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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well, I obviously don't live in England, so I don't know much about your cars over there, but I decided to spam this topic anyway! I found a website that might help you out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now isn't that spam goooood?
  2. Coincidental. Chinese fortune cookies and Facebook app answers are not an indication of higher powers trying to tell you something. In all situations, think with a critical mind. Things like this happen all the time. You were thinking about, so you picked them up and connected them. Don't let this stuff to happen to yourself, it's as stupid as believing in horoscopes(no offense to anyone) or anything else supernatural like medians and stuff. And BTW, ask the girl out
  3. Part two: Pay attention, I haven't dismissed anything because I don't like it or agree with it, I dismissed your links, simply because they were stupid. It's very weird and kinda insulting to me that you think I didn't even read those stupid articles before replying. (okay I didn't read them all through but I had a quick peek at them all ). I don't "dismiss stuff" because I don't simply like it. I dismiss content that seems to be written for a 10 year old that can't read something with a critical mind, I dismiss brainwash and I dismiss dishonesty. If you are aware of that, why your links seem to contradict your awareness? Since when we have had "all other ancient documents" in our posession? Another thing(I don't know if you agree with this claim or not): You know Elvis? I don't like his music, but I think he's a lot like Jesus :(he was seen by many people too... after his death. That is why I dismissed all your links from that website. I don't have to have a middle-eastern mindset, but it seems that I have to have the knowledge of people living in the bronze age to believe that you can see earth's corners from a top of a mountain. It's not trying to prove anything, I just asked that if resurrection was so amazing, why didn't anybody else bother to write about it. Truefusion answered my question, but it didn't convince me. Because why would everybody just pay attention to reincarnation when there's a zombie around to write about. I said that you make rationalizations, I didn't say that you made the rationalizations I stated above. Please, read carefully and don't jump in to conclusions without looking at the whole sentence. I'm done for now, waiting for replies. But I won't post on this thread before I'm done with my science thread. Thanks for the Mycents.
  4. I was on vacation, so I couldn't reply on this topic, sorry for the delay. This post is in two parts because I exceeded the limit of quote blocks in one post , I hope this is not against the rules. I thought of putting all quotes in one quote box and numbering them like Truefusion does, but I don't like how one has to scroll up two see what was the quote... sorry. If any moderator wants to me to correct my posts into one, please pm me and I'll do that. Part one: I was busy. BTW, guess what else fun I found in the bible verses? Pillars!!! You have to admit, the bible is self-contradicting, first earth stands on nothing, then... PILLARS!!! But don't blame god, blame the men who wrote the bible. Btw, why you don't stay in the point and explain why the seems to be somekind of gap in the knowledge that was written as "the word of god". Instead you pick on references. And no, I didn't find any backup for stars falling of the sky, but I did find this... Excuse me, but since when did compass points started to count as corners? *Perhaps it wasn't safe for me to assume that you wouldn't forget that the earth is round* Oh, I stopped following that topic a long time ago... I read it now and I have to admit that it caught my interest, but there's still a problem with it. Even tho it seems that there is no evidence that people wrote down "mighty God" and "everlasting father", there is a possibility that people may have used them in oral communication. I have to admit that it might be unlikely tho. Oh, you mean murderous in a nice way? You know, bible reminds me of that song of Metallica that's called "Kill 'em all" more than that there's an all caring being "taking care" of his followers on earth. Alrighty then. Not miracles, but signs. How you know Jesus wasn't a fake messiah? Because he performed mir...- signs? And the only evidence of it is the bible btw, I've been thinking about his name, in persian language, they call him Isa or something like that... It can be because of the islamic influence, but the language is so old. I said how the religion and church collided with science, I didn't mentioned the bible scripture. Sorry to dissapoint, but India is located in Asia. Your "four continents" are actually three. An also, god supposed to know everything, he forgot about the americas, poles and Australia? Have you had a look at world maps lately? Look again. Those don't like four corners even if India somehow magically turned into it's own continent. And even if you didn't just mean continents but the corners of the known world back then, Asia doesn't have any obvious corners if you count India out... Even if it all somehow magically turned true, you can't see those corners when you stand on a top of a mountain. Even if earth was flat back then, you wouldn't see it, because normally, the visibility is limited to 10 km. See, you did make a rationalization. But it's okay, even I do that without knowing it sometimes...
  5. I got the partition/drive working in windows. It still gives me the same error in Linux. I don't want to end up replacing my whole drive like rvalkass said. Anyways, I'm going to holiday tomorrow so I don't have much time, I'll try defraging, formatting and optimization after I've backed up the data. Could someone verify if this is safe for my computer? Thanks for replies.
  6. First when I booted into windows and it took forever to load so I kept the start button down for 6 seconds for it to turn off. I started again and I saw this black screen come up and writing some stuff like "correcting errors in..." I also saw some mentioning about the master file table (mft), there was all kind of other stuff. Anyway, it disappeared and it took forever to load, and it started a bit slow, like something was wrong. Just to get windows explorer working right took me like 15 minutes. After that, I tried accessing my second HDD's first partition as usual. I have all my projects, music, videos.. everything except program files. It didn't even show up on "my computer". I'm running vista by the way.Next, I boot into Ubuntu and it can't mount the partition. I know it can't be the whole hard drive that is not functioning properly, because my Ubuntu partition which is on that same drive, is working. I get this kind of error when I try mounting it:I tried doing what it said. I ran "chkdsk /f". It launched up command line or something that looked like it and then the window disappeared. I don't even understand what it tells me to do in the second part where it says activate something blah blah blah...I'll try some windows automated startup repair and memory diagnostics tool and everything I can get my hands on to fix this. In the meantime, I made this thread, maybe I'll find some help.
  7. What morality has to do with homosexuality? If something isn't damaging, then why it should be immoral? What kind of immoral acts animals do? Give us some examples? Because as far as I know, animals only want to survive, and base their "moral laws" on survival(like panda kills its other baby if it has 2 of them, because it can only look after 1). You mean those priests saying "I was gay once and now I'm back with Jesus"? That is not counted as fact, they (probably) just go back to live in the closet or they weren't gay in the first place, and just had way too many problems. The coin has two sides, how there are many people (some that have already had time to get married with the opposite sex and have kids) coming out of the closet? Another thing is of course that we haven't yet found the "gay gene", so you can easily say that they are not born *person*(lol, the filter censored the word...)- or heterosexual. What if they aren't? There is nothing wrong with it if they were born as gay or not. As I already said, homosexuality isn't damaging in a small or large scale, so it can't be morally "wrong", of course if you have someone else telling you your moral laws, but that's a completely different thing. It's not morality, it's "obey or you'll be punished", laws. That kind of rules exist so we can keep control of the people in a system, they are not meant to be moral laws. Real morality comes from the person itself, when a kid grows to be a 6 years old (I think), the person can look at the situations from others' perspective and see if he/she is harming others by his/her acts. Then, think if he/she would like to be treated as he/she is treating another person.
  8. They're from the same company. Xisto - Support I believe is the support center for all xisto sites/services plus ordering of webhosting via Xisto - Web Hosting.
  9. That just tells how much heat you need, not how fast you heat it up. (correct if I'm mistaken)This is how I would do it:1 calorie = amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 Kelvin1 calorie = 4,18400 JoulesMass = about 250 grams4,18400 J * 250 g * 48 = 50208 JAs a reminder, I suggest that you always calculate with the units in their "standard form". It's possible to mess them up if you convert Joules into kilojoules and seconds to hours. When you're working with time, you have to always convert stuff back, because time doesn't work the way our other units of measurements work.Now if you have a heating device that has "100 watts"-sticker, you can calculate how much time it takes you to heat up that amount of water.We know how the power of the device, and we know how many Joules we need to be converted into thermal energy (or heat in normal language ). We should get the amount of seconds like this:P = w/tWe know that (using the standard form of units) 100 watts = 100 J / 1 sSo how long it takes for our device to heat that up? We calculate how many times 100 can fit into 50208:50208 J / 100 = 502,08 s After some conversion to minutes the result is around 8 minutes and 22 seconds
  10. Actually "heat" in its scientific meaning is not energy, heat is the amount of thermal energy being transfered as I said in the post. Watt is the unit to measure power. Power is simply means how fast something does a certain amount of work per certain amount of time(energy conversion). P(power) = w(work) / (time). Electric power is: P = U * I. To put it simply: You get watts by multiplying the voltage and amperes with each other If you mean thermal energy, it is marked with a capital E like any other energy form. If you're using multiple energy forms, you can make it simple by adding a small t(thermo/thermal energy/whatever that starts with t). Like this: Et . Heat itself is measured by calories. I don't know about your "specific heat" tho... No you didn't ruin anything, but I would've had to explain what the units mean so I left out the short version. Sorry to leave you without an "ooh aah".
  11. Nothing defines absolute good or evil. Morality is relative, good can turn into evil and the other way around if you change your viewpoint.Murder is "evil", right? What if you're protecting yourself? What if the person you're going to kill is an "evil" person?Let's imagine I steal Rob's cookie(). You look at what I did and what happened to the "victim". In this case, Rob was left without a cookie. But what if I was starving? What about "Robin Hood"? Driving is bad for the environment, but wouldn't you allow ambulance to be driven to pick up a sick person?There is NO absolute moral laws, only actions and their consequences. If the consequence is damaging, the action is "bad", in extreme cases(not when stealing cookies) it's defined as "evil". The other side of the story matters, you can't call an action good or bad based on the action itself, you have to do the following1) The motive for that action2) The consequences of that action3) Was there any better choice to choose from4) Was there any outside influence making that person like some psychological problem, something that made the person make something he wouldn't normally doThat is the real morality. In some cases, you have to also think that what could've happened if the action wouldn't have taken place. If I wouldn't have stolen Rob's cookie I would've starved. Rob didn't give me (the starving boy ) his cookie, so who was the evil one here?
  12. What accuracy? you mean accuracy tha claims that the earth has four corners, sun orbits the earth, stars can fall of the sky? oh wel... Well, maybe god twisted it to make it look like a ball after he realized people were falling off? This doesn't differ than the belief that earth lies on the back of four elephants that stand on the back of a giant turtle. Actually I would say the giant turtle is pretty darn cool. Four corners, how accurate scripture! Even Jesus' date of birth is fake, it was Mithra's day. It was done on purpose by the church destroy the worshipping of Mithra in Babylonian Kingdom/whatever. There were a lot of people at that time claiming they are the savior and what not, they also performed "miracles". You are ready to claim that the miracles in your religion are true but all other ones aren't? Why didn't anybody else write about coming back to life?! Only some dudes over a century after the so called "resurrection"?! One of your links contained some mathematical nonsense like "the bible is 99,5 % textually pure." Like you can mathematically calculate what is pure "textually". Textually pure? Like no typos? lol Just because something contains some facts doesn't mean it's all true. I'm getting a little bored right now, I don't care anymore. do whatever you want(like stone your children to death if they're rebellious or kill someone if they can't spell "shibboleth"), but don't come and try to explain how "accurate" your holy book is, because to me, it's as accurate as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Sorry but I have a hard time trying to understand how this could've happened: "Look son, I'm gonna send you on a suicide mission to earth but you won't actually die because you are actually me". And the prophecies, they are often self-fulfilling, not very in detail blah blah blah... Nothing convincing The truth is, the stories could've been based on a real person, then story got bigger and bigger and then someone wrote it. Then it was used to justify wars and keep people in line, keep them in fear, gather wealth. And you can't deny this one with any scripture. All loving god wouldn't be so murderous and jealous as described in the bible. Religions are just to fill the gap in our knowledge with nonsense, and then when the true facts come out, they desperately try to remain the same Wishful thinking The locations of kingdoms being right doesn't translate to believing in a being without evidence to prove the existence of that being itself. If I tell you that triangles have three sides(which is true, BTW ), but then I tell you I'm immortal, do you believe all I say? No, because you know that I have no evidence and I can't back up the other one with any logic, anything you have experienced/heard in the past and you know I'm not gonna let you test if I'm immortal. It's like I put a candy in a "magic box" and then I tell you it's not in the magic box anymore, but I won't open the magic box to show it's not there anymore. And you are making rationalizations, every religion is, they develop over time, after all, how you think church survived the collision with science? earth is round: oh.. but that doesn't disprove the bible's true word of our invisible friend!!! Fossils: lived at the same time as man. Dating methods: They are ALL inaccurate. Evolution: You have no evidence! Oh you do? No you don't, because my uneducated friend Kent Hovind says so! Big Bang: But earth is only 6000 yrs old? ... ... ... ...The religions do follow science, but with a 100 year lag. That is the defense mechanism, and when everything fails, you blame the devil. I'm not saying you do the things above, but many people do.
  13. First part of my thread series, enjoy. Oh and if I explained something incorrectly, feel free to correct me. Heat is the amount of thermal energy getting transfered(didn't expect that, hu? ). "So what is thermal energy, then, smart***?" - you may ask Thermal energy is the amount internal kinetic energy(And kinetic energy is motion/movement/whatever... ). Internal kinetic energy is the kinetic energy of the molecules and atoms random movement. Now we know that thermal energy is motion. So how does this energy transfer? There are three ways we know: ConductionThis is when the particles are in physical contact. When a particle collides with another one, it transfers part of its own kinetic energy to the other particle. This kind of transfer can only happen in physical contact. You can try this by rubbing your hands together for a few seconds, same thing happens. It doesn't matter if the object is solid, liquid or gas.RadiationThis is another transitional form of thermal energy. The radiation is created by electrons moving to upper energy levels and coming back closer to protons losing energy resulting in waves(radiation). Radiation can travel easily through space, even through a vacuum. It's called infrared radiation BTW, it travels at the speed of light. Nuclear reactions can cause radiation too, but it'll be much higher. You can calculate how much energy(not only thermal energy) nuclear reactions create by this: mass * speed of light?. I'll talk about this more on my next topic about fusion, fission and fire. Anyway, when something stops radiation(like a brick wall), it heats up(correctly: gains more thermal energy.) The object can also reflect energy. Living things are viewable in infrared cameras because they generate infrared radiation by chemical reactions in mitocondria (it's the part of the cell that burns material).ConvectionThis one isn't very important. To have thermal energy to transfer by convection, the matter has to be in liquid or gas form as flow is required for this. Simply, the object has thermal energy, it's moves to another location and mixes with other "stuff" with higher or lower amount of thermal energy. After the objects mix and become one(now conduction starts working), they have an average amount of thermal energy somewhere between the original ones. One example of this is air conditioning.There are upper and lower limits for thermal energy.Upper limitIt's the speed of light. The particles can't move faster than the speed of light, they can't even reach the speed of light. It's the upper limit for any form of energy if it relates with speed and mass.Lower limitThis is absolute zero. It's 0 Kelvin(Kelvin is the standard scientific unit to measure temperature and/or thermal energy). There can be no less internal kinetic energy than no internal kinetic energy. BUT, absolute zero can't be achieved because a) there will always be something giving the object more internal kinetic energy even if it's a closed system. the laws of quantum mechanics(too hard to explain right now what it means... google is your friend). By the laws of quantum mechanics I mean that if particle doesn't have any kinetic energy, it doesn't exist.Solid, liquid and gasThese are the forms of matter, and they depend on the amount of thermal energy. If you compress a lot of gas, you get a lot of heat. As gas needs heat to remain as gas, if you compress it, it'll turn into liquid. So all the internal kinetic energy has to go somewhere right? The same thing happens in your fridge, liquid is turned into gas, and gas absorbs the "heat", cooling your beer :DThe unit we measure heat with is called a calorie. 1 calorie is the amount of heat that needs to be transfered to 100 grams of water to raise it's temperature by 1 celsius or Kelvin. Thermal energy itself is measured by Joule (J) like any other form of energy.Thermal energy also means the potential energy of the object. The internal kinetic energy plus the potential energy form thermal energy. I mentioned this later so I wouldn't confuse you, but confuse you at the end :DI hope I haven't confused you much. So now you know, happy now?
  14. I was doing my daily routine (you know, browse everywhere, waste my time and download movies from 80's) and I found a link to this great site.First I wasn't very impressed, then I had a look at what it had to offer and I installed it. This is a great piece of software, great source of entertainment! And it's open source and runs on Linux, it can't get much better than that?!There's lots of entertaining shows and there are some movie channels too. I'm limited to my regional area, I haven't yet tried to download The Simpsons as think I can't download it here, but I'll try someday, and I can solve it by using a proxy on Linux, so try this!It has like 6 000 shows and then there are some HD quality shows, which is pretty damn cool. It's like vuze but 7000 times better. It can play almost every format of video and compression I can think of. and it uses peer-to-peer technology, podcasts and all kinda other stuff. you can use feed for your favorite shows and other stuff. Has a lot of geek shows in HD and normal quality as well. It's good multimedia program, USE IT, and that was an order!
  15. Truefusion, don't you think that dogs and wolfs are different species? Sure you can't disprove the changes in muscle structure and pretty much everything else between chihuahua and a wolf? Artificial evolution has resulted in dogs that have some totally unique diseases.I also have to disagree with anwiii about the evolution theory being a fact. Theories are not meant to be facts, they gather all the facts and tell us what they mean. A theory has to fit in with all the other theories, if it doesn't the theory is modified to fit them or dismissed from the scientific community What I think anwiii really meant was that it is true.I really have not much to say than macroevolution is just microevolution on a larger scale. This is kinda short post but I really do not have anything to say about evolution because some people(Not any in this topic.. yet) just seem to ignorant.
  16. In short: NO. Enough said Why they disregard them? Well usually, people trying to disprove a theory have very stupid arguments, that only appeal to people with not much knowledge about the subject. A theory is the highest "rank" something can achieve in science without entering the world of mathematics. A theory has to fit in with all the other theories. Theory is what combines all the facts and explains what they mean. Debating about it is like I would want debate against someone about if our planet is flat or not. It's just... stupid, that's all I can come up with. I have seen some reasonable debates on the subject tho(not about earth being flat, but climate change), but the facts are not on your side when you say climate change is not caused by us or whatever. And maybe WE will adapt but lots of other animals don't because the change is too quick. If you're not part of the solution, you part of the problem.
  17. Not scientists. Typical illusion that there is some kind of debate about thisamong scientists...
  18. Those are old, and be careful what you think is a discussion about energy! let me quote one of your links: Hah! Very SCIENTIFIC topic you got there... Those topics aren't exactly what I want to do, you'll see *looks around suspiciously* When I said energy forms I meant I'll explain what they are (nuclear, kinetic, chemical, electromagnetic radiation, etc.). Sorry to say this, but your links suck anyway, I think I'm gonna leave evolution for kobra and replace it with a thread about "the scientific method". @kobra, are you okay with that?(I was going to explain what evolution theory is about, if you want to do it, go ahead. I have enough stuff to write here..) I hope you are. I also thought of changing the order so you first know the basic stuff before I move into heavier stuff like black holes and stars.
  19. Funny how you mentioned the search feature, because it sucks Anyway I used google and I only found a topic on fission(I thought I would find some about evolution too but google didn't find any...). I decided however that I will post a thread about fission because the thread I found was from 2006 and I would like to also describe the reaction with graphics and tell about it more than in that topic. That's all
  20. Well I have been thinking, I'm slowly running out of things to discuss about here to earn CENTs.(well not exactly but my posts are somewhat getting shorter and shorter). So I thought I could contribute to the community by making multiple topics about multiple things regarding science. I think I'll learn more about these topics while I'm making them. So the stuff I would like to "educate"(if you've somehow forgot what you learned in the past or you want to learn more) our members about are in the following list: Fusion and fission Stars (about their different stages and their chemical reactions) Black holes Gravity and density(about their relations) Evolution Morality(from a scientific viewpoint) Energy forms Heat (is an energy form but since I know more about this than the others, I'll give this it's own topic) I will continue making more as I come up with more stuff Is this a good idea? *Update: Changed the order and replaced evolution with the scientific method: Heat (You need this to understand fusion) Fusion, Fission and fire Gravity and density(about their relations) The scientific method Stars (...) Black holes Morality (Combing evolutionary point of view and also wondering around of how it changes) That's it, and sorry for the red colour, just trying to draw attention.
  21. Well, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but free will is an illusion. Yes it is!When you're deciding something and you have multiple choices, we pick the one that is more profitable for you. The chemicals in your brain cause this. Here's an example:(no offence to anyone who likes coca cola)Bob is a happy man. One day Bob went to his local market to buy some refreshments, he saw the drinks section and headed there. Now Bob had to decide if he wanted to buy Pepsi or Coca Cola. From his earlier experience, Bob new he liked pepsi more than cola. Chemicals in Bob's brain making Bob to choose Pepsi were stronger than the ones that were making him to choose Coca Cola. This is the illusion of free will, where we think we actually decide between mutiple choices. Now let's say Bob wanted to prove himself that he had "free will", he chose to buy Cola, and it tasted like crap(). What happened here? Well, the chemicals that caused Bob to prove himself he had free will were stronger than the ones that just wanted to taste something good. So the decisions you make depend on your goals, another example:Bob liked whiskey more than tequila, but his wife could tell from the smell if he had been drinking. So that night at the bar, Bob decided to go with tequila because it didn't smell as strong in his breath as whiskey did.If you could read through my stupid examples, you see why I call it an illusion.
  22. When I said biblical events I meant the important and crazy ones, like splitting sea in half, great global flood, living inside a giant fish for 3 days etc. Your defense here could obviously be "that's the old testament", but the new testament contains some crazy stuff too, read your bible.At least if these did happen, there is no evidence. And evidence, scientific method and logic, is what I rely on. Religion is about jumping from a question to conclusion.I'm not an atheist, I view the existence of god(s) possible, but I don't view any religious viewpoint as possible, as those are obviously made up, and you can't change my mind about this(actually, yes you can, if you find me a religion that supports logic. HINT: none of the major known religions). I would also like to state I often watch videos and read articles supporting religious point of view and sometimes I get an "ahaaa"-moment. When I find a good argument from the opposite side of view I search to find if it has been debunked. So I'm pretty open-minded even tho it's I'm saying this myself.As a person I have to consider what happens to me if I'm wrong. Well, in case of most religions, I'll go to hell/somewhere else and my punishment will be eternal torture.(?) I do not view that as fair, an all-loving being wouldn't send people to hell just because they didn't follow its teachings. I would rather go to hell, because the party is definately downstairs I'm sure the first few days will be horrible but I'll adapt :DIt's fun how you responded to "Jesus never said he was the son of god". But isn't the christian god the "father" of us all? Let's play the smartass game here; I said he never said that he was the son of god, he said that god was his father, checkmate! (I'm not mocking anybody, but I have like not take everything seriously)And no, big bang doesn't require eternality of time, as time didn't exist as we know it before the big bang. Time doesn't exist without space, and space doesn't exist without matter and/or energy, matter and energy wouldn't exist if any of these missed(?). OMG! It's like father, son and the holy spirit! Maybe they just have a symbolical meaning and they mean time, matter and space? Naah... :DAs I already said, saying that god just isn't detectable by anything in this universe is just way too easy. And I do not accept that as an explanation, at first god had to be in the sky(NOTE: people couldn't reach it, that's what made it undisprovable) after that it's another realm/dimension/whatever... You make it easy for yourselves. I prefer to seek the truth through science, without making rationalizations to make my own beliefs fit the universe.I think we're done posting in this thread if you haven't got any new stuff to bring up. As it seems that we are looking from very different point of views and it wouldn't be wise to just repeat our arguments. And this has been kinda boring since nobody else has replied to the topic for some time :)But if you have any other arguments that you have not yet mentioned, feel free to do so.
  23. Disable/remove the mywebsearch toolbar and see if it works again, if it doesn't, then reinstall the browser.
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