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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. You should actually ask what linux doesn't have that windows has, like the BSOD, the explorer crashes, memory wastes... the list could go on forever. Linux and mac are actually stable systems. Linux has repositories, it doesn't crash very often, managing it and it's settings is simpler when all the stuff is in one place. There are many things that linux has over windows, think about it. It might not be useful for you, but to others it might be a gift from heaven
  2. Shouldn't there be </table> and </body> tags at the end? those are missing, and you should try validating the code too. You should also make sure that you have defined the encoding and charset in the head tag.Anyway, try those, if it works out, great, if it doesn't, I think I'm too limited in knowledge to offer any more information about the subject.This one is a bit offtopic, but you shouldn't use tables, they're terrible.
  3. Hello and welcome to the Xisto forums, purob. Please follow these steps to get started and start earning myCENTs (the currency by which you'll buy hosting): Register at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same e-mail address you registered here with. Have a peak at the Xisto readme. Essential things you must read at the readme are "the board rules" and the "pre-signup FAQ" (you'll find them up there in the readme). Your myCENTs will be visible after you've made 5 posts. Another thing that has nothing to do with this, but when I visited your site (purob.com), I saw that you're advertising Firefox 3, but there's a line tthat says "Internet Explorer 7 for best view of this site." which I found kinda ironic xD Quick edit: STUPID SLOW ME, I was too late :angel: You got this round, k_nitin_r :excl: Anyway, follow the links he or I provided and start posting, see you around
  4. HOORAY FOR Xisto.Well, I joined the site in 3-November 08, wasn't posting for a while, and came back when I remembered the site. *Pretend you're interested, I'm gonna continue*It is a shame the A.S.M.A (Anti-Saint_Michael Association) didn't have enough power to ban SM :angel: This evil inhuman being is still hanging around Xisto :(BTW, I think I know your crime partner, SM... *looks around suspiciously*anyway, Congratz Xisto!!!EDIT: nice cake!
  5. I would love to know where. I am taking lessons, but it's summer now and I don't have them, so finding more material to practise would be a great thing! You can PM me, or just post it here, if you want to share the info of course.
  6. Hello and welcome to the Xisto forums, Aditya. Before you start off, I'll provide you with some links you'll have to look at before you start posting: The board rules, this is a must read, many members have not read it and got warned by our moderators later, so I suggest reading it to keep you out of trouble. Another link to help you get started, this is a short explanation of how the system works. Your MyCENTs will be visible after you've made 5 posts. Anyway, welcome to our forum, we have good moderators(and admins) not forgetting all the helpful contributing members here. See ya around!
  7. Hello and welcome to the Xisto forums, Rob. Nice to have more people interested in music here. I also like creating music, I play the drums. Anyway, it's a good thing that you've started learning php and sql, they are very powerful, however, I would suggest getting to know javascript, if you don't already (and maybe CSS, I can't know how much "a long time ago" is so I don't exactly now what kind of standards applied when you learned webdesign). But before you get started with posting, I must warn you that the information on the page Xisto.com is outdated. We have moved to the myCENTs system now. Register at https://support.xisto.com/ now to start earning cents(use the same e-mail address you used here). Your myCENTs status will appear after you've made 5 posts Here are some articles I would like you to give a small peak at: The Xisto rules Things you should know before you start your posting spree Pre-signup FAQ Whenever you have questions about the forums, you can ask our mods (or me). But before you make a new topic about your problems with the system i suggest first checking the Xisto readme(link is above the shoutbox). You can also use shoutbox to get support, there usually are some members around I won't bother you anymore, see you around :XD:
  8. No, galex, you got it all wrong, they don't duel each other. You duel WITH THEM The other one is used as a shield and the second one is for throwing like a frisbee :XD:
  9. Tor is way better than a proxy server. Anyway, they aren't that slow, when I'm using a proxy, the video loads a little slower than usual but the video doesn't get interrupted. If you're using tor, your connection can't be traced afterwards(almost impossible). It's the safest free way, if you want topay, you can try using a proxy that doesn't keep logs
  10. Ya ash, I wonder if your showoff case melts when you try to install vista on your computer :XD: I would move to the south pole if I were you
  11. There isn't much to say.Usually people with asian genes tend to have fat around their stomach and not much in other body parts. Go jogging, it's gathering there because you have body fat, if you exercise, it 'dissapears'. So just go jogging, cycling and swimming, any aerobic exercise will do. You can also try martial arts, they are much more fun than just jogging, they helped me when I had body fat.PS. don't stop aerobic exercises after you've got rid of the fat, the fat will come back waaaaay faster than it went off :lol:Hope I helped
  12. I have run into that too, when trying to view [uncensored] music videos, that sucks...(And one time I just tried viewing a completely normal music video but the same message..) Just use a proxy to access that, like 1stunblocker.com or something and you can access it. You can use Tor, for almost complete anonymity, it's really safe. Anyway, censorship sucks, especially when you can go around it with a few clicks...
  13. Hey, nice one. But you left out a few things you should mention with those things, like monitor resolution, videocard.Anyway, I'm just running a simple laptop(all I need):Hp Dv-7 1090eoProcessor: 2x AMD Turion X2 Ultra Dual-Core mobile ZM-80, 2.10 GHzRAM: 3 GB, 800 MHzVideocard: ATI Radeon HD 3450, 256 MBMemory: 2x 232 GB Hitachi HDD (it read 250... marketing sucks! )OS: Ubuntu and Vista Premium (I'm gonna get ubuntu studio, I want to record sound )It's not a gamer's computer or anything, but hey, it's good enough for me, all I do is code, surf, play around with audio and watch not-so-new movies...EDIT: what's the point in vista AND xp? What you're trying? double BSOD? :XD:
  14. Hello, Dave(or Phil ) and welcome to Xisto forums. First off you'll have to take a look at how things work around here, click this for the explanation of how the system works. You should also check the Board Rules. There are lots of experts, (most of them have self-thaught themselves too, I think...) which can help you to fill those "holes" you may have in your knowledge. I am self-thaught myself too. You're myCENTs will be visible after 5 posts. You'll have to first register at https://support.xisto.com/. Welcome and see you around! :XD:
  15. You can view my topic about the same thing. I don't know if it will work with vista if you're using one. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/66040-how-do-i-reduce-the-speed-of-internet-on-another-computer/
  16. Well, the format you should use(which has a low file-size) is flash (FLV or SWF) You can use embed tags to embed media. Like this: <EMBED src="video/something.flv" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=100 CONTROLS=CONSOLE> The player depends on the plugin of the browser, if you don't determine it in the code.
  17. Ubuntu is a great start.I don't think it'll be hard to partition the mac, since hard drives are under the same standards(I think).If you decide to go with Ubuntu, you can partition it with the partitioning program that comes with the LiveCD.It's also a good idea to try a few popular distributions before sticking with one.I'm not sure how the partitioning software and the boot-loader (which is GRUB boot-loader for ubuntu) will work with mac computers, I have no experience with mac. I would also suggest ubuntu, because it is the most used one, so you will probably get your questions answered a bit quicker than for example Yellow dog(which I have never even heard of... )As for the gaming part, I really have no experience, I have never played anything else than flash games on linux. If you like graphics and such, you can also try ubuntu studio, which has more professional tools for editing and creating multimedia. It's also a good idea to try out those you mentioned, just to see if you like them more. You could also post more information about the computer you're going to install linux on, maybe some of us could provide more information about distros for the system you have.
  18. I'll tell you why: Bill gates: too nerdy, and nerds aren't popular Donald Trump: THE HAIR!!! And also he likes to fire anyone, so I don't think the other "gang members" would like him to join... Richard Branson: Has failed to go around the globe with a hot air balloon too many times. Has anyone else also noticed how many of his companie's names start with "Virgin", like "Virgin records", "Virgin group" and "Virgin Galactic", not forgetting the "Virgin Atlantic Flyer". Not good for the reputation. The man is obsessed with virgins apparently... :XD: Conspiracy theories are just too much of !#@Ĺ... I really just can't imagine a group of old guys trying to control the world, I just can't
  19. Wordpress. Easy to install, administrate, easy to edit, and a lot of plugins. I don't see why anyone would want to use blogger blogs? You can a subdomain from somewhere and just install wordpress. The "advantages" that came with blogspot you mentioned are very very poor. You can just install a few plugins and you'll have your SEO(including sitemaps, metadata and others) Simply install "google sitemaps"-plugin and the "All-in-one SEO pack" and you're done. For spam filtering NoSpamNX, it simply adds a few more fields to commenting form. The fields are invisible to a normal user, but bots fill them out and the comment will not be sent. Also google anlyticator is good, automatically adds the google analytics code, without any template changes. All in all, wordpress wins. You also mentioned Joomla!, but it is not for blogging. It is a content management system, like Phpnuke and others. I remember reading that someone here uses it as a blog system tho, can't remember who... Typepad lacks features. I have a blog, hosted on xisto, using wordpress. One problem I faced first was that all the good themes didn't have a translation to Finnish. So I had to translate the themes myself, which took its time but it was easier than I had thought. I'm sure there are parts of the theme there that I haven't yet translated, too lazy Anyway, I'm not saying wordpress is or it should be, but when you look at the features of it and then look at the features of others, it rocks them. You can always use Joomla! CMS, but I *think* it's more complicated to manage.
  20. Well this is a somewhat 'late' reply...The layout and design seems to be simple and fine.Anyway, there are stuff I would suggest you remove from your forum;Remove the Member's birthday thingy, you have only 2 members, there's no point for that thing's existance?It would also be a good idea to combine a few forums in there, but still a good start. I've seen forums that have look like they are mega-sized with big amount of users, untill I've seen that everysingle forum has the 0 topics and 0 replies in it. It's good to start with a small amount and no subforums. After that, you can make subforums and divide the topics to different parts of them. You should also remove the "(Powered by Invision Power Board)" from the title and put something that has something to do with your site, like "Win7World, discussion forum".Also it seems that you've enabled caching for visitors, I suggest disabling it. Because if you have a lot of traffic from let's say, google, it will eat up your BW. (I'm talking about showing new posts image I noticed, the yellow anvelope one, there should be a setting to disable it for visitors and enable for registered users).Another suggestion of mine would be to move the time 'box' from the bottom of the page to the top.Also I suggest SEOing your site, for example with URL_Rewrite, which removes the ugly "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and shows up something relative to the forum/topic like win7world.com/forums/software/topic-name. Just like in Xisto. I don't know if IPB has any mods for this, but it should!
  21. Thanks! You're a life-saver! (kind of ) What you mean non-existing? it works fine in firefox... okay it's non-existing... let's just assume it was a challenge, which you passed. And now I'll give the imaginary golden medal to you. *hands the imaginary medal*. Why!? The text had no meaning anyway, it was the point of all this,. JK it wasn't, and no I was not trying to give someone an epileptic seizure with fast text, believe me!!! And now all my gibberish calculations "this shows up after 4 sec..." are even more confusing Just kidding it's fine. Thanks again! PS. I wonder if I can make a wannabe animation out of this, it would be neat :XD: *You don't need macromedia flash, you can always try coding your animations, you only need enough images *
  22. I wanted to have my content scroll/change after a certain amount of time has passed viewing a web-page. So I used this script I found on dynamicdrive.com: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/prohtmlticker.htm(the code is also below). It's got pretty much everything I want. The only thing it's missing, is that I want <previous and next> buttons/links to view the previous/next content, while still normally scrolling the contents. So how can I integrate it to this code? <style type="text/css">#dropcontentsubject{width: 250px;font-weight: bold;}.dropcontent{width: 250px;height: 200px;border: 1px solid black;background-color: #DFDFFF;padding: 3px;display:block;}</style><script type="text/javascript">/************************************************ ProHTML Ticker script- Š Dynamic Drive (dynamicdrive.com;* This notice must stay intact for use* Visit http://http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code***********************************************/var tickspeed=2000 //ticker speed in miliseconds (2000=2 seconds)var enablesubject=1 //enable scroller subject? Set to 0 to hideif (document.getElementById){document.write('<style type="text/css">\n')document.write('.dropcontent{display:none;}\n')document.write('</style>\n')}var selectedDiv=0var totalDivs=0function contractall(){var inc=0while (document.getElementById("dropmsg"+inc)){document.getElementById("dropmsg"+inc).style.display="none"inc++}}function expandone(){var selectedDivObj=document.getElementById("dropmsg"+selectedDiv)contractall()document.getElementById("dropcontentsubject").innerHTML=selectedDivObj.getAttribute("subject")selectedDivObj.style.display="block"selectedDiv=(selectedDiv<totalDivs-1)? selectedDiv+1 : 0setTimeout("expandone()",tickspeed)}function startscroller(){while (document.getElementById("dropmsg"+totalDivs)!=null)totalDivs++expandone()if (!enablesubject)document.getElementById("dropcontentsubject").style.display="none"}if (window.addEventListener)window.addEventListener("load", startscroller, false)else if (window.attachEvent)window.attachEvent("onload", startscroller)</script> And the HTML part: <div id="dropcontentsubject"></div><div id="dropmsg0" class="dropcontent" subject="Content1"> Content 1, this will appear first, 0 seconds after the page's loading.</div><div id="dropmsg1" class="dropcontent" subject="content2">Content 2, this will appear in the place of content 1, 2 seconds after the page's loading.</div><div id="dropmsg2" class="dropcontent" subject="Content3">This is block number 3, the third content that will show you after 4 seconds of the page's loading.</div> So how can I use previous and next buttons with this script? Or can someone write a better script for me, which has the previous-next stuff in it? Help is appreciated, Baniboy
  23. You don't need to pay for that stuff, it's all over the internet! You can make your own with GIMP! If you want glossy ones, then check this out: http://gtuts.com/web-20/web-20-button-with-reflection That looks nice. You can also view my tutorial about one technique for making buttons. If you would like to make a tabbed menu, you can also view another tutorial of mine, even if you don't want tabbed menu, you can view it to learn how to use CSS-code to use sliding doors to make your buttons change when your mouse hovers over them. Anyway there are tons of tutorials of how to do this, and even more ready-made images which are open(not under copyright law, and therefore free to use). I still suggest you try making them yourself because you know what you want your website to look like. EDIT: Typos
  24. I don't know what I want to do before I die, but I know HOW I want to die. I want to die with style :XD: Like a lightning, or a sky diving without parachute. Maybe an explosion? Out of those, 5 minutes before I will die, I would try out the sky diving without parachute, or maybe base jumping Let's jump and see what happens. And also stuff I can't mention here on Xisto like Albus stated earlier
  25. Possible, but I don't think it will affect the whole world as you stated in your topic? A single nuclear reactor can't destroy the planet, that's what I think.With the arguments I stated above, you can't actually even think one reactor can cause the "end of the world", can you? And don't follow Murphy's law, because "everything that can go wrong, will go wrong" is incorrect, and if it would be true, humanity couldn't have accomplished risky things.
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