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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends I know the program to play a .swf video and we can handle the filename from MYSQL as a field, retrieve it by using PHP and use it to play the specified video.?? ? ?But I faced a problem recently and that is - I would like to save some video files in a folder say "vid" then want to play them one after another. The file names here may be saved in a MySql database.?? ? ? More over if possible I would like them to stream at a fixed time say 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. That is to say the videos or video should automatically start playing at the server side and end playing at 9 p.m. If possible it could not be interupted by any user. Please help me if possible. Thanks in advance dear friends.?
  2. Dear friendsI know the program to send emails using php. But I always wonder how,? companies provide the facility to send free SMS through their sites. Can you people help me with some codes in PHP which can be used to send SMS through our sites. Like sending emails ?is it free to send SMS or we need some registrations etc. with some body. Specifically I would like to know about India.?Thanks in advance dear friends.?
  3. Dear friends?I personally am a fan of windows XP for many reasons. An I can see it that the polling results also shows that more people are window fans. So it proves automatically that Window Rocks.?
  4. To compete with GOOGLE. It is really difficult, what I think is that they are pioneers in their field. It will be a tough job to beat them or compete with them. After all its the users who has to decide that which search engine they have to use. I personally am a fan of google like many others so I would like to use it for ever and want it to remain the best.?
  5. I am addicted to Computing and Programming. Apart from my job schedule I spend around 6 hours with my PC. And I can't live without it anymore. Thats it.?
  6. I am a proud Indian and don't want any rating for my country. ?WE ARE THE BEST. We are called the GURU in many fields.Mythology LogicMathematicsSoftwares etc.We have the third best army in the whole world. We had freedom fighter's like GandhiJi, SubhashJi and soooo ooooooooonnnnnnnn. As the list extends a long.?That's Why I love my INDIA.?More over we have one of the most beautiful National flag also.We also have wonders like TAJ MAHALJAI HIND.....
  7. Dear friend what I think is if one day this world is going to be destroyed then it will be because of the foolishness and utter wrong deeds of human beings and not because of God. God is the creator what I belive.
  8. What I think my dear friend that it entirely depends upon the seriousness of your relationship. If you are really dedicated and serious about your relationship then I don't think you can ever forget your first love. I can never as its Sreeja my wife.
  9. Dear friends I am using this code to open a page where I don't want to show the name of the page in the title bar or the status bar even. <script LANGUAGE="javascript"><!--window.open ('abc.html', 'newwindow', config='height=500, width=800, toolbar=no, titlebar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, statusbar=no, status=no')--></SCRIPT> But the problem is it is working perfectly when I am using it offline but other wise when I am using it online on the server it is displaying the page and full path in the status bar why is it so. Can anyone help me. Thanks for the help in advance. Is there any other perfect code for the same. Please help.
  10. Dear friends I am developing a website for my client and its hosted on manashosting and to connect to the mysql I am using the following code <?php/// For the following details,/// please contact your server vendor$hostname='localhost'; //// specify host, i.e. 'localhost'$user='abc'; //// specify username$pass='cham'; //// specify password$dbase='vomp'; //// specify database name$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname" , "$user" , "$pass") or die ("Can't connect to MySQL");$db = mysql_select_db($dbase , $connection) or die ("Can't select database.");?> But I am not able to connect to the Mysql and getting the message "Can't connect to MySQL" I am not able to understand what is the reason. Is there anybody to help me for the above said problem with my clients host manashost . There customer service is also very poor. And they are also not helping me. I think the hosting facility over there is not good. Thats why always I appreciate Xisto as it is the best. Thank you all in advance. Please do help me.
  11. Dear friends I am a great fan of MJ. And a great admirer of Jacko. But I was never able to understand why he undergone more than 13 surgeries on his face. I really loved his earlier and the real look. What I think it was not fair to play with nature in such a way. At last the conversion and the new looks were worst is'nt it. If such surgeries could make you more beautiful or handsome then it OK to a bit extend, but undergoing more than 13 surgeries means something which can be catergorised as being crazy about plastic surgeries is'nt dear friends. By the way it depends upon person to person how he or she treats himself or herself. But here I would like to know what do you people think about these surgeries. Do you really favour such deeds or are you an opposer of such behaviours. Please do place your comments. Each and every comments are most welcome. So thank you very much in advance dear friends.
  12. No dear even I am facing the same problem that means it is some thing really technically and what I think we should not worry for it. I think the problem will be resolved very soon.
  13. Friends its really ridiculous and unbelivable that people have such a lot of time and imagination to think about such things in such an unbelivable manner. What to say after all there are many and I should say crores of people who think in their own way. In such a case lots and lots of such stupidities comes out isnt it. By the way I can't belive it and don't ever want to even. He was a great person who is no more. I respect him very much for his music and dance. I am one of his biggest fans. Like many even I will miss him a lot. I want to give him tributes ------
  14. Hello friends will you be able to help me with the new look of Xisto - Support. I am not able to understand where to find my Account balance. Is there any problem. Or is it still under modification or what. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
  15. Dear friends thank you very much for the suggestions but I would basically want to show the date and time in Hindi using unicode fonts is it possible please help me friends.
  16. Dear friends is it that tough to add play controls etc.
  17. I think the normal one is cool simple and with a good apealing look. Thats my personal opinion dear friend.
  18. Dear friends,I am trying to use dreamweaver to edit my webpages. But when I am trying to insert unicode charecters in the webpage only question marks are displayed "???????". How can I display unicode charecters in dreamweaver when I want to edit my site. Previously I was using interdeveloper and frontpage to edit my site and unicode was displayed very easily. Moreover I would also want to know which editor do you use to edit your webpages and does it supports unicode. Please help me to resolve this problem. Thanking you in advance.
  19. Dear friends I want to display the current date and time on my website. How can I be able to do that. What is the code for the same. Can I display this date and time in any other language other than english like hindi etc. in unicode or any other language. Please do help me with codes.Thanks in advance.
  20. Dear friends I am using the following code for displaying swf videos <embedstyle="width:400px; height:326px;"id="VideoPlayback"type="application/x-shockwave-flash"src="video/abc.swf" align="left"> It displays the video in a perfect manner but it does'nt shows any controls like play,stop, pause, forward etc. to use those options I have to right click on the video and a menu is displayed which shows the commands like play loop etc. Is it possible to show those commands in the form of controls below the player. Please help me. Thank you very much in advance.
  21. Thank you very much for such an intellectual and informative discussion. Thanks for the help.
  22. Dear friends Please do help me by reciewing a website developed by my friend. Please I would like to have complete reveiw related to the looks, material and the techniques used. Obviously the site is not completed but even I would like to have some serious suggestions in the intial stage itself so that my friend could be able to make changes if necessary. The language used in this site is Hindi (Unicode). So please help me with your suggestions. http://www.voiceofmp.com/ voiceofmp Thanks in advance friends.
  23. Dear friends I have started developing good programs in php with the help of you friends out there. Thanks for your kind help. Now I would like to know that how can I test my php codes with out going online. That is on my system itself which can be much more easier for me. So please do help me to resolve this problem faced by me. Thanks in advance dear friends.
  24. Dear friends I am developing a website for my client and it consists a lot of videos to be displayed so if you can please help me in solving my problem. Which format of video files should I use. Which is the widely used format on net. Which player can be inserted in my website the most easily. Which is the best player to be used in my website. How to insert videos in my website. Please help me with codes for the same. Can I use youtube player to play the videos which are loaded on my server. If it is possible then how can it be accomplished. Please help me friends. Thanks in advance.
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