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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends I would like to know the procedure how to display the map of a locality in google maps in our site with the help of IP address only and not on the basis of Latitude and Longitude. I know the method for showing the map with the help of latitude and longitude and / or location (country and city names) but I would like to view the google map of any locality on the basis of IP address only on my site. Please help me friends its urgent. Thanks in advance.
  2. Dear friends I want to add a domain availability tool in my web site where I could be able to get details about any domain availability. I only want to know where to find it and how to display the availability of any domain name in our site.Thanking you in advance.
  3. You can go for raising a ticket regarding your problem. What ever solutions do they have they will really help you. What ever technical problems I am having with them I try to solve it with raising a ticket only and I am amazed when I see that their technical team is ultimate when comes to their knowledge and know how.?
  4. Hi friends,Now that we can easily find the details about any IP address in who is including the locations etc. I want to know how can we get the details shown by who is for any IP address on our site. That is I want to show all these details on my web site on the basis of any IP address. Thanks in advance.
  5. Dear friend it is a good pieace of information really. If it is going to happen then it will really be amazing is'nt it. Science can do anything I should say.?
  6. Dear friend you can try scanning in safe mode and that works in most of the issues. One more thing don't forget to scan daily and moreover update your virus scanner also.?
  7. Its true it will be really usefull for those who are new to computers and don't know how to do it. Even in the begining of my career in this field I was amazed at how people take the screen shots and now when I know it, it seems to be very easy. But really its a good aproach, it will really be usefull for many. ?
  8. Dear friend better than going for a .co.cc domain name go for your own .com TLD and you can easily buy one with your mycents. Then if you are hosting your files with the same server then it will set the DNS name automatically, other wise if you are hosting the files on other server then you have to set your DNS and your TLD will be linked with your hosting server.
  9. Dear friends what I think the time and money we spend on such sites and their schemes is more than that what they pay to us. I don't prefer to spend my time and energy with such sites.?
  10. Dear friend will you be able to provide me with a piece of code or give the link where I can find it. Thanks in advance. By the way the Server A described here is actually hosted through Xisto only. Is there any permission problem to access a file situated at a different server or some thing else please help me friends it is really urgent.
  11. Dear friends I want to execute a file .php from other server. Server a where the .php file is- <?php include_once "Counter.php"; $counter->incrementcounter(); // increment counter?> Server B from where the Server A's PHP file that is index.php is called <html><head><title>Sample</title></head><body><p></p><p> </p><!-- Start --><div align="center"><script language="javascript" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;-- End --></body></html> This code is tested on the same server that is Server A. Its working perfectly the counter is incremented but when I am shifting the calling program to another server its not working that is the counter is not being incremented.
  12. I don't know about th joomla one as I am not able to see it in my browser but the normal one is very good I like the professional look and the colour combination even. Its really cool.ďż˝
  13. Dear friend its not only you but all of us are getting these types of scams in mail boxes daily. Now people know that it is a scam and even though these people don't want to stop such mails.?
  14. Really funny my dear friend We were laughing like anything when we saw it. There are many more of this kind in youtube. And I usually ?enjoy this type of commedy.?
  15. I have gone through this topic in many sites and tv channels and most of them were surprised and were not beliving how it is and what he has done for the same. But I have heard the comments of the commity who approved this award for him, giving the details why he was awarded Nobel. Due to his works in asia for establishing pieace so even I would like to Congratulate him for what he has gained.?
  16. Dear friend it is good and we at our company are using the same. You can also get many good reviews about this AV so no doubt you can use it and its good.
  17. Dear friend very best of luck for your new venture and hope you will be successful in making money online. By the way if you get more new tricks of making money then please post here so that we people over here may also be benefited.?
  18. Dear friend I am using Photo shop and I am fully satisfied with the same so why don't you try it. For some reasons I also use Chorel draw 12 its typically professional and ultimate and thats why I use it for my professional photo editing works.?
  19. Even with all those facilities you can't change a prison to a home, or even house so prison will always be prisons only and thats why I always love my small apartment with limited facilities over there but lots and lots of love and affection and respect for every one in my family and thats what is the base line which makes my apartment a heaven for me.?
  20. Dear friend one way is to use some zip software like winzip or winrar. Other wise you can also use video formats like .swf or .flv which are very small than usual formats like .mpg. For that you can get many free and paid video file format converters. You please search the same in google and you will get a good software for the same. These are the ways which I am using and fully satisfied with. If you have any doubt with video format conversion please feel free to ask.?
  21. It is the most complex and complicated net of relationship what I have ever seen or read. Really my friend its difficult to understand your problem. By the way what ever you want in your life from your relations I can only pray to god that you might be happy with your relationship and be concious don't make your relationships so complex other wise it will be a difficulty for you to live in a cool manner.?Thats it.?
  22. Dear in free domains I have used co.cc and satified with their services. I have also used .tk but dont like the concept of 90 hits in a month and if its not accomplished then the domain name will be terminated and can not be used. So here I like co.cc.
  23. I think it depends entirely on your will power presence of mind and involvement into your dreams. Moreover if you are not strong at your hearts then also it may happen. So what I think is that it is not impossible. It may happen depending upon the person and his mental and physical streangth. But till now I have not faced any case as such and so I can't say surely.
  24. Dear friend you are at the right place now I have also searched a lot for a good host and search ended here at Xisto and moreover I learnt a lot here at Xisto. I was not knowing any thing about php even before joining Xisto. But now I have developed a full fledged news site after learning php from the discussions here at Xisto and thats why I am always thankfull to Xisto. Best of luck dear and God bless you.
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