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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Why no replies? Since nobody seems to be able to help my situation,I would like to know how to remove this crap from my computer. I don't want to choose between linux and windows on startup when I will always choose windows. How do I do it the safe way? How do I remove grub and ubuntu?If someone figures out what I have to do to make ubuntu work, I'll be listening. Otherwise, tell me how to remove this junk.
  2. Actually, I've heard from many of my teachers that if you have a good general health, you have better chanses of survival from a hit to a vital orgin since your heart will still go on even tho (for example) if your blood isn't clean or if you have an infection. Good health usually also means that you have a good immune system. When a bullet hits your body, if it doesn't go through you but gets stuck in the middleway, your body will fill the damaged area by a fluid, I don't know wha it's called. Anyway, this fluid protects you from infection but it also causes damage in other tissues, heart, liver, kidneys and other. That's the main reason when someone dies from a gun shot if he doesn't die instantly. That fluid is acid-like and has a low pH. So yea, good health can protect you dying until you get medical help.
  3. What's the problem in that? You just make a new e-mail account for all the spam! Then you make the "few dollars"!
  4. Hey guys, everything is cool and working now. I got the sitemaps, mods, everything to work. I also installed all-in-one SEO pack for my blog, so now I have a sitemap for my blog too and all I need to do is to add content. and BTW I'm also using RSS-feeds! they're awesome!! A few days ago I started using google analytics, and i like the interface a lot. It shows I have 14 different visitors from 7 different cities in Finland, I love those numbers even tho they're small. I have a lot of returning visitors(I don't know if it counts me in how many times?) anywayz I relaunched my forums 12th day and I think I have good results for finnish-talking forum with not a lot of content Oh and I also have almost half of the pie showing new visitors. I'm also ranked 1st when I search my sitename with ".net" ending, but I still have another forum where I introduced my forums to some people in the first result in google when I use no ".net" ending. I'll beat that result too soon... Site map rulez BTW thanks for the tips guys, you people were my only source of info regarding SEO and stuff like that, I wouldn't have accomplished this without you, so give yourself some applause (was that the wrong expression? dunno...)
  5. There are several sites that GIVE YOUR THE MONEY YOU EARNED in the payout. Just that most of them are scamming people doesn't mean they all are. Google adsense and many others like kontera and adwarps and a lot others. AND, if your site becomes popular, you can simply sell your advertising space yourself, like "advertise here", and then, you don't have someone between you and the advertiser cashing out for your work such as in google adsense, google gets almost all the money you would've earned. Although I have read an awful lot of bad comments about Adsense, it seems to pay pretty nicely, and is reliable since "everyone knows google", and "google wouldn't scam people". But those statements aren't true, they have written in their TOS that they can suspend you from any reason. so it's kinda scam isn't it? I think those services will only pay to people who's sites the profit a lot of.
  6. Because my site hasn't so many visitors yet, I'll restart it and start using phpBB3 SEO Premod, I'll send an e-mail to all users to register again. The Premod will have all the SEO stuff installed, I'll just upload the style I want and finnish language pack.It will have static urls for topics, dynamic meta keywords and descriptions and zero duplicate plus all kinda other SEO stuff, so yea, I'll relaunch!EDIT: I might have to do some template changes but whatever, I would have to do them even if I would just want to install the mods on my current ones....EDIT2: The installation went well, but the url rewriting and stuff like that caused me errors, I've disabled the preinstalled SEO mods for now. I'll post in their support forums to find more info about what's the problem. In the meantime, any more tips about SEOing?
  7. I will follow your instructions, thanks for the tips. I'll spam all over my forums to get them indexed JK. I always thought that when a google bot visits your site, you'll automatically be added in the results in search... Thanks for the info. I'm trying to install a mod called "Advanced meta tags", but I have some problems undrestanding how to install since I know pretty much nothing about mysql queries. I looked up the guides in phpbb site but it didn't explain exactly how to do the queries. INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('description_word_count', 150);INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('use_dynamic_description', 1);INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('append_keywords_first', 0);INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('global_keywords', 'replace, these, keywords, with your own, keywords');INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('append_global_keywords', 1);INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('keyword_word_count', 50);INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('use_dynamic_keywords', 1); So how do I do this? Also another "problem" with my is that it's in finnish. So I only have 5.4 million targets or less actually . How can I make a sitemap? I just put up a page that has links to sections of my website or do I have to do it in some other way?
  8. of course not, I just like it hot :P

  9. I installed a mod called "top five", it displays top five active users, newest members, and newest topics. So I pretty much got what I wanted.Thanks for the link.
  10. I own phpBB3 forums and when I look up spiders/bots in admin control panel, I always notice that google bot is the only one that visits my site, and it visits my forums every day. But when I search in google with my sitename, I find nothing, not even in the last page of results... So am I doing something wrong? I currently have 6 topics on my forums (I just opened it! don't judge too quickly!), 10 posts, 5 users. So, does it help to get some kind of ranking if I link to my site from another site? If yes I'm gonna spam on all other forums by linking to my site, or I could add it to my signature in the forums I'm active in? (don't worry I'll spam only in finnish forums ) does that help? Or doesn't google bot notice links in signatures? Or does that do the excact opposite? instead of my site showing in the results, it first shows all forum topics that I've posted in? Or does this all simply happen because I have not much content in my site?I know it's a lot of queston marks in one topic... I hope I get some answers.
  11. It is illegal! If you use torrents to download movies (which I'm sure are protected by copyright) you're acting illegal. Yea it's fun to everything for free but it's ILLEGAL, you might get sued or atleast a copyright company might want money for all the things you've downloaded, and believe me, the money it demands will be MUCH MORE than the actual costs of the movie if you buy a dvd or watch at the cinema. So my advice: use P2P only for legal download, for example linux patches and stuff like that. Mmorpg clients like WoW are also downloadable via P2P as far as I know, and you won't be breaking the law.
  12. I think that although linux is secure, windows is the most secure. Why?Windows took 3 days and a 3rd party program to be hacked, I believe it was some adobe product. As for remote hacking, those days are over. you're gonna see those only in movies where some guy hacks into a some central computer and takes what he wants. BUT websites and databases are still very much hackable remotely. I hope people pay more attention to update they website software, so some idiot doesn't suddenly think it's fun to mess with one's database. And the next thing you see is a blank screen where you should have your blog saying "greetings from *somehackername*!".As for the Mac, I always new macs suck! :)I was right all the time!!! It starts getting a bit boring when you're right all the time...
  13. Nice! I don't think they come in any other use than in crowded cities of where you drive at very low speeds My review: Safety: I did some research and it seems pretty sturdy for a car that doesn't weight a lot. I'm worried about the handling tho, the balance point/place/whatever( I don't know how to explain it in English) is quite high, it will be more likely to flip in high speeds when drinving into a corner. I also noticed that it has pretty small wheels do it has less traction, which means again it's gonna flip, or at least get out of control in corners I'm not impressed with the engine: That engine pretty much sucks, really, let's face it. I mean: 25 kW? are you kidding me? You gonna have some children pushing it to have some extra watts?? or does it say "max 300 kg" on the side door? Also: REAR WHEEL DRIVE?!?!?! I also think it should have more injectors than one, it improves energy-efficiency to have two smaller ones than one big one (although nothing is big in this car apparently, and producing smaller parts would make the car more expensive). I'm pretty impressed with the fuel consumption tho, it seems pretty energy-efficient! So bravo for that! They really like cutting the budget don't they? Overall I think this is a good ride in the cities of India (disclaimer: I know pretty much nothing about India, so don't attack me if this isn't correct, I only know what I've heard ) but not a big success in other parts of the globe.
  14. Hi all trappers!I installed phpBB3 recently and I'm learning how to use it. I have some questions tho:Where can I get that latest posts/topics box in the main page.Also I would like know where I can get the active members ranking box? (the one that has the "most active members", which displays which members have done the most posts)How about the forum statistics box?How do I install plugins and where to get them? is there a site from where I can easily download them?Do these all come with plugins or are they built-in?I'll post more questions when I come up with them...
  15. That's good, but it has a small problem; the lines in the files are also displayed as reversed. I want them to be printed just as they are in the files, but I want the order of the files to be reversed. The script reads the files in alphabetical order right? My files are gonna be like 1.txt, 2.txt etc. This is exactly what I needed! thank you very much! You have NO IDEA of how many problem this thing solved! But I need one more thing (sorry if I'm asking a lot). Is it possible in php to buffer all folders in a folder and then select the last one of them. For example if I have folders 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I want it to first NOT BROWSE THE FILES IN THEM (it will be heavy on the server if it browses the files in the folders too right?) but just "look around" and retrieve how many folder there are there. After that, I want it to select the last folder (5) and then execute the code haslip created above for that folder. Is it possible? Thanks again for the code tho, it solved my problem but with this, it will get a lot easier.' Edit: Nevermind, I'm good with this script.
  16. I need it to retrieve the lines from .txt files.
  17. So... I need some help with putting up a script. I'm not very good with php... I want php script to do this for me: 1. Get all files within a folder. 2. Retrieve the 4 first lines from all of them. 3. Make and array from the files and an array from the lines in the files and then reverse the arrays. 4. Echo the lines from a file and then put a <hr/> tag and then echo from the next file, then another hr tag and then start over etc. I've pretty much figured out how to load specific line(s) from a file: linereader.php<?php$lines = file('file.txt');$l_count = count($lines);for($x = 0; $x< $l_count; $x++){}echo "<font color=red>" . $lines[0] . "</font><br/>";echo "<font color=red>" . $lines[2] . "</font>";?> file.txtechothiscode I might also want it to do more stuff later but for now, all I want is this.
  18. I believe so, another member who knows a lot about disks should comment this one. When I partition my drive, I see the partition start point which is followed by a row of numbers and partition end point which is then followed by a row of numbers. So I don't think it makes a partition in middle of another partition, I think it simply moves it away and frees space for another partition. "You said that 'You can't make a new partition without having free UNPARTITIONED space.' " You can't, that's why I was talking about shrinking a partition, it makes free unpartitioned space for another partition, after you have shrinked, you can make a new partition, after that, you can format it into any filesystem you want...
  19. I've partitioned my physical drives several times so I know what I'm talking about. Shrinking explained: a program takes disc space OUT OF THE PARTITION. It's not like they're combined with the partition anymore. You don't have a high risk of data loss. You don't need to defrag, the program doesn't let you shrink it anymore when you have saved data on the part, for example; if you have 250 GB drive and you have 50 GB data saved on it, you can shrink it to 50GB size, then you can't shrink it anymore. So data loss is pretty much impossible (there always comes a small risk with everything tho...) You can't make a new partition without having free UNPARTITIONED space. Your drive is ONE BIG PARTITION, your OS can't use unpartitioned space. Conclusion: you can't lose your data data, you can't split a partition into 2 partitions, you'll lose your data as it unformattes it. It won't screw up your MFT. Please make sure what YOU KNOW AND DON'T KNOW about the subject before you jump right in and make your own theories and conclusions.
  20. Dude, defraging has pretty much nothing to do with shrinking your HDD. Just use a partitioning program to shrink the drive! You don't need any tidying up...
  21. No, they don't. You have to do it yourself. Before you partition your HDD, Free some space for the other partition by shrinking the existing one, (if you have a recovery partition on your computer, make sure you don't touch it in any ways) After you have free unpartitioned space, make a new partition using that free space. Now you have a new partition. Just make sure you don't screw up, use a program that is known by many people and has a reputation of doing things it's claimed to do, like partition magic. Don't turn the computer off while partitioning/reformatting.
  22. Big antivirus companies do have the solution already, I don't know about the new version of conflicker worm tho.
  23. Well, it's good but it somehow doesn't follow the theme of my layout. Otherwise, nice work. Perhaps you could but a stronger border for the text? or make it darker? That looks a bit better. Yea I think haslip should've asked your permission but I think you don't mind? it's just a small addition. Simple is good but I think I need it to be darker, or you could add colors? Nice work both of you tho.
  24. Well, I want a banner for my website,Size: width: 700px, height: 100-200 pxTheme: I want it to fit in with the rest of my website, the screenshot of my layout: the red are is where I want the banner to beI can change the 'fading to dark' on top of the screen if I have to.Text: konevinkit.net font: well this is a site about software and other technical stuff, so no too curvy beautiful looking font.colors: blue, black and other color that you think would go well with my layout.I would like also the size to be as small as possible, but if it makes banner ugly, then normal size is OK.You can also do this with flash if you want to, I don't mind .swf files as long as they aren't gigantic.3D: yes, if possible and if it looks cool if it's in 3D.Shadow: Yes, if possible.Also, I want the area around the text and shadow to be transparent, so it's not like a box, rather like printed text on the screenshot above. Of course if it looks a lot better box-like, I will use it that way.
  25. Isn't there another topic that has the same thing on it? put some quote tags or something man... EDIT: oh sorry I mixed this one with an another one lol...
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