretes a hormone which results in higher an increased heart beats. Which in turn is not good for your health. So always be conscious about this fact and don’t ever be angry with others.?2. One more very useful point and tip to be followed but before that I would like to know whether any body who wants to be old very soon. I know your answer will be a clear-cut no. So to avoid old age problems do one thing regularly and that is take the juice of wheat plant and have it daily. It will make you very fit and healthy and all factors resulting in old age will run away from you and you will always be active and smart.?So friends bye for now please allow your friend SKN to leave and I will be soon back with you all with more healthy and good tips.?
  15. Hello friends good morning from your Indian friend out here. Liking my tips or not hopefully yes isn’t it. By the way here are some more for your better health and fitness. 1. Before going to bed in the night have a glass full of milk with a spoon full of ghee in it and three spoon of honey in it. Intake of this preparation daily will keep you healthy and fit for life. Actually these tips given out here by me are typically tested and proven and with no side effects so follow them and be happy. If you have any doubt about any of these tips them you can ask me.?2. In the night you should always sleep for about 6 to 8 hours. Because a complete and sound sleep not only keeps you fit and healthy but also active. Moreover it is also necessary for health of your eyes.?So my dearest friends out here bye for now and don’t forget to follow these tips to be healthy and fit. And enjoy your life in full. See you soon with more of them.
  16. Hello my dear health conscious friends out there. A very good healthy morning. As I am attending yoga classes for last many years and what ever tips my instructors gave me for last many years I followed them and I would like you all to follow them and be healthy so as I did in my previous healthy tips posts I am going to post two more tips here.1. Always include fibrous food items in your diet and which will in turn make your intestine stronger and improve your digestive system a lot. That’s why don’t forget to include such food items in your diet.?2. Always drink clean and fresh water as much as you can its always a healthy practice and it will improve your digestive system.?So dear friends good day for now see you soon with more tips on healthy living.?
  17. Good morning friends how is your day today after posting the last post I remember some more tips regarding diet and today I would like to share them with you all. So they are –1. Always try to have fruits in your breakfast, fruits are healthy nutritious and keeps you active the whole day. So fruits as your break fast is always very beneficial for you.?2. The next important and healthy thing to be included in your breakfast are sprouted seeds, grams and beans. Sprouted break fast are a good source of vitamin E.So friends that’s for today and in this post hope you all enjoyed and be benefited by these tips. Follow them and be healthy.?
  18. Hi friends I am back with more tips on healthy living. Frankly speaking do you liked the previous ones, which I have posted here, hope you did and here are some more of them. 1. Today I would like to mention some tips about your diet and main point to remember is that your diet should be light and nutritious, in other words you should follow a balanced diet. In your diet you should include fruits, salad, pulses, cereals, and all types of vitamins. If you are in your older age then heavy diet should always be avoided.?2. Always be aware that you should not take meals more than two times in the whole day. That is to say apart from your break fast you should only have meals two times. Less eating and forgetting your sorrows always helps in healthy living.?Friends I am off now hope you all will follow these tips and be healthy. I will be soon back with two more of such tips which will benefit you a lot. So bye for now.?
  19. Dear friends here the points or tips suggested by me are based on the tips provided by our yoga classes and those sugested and said by our gradma. Many a tips I have heard are really successful and are scientifically proven. Some of them are from Ayurveda not precisely quoted from ayurveda but what I have heard ayurvedic doctors suggesting in the yoga classes, when they are taking seminars obviously such renouned doctors are not going to lie. Moreover friends my postings regardings these tips are going to be a book to be written by me on homely remedies for little ailments. Don't worry about it being? scientific. It is scientific. Moreover talking about the restaurants serving glass of water. I have never said you should not use water in between meals at all but the amount should be very less during meals and meals you should wait until half an hour before having water. So friends there are many waiting by and I will be posting more of it. And thank you very much for such an intellectual discussion over those tips. But again I should say they are tested in time and proven. They will never harm you or so in just trying them. Again I should say the results of following those tips may vary from person to person. Thanks my dear friends and hope you will discuss on other posts and tips posted by me on healthy living.?
  20. Dear friend yes you can install two operating systems on one system. But normally it is not good to install two operating system on one partition. But as you want it to be installed on the second hard disk I don't think you will be having any problem in it. But what is your purpose of installing it on the second drive I think it is not clear. So unless and untill it is necessary to do so don't go for it. One more think be very carefull while doing it as a small mistake may result in loss of data etc. So best of luck dear friend.
  21. Dear friends today as before and always I would like to share the recepie of a delicious curry and that is Paneer Butter Masala which is also known as Butter Paneer Masala. It is an Indian dish. In looks it is having a bright orange color. It looks smooth, creamy and obviously a light buttery flavored. It is basically a North Indian dish. It is one of the very popular and obviously delicious main course food items in India. To prepare it fresh paneer cubes are simmered slightly with a rich buttery onion-tomato sauce and spices. To prepare Paneer Masala the Ingredients are as follows: I really love these melt-in-the-mouth tender cubes of paneer, appealing velvety texture and colour, obviously talking about its flavor butter paneer masala is delicious with rotis, salad. I really love the color, texture and taste of this delicious curry. I hope that you people out there will love it and obviously try it at your home. Best of luck. Notice from truefusion: Quoted section appears to be paraphrased from http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=womenzworld&e=com
  22. My dear friends out there a very good morning to you all. How is your day today. So here are some more tips for a healthy and prosperous life. 1. Drink a glass full of water one hour before your meals and just before your meals drink just a bit water. Don’t drink a lot of water in between your meals only drink a bit water two times in between your meals. As they say drinking water before meals is meditative, in between meals acts as water and just after meals water acts as poison (here this word is used in sense that drinking water just after meals will harm your digestive system).?2. Have your meals without any tension in your mind. Be happy while taking your meals. And after half an hour of your meals have a glass full of butter milk or milk it will be very beneficial for your health and fitness.?So that’s it for now dear friends. I will be back soon with more of them to benefit you with a healthy body and mind.?
  23. Dear friends are you following the tips given by me now a days for you people out there to be healthy and fit. Then obviously you all be healthy and fit now isn’t. As in the previous posts also I have given you two tips each and this time again I would like to give you two more tips. Obviously hope that you all will be benefited with these tips. 1. After taking bath meditate for some time and try to concentrate on what you are doing or have done. Meditation is a good medicine for your brain and body. As it is proven and tested for years now so meditating after bath will help you a lot. Meditations are of many types You can follow any time of meditation which you feel comfortable in. Follow this tip and be healthy.?2. After taking bath if possible and if available if you chew at least two leaves of NEEM then it will be beneficial for your body in many ways. NEEM has the quality of killing the germs and it also has the quality to reduce your fats in your body. So following this tip will also benefit you a lot, obviously I know very well that it is very difficult to get NEEM. In many areas it is difficult to find these trees that’s why I have written above that if possible as the rest are possible I know it and even you know it very well.?That’s it for now dear friends hope you will love these tips and will try to follow them for a healthy and fit body and health.?
  24. Good morning dear friends. I hope all of you have benefited with my tips on healthy living. Here are some more for your healthy life and fitness. 1. Before going for a bath do some exercise or yoga. If it is not possible for you to follow this then you can go for a walk in the fresh air. This will help you with lots of oxygen intake and will make you more active and healthy. Please not one thing that if you are going for a heavy exercise then please do it under proper coach other wise instead of benefiting you it may harm you. So follow this tip to be healthy and be happy.?2. Before taking bath if you have a massage of your whole body with oil (mustard oil etc. ) will help you a lot in being healthy and fit. Massage actually helps in improving blood circulation of your body. So try it and be benefited.?So dear friends that’s all for now hope you all will follow these tips or try to follow these tips and be benefited with it. If you have any doubts you can send a personal message to me. So god bless you and stay healthy and fit.?
  25. Hello friends I am back with more tips for an healthy and prosperous life. Actually speaking now a days I am reading books a lot and collecting more and more tips on healthy life so that not only me as well as people concerning me should be benefited by those tips. 1. After brushing and cleaning your tongue wash your eyes with cold water. Doing so will improve your eye site and weakness if any in your eyes will be minimized and reduced. I personally am following this rule for about last many years and at this age of mine I am having a 6/6 eye site on both the eyes. This is the result of a checkup made today itself with all the advanced machines. So please follow this rule and I am sure you will also be benefited with it as I did.?2. After brushing your teeth don’t use tea as tea contains tannin and other chemicals which is not good for your health. Instead I think you should use a glass full of cold water with a half lemons juice in it, which will benefit you a lot.?Follow these tips and I am sure you all will be benefited and flourish in a healthy way in this world.?
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