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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friend its good. The main thing to be concentrated is the afordability. Unless and until it becomes affordable to a middle class person I don't think it will be of a big use. What do think over it. By the thing is good that they have made a good start and it will be in the market soon. Obviously more companies if can come with products similar to asimo then only the competition will increase and will result in a benefit for the customer.
  2. If its so then its really worst at their side dear friend. But now you are at the right place just post quality posts and earn for the same. For those earnings just buy what ever plan do you like from xisto so best of luck and have fun.
  3. Dear friend its much more easier than the previous one so it will be helpfull for many out here and definitely be tried by many. Thank you very much such a good code set.?
  4. Dear friend its really a usefull code I should say and it really was beneficial for me and I hope will be usefull for others too. Thank you very much for such a good code set.?
  5. Dear friend as you said about divorse etc. that means it is a hard time through which she is undergoing and so if you really like her then you should be always be with her and be like a supporting piller to her. Try to make and keep her happy always. And that will always be a helping hand to her in such a condition I think. Beware in such situations girls are just like glass vessels and you should just handle them with care I should say so be careful.?
  6. Dear friend I think his nature comprises of such facts and nothing else I mean to say its his nature to be like that to girls and its not that he loves them or something else. So I don't think his nature should not be mistaken out here by you or anyone else.?
  7. Dear friend it is very difficult to get a perfect soulmate what I think based on my experiences but in many cases it may be possible if your dreams etc about your soulmate is not just out of this world. Even I was searching for such a dear one and ended with my wife now. Obviously here I have to sacrifice the main point which I was in search of. But thats fate. What to do my friend.?
  8. Dear friend what I think here again it depends upon the nature of the partner I know a couple where the guy is very shy and always the main deciding steps in their life are taken by the girl only. When I asked why it is so she said if I am going to wait for him to take the first step for anything then this life will not be sufficient for it. So that's it my friend depends upon the nature and nothing else.?
  9. Dear friend I think the one who have suggested those things are really an experienced one and But they are really good at there stand. To be followed type of points and good ones. Thanks dear for such good points to be mentioned in the forum.
  10. Dear friend of mine sucess or falure of any relations is not based on any typecasted formula it differs from one to other so it may be possible that these points may apply on one but might not apply on others so dont follow such fix formulas and try to be what you are. And then see it works more than such formulas.
  11. Only one secret works in such a condition and that is just try to be close to her and find out her likings and dislikings and try just to act as she likes you to be. And obviously it will work. I am sure. And don't let any chance go waste to praise her utilize every such chance and praise her a lot. Best of luck?
  12. Oh dear its amazing I think really these points are going to work by the way I am very weak at this field but I am sure these are going to work anyway.?
  13. Dear friend of mine I would like to say some thing here. There is a saying in our locality and that love a person who loves you and not one who don't. So what I think if she has refused you then why you want her to accept you, She might be having her own reasons for the same and might be having some dreams about her partner and you might not be fulfilling those. So what I want to say is either leave her or try to understand her likings and dislikings and stick according to her likings and try to fullfill her needs and try to change yourself according to her likings and I think it is only the way you are going to make it.?
  14. Dear friend of mine I think its just not that sucessful to date in a manner you are saying obviously it will only be good if you keep it online only other wise you will get very odd results if you are going to take it seriously obviously many here have had good experience over here but I don't have a good one so I believe it won't work.
  15. Dear friends Congratulations for the awards and hope you all will do much much better in the comming year. Best of luck for the coming year.?
  16. I change my tooth pastes every next month. My favourites in taste is Miswak. Otherwise Pepsodent and Colgate. And for night time brushing it is Dabur Red.?
  17. Dear I think its a good one and many of us can be benefitted by such articles and earn money online. As I am going to make my website soon so it will be beneficial for me too. Thank you dear friend.
  18. Dear friend while booting the computer with winxp cd it will ask you for installing or partitioning before. That is you have to choose the make partition option out here. I have done it many days ago so I don't remember the actual statement. After partitioning it into 2 or 3 you should install winxp on c and you can use the other os on d drive. but before doing so you should make sure that your data is saved in some other removable disk or something like that as repartitioning a hard disk will remove all the present data from your computer. So be carefull. And best of luck.
  19. Dear friend here I want a set of codes to enter the name and age both by the user and then search them and then display the result on the web page have you any of such codes handy with you and will you be able to provide it for me.
  20. Dear friend it was a simple built site and was giving an information about my name that it was around 7000 th possition in their list of popularity. By the its a good site giving obvious useless information as they said but according to me good piece of information.
  21. Thank you very much to all of my friends out there who reveiwed the website really in a professional manner I will follow all the suggestions given by you people and try to make it more professional and good looking. Thanks once again.?
  22. Dear friends again today I would like to post some information about this dish called Achappam. Which is a dish which is prepared by deep frying in oil or ghee and looks like a flower after being prepared.?It is basically prepared with rice paste mixed with eggs and other ingredients for taste and then deep fried in oil or ghee. Some sugar is also added to make it sweet. Its a famous dish of south India and prepared in festivals like christmas etc.?Hope you people out there like the information and I will be back soon with more of such information.?
  23. Dear friends today I would like to share information about this sweet dish from Kerala, A state of South India. Its a dilicious dish and prepared in many different ways.?Basically this is prepared by either- Simaiya, Rice, Ada, Dal(Cereal) etc.?For tastes cashews, Kismis (Dried grapes), etc are used.?For sweetening Sugar or Jeggary is used. Milk is also one of the main ingredients of this dish.?With milk and Sugar it looks white and with jeggary the colour turns to golden brown.? Hope you liked the information I will be back with more of such. A very very happy and delicious new year to you all.?
  24. Well thats great and it may be helpfull for many to improve their relationship with guys by understanding those small small tips. What I think one should just not read it and forget but one should take those really seriously. And thats what I would like to contribute here.
  25. Dear friend my advise is don't pull that relationship for a long as you are very young and this is the time to concentrate on your future and carrier and not such things and relations so be practical and be positive towards your carrier goal. Best of luck.?
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