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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I made this kinda quick, I didn't modify the image, I just added some (possibly) good looking text, I'll see how you like it but currently I don't have any ideas of what to do with the background so I'll just have to wait and see. Tell me your opinion and you could also suggest what I could do with the background.
  2. This is an update to my topic. Well anyway, I was trying out these content management systems and after trying 4 of those, I had a "what the hell I'm doing?!"-moment.I realized that all those features I want, I can get with using wordpress, and therefore there's no need for CMS, but I'll have to customize the theme or at least find the closest thing I want, but the themes are so outdated! I can barely find a theme for v. 2.7, not even talking about WP 2.8. So I'll just have to edit... ugh... :(Well anyway thanks for all the help guys, if I ever want to make a blog or something like that, kinda like simple project, I'll use sNews, it's great and very flexible, the only weakness is that it doesn't have enough users/developers.
  3. I don't know if you're losing your mind or not, but I can provide you with a helpful tip.When you're dreaming and you realize that you're dreaming, you can take control of it. That sounds weird but it's really fun! You could solve your problem by thinking of why you're always dreaming the same thing, and after you realize why, you can solve it in the dream. You can simply take control of the dream after you realize it's a dream, this happens because your unconscious mind isn't as "smart" as the rest of the brain. When I dream, I constantly search for things that just shouldn't be happening, like clocks acting really weird or if you dream that you're an adult (hehehe).That's all I can say...
  4. I was going to choose Joomla!, but I want to keep my options open. @jlhaslipOne core file?! Wow, that's nice, but I don't think I have enough knowledge to edit the core :(I checked it, but I didn't find anything about a login/registering system. *EDIT: I just found one after searching the site* My first option now is joomla, but I'll first try them out on a local(or maybe on the hosting package I have with Xisto - Web Hosting) before sticking with one. I'll definately try out sNews and Joomla!, but I'll try others too, if you have any other suggestions, feel free to share.BH, you mentioned cutenews, I've never tried that one myself, is it good? does it meet with the requirements I have stated in the first post? Anyway thanks for the information, BH and JL.
  5. The picture stays on the same spot because it's not an image inserted in img-tags. Text-align is the attribute for the elements inside an element, forexample text or images. The picture in the header is displayed as a background image, so it's "attached" to the element itself, you can correct that by replacing this line: background:url(images/aeflogo.jpg); with this line: background:url(images/aeflogo.jpg) center; Because it's just a definition "background", you can enter other other styling regarding the background too, directly in there, because it's not a "background-image" or "background-position". If you want to position a background separetaly without using quicktype, you can do this with "background-position: right/left/top/bottom/pixel values;". And of course use text-align for aligning the text you want centered.
  6. Well, in any element you want the text/image to be centered Anyway, modify element in the css file. You can try this code, just add it to the end of the file. .elementclass/#elementID { text-align: center;}
  7. I'm going to make a new website, and I just don't want to code all the stuff and I doing a dynamic site would be just a pain for me, not any more painful than making a static one but still... PAINFUL. I need the site up as quickly as I can.I was wondering if I should use a CMS or not. I have been using wordpress to publish tutorials on another site, but I want to try out a CMS on the newer one. I was hoping if someone here could help me choose one... Of course if you think using a CMS is a mistake and I could use another website software for that, feel free to inform me.I have a few(or more actually) demands for a CMS. I'm going to publish tutorials made by me and other people, so I need the following features:URL_Rewrite, automated metatags(keywords, describtion), sitemapping and RSS feeds for SEOing. If these can be achieved by plugins to the CMS, that'll do too.I need Breadcrumbs(a path to the article or archive displaying on top of the article content, like "food -> chinese -> noodles", and sorry if noodles aren't a chinese invention, I didn't know :angel:), again if a plugin/mod/whatever is needed to add to the CMS, that'll do. I also need one with free templates to choose from and edit them to my style. Also, it would be better if installing plugins/mods would be easy. A right box displaying latest articles, I also want a login and registration system, so that members can publish their own articles too.It would be nice also that the articles are easy to publish, and commenting is possible. As an extra, I would say would be an option to rate articles.I will add other features to this topic as I go on and discover things that I need. Thanks for guidance in advance!
  8. I don't know, but I think it's something called atari. Sounds similar... google it and look at the images
  9. The guy asked for help 9th september 08? I don't think he's following this topic anymore...
  10. Thanks, I forget things easily. Actually I had to look those numbers from the papers I had printed when I did that research since I couldn't remember the exact numbers I'm guilty :angel:Well it also depends on what the time when you went to school, a few decades ago they didn't even believe in black hole's existence. After they believed, they didn't know much about them anyway, and so came another "UFO-Wave" when all people were talking about was if they could travel through black holes and stuff like that. Even today's calculations may be wrong, because we can't actually get direct info about a black hole, only indirect ones.
  11. You would need a STRONG magnetic field for that, and that strong field is kinda impossible with today's wires. They overheat, destroying the magnetic field.And also, a magnetic field that strong would make the building itself collapse, except of course if it's only made from wood and concrete. Even those materials are diamagnetic.I would just say it would be cheaper to buy/build a new house than to use that thing you described.
  12. I don't see a question mark there. I'm not that stupid to need help to make a redirect. I just said that to explain the reason for the other question.
  13. You have missed my whole point! I'm asking what happens when my main domain expires. I know how to redirect my domain. I was just asking that when my main domain expires, does the add-on domain become the new main domain or what? Please make sure you understand my question before replying.
  14. I can't change the name... I want a message to be displayed when someone comes to the site. displaying : "this site has been deleted and replaced with this site: www. something.com" That's why
  15. I have the cheapest logic package, and a domain name on it. I want to add an add-on domain to my hosting package. After I've done that, if my main domain name for the hosting expires, will the add-on domain become the new main domain for the hosting? I'm trying to dump my old domain and replace with a new one... is it possible?Thanks in advance!
  16. I don't know if there are many other sites offering css-only drop-down menus. But what I know, is that most of drop-down menu tutorials use javascript. If any moderator thinks that this useless or you can find this all over the net, please remove it, because I didn't do much research on this and I just coded it to help other members who don't like javascript. This tutorial shows you how to create a CSS-only drop-down menu. The code is provided with an explanation, if you have any questions or problems, please ask. The code provided is compatible with the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Apple safari, Google Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer. If you find any bugs, please report back in this topic so I can fix them. So here's the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xml:lang="en" lang="en" > <head> <title>test</title> <style type="text/css"> /* styling and positioning, modify freely */ .menu { background: #ccc; border: solid blue 2px; width: 200px; padding-left: 10px; position: absolute; /* I don't suggest modifying this, exept if you don't mind moving your content with the drop-down menu */ top: 0px; left: 0px; font-size: 20px; } .menu ul { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 5px; display: none; /* this is the main idea, without hovering on anything, I'm using display: block to make the mennu invisible */ margin-top: 0px; } .menu:hover ul { display: block; /* making it visible again when you hover on .menu */ } .content { margin-top: 40px; /* Since the menu's position is absolute, you have to place the content so it doesn't disappear under the menu */ } </style> </head> <body> <div class="menu">Menu <ul> <li><a href="#">link1</a></li> <li><a href="#">link2</a></li> <li><a href="#">link3</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="content"> Another incredibly ugly thing made by Baniboy: Only CSS drop-down menu. Don't forget to set the position: absolute for the menu bar if you don't want your content to move down!!! Enjoy my masterpiece :P </div> </body></html> The main idea is, when you hover on the .menu (div element), the ul list becomes visible, otherwise it's invisible. Well, that's all, it's that easy to do.
  17. I would like to start meditating, but my stupid brother never shuts up. There isn't a quiet moment in our house. I could easily find the time for meditation but not the silence.Any ideas?I don't want to do it in the morning because I'm really not a morning person... I hate waking up early and I always try to sleep as much without being late from school.
  18. Actually the only one we'll have to thank for extinction is ourselves, not god. Yes we can, by calculations. I did a research on these, some schoolstuff, and all that info is from a valuable source. The sun's mass just isn't enough. A lot of mass is recuired to have enough force when the star explodes. If the explosion is strong enough, it'll push the inner part of the star making it even more dense, therefore making it a black hole. If our sun was to be a black hole, it would have to have a diameter of 1 km.
  19. I got an answer from xisto saying that I can use an addon domain or I can buy a new domain with new hosting. Well, the finnish version's domain name is kinda catchy :angel: I thought I would name the new domain "wackweb.com", but that's taken If anybody has any suggestions of what domain name I could use, please pm me
  20. I know, but the domain name!!! I'm not talking about the TOS here, the domain name I chose doesn't make any sense in English, so it would sound really weird and unprofessional. Forexample if you have a website offering tutorials and tips, but the name is like "kldshfiuodhgkjhihs.com"(note, not my actual domain name if you didn't notice ). That's my problem. I submitted a support ticket asking the staff if I could solve the problem with an addon domain on the same hosting pack. Haven't got an answer yet...
  21. REALLY?! I asked this some time ago in shoutbox and someone said it's okay? omg My domain name is in Finnish, if I provide an english translation, it wouldn't match the domain name... Is it that strict? if so... then I'll register another domain and make a multilang version on that.
  22. Hmm.. you could disable dynamic IPs when you visit your own site. That's all I can suggest.
  23. Of course, I'm hosting a Finnish site myself. So go ahead and start your brainstorm
  24. Finally a topic which even I can spam on! It's afternoon here and very hot, so here it goes! Answer: never, get over it, I know many people would like to wish so, but don't bother. It's as stupid as people believing in so called "white holes", which are the exact opposite of black holes. Why those dreams are equally stupid? They both are mathematically impossible. Another thing is that going into a black hole will get you in a new dimension, this is also stupid, maybe it will, but "normal" people have very weird definitions of the word "dimension". When something enters a black hole, it becomes the mass of the black hole, and therefore it doesn't go anywhere, it just gets ripped into quarks and joins the mass rolling in the statosfere (might have spelled that word wrong... :angel: ), anyway, it doesn't go anywhere, it becomes a part of the black hole. I know Sci-fi is cool and all, but it's just BS and fake, so why believe in it. Sure there are some things (no offence) NO, for a star to end it's life with a supernova, it needs the mass of our sun multiplied by 15. Our sun will just expand into a big "red giant"(happens when it runs out of hydrogen, after that the nuclear reactions start again now using heavier atoms, like carbon, oxygen and nytrogen, this will expand it into a red giant). After every atom is used, it'll turn into a small white ball. Even if a gigantic star explodes, it explodes inside and out, so if the remaining mass is over than 3x our sun's mass, it'll become a black hole. If most of the mass explodes out, and the inner part remains with less than the mass required, it'll become a neutron star thingy and spin like hell... Here's how it will really end (for us): For every single specie, there is an ecological locker on this planet. Now this ecological locker has a maximum limit for the size of the population of that specie in one location. After a specie goes over the limit, problems start to develop for that specie. Problems like this: The food runs out Deseases The lack of space Lot's of predators since there's lots of food.(doesn't much affect human race, but think about it, mosquitos and those crazy worms inside people's stomach!!!! With those cleared out, now I'll go on.After all those things start to affect that population, the population will come down, only a few will survive. Then after all the species they almost destroyed have lots of space, they'll grow large in numbers creating the ideal enviroment for the almost dead population, which will start growing again. As for the "technology developing blah blah...", the best scientists right now are developing weapons, so forget it lol... The chanses are small, get over it. We'll never make it out of our solar system if we don't start to limit the population, so that the number of people born is the exact number of people dying. Sounds cruel but believe me, it'll happen. I sound like a pessimist, but don't forget that pessimists are almost always right The actual universe will end like this: It'll expand so much that it starts to shrink, therefore being the exact opposite of explosion, and it'll just disappear. Nobody knows what will happen after that, maybe another big bang.
  25. ISPs and almost everyone else, tell you the transfer speeds in megabits/kilobits, bit is a smal "b", byte is a BIG "B", as someone already stated above. Don't mix them in your posts, people will get confused!As for my connection speed, it's around 1 Mbps (120 kB/s) for download, and the same for upload. It's what you here call "unlimited", but we don't have limits on the bandwidth here so... It's all I need, I have no use for light fiber :angel:Don't get fooled by the ISPs!
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