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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well I made one for my site in php, here's how it works:you have a simple form in the bottom of your article, then you make it to post to a processing file (don't forget to secure your files so that no spammer/hacker/S_M/random idiot has access to them, otherwise your site might be DOOMED ).In the processing file, you command it to write the content of the form sent in a xml file, then...... go back to your original article page where the form was and go down a little bit and and include the file your processing script has written with the include () function. Vola! you've got yourself a comment page, don't forget to command the php file to redirect to the original article after it's done with the script.I can't give you the code because it's on my laptops HDD and it's being repaired...Hope I helped, in case I said something wrong, tf or some other expert could correct me.EDIT: If you want a registration system, you'll have to use some mysql or other db. I recommend xml databases for SMALL PROJECTS or if you're just testing out your skills and it's your first website. XML-databases are easy to make and you don't have to hassle around alot after you've made them.
  2. What do you exactly mean by screwed up, what kind of error you're getting? Well if you have a laptop like me, you'll probably have to buy an external case. I recommend that you buy an external HDD and backup all your important files in it, saves a lot of time when you don't have to worry about data.
  3. Hi trappers!Well this is a problem I had a while ago, my computer restarted just before it got to the log in screen.After I've solved the problem, I want to help other trappers/people browsing in search engines. So if you have similar problems or you just have screwed up hard drive, follow these instructions: (will work for xp and vista)1. Get a windows xp/vista installation CD (you can easily get these from a library or borrow from your friend, of course in case the CD didn't came with the computer ) Don't worry about serial keys, the only one you really need is located on the sticker on your pc. (or the one that came on the CD case)2. Just stay confident and carefully open up your desktop/laptop pc (you might have to remember to turn off your pc first if you haven't already had the brain to do so , if you have a laptop, you might have to move other stuff to access the hard drive) HDD isn't usually hard to identify, if you know the manufacturer of your HDD, you can just take a quick peak and you'll know where it is (Btw if you're having problems identifying your HDD, look for a sticker that has something like "serial ATA" or "ide" on it)3. Now, if you want to save your data, go buy an external HDD case which can be connected via USB to another computer if you already don't have one. (you can find external HDD cases from a basic computer/electronics store) Remember to get the one compatible with your HDD (you can ask from someone to show you where the SATA/IDE cases are. And it doesn't even have to be a case, it can just be a group of wires that you can attach to you HDD4. Carefully detach your HDD from the computers guts and attach it to your external HDD case (just connect the wires/push the HDD in it's place)Then connect it to another computer via usb.5. It might take some time to have the permission to access your files but it'll evantually work, just follow the instructions. In your HDD, go to "documents and settings" for xp ("users" for vista) then just browse around and copy your files to another computer. You can transfer them to a stick or DVD/CD.6. Put your HDD back in it's place and then fire up your computer. (or should you can just turn it on but it won't be as exciting as "firing it up", believe me!)Now put the Xp/vista intallation CD and reinstall your crappy windows! Vola! You've just turned your computer from a totally wasted one, to a less wasted one! :DIf you think this is difficult think about me, I had to hack my own HDD because all of the crap I used to secure it with! SO STOP WHINING!
  4. Ash, trying to find loopholes in the rules doesn't do you any benefit. It's not matter of how many lines/charecters you write per post, but do you post anything new, perhaps provide a different point of view, or a simple fact. It's a matter about quality, I'm not saying you can't be active on the forums but when I see your posts I notice you give no new information or point of view and just copy the same stuff other people have said earlier, therefor I my judgement says that many of your posts are useless. Sky, try to calm down, you can just easily skip ash's posts if you want to. Ash, I don't think you make a lot of mycents with the spamming you do nowadays. For example, I don't post on every topic possible, I just find a topic which I like and then make a long loooong post and earn 3 bucks per post. Alot of charecters, good quality and informative posts, that is the main goal when I do posts. I mean, look at this post, I know this one isn't so long but still, I'm gonna earn at least 1$ for this. I also went to your profile page and looked up your latest 5 posts. I'll quote them here: I don't really think you've "now stopped" like you said above, just because it's not a one-liner doesn't mean it's not useless does it? You should consentrate on the quality of your posts, not the amount. I mean look at them above, you possibly don't think they are quality posts do you? And 2 lines isn't even close to enough if you ask me, except if it's containing a significant amount of information.
  5. Well the money governments give to students is partly a loan and partly just giveaway. So you'll have to pay back the amount you used but not the actual support because... well because it's support, not a loan. Anyway you'll have to pay the loan back after you get a job, the support itself is small and it won't cover even all the books you'll have to buy. No, we don't get breakfast, our school starts at either 8.10, 9.00 or 10.00. We eat breakfast at home/ or I just drink coffee . The lunch is provided by the school, we don't go to eat somewhere else. The food in school is ok, not great but edible (if that's the right word, I always forget...). There's the veggy option and salad and a meal that contains meat.
  6. You know, I find it very interesting that there is no articles against global warming in science papers, but only written by some dumbass who didn't know what the hell he/she was talking about. I don't know about this stupid Al Gore who's house uses more energy than a 10 normal households combined. As far as I'm conserned, you can freely shove those "carbon credit"-BS up in his *bottom*. He is making money because people feel guilty, not because they really want to stop climate change. And who know what the hell he's doing with all that money, buying a new fancy house perhaps?Global warming has been proved, there is no need for other proof. Politicans want to keep people consuming a lot so money keeps rolling. Because USA is a big market area for a lot of big companies that are sponsors of the same damn politicans! If somebody here wants to somehow (I don't know how you gonna do that) proove SCIENTIFICALLY that gases like carbon dioxide, methane and sulfide oxide don't cause warming in the climate, I would like to speak with him/her.You can easily just look at a greenhouse and see how it works: sun's radiation goes in, but doesn't come out. Why? Because there's gas that doesn't let the heat to get mirrored. The earth is not moving towards the sun, in fact, earth is doing the exact opposite. Because of the centrigular force, earth is moving away from sun, and will someday be out of it's gravity field. The same way moon is moving 3 cm away from earth every year.I don't like articles where somebody says "the scientific tests show that..." STOP which scientific test? who did it? where was it done? Unless you start answering these questions you have 0 % reliability on your so called "research".And I see a lot of people here saying "well here it is much colder than it should be so I don't belive in global warming" What the hell are you thinking? Just because it's global warming it may not consern your area, think in a bigger scale, not in your backyard! Climate is a complicated thing, in your area it may seem like it's getting colder but you don't think that in Greece they'll have more winter rain and so it will be warmer there. 40 % of global warming is being caused by the incresing radiation of the sun, the other 60 % is our fault.And many government's scientific research is often fingered. Look at USA's nutrition pyramid in 2004: There it is said that 40-60 % of food must be carbonhydrates... That's just insane, I saw a document about this and did some research, it seems to me (and many others) that your government has fingered the results so people would use more wheat, corn and other same kind grain products, but first of all: for the cereals. Yea you read it right, cereals are big business.To Echo: I'm sorry but it's "global" not "globle".
  7. They are just a connector, but it doesn't change the fact that this particular "connector" is helping people to find illegal material. That's why the admins of the site are being sued and it's totally justified. Trying to find loopholes in the law doesn't always provide good protection against it. Damn why swedish government hasn't already changed the law?
  8. Well you could try with a xp install CD, just put that in and delete the partition ubuntu is located in. But don't install windows, just after that put the ubuntu CD back in and install it again. Or can't you boot from disc at all? Well try booting in recovery mode if you haven't already tried that. You could also install a mini-linux distro on usb stick and then you could boot from that and install. If that doesn't work.. well I'm out of ideas.
  9. Well if there is no difference then you should invite all those 1 million people to come to your house and watch it with you. FACE IT, it's illegal, and it's not illegal without a reason. Pirate bay is helping people to find illegal material so bringing it to court is perfectly justified. You can't justify piracy, you just can't, no matter how many times you say "I'll just try it out and then if I like it, I'll buy it" or "it just costs too much so I can't afford it, if it was cheap, I would buy it". You go to a movie shop and take a dvd without paying it and then after you've watched it you decide it's good and actually pay for it? And youtube is not illegal, when a company requests a video to be removed youtube will remove it, it's the users of youtube who put those videos, the crappy bay doesn't. TBP is also a tracker so it TELLS the torrent client where the illegal material is found, a torrent file itself just points to trackers. It is WRONG and ILLEGAL and WRONG. You can justify it and I if someone here tries that I'll come back here and... reply
  10. Well I'm from Finland in case you didn't know and I knew that Finland was one of the leading countries in health care, and when I saw this topic i decided to do some research. It seems that Finland really is on the top when it is to talk about health care with other nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark but not Iceland even tho it's a part of the nordic). I read some material on finnish and foreign websites and on some European Union sites. It's very funny how you have to pay for a ambulance ride in states. Some medical facts about Finland: You get FREE mental, dental and the usual hospital care until you turn 16. Even tho Finland has one of the lowest death rates when it comes to diseases it's a world leader in suicides (funny ha? you've got all the system to prevent people from dying and then... they want to die themself!) I personally think that it's because you don't feel the damn sun on your skin for 4 months, and then some people live in the far north when it's like 6 months or so and you've got average temperature of the year of -10 celcius. Yep, it's damn depressing! Finland has shortage on medical workers, not that they don't have enough educated people but the students just move to other countries to work because they get better paid there since Finland's doctor license is valid all over the world (depends on the university they studied in) What I'm gonna quote now is from a american website (I think)The site: http://countrystudies.us/finland/72.htm In Finland, everyone (still, after 1972) enjoys an equal health care even if they are poor or jobless. It's not like if you don't have money then you'll die because you can't buy the medicine. You can get money from the government if you're poor or jobless (the social agency processes all the health and other payments to people because they are poor. And one problem, finns drink a lot in parties at weekends, "a lot" doesn't even describe enough So the government is working on this one, and smoking and other things that stupid people do: And for the education, it's free until you're 16 yrs old. After that you have to choose if you want to continue as student or go to work, mosty of the people here continue the studies until they have to choose if they want to go to university or go to work. You can get supported by the government if you decide to continue school after you're 16 since after that you'll have to pay for all your books and other school equipment (Oh I didn't mention that before, you get everything at school for free, even lunch). But after you get a job you'll have to pay back to the government the support you got earlier. That's all I know about Finland in health care and education.
  11. I prefer gimp, because: 1. It's free 2. I'm used to it It can do pretty much everything photoshop can do and has a hell of a big library for plug-ins. You can ever make 3D text and change the angle of your image like in some 3d software! Again plug-ins are just great, there's a lot of them, I've got 98 of them on gimp and there's like 200-300 out there (if you count the un-official ones). I think it's always PS because of it's reputation, "the best image-editing software in the world" I have no doubt it is, but most of the things in it aren't used by a average user, damn not even a professional! I've never trieed out corel applications before.
  12. "Seems"??? I think M$ has already fallen on it's *bottom* in browser battles, why don't they just make it open source or even compatible with standards?! It's just a pain to adjust stuff just because most people use that stupid browser! Why IE even isn't open-source?, M$ isn't making any profit of it anyway? or is it?
  13. They can't even make a fast web browser? I'm sorry have you ever tried chrome out? It's as fast as firefox (or faster), in fact, the only reason keeping me from using it is that it hasn't got a ad blocker. And for the businessmen, they don't need toys, if a businessman really wants a professional phone, he should get something from the nokia N-series. Or one of those samsung touch-screen phones that cost 700 here. And all those things you listed are in my phone too and it hardly cost me 200.
  14. So when a client visits a site, the compressed version of the site will load into some temporary folder. but do the images load with it in the zip file or does it load as an image itself (not compressed)? Don't worry about flash, I don't use it and anyway it's file sizes are smaller than a average image thanks to vector grfx.
  15. Thanks for all your help, although your connection speed might be a little higher than a average internet user, I'm sure my website's backgrounds which happen to have a total of 80 kB size won't be much of a problem for internet speeds. Also if you have a website, what is the total size of your graphic content (only the structure, backgrounds, navigation buttons etc.)
  16. Oh.. I didn't know that. The error is corrected, could you tell me your connection speed?
  17. Hello Christy, nice to have you here. I assume you've already read the rules and the Xisto readme. You should also view this topicto know more about myCENT system. In Xisto - Support.com/billing you'll see how much you've earned. Once you have 100 myCENTies it will transfer into 1$ to your billing account. Xisto has good services and support coudn't be any better, so you'll like it here.
  18. Hello jungli, welcome to Xisto forums.Please read the Xisto readme (you can find the link to it on top of the shoutbox). I've seen too many new members who have just started posting and got a warning and their hosting has ben canceled, so please read the rules and the readme and you'll do just fine.There are many web designers here, so if you face any problems just make a new topic. Also read about the mycent system to really get what's going on.See you around
  19. This is great! I didn't know you're able to do this in css! I've always used javascript for this. Thanks a lot. I don't know exactly what was the code but it was something that wrote target="_blank" in the link if it started with "http". Someone here that knows javascript could figure out the code. Anyway thanks for the code haslip I'll use this on my website (if you're not gonna charge payperclick method on the links for people borrowing the code )
  20. Hi trappers!So what is your connection speed. I'm making my website and I want to know what is an average connection speed so I don't accidently put too graphics graphics on my site.So could you kindly put:1. The type of your connection (for example dial-up)2. The real speed upload/download (you can figure this out by for example downloading something, I don't have use for the upload thing tho, so it doesn't matter if you don't know it)
  21. Put all the divs into another div (for example with an id="wholepage" and set a width and min-height for it. Then you can float the divs andd watch for the borders of the #wholepage so you can align them. And also you need this piece of code for IE and some old browsers: html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%;}body { text-align: center; }#wholepage { text-align: left; } Tables are just a pain, don't ever use them except if you have something to show and you need table to view them right. They take too much time to load and after a few days you find yourself having tables in tables and them all in one big tabel so it's all pain... too damn complicated!
  22. It is very possible to destroy the internet: you blow up all the servers, satelites and other devices that keep internet network going (not computers, they're just connected to internet and without servers it's impossible for them to use net). But, WHY THE HELL SOMEONE WANTS TO DESTROY INTERNET??!! I'll come there and pull your head into you *umm.. I'm not gonna say this word...*! And you'll also have to destroy all the archives and databases too. It's very difficult but you can define the internet to be a local area network, it doesn't have to gigantic global thing! The whole idea of internet was to share the information between computers and be able to send them over to other comps. But I don't think blowing them up can stop internet permanently, after all, you can always start from scratch...And BTW, this all blowing up will be very difficult after your head is located in your...
  23. Yea I agree... I don't think that format is used in europe, but we still say "it's three-o'clock" even tho it is "fifteen" but I think anyone will undrestand if you just say it's five in the afternoon. But when you start talking in global sence of course am and pm make it easier to undrestand but you can also just say 12.30. I think it's much more clear and you don't have to pay attention to am and pm...
  24. Yes rvalkass I see your point, but if you're not willing to pay for a product you shouldn't have it in the first place.But I can somehow justify trying it out.. but i think a 30 day trial is enough for that if you're not taking big brakes between the software launches. Yes it's not a physical thing that you steal from shop and maybe it does have "potential market" if it wouldn't be pirated but even if it doesn't harm anyone, most people wouldn't pay 500$ for photoshop except if they a graphics designer that makes a living of it, you shouldn't have the copy anyway, btw it is illegal, to copy and to download a illegal copy. Let's imagine if you made a really good product and you wouldn't make it open source, because you want to make money out of it. And the next day you go to some torrent site and you see hundreds of free copies that are available to anyone. Now if someone would even want to buy your product, he wouldn't even consider paying fifty bucks for it since he can download it free!
  25. This is what I've been wondering, people that download illegal content free from internet/torrents and stuff... how you justify that?It's like stealing, just like you were on a store and you just took some movies and put them under your coat. I don't think internet downloading will ever stop artists from making music and hollywood to not produce any films but still it's wrong, it's illegal and I think you have nothing to grab on when you try to justify illegal downloading.Note: please don't spam, and keep the posts clean and don't provide links to other sites that might have illegal content in them (or the torrents).
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