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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Hi friends I am having a 6020 Nokia and it is having a problem of restarting. Can you people tell me what might be the problem is it something related to software or something else.?
  2. Hello dear friends. I want to know the normal age of a child to reach the milestone related to speach. Is 18 months sufficient for a child to start speacking or he should take some more time. I would like serious and medically proven answers. Please do help me. Thank you in advance.?
  3. Hi friends is any body there to help me by providing with the information of how much difference should be there in two c-sections that is to say after first delivery by c-section how much time to be given after which second pregnancy could be planned. Please do help with serious and medically proven answers. Thanks in advance.?
  4. Hi friends. I have almost completed my website and am in need of a chatting software for free for my website. Which is the best one and how to install it please if possible give the full description so that I could be able to install it on my site without any problem. Thanks in advance. ?
  5. Dear little friend cicala a warm welcome to you to Xisto. Always post quality posts you are now with the best forum and you will feel and experience it very soon. So best of luck for your good posts and mycent earnings.
  6. Thank you for such a good code set for login, Even I was searching something like that for my new website and I think it will be very useful for me. Thanks again.?
  7. Dear friend of mine will you be able to mention your height and weight. Then only I would be able to suggest in a proper way so please if you can. By the way according to me gaining a lot of weight is not good dear.
  8. Dear friend thanks for the suggestion which will be helpfull for many. Thanks again.
  9. Dear friend you have chosen very simple and good looking format and template. Obviously I was not knowing the language so I am not able to understand the matter but overall layout is not bad.
  10. Dear friend thanks for the information and moreover it will help a lot in increasing competition in this field and more companies will come out with more cheaper modals etc. I am really waiting for the official launch of the laptop.
  11. Dear friend sorry I am not able to understand the language used in it. But about the design its very stylish and colourful. I have tried the site in various browsers and in none of them it is having a problem in view. According to the name the looks goes with it very much.
  12. Dear friend I think its a cool and good looking design. I think a bit can be worked on the colour change. Obviously a view on colour may differ from person to person according their choices of colour. Rest every thing is cool in it. The design at the top is really having a professional look.
  13. Dear friend if you are talking about the cabinet's look then it is a cool, simple and good look. The handle on the top side is a good practical thing to have provided it is hard enough to handle the pc.
  14. Dear friend I have gone through them and they are not bad but really cool one and have a professional touch in them. They are really good one.
  15. Not bad but very simple type of a tool but still not bad can be used.
  16. Obviously pure milk dear friend. As I am not used to consume tea or coffee. So my main drink is milk in the morning before going to the office and in the night before bed. Some times like to mix chocolate in it. Otherwise love to have it with honey mixed in it.
  17. I am still using youtube dear friend. And satisfied. Obviously I agree with you that some of the files are missing which were previously included in my playlist. But obviously if they are undergoing cleaning process then they absolutely need it as a lot of junk and vulgur vedios are increasing in the site a lot. So they should go for it but cleaning popular vedios means I don't understand why.........
  18. Dear friend Abhinav you are correct in saying that both are good for health but as you are an Indian and you have heard about ayurveda and have absolutely heard about (vipreat bhojan) विपरीत भोजन, I hope you might be able to see ?the information typed by me in hindi so what I want to say here is both are good to health and are healthy food but they should not be taken together. If you do so the benefits will be minimised in proportion to the condition when you take it in a gap. That is to say after taking banana you should wait for some time an hour or so if you would like to take butter milk but it is not the case with milk if you would like you can take both together as we are doing it mostly by making banana and milk shake etc. If you have any other doubts then please feel free to ask me dear friend. ?
  19. Not a bad idea dear friend but as you only pointed out the problem of slowing down in load music or radio stations so if that problem is resolved them this is a really cool idea I think and should be considered by the admins.?
  20. Dear friend even I have heard a lot about Kung fu. and other forms of martial arts like Karate, KalariPayattu, Thai Boxing, Taek Won Do, etc. I wished I should know at least one of them but unfortunately I can't cop up with these types of games. As I like dancing a lot and very much interested in it. But my brother was trained in Taek Won do, I don't know whether the spelling used by me for it is correct or not.
  21. Dear friend if it is true them think about that no body will have no problems in storing any number of games, songs, movies etc in his system and I am exited to see it soon in the market. Obviously I don't know the cost factor is it easily affordable in cost or not.
  22. Dear Bani I should say that you are absolutely right in saying that even I have seen many of them just using this forum for their advertisements and nothing else. Obviously these newbie members are never seen again many a times so as you said to start a new topic a member should have some number of posts made beforehead but even I have seen some spam and reported to the admin about it. And one of them was as a reply on a topic with some bad materials entirely not matching to the topic. So obviously all of the sincere members out here should take care about these points and report about such activities whenever such activites take place in our forum.
  23. contactskn

    Hi All,

    Hi Abhi a very warm welcome to you to Xisto. Yes you are absolutely right that people respectothers here in this forum. Yes you can discuss on any topic you like and express your self but always remember the rules of Xisto don't ever spam otherwise it will cause difficulties for the member concerned. So post good and quality posts and earn mycents which can be utilized for purchasing plans from Xisto - Support.?
  24. Dear friend thanks for such a good and interesting quotes from the aforesaid source. Obviously what is said out here is really true and I agree in full with many of these points and many of us out here I think have experienced many points mentioned out there personally isn't it.
  25. Dear friend obviously eyes are one of the most important part which plays a good role in beauty of a person. But love I think should not be based only on physical appearances the innerself of a person counts a lot in love if a person is very bad charectered but is good looking I personally should never love such a person. But if a person is just like a diamond at his/her heart and is not very good looking then I should say that one will be very very happy with such a person emotionally. But obviously it is my own opinion so it may differ with others. So it depends upon the girls outlook and views towards love my dear friend.
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