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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Hi friends today I would like to give some cool tips for good and a healthy life. ?Each and every person wants to be healthy, it is well said that healthy mind resides in healthy body. It is not possible for an unhealthy body to progress intellectually and spiritually. To solve the problem of being healthy we should follow some rules as follows.?1. Go to bed early and wake up early in the morning before sunrise. Even I am following this rule of being healthy and in the morning I always feel so refreshed that I can’t explain. As previously I was a late night worker and I loved to complete my works in the night and in the morning it was very difficult for me to get up which made me very lazy, dizzy etc. and when I started to follow this rule it was amazing and felt a lot better than earlier.?2. As soon as you get up before going to toilet gargle once or twice with fresh water, wash your face and then drink about two glasses of fresh cool water. Following this rule will reduce your cough problems a lot. It also helps in smooth motion. I was having cough and cold problem frequently but after following this rule it was amazing that I felt relieved from cough very soon.?So dear friend just follow these rules and you will be feeling better that before. Mostly we are becoming sick due to our bad habits of bad life style. So that’s all for now I will be back soon with more tips on wellness and healthy life. Hope you all will love these tips a lot.?
  2. Thanks for such a good quotes dear friend. I think I am not the one to grade myself. My beloved ones and my friends and the people around me who interact in one way or other to me are actually the one who will be grading me in perfect and in the true manner. By the way its only my personal opinion.
  3. Dear friend I believe in God and believe in this truth as much as I believe in the rising sun. So what I want to say is God is the super power who controls each and every deed hapening in this world. From the birth of a creature to its death and then rebirth it is this super power who controls every thing and we all call him God. God has made this a beautiful world for us. And what we humans are doing is spoiling it as anything unknowingly the importance of it. We can in other words say that this world is a stage, we are the actors and God is the director of this show. God bless you dear friend.
  4. Dear friend thaks for such a good post. I completely agree to you and that should be the true nature of a human being. As what we belive is that god has showered someone with wealth and the real use of this wealth is to use it for those who lacks it. If everyone follows this suggestion I think there will be no poverty or hunger. God bless you. ?
  5. Dear friend a good experience shared out by you, first of all thanks for that. Obviously god fearing people knows the importance of praying and I should say what you have experienced is a wholesome truth and nothing but the biggest truth. Thats what I should say is the example of the good effects of good friends which you have experienced. Whenever we from the bottom of our hearts pray to god for anything he will defenitely listen to it and shower his blessings on us.
  6. Dear friend I agree with you in full. I would like to add something here that good community can bring transformation and good natured people always believe in god and always pray for the betterment of their loved ones and above all for everyone. So I think in that sense this context should also be interpreted. Thanks dear friend for such a good title.?
  7. Dear friend its really is a good and informative title. Thanks for starting such a good topic. Obviously I agree with you that God forgives every sins of yours. Obviously that doesn't mean that you just indulge in sins and then ask for forgiveness and again repeat the same. Unless and untill you are going to learn from your sins then what is the benefit of all those teachings given in those holy books. I think many a times the problem become worst when these books are interpreted in a wrong way. Any way thanks for such a good post.
  8. Dear friend you have really good and I think perfect knowledge of purana. I am really benefited with the description what you have given regarding the topic out. Interpretation of the topic was really amazing and even I use to take a lot interest in this field but I was not having the knowledge of this particular point that he was the reincarniation of tripurasur. Thanks once again dear friend.?
  9. Dear friend not only me but many of us will agree with you in this point that love is supreame. It may be loving your beloved, your parents, your children or even any creature in this world. In love only love spreads. Love should be to all those who loves you and even if don't then ?also if you start loving them obviously your approach will change them once and they will automatically start loving you. Love is in other words described as God. That is love in its purity and divine state equals God. How true it is. I always think why people fight, why terrorism, why criminality and many other whys as such. But many a times never gets a proper answer for it.?LOVE IS GOD AND GOD IS LOVE.?
  10. THATWAMASI Dear friends today I would like to share the meaning of THATWAMASI with you all here in Xisto. It is a Sanskrit phrase which means that you are. THATH (That), TWAMASI (You are). This phrase is written in SABARI MALAI Lord AYYAPPA’S temple. The real meaning of this phrase is that you are the God, in other words one can be a God with his deeds and his doings. With pure and divine deeds and doings one can become a Godly person and it can be vice versa. So its up to a person to decide that what should his /her deeds be like. This is a small phrase with a deep meaning hidden in it. In my signature THATWAMASI is written in DEVNAGRI.?
  11. Dear friends the picture shown above is of lord AYYAPPA. ?Today I would like to share the story of Lord AYYAPPA with you all. Lord AYYAPPA’S temple is situated in KERALA, SABARI MALAI, India. It is said the second highest devotees reach here every year, that is first is MACCA and then in SABARI MALAI.?The important thing to know is that in lord AYYAPPA’S temple there is no restriction for any person following any religion. That is to say Hindus, Christians and Muslims also come there, and are blessed by lord AYYAPPA.?Narrating the story of lord AYYAPPA. He was the elder son of PANDALA King and the King when was not having any child by the grace of Lord SHIVA got AYYAPPA in the forest as a baby. After some time PANDALA King was blessed by one more son. And when both his sons were growing up one of his ministers said to the queen that if Lord AYYAPPA is going to be the next king then your own son will not get the rights of a king, so as per his ideas they made a plan and said to the king that the queen was having severe pain in the stomach and to cure her a medicine is to be made but for that tigresses milk is necessary. Now the question was who will bring it. For his mother lord AYYAPPA became ready to go to the forest for the milk. In the deep forest Lord Shiva appeared in from of him and asked for everything he said about her mothers stomach pain. On hearing the same lord SHIVA became a tiger and roared all the tigers in the forest came behind him when they reached PANDALAM everybody were afraid and the queen said that she was lying and she don’t have any pain. Seeing all this PANDALA king understood that his son was blessed one and asked about him. He said about his birth and reason for it. Lord AYYAPPA stated everything and said that he now wants to go back and he left an arrow which spotted on SABARI MALAI and from that time onwards his temple was made over there. As he was a Brahmachari (Not married) so devotees going their should follow BRAHMACHARYA for about 42 days, whether he is married or not. So from that time every year on 14 th of January devotees reach there in crores. Every year the number of devotees are increasing. There is a lot to narrate about lord AYYAPPA.?
  12. Dear friend what I think, what ever religion you follow one should belive god. Its entirely my personal view so god fearing people quits sins very easily, what I think you may differ on this. And in other way every one has his own points for his belief and trust on God. But overall there is a superpower who should be trusted and believed who actually runs this universe or I should say controls every movements of this universe.?
  13. Dear friend I think no system may be called to be the perfect one every system has its loop holes and every system has many good points too. So it depends on the mentality of the person that which particular system attracts him or her. By as you said some thing about democracy, here I would like to add that it was accepted by those who don't wanted to be extreamists, so a middle way including good points from both systems that is socialist and capatalists are included in democracy. I think I personally favour this system.?
  14. Dear friend I think you are not the only one who faced this. I think about all of us some time or the other or in some other similar conditions face the same problems. But any ways after all they are your brothers and sisters and according to me they should be your best friend.?
  15. Dear friend first of all welcome to Xisto. You are absolutely right to say that you are going to have a good time over here. Just post good quality posts and you can achieve your future hosting deal very soon. First just go through the rules of Xisto so that your posts should not come under spaming. So be aware of that and have fun.?
  16. Dear friend I think you and your cousins are really lucky not to broke their bones but it is not in every case so I think it depends on the parents itself whether to allow or not Obviously if the kid has to make friends in turn of a fracture or something like it then I don't think I should prefer not to send him for cycling.?
  17. Yes dear friend you are right Even here in Xisto many I have seen when they are try to advertize their commodities and nothing else they are not concerned with good quality discussion etc. Just want to attract people out here with their products and their prices. What to do as in good forums its a problem faced by its admins. Even my wife is going to start a website this month which includes forum and I think this will be a problem for her also.?
  18. ?I don't want to die dear.? Obviously if I am going to die then it will be due to an heart attack as per my horoscope. I don't know whether it is going to be true or not but it is written there. But seriously speaking whatever is mentioned by you in that list I think I would like to choose one and that is death while helping others. By the what I believe is it's not me who is going to decide it God has decided everything for me and it will be good what God has decided for me. By the way this topic in itself has some difference.?
  19. Dear friend what ?I think personally is home remedies are to be used only for first aid purpose only apart from that I don't think it should be used. I mean to say in critical conditions you should really consider a doctor or expert medical practitioner otherwise as they say you will harm yourself instead of curing your problem.?
  20. I like reality shows but as I am a classical dancer so I personally prefer to watch shows related to dances etc. Obviously adventure is also my passion so the second preference is for shows related to adventures and third type of shows which I like is somewhat like "Be a millionaire" type of shows.
  21. Dear friend of mine I never smoke and think it is one of the worst addictions out there. So my advice is to quit it and live healty as it affects very badly on your health I have seen many of my loved ones badly affecting their lungs etc. due to this bad habbit of smoking So please don't continue with this habbit of yours.
  22. You are absolutely right dear friend. It was my exam on 12th of january and it was written exam and I should say that I felt that I was very slow at writing. At that time I realised how much computer effected my writing speed. And even handwriting.?
  23. Many of them starts under pressure from their friends. Actually such people out there should not be called as friends as they are pressurising others for bad habits. Others who they look better and stylish while smoking do it for style. And many other do it and don't even know why they are doing. Main thing which effects out here is the atmosphere in which we live if the closed ones of ours are using it most probably we will also be effected by it in one manner or the other. By the way I am a non smoker. And don't even know how it is felt while smoking.
  24. Dear friend the colour combination should be a delight to the eyes and then only one can attract others towards the design. So personally I prefer light coloured design and darks in graphics etc. But its only my personal preference.?
  25. Really good piece of article showing the benefits of honey. Thanks for such a good quality article sharing. But please quote it if its being acquired from other sources. I think its very beneficial as in our country in Ayurveda such useful tips are included.?
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