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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. It is a good simple template. After completion of this please post a link also so we could see the whole template. But the good begining of simplicity shows your professionalism and sense of colour combination . Basically I liked the templates image view.
  2. Hello dear friend same was the problem with me. Even I have a lot of knowledge of web development. But I was a management student so I was not able to get a good job in the field of computers. Then I confidently started my own website. Entered into the business of webdevelopment and working as a free lancer in this field and earning a good amount right now. As not only in this field but in all fields if you are having the relevent degree then its OK even though if you are not have proper knowledge of the field. Don't be depressed if you think you are best at your work then be confident start your own work as I have done. Best of luck dear, God bless you.
  3. Dear friends I have used google translation for translating from english to hindi but never got a perfect hindi translation always I have to edit atleast a bit to get a proper translation. Even though it is a good help for our pages to be translated quick. I don't know about face book or its services. But if humans are translating and if they are having good knowledge of the particular laguage then what I think is that it will be perfect than that what we receive from a computer.
  4. Dear friend it is difficult to say anything with out seeing the code and going through it. But you please check your session code. That is this code should be the begining of your page. So best of luck.
  5. I am very eager to see the OS by google the giant in the internet business. Very eager even to know the highlights of the new OS and wants to know the salient features of this OS. Does anyone know more about this OS then please post here so that all should get some good information about the new OS.
  6. Even I have thought that many a times ending with no fruitfull results. But that is it like it is.
  7. Self publishing is not a bad idea my dear friend and I know only one site for self publishing and that is lulu. There might be many site for the same but I don't know anything about them. So why don't you try lulu to publish your creative work.
  8. I think you can start with a logic plan and if necessary you can extend that package anytime is'nt it. Basically the bandwidth usage will depend on the traffic to your site and how often then post etc. So what I think you can just give it a start with a logic plan and if necessary then extend it.?Best of luck for your new blog site.?
  9. I am very much eager to do so. But I am not that good in game programming. I have programmed some of them in VB. Basically I am a VB programmer and Website developer in PHP. But I think good games can be made through flash programming. We can get a lot of them to be downloaded online and they are really intellectually made pieaces.
  10. Dear friend I personally like opera. I am using opera for last many months and I am fully satisfied with its working. I like the speed dial facility of opera very much. Multiple tabs can be opened by you very easily. If due to some reason improper shut down occurs then the next time you start it, it will open all the previously opened pages.?
  11. Yes dear friend even I have my site indexed over there. It took 3-4 days in my case and my site was indexed. It depends upon the method used to submit the URL also. Whether you have just added your URL or you have submitted your site map to google, through webmaster tools. By the way my personal suggestion is that you should go for a site map submition through webmaster tools. It will give you good results.
  12. Dear friend even I have heard a lot about digital frames, albums etc. but what I think you may also give some contemporary one with jewels etc. it may cost higher than the normal frames but it can be given a thought is'nt it. By the way if you have made your mind for the digital one then go for it but please be causious about the make and brand, go for some good brand.?
  13. If it is true dear friend then I am safe because I am far from Kolkata, India that is around 2000 Kilo Meters. By the way dear friend may I know the source of this information from where did you got this information. What ever it is. It is a good pieace of information. Thanks friend for sharing this information with us at Xisto.
  14. Dear friend thanks to you for such a good advice for all the trap members I think many of us will be benefitted with this advice of yours. By the way frankly saying I was also searching for such an OS and I think it will be useful for me also.
  15. Dear friend I think I don't like any other theme apart from the default one and if necessary I only change the wallpaper nothing else as ?I have seen that many a themes created problems or I should say malfunctioning of the OS so ?I never liked these themes.?
  16. I have used total vedio converter and it is quite good for my needs. By the way the link given over here is not working and showing an error. So I was not able to use it and comment anything about it.?
  17. Dear friends I think both of them are leaders in their respective fields and that both of them can't counterpart each others field of expertise. So In todays context beating Microsoft in software front is not that easy and similarly on the other hand beating Google in the internet ads, and searching fields is not that easy. By the way we can't forsay the future right now but its what I can see in front today. ?
  18. Dear friend?I have backed up only the important messages which I receive and not all of them more over about the contact details I have backed them up and same restored in more than one mail id. By the way backing up contacts is very important to save time and mess in the future if due to some reason it is lost or currupted and I should say you should back up all the contacts not only in your mail box but also in your mobile phone.?
  19. Dear I think the cost matters a lot for me and many others. Just choosing or liking a car means nothing until and unless you would be able to drive it or buy it whatever it is I don't think I could be able to buy a car now but within a year or two I would like to buy a Scorpio. Which I love very much.?I think I could be able to buy it as soon as possible after collecting some funds for it.?
  20. I belive in the super power controlling the whole universe and the goods and the bads out there. What ever bad things are done by humans in this world I think he or she will be getting the results of those deeds in this life itself and he or she don't have to go anywhere. And if we talk about life after death that is in heaven or hell I entirely disbelive in this thing as no one can state it as a fact. So what I think is that just leave such things and belive in god and do good deeds in life and the super power named as Bhagwan, god, Khuda etc. etc. will shower you with blessings. ?
  21. Thanks dear even I was searching for something related to this topic. And the information given by you dear friend is really good and fruitfull. But previously I was using the traditional way where it was clearly displayed on the screen that the data is being refreshed. But it is the technique even I was searching for.?Thanks dear .
  22. Friends ,I have seen in many sites that whenever we move the pointer to a specific location on the web page, say a specific image or video etc. the pointer changes to an animated one. Now I would like to show that effect on my page. How is it possible, please help me with codes or examples. Thank you in advance. ?
  23. Dear friend here I don't think I really agree with you many good things included in your points if treated as a trail for being abnormal by then its not supposed to be acceptable. By the way its very human to talk about good and try to change people and show the right direction in other words so how can it be a sign of abnormality. By the way what ever it is, its your theory so let it be.?
  24. Dear friend please ask your friend and let me know the procedure. Thanks in advance.?
  25. Dear friends is their companies where we can register our own web tv channel for free. And if there are some then which one you use. And which is the best one ?in means of services to be used.?
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