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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. No worries, it has the height of 1px and it's like 1.8 kB. So I don't think it will "overload" the RAM or anything. The logo/header or the "3D object" as you stated is made with xara 3D trial version. I will do what you suggested but I didn't really get The logo hasn't got one color, it has many due to reflections and stuff. So you suggest a lighter blue for the background or should I just make a gradient for that? I assume by "active tab" you mean pressed, correct me if I'm wrong. I will do the changes and edit this post then.
  2. I got zonealarm to work. I'm currently using it and i'm pretty happy with it.Thanks for the suggestions.
  3. - My background gradient is 1920 px wide. I have a problem with the shadows, they are formed by a bilinear gradient which is the background of the div containing the whole page (it repeats itself). When the window size gets smaller, the shadow turns kinda freaky. Another option is to do a shadow for only one side... I can't do overlay, since there's only one layer and I'm using sliding doors method on tab menu. Here's the image (with the shadow looking freaky) EDIT: Never mind I just got the shadows to work properly. Is the font good by the way?
  4. I some of the things you said above. It wasn't quite ready and it still isn't but i didn't want any kind of dark feel to it. Here's what I did: I made the content/navigation a nice background which has rounded corners (with javascript and css) if you want rounded corners too, visit this site:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And then the shadows, tab-like menu. I really took time to do this and I would like to know how it turned up. Tell me your opinions, it still needs a bit fine-tuning but I think it looks pleasant to the eye unless you're allergic to blue
  5. I tried googling that, it came up with just torrent sites and then some internet shops in the 3rd page, it's no freeware as I asked.
  6. Come on guys!? This has been here for +2 days now! Reply, please please please please?
  7. Well it is quite unfinished, well... because it's unfinished. I didn't take time to do it really. Just a little gradient there and some blue stuff here and there... I'm going to improve it, just need to get some sleep lol. I'm uploading a new version soon, the current one does kinda look naked.
  8. Unlikely, but possible. You should really say it face-to-face, if you have a crush on her, it might be hard to talk when she's in front of you. That is why you need to plan what you're going to say so you don't freeze up. If she says yes, don't just stand there, answer like "okay, I'll see you then" and walk away. Also it might be a good idea to ask her out when she's not surrounded by her friends, therefor if she says no, and the girl isn't a mean one, her friends won't march through the school telling to everybody you got rejected by her. Oh and if she says yes but she doesn't have time, don't txt her later, what you want to do is call her.
  9. I didn't mean magnetism, I meant that every IS represented by waves, if something has the 2x the wavelength than us, we will not be able to see, touch, hear... it. So yea there might really be a whole another world in there and you won't be actually able to get any information of it. I agree with the imagination, since you can't actually invent anything if you believe it's impossible. But it has to have limits!
  10. I was just being realistic! I have imagination! And I didn't mean electromagnetic waves in general, SINCE EVERYTHING KEPT TOGETHER BY ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. Waves have the way to expand in space so it'll be impossible to actually collect the information from them after they've travelled a few light years.
  11. Well this is the theme/layout I made for my future website.The website is in finnish language. I made the minimum width 700px and max 1000px, all the graphics have been made with GIMP and it didn't really take much time. I want your advice on how to make it look better or to know if it already is perfect (heeehee, I somehow can guess that it's not )The buttons change when hovered (on navbar and the vertical navigation). The footer hasn't got much of a content, only valid css and valid xhtml marks.And then there's the lorem ipsum stuff, should I make the font larger or something?There's also coming soon stuff like "latest articles" box under the navigation.This website will serve a as a personal blog where I publish my thoughts and stuff and also I'm going to make several tutorials in it so it'll be pretty "full of content", I'm planning about making a xhtml and css tutorial and then if I have time, a little basics of GIMP.It'll also have a "software" section where I provide my review of software and put a download link.After I uploaded the picture I found out that the text was a bit blurry but whatever, don't stare it too much or it'll BURN YOUR EYES!
  12. Well, what can I say... You screwed it up. You might want to hope something now but after you've been a coward and not even asked her out AFTER she has come to you and acted like a maniac with the txt msgs, I'm sorry mate, you've got no chanses anymore. Next time, grow some balls and ask the girl out yourself. As I already said, reality strikes back sometimes, you're not a 10 year old anymore.You might not also understand this, but if you ask your friend to ask her friend to ask her out, I'm not sure if you're mature enough for dating and stuff like that.
  13. I don't see any ways of doing that. Even if you could, 2gb hard disk would be just a memory card or something, not a spinning HDD, and windows doesn't even fit on 2GB.
  14. Baniboy


    Welcome to Xisto! Make sure you read tthe rules and register at:https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email you registered here (if you want to make a website) You'll start making myCENTs after 5 posts. Don't spam and make good long posts and you'll do fine. Too many one-liners from one user isn't allowed, and you won't even get many myCENTS with them. If you have any questions feel free to pm me or a mod (mods have their name in blue font by the way)
  15. You're going off topic here guys! Utorrent isn't illegal itself, that's all I have to say.
  16. Dude, I meant like a wave wave you know, I don't know how to say it in English. What I meant was to transformit into a radio wave/light wave so it could travel through space. Anyways, even if it just transfered information about the object, the information would have many light years to travel, and even if it reached it's destination, just by rebuilding a LIVING object doesn't actually make it LIVING. Science hasn't yet the ability to create complicated life from just the particles and I think it never will, I also think it never should!
  17. Well, if MFT is really screwed up, I don't see any ways to access the files nor save them, since file table is pretty much the only thing keeping them together. I suggest that your friend reformats the HDD and moves on, sorry. EDIT: If the MFT is totally destroyed, reformat, if it still excists, a disc specialist might be able to recover it. It might be expensive tho, but if your friend's data isn't worth it, then I wouldn't recommend it, since it isn't even sure that a specialist can recover them and he/she might still charge for the work.
  18. Well, I was using COMODO firewall pro but it had a conflict with my external microphone plug and my synaptics touchpad. CFP also asked too much, all I wanted was protection and that stupid program asked permission for everything, and I got sick of it.So now I want good firewall for my laptop pc, I'm running vista home premium and I'm pretty happy with it. Please don't mention zonealarm because vista doesn't let it's monitoring program work.I would like to also mention that I want FREE firewall, not a trial, shareware is ok as long as it doesn't limit using to let's say 30 days or something.Now I'm running AVG internet security on trial until I find a firewall that fits me the best.In the information, please mention:1. The name of the firewall software.2. Is it shareware or freeware.3. Your review of the program, download link, and how many points you would give to it from 1 to 10.Thank you for your help.
  19. Nope, it isn't possible.1. Tearing tissue apart is NOT possible without killing the animal you're "teleporting"!2. Even if you could do that, transforming physical object into waves is impossible.3. Nothing can move faster than light, so it would be pointless except if you don't have your little scifi spaceship that can move in the speed of light.4. Turning waves back into a physical object is impossible.5. Even if all that crap would be possible you would probably go through electromagnetic clouds in space and just get destroyed.6. Waves don't keep their form, they expand, so if you don't have a tube that reflects the waves back you'll be all over the space.7. STOP WATCHING THAT SCI-FI CRAP, I know you know the stuff in them aren't possible, but if that kind of BS makes you think about stupid stuff, STOP WATCHING IT! The real world is far more intersting!
  20. There are ways to speed up utorrent but, you can't go over your actual internet speed. If you want speed, buy a faster internet connection. You can also port forward. BTW, many ISPs in states and some other countries limit your P2P speeds. You might also have a bottleneck somewhere, maybe your dsl modem or the server limiting your speeds.
  21. Yea I didn't know that you can't plus variables in php. I thought that if you can put echo (bani + boy); and it'll type baniboy then you can plus variables in the same way. Thanks for the help truefusion. EDIT: Could some mod please make the topic [resolved] or will I have to do it via report button or something?
  22. Good news dear helpers! I made a hydrid from truefusions and Pankyy's code and it wrote on the file. Thanks for all your help people! haslip I noticed your code a lil' while ago, it worked after a little adjustments to my code but I decided to go with the other one since it was shorter. But with this code that does write on the file: <?php$somecontent = "\nName: {$_POST['name']}\nComment: {$_POST['comment']}\n";$hr = "<hr/>";$file=fopen("comments.xml","a+");if (!$file) { echo "File Handle Not Available For Use"; exit; };fwrite($file, $somecontent);fclose ($file);?> The problem is when I try adding "<br/> and "<hr/>" to $somecontent, it doesn't write them and gives me an parse error! How can I add br and hr tags in $somecontent? I tried this: $somecontent = "<br/>" + "\nName: {$_POST['name']}\nComment: {$_POST['comment']}\n"; Also would like to add br into the middle of 'name' and 'comment'
  23. No the script is in file "comment.php" and it's trying to open "comments.php" . I can do that what you coded, it's just it doesn't work when it comes from a form... uuhh.. I'm getting so frustrated, I'm off to sleep now, bye.
  24. I'm not getting any errors and it's still doesn't write anything into the file, I'm running this on WAMP,if you have wampy pampy too, can you test if the code I've written works on your php server?
  25. Well I was just trying to make a simple way to add comments to articles but then I faced a problem. I'm not getting any error with this code: <form action="comment.php" method="post">Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br/>Comment: <input type="text" name="comment" /><br/><input type="submit" value="comment this article" /><br/></form> Then the script: <?php$name = $_POST['name'];$comment = $_POST['comment'];$file=fopen("comments.php","a+");fwrite ($file, "$name", " " . "$comment");fclose ($file);?> Am I doing something wrong or can't php write form data in files? It creates the file but writes nothing in it...
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