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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well, I made 2 versions of header, one is soft and the other one is ("hard"?). Which one is better? I've also considered making a banner request or something. I think it would look nicer if some professional made this since I seem to suck at logo making. EDIT: I'll make a banner request. Thanks for all your help
  2. Well I have done 220 posts and I've earned 29 xistobucks now. That's an average 13 CENTs per post. I haven't yet bought any hosting so my account may feel a little shock when I buy domain and hosting.
  3. Well, I made this new one. I want to know if the header is okay? Or should I take off the reflections? I surrounded the whole left navigation with a border and had 1 pixel height lines splitting them. So... what you think about it now?
  4. Maybe you could tell me what difficulties you are having so I could help? No problem, glad I could help. Thanks. I always code my webspages, although dreamweaver is good, I like coding since I can keep track of everything, it's just my style. But you can learn a lot from just coding your webpages, like what doesn't work with IE and stuff like that. Thanks for comments, I'll submit more of these when I come up with something worth sharing.
  5. This is for all you guys/girls there who want to learn to make tab-like horisontal menus for your websites: Now, I'm going to use the sliding doors technique on this, all you need is two images and some simple css. The whole idea bases on moving the position of the backgrounds when hovered, this is where css is getting involved. First of course, you need html code for the tab menu: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 1</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 2</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 3</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 4</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 5</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 6</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Link 7</span></a></li> </ul></div> Place that where you want on your webpage. Now, we need 2 images, one for the left side and other for the middle and right side. Why we need two of them? Well if you want to have a nice rounded corner for your tab, you're gonna need two. and You can make your own custom ones, I'm using these as an example here. Here the CSS kicks in, you need some code to make the tab's background "slide" #tabs { font-size:23px; line-height:normal; } #tabs ul { margin:0; padding:10px 10px 0 50px; list-style:none; } #tabs li { /* Changing the list to be in one line... and stuff like that, you should know this if you know CSS */ display:inline; margin:0; padding:0; } #tabs a { float:left; background:url("tableftJ.gif") no-repeat left top; /* aligning this background to top left, so it has always the top visible even if you use small font */ margin:0; padding:0 0 0 5px; text-decoration:none; } #tabs a span { float:left; display:block; background:url("tabrightJ.gif") no-repeat right top; /* the same thing here... */ padding:5px 15px 4px 6px; color:#24618E; } /* Commented Backslash Hack hides rule from IE5-Mac \*/ #tabs a span {float:none;} /* End IE5-Mac hack */ #tabs a:hover span { color:#FFF; } #tabs a:hover { background-position:0% -42px; /* here's how the menu tabs "slide" */ } #tabs a:hover span { background-position:100% -42px; } I hope you don't just simply copy paste the code, this can help you afterwards when you want sliding backgrounds. I didn't comment much, I hope you could understand. !WARNING!: when you have a long tab, it might be empty background in the middle, you simply fix this by making 3 images, one for "li" and others span and other one span id="right". It's my nasty surprise for copy paste guys... code yourself will ya I'm sure you can easily figure the whole thing out in minutes if you have an average CSS knowledge. Just make 3 images, the middle one to repeat on a x axle, no-repeat for the side ones. hope I helped, baniboy
  6. Well, it's been 6 days, double post is justified? Well, I've completely changed the looks. you can look at it and give me an opinion (or many opinions).I think this one is pretty simple, I have to work on the header a little more tho (or is it good just like that? I don't think so...)It aligns to different widths and covers the whole page, so you guys with fullHD screens (if you're there ) can view it without a 1000px wide thing in the middle... I've changed the looks of tabs (I'm still using sliding doors method tho).(in the image uploaded, the left navigation bar has the lower button 'hovered')So... if you ignore the header, how does it look like?
  7. One question: where you're holding the mirror? If you're holding it when you're "running" with the speed of light in front of yourself, At first, yes you will, but when you reach the actual speed of light, light that reflects from your face never reaches the mirror. But if you ask me, you'll die before seeing yourself in mirror. No it's not, radiaton always has one direction and can't move to two directions at the same time, it can't move sidewise when it's moving to it's direction. It has no mass, therefore it can never be moved by mass like a physical object, forexample a ball, when you're running and you through it in the air straight up, it will continue it's movement to where you where going AND it goes up. LIGHT DOESN'T. Well, your mass is relative, you would have to throw the ball faster than the speed of light to even get it out of your hand. And, you can't throw it that hard, it's impossible because nothing can move faster than light. You're already moving with the speed of light, the ball's speed is the same as yours, to throw it, you have to move your hand from back to front and release it, so your hand has to move faster.
  8. Wow... It's been a long time since I read this much spam at once :DVery interesting piece of spam. But I don't think IE "family" is out yet, although it sucks.It has survived because of all the people that just hadn't even heard the word "browser". Now when those cavemen are getting old and dying evantually, I think people will still use it, many people don't even know how to install a program, even in the younger generations.People are scared they won't learn how to use another browser and they thing they current stinky IE works "just fine" even tho it crashes on every other link you click. Despite that IE is pain in the *bottom* for web designers, it's a totally failed browser, if I could choose now, I would choose Netscape if it had a decent flash engine/whatever. I have had some thinking about why IE doesn't follow the standards, I tried IE8, it didn't either, I didn't find an explanation for it... You would think that people learn from their mistakes wouldn't ya? :DI'm not excited about Google Chrome tho, I don't like selling all my rights to some stupid google, I don't even trust their search engine, since you can buy the "first link" at the search results from google (that's what china did, it hide some anti-communism sites under some official chinese government sites)That's why I use altavista, I don't use other since I don't like all the crappy ads around the search results.But I think firefox will evantually win, and microsoft will stop being a "wannabe good in everything", if they focused on one thing, let's say, operating system, I think they would have great results.SM: it sucks when someone spams doesn't it? :D
  9. I belive this is it: Field ValueDevice Properties Driver Description Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)Driver Date 14.2.2008Driver Version Provider RealtekINF File oem9.infHardware ID PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_30FC103C&REV_02Location Information @system32\drivers\pci.sys,#65536;PCI bus %1, device %2, function %3;(10,0,0)PCI Device Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Device Resources IRQ 19Memory D1000000-D100FFFFMemory D1100000-D1100FFFPort 2000-20FFI found the info on "devices/windows devices/something...". Was that the thing you were looking for? I also have a WiFi adapter, I don't use that one tho...
  10. Yea I agree with you, but the funny thing is... (I'm laughing my *bottom* off) it's not even french... it's Belgian!
  11. I just found out about this, pretty old thing but still.People in USA had a boicot against the frenchies? I had a good laugh . So this all is about France didn't help you in the oil war against Iraq?I would like some opinions please, to me this shows that those people are acting like my 5 yr old brother... "you didn't buy me that candy so I won't let you play with my playstation 2". So, really, you still call them "freedom fries"? Or is the whole thing over now? Many people working in the shops selling french food lost their jobs... I think that's very stupid. But what I'm really interested in knowing is; did the government start the banning of french products or was it the civilians? Or maybe it was some kind of bad influense from the goverment that caused the people to start this thing?
  12. It's good that you want to start over. As for the tips, Try to reply only when you really have an opinion or some new information about the topic. I've noticed that you can do pretty well for hosting even if you post only once a week, but the posts have to be LOOONG, not too long tho, you can easily earn 1 buck with just one post. Reply when you have a lot to say because it really doesn't matter if you post 30 posts or you just post 3 decent ones. The only difference is that Sky gets pissed off by it, and it is rather annoying for others too when you go off topic alot when you post. That's all from me, I hope you do well!
  13. Naah, all it could find was a ATI driver from AMD... And I couldn't even install that since it couldn't access the internet.. that's so pathetic I'm so desperate
  14. I have ADSL, my modem doesn't even recognize that I have a computer plugged to it when I boot to linux...
  15. I tried that out, didn't work. It couldn't configure the connection...I think I'll try installing ubuntu english this time, maybe it doesn't come up half english lol.if I have time. Until then, I'll look around and see if anyone here finds the solution...
  16. I have grub fixed now, my only problem is the stupid half-finnish half english language and the connection. I tried typing pppoeconf in terminal.I get the error "please become root before running pppoeconf" or something like that. Weird...I'm amazed you're the only one that has replied this topic. :DSo what should I do? How do I "become root"?
  17. Well, after I reinstalled vista from recovery partition, I lost the grub boot-loaders at the system boot. I reinstalled ubuntu on the partition it was earlier, after that, I booted into ubuntu and it was half English half Finnish wtf? I got a window telling that a language pack wasn't installed, if I want to do it now I had to click "run this action now" or something, and I couldn't contact the internet?! I couldn't even download the package! I reinstalled ubuntu and I'm still having the same problem! I booted into vista and I couldn't contact the net with that either? ******** **** ****** *****! (sorry, I'm so pissed off...) I used the recovery program to get windows back in time and it worked for vista, but still not for ubuntu... ARGH!!! Any advice?
  18. Hi, welcome to Xisto.Read the tyrap17 readme and follow the rules (the readme link is on top of the shoutbox.) Make sure you register at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same e-mail address you registered at Xisto.make clean posts and you'll do fine, see you around.
  19. Hi Berry! Welcome to Xisto forums.Make sure you read the rules and stuff, also I would like to say that the information about hosting on Xisto main page is outdated. We are using creadit system v.3 now, so you have to make long quality posts to earn mycents which then are converted to xistodollars, register at https://support.xisto.com/ wit the same e-mail address you registered here. Nice to have you here and see you around.
  20. Yea I really wrote that thing as quick as I could, I didn't have time to tell that the navigation on the left looks damn ugly , I'm trying to find the right colors for it. I'm considering an image background, that would solve the problem. Also, is 79kB of graphics too heavy to load? Is there another format which supports partial transparency but doesn't have such a big filesize? My main problem is the shadow of the banner. BTW browsers have to support that format if there is one... The grey you mentioned, I tried to make a metal feel and a little glossy. It's currently 5 px from the text itself, I'll try making it thinner and see how it looks. Thanks for the advice, I'll find the right colors for the navigation thingy. BTW should I go with a light or dark color with the "splitter"?
  21. Stop whining and look at this one! I added some new things, stripped it a lil bit, made it softer. Sorry for the short post I'm scared of the damn Xisto servers to get all screwed up again.I realized I don't need a 3D box-like header so I made this one with the good old GIMP. So, I want some opinions, BTW truefusion, the video was very fast, and I couldn't find that panel you had on the right.
  22. I got it to work days ago so no worries... I haven't been able to connect Xisto servers, they were so slow Firerox closed the connection.
  23. Well, one day I peacefully go and start wamp and go to test my website, then I just find out that it's not working. I tried a lot of things.I reinstalledI uninstalled and installed xampp instead, that didn't work either.Any suggestions? Is another program blocking localhost or something?
  24. The whole idea of p2p is computer-computer, it wouldn't make sence to squeeze them through a check or anything, it would decrease the download speed and it would just make sence, it would be the same as I would be downloading from a server. Anyway, such "technology" would be impossible, let's think I make a torrent. How am I forced to make the torrent go through a legality check?. Even if it would be a client-side check, I could easily go around it, if it was the torrent client that makes the check then people would just download and install a client that doesn't have that check. Piracy is here to stay, I personally don't like it, I use freeware and that's all I need.
  25. I'm currently having some problems with wamp, it's just not working. I tried reinstalling but it didn't work. So I'm kinda stuck now...I don't know what to do, any instructions? I even shut down the firewall and tried then but still not working...
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