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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friend even I do believe it never experienced in person but some of my closed ones faced such experiences and informed me and their predictions were really true. By the way there are many such facts in this world which is many a times unbelievable but is true. Isn't it. A very happy new year to you my friend.
  2. My dear friend welcom to Xisto. To solve your problem just google downloadable free web site samples or something similar to it you will get your desired results. Best of luck for your search.?
  3. Dear friend I have never used AMD as previously it was having problems when compared to intel. But now some of my friends have computers with AMD processor and is working quite satisfactorily without any problem. But still my preference is Intel. As it is tested proven for so long.?Happy new year in advance.?2009
  4. Thank you very much dear friends for the kind help done to me. The codes provided by you all were really helpful and my problem was solved for the time being. If a problem arises in the future then hope you all be there to help me. Thanks again. And a very very happy NEW YEAR in Advance.
  5. Dear friend according to your instructions I coded as follows no error is being displayed but the required results are not gained I mean to say the data is not added to the database. Please do check it and please guide me actually where am I mistaken. In the sno field autoincrement property is set true and it is set as the primary key. Here with this code I like to add 1 in the sno and 'sanju' in the name field. Please help me. It is the exact code being hosted. Thank you in advance and Thank you very much for your previous help on this topic. <?php $username = "contactskn_admin";$password = "*****";$hostname = "localhost"; $dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");print "Connected to MySQL<br>";$selected = mysql_select_db("contactskn_skndata",$dbh) or die("Could not select contactskn_skndata");$result = mysql_query("SELECT sno, name FROM matri");// you're going to do lots more here soonmysql_query("INSERT INTO `matri` (`sno`, `name`, `dob`, `phone`, `adress`, `email`, `sex`) VALUES (1, 'sanju')"); mysql_close($dbh);?>
  6. Dear friends I have a database of mysql named as contactskn_skndatathe username for the database is contactskn_adminthe password is "xyz"The table created is named as matri?The fields are named as "name, dob"I want a simple code to add data through a form regarding name and date of birth of the person entering data.?i want a PHP code for entering the data into this mysql database.?Please help me.?
  7. Hello friends first of all a happy christmas to you all there. I have coded in php somewhat similar code shown below but it is showing error that is echoing "The email($email_subject) was NOT sent." I am not able to understand why it is happening. Am I wrong with my code or some other problem please help me out dear friends. <?php$email_to = "somebody@email.com";$email_subject = "Test E-Mail (This is the subject of the E-Mail)";$email_body = "This is the body of the Email \nThis is a second line in the body!";if(mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_body)){ echo "The email($email_subject) was successfully sent.";} else { echo "The email($email_subject) was NOT sent.";}?> Notice from truefusion: Place all code within CODE or CODEBOX bbcode. Thanks.
  8. Dear friend thank you very much for such a good peice of information on useful links. And a happy christmas to you all out here.?
  9. Dear friend it was when I got a government job and my first post was to a field which was around 100 kms interion to the main city where I lived. It was really very remote area and I was literally sick to join such a locality for my job and what to add the water out there was so hard that I was not able to consume a glass of it. Any how I passed a year or so there and then I was attatched to the departments data centre in the city itself and I working there now which is just at walking distance to my residence.?
  10. Dear friend it is just the matter of research and nothing else. It might be possible that while reserching a point a person may skip a point or two which in turn by some other scientist may point out. Thats it so sometimes a thing which is not healthy today may be healthy in some sense or the other tommorrow. Thats it. By the way I appreciate your approach due to which you were able to point such things out. Best of luck dear.?A very happy christmas to you dear friend.
  11. Dear friend I don't every cure effects on all members alike. Sometimes on some persons only being with their family may get rid them of depression. It really depends from person to person that how a technique whether fast or slow one on a person.
  12. Dear friend I think it is not possible to have latest files to be downloaded for free and that also on legal basis. Are you sure. It may be possible them to give some bits of the music to publisize it otherwise I don't think it is possible. Lets try it once. Isn't. Happy christmas to you all there.?
  13. Dear friend first of all welcome to trap 17. If you are in search of good intellectual friends here to discuss your problems get solutions and share your knowledge then you are at the right place otherwise dear friend I am sorry. Moreover for your posts out here you can also get cents. With that money you can buy services of xisto. So have fun and best of luck for search. A very happy christmas to all.?
  14. Dear friends now I have the required amount of earned dollars to host myself with xisto. Thanks to Xisto. I have a doubt and I would like it to be clarified. Please help me friends.I am interested in basic Logic plan at $1.95 per month. What I want to know is the detailed facilities provided in this plan. Mainly I would like to know that how many email accounts I will be able to create at my site like. contact@mysite.com etc. And how many subdomains I will be able to create at my site. abc.mysite.com etc. And how many emails redirect accounts I may be able to create etc.?Other informations like space bandwidth etc is given in the client area of ?Xisto - Support.?Please help me resolve this problem.?Thank you very much in advanceAnd a very happy and prosperous Christmas to you all friends.?
  15. Dear friend the point here is to comunicate and thats it. If you can ask time to a person standing aside you just by pointing to your wrist and saying "time." then what is need to use the whole sentence " What is the time according to your watch sir?"?And while using informal communication if you understand what the person intends to then its absolutely correct to use short forms listed by you. Franckly speeking I don't even know the mening of all the items or words listed by you. HAHAHA. Laughing at myself. So don't be tensed dear friend. Have fun. A very happy christmas to you in advance.?
  16. Dear stephen A very happy christmas to you in advance and I should say that its the best place to share your knowledge and earn some cents for that. Isn't it fun. For that earned money you can buy the services provided by Xisto - Support. Best of luck for your future. And a warm welcome to Xisto.
  17. Dear friend the problem posted by you here is typically personal type of a problem. And first of all you should try to know the reason why she is so. And more over you should also know her nature, likings and dislikings etc. And based upon that you should decide how to cheer her up that is avoiding her disliking matters here and bringing her likings to light etc. Thats it my friend.
  18. Dear friend I was appointed in a college of computer sciences and my main subjects were RDBMS, C++, etc. When I saw a teacher out there taken HTML classes I was attracted to the class I don't know why. Even being a teacher I attended two classes of HTML and then I concentrated on the subject and learnt it in a proper way. Thats it my dear friend.?
  19. Thanks for such an important peice of info on cure of such a decease which actually have swallowed lifes of many. If your right then it is a breakthrough and many people effected with such a deadly decease will be benefited by the same and it will be gift to all mankind to cure such a decease which was a curse to the mankind for last many decades. Thanks again dear friend.
  20. If so you are at the right place just do one thing post good posts out here. Your quality posts will earn you mycents for you and you can buy your own domain name in turn. Isn't it a good idea then you don't have to do any thing for others do it for yourself. Best of luck for your .net domain name. Bye ya.
  21. Dear friends I have a confusion regarding web hosting service provided by different companies.? My doubt is that if I purchase a domain name example http://abc.go.com/ from Xisto then want to host it at any other free hosting service providers then is it possible or not.? Next if I don't like the hosting services from that provider then is it possible to shift the hosting from that provide to some other's anytime when I like without any permission of the previous provider if so what is the procedure of the same.? Basically what is concept of name server is it related to my problem or not.? Please help me friends its urgent.?
  22. Yoga and pranayama?yoga science was built to bring happiness and peace of mind. Happiness and peace is not just collecting money and material objects. staying healthy depends upon the healthy human body and mind pleasure of a person. If we want to live a healthy life leaving the expensive drug treatment of doctor's then we will have to take shelter in yoga.?It is said that Yoga is the union of soul and God. Pranayama depends on our breath and is the process of leaving. We often treat diseases of the body by the drugs. By the practice of yoga and pranayama we can be free from physical diseases. Practicing Pranayama gives the power to our body, which is proved beneficial for human life.?Today we all understand the importance of yoga and pranayama.?When the body is healthy, the mind is healthy. Healthy body and mind makes a person success in any field.?Hope you all liked the post.?Please contribute more on this topic.?
  23. Dear friend of mine I think it should be never promoted more over in many countries it is entirely illegal. I mean to say apart from the first wife others are not having the legal validity or rights over the property etc of the husband. So simultaniously being husband to more than one woman is illegal in our country, and according to our marrieage law.?
  24. Dear friend what I think again here on this topic view may vary like anything. Personally I think its against the nature. Obviously many may differ my opinion but God made males for females and vice versa and not the other way so what I think going for such a relation is entirely against the nature or I should say against the law of nature. As I don't think it to be a natural deed. If compared to animals we are many a times intelligent and I think I have never seen any animal indulging in such an unnatural deed or relation. But obviously again I should say that it depends from person to person.
  25. My favourite fruit is mango and that also specially "alphanso". Its a special breed of mango. Not only me I think its the altime favourite of mango lovers. Apart from that I prefer dry fruits. Like cashew nuts etc.?
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