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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. If it's young people staring at you, they're just jelous. If it'a old people giving you the "look at that stupid kid"/"What the hell is going on with the kids nowadays"-look, well... they're old people :PYou can't make a girl a fan of you if you're shy Sorry to dissapoint, but we aren't living in a movie, you would've heard it anyways. If you meant a girl to like you, just be nice, if you want actually a "fan", then become a rockstar or something, because you can't make girls your fan, it's gonna be more like you're a "fan" of her.
  2. Oh thank you!But I only want to limit my brother's computer, not mine. And I am using wondershaper, there's not much need for it on my ubuntu system tho.
  3. Anyway my website is using another theme now, and I made this for the site(I'll change the font, it's stupid...):
  4. Well you are comparing them like they would be all the same size,Neutron and proton have about the same mass(neutron has slightly more mass), but electron has like 0,001 of the mass proton has. What you said about mesons, well, mesons are formed from one quark and one antiquark, so they aren't exactly the smallest particles. Usually in chemistry, you don't need to go lower than protons, neutrons and electrons, because they are the particles that affect the energy level of atoms(like in which shell the last electrons are, how many there are there, is it an ion etc...) There are different types of quarks, we call them "flavors". The most common flavors are Up (u) and down (d) quarks, they are the lightest, then we have heavy and rare types (which also have weird names) like charm ( c ), strange (s), bottom (B ) and top (t). C,s,b and t are the most massive ones, they aren't stable either, and they often decay into lighter ones. Massive quarks can only be produced for example in particle accelerators, anywhere there is high energy collision.Protons form from 3 quarks, two u quarks and one d quark. Neutrons form from quarks too, I don't remember how many and which types... Anyway quarks can only form comosite particles of hadrons.We haven't found any substructure for electrons yet. So I think it might just be electron? I'm not sure.That's all I know, hope I helped.
  5. Thanks for the links and advices. I found this program, "Traffic Shaper Xp" and it's good, I can limit upload and download rate of computer, while my other computer can use all the speed it needs, if it's not already in use of course. This program is for windows 2000 or Xp, but XP is what the desktop uses so it's okay with me. It's a win-win situation, I can download stuff and my brother can watch his stuid cartoons without lags AND without messing up my download times, since it always buffers the video as fast as possible if I don't use a limiter .If anyone else finds any other good software that does this, I'd be more than happy to try it out. Traffic Shaper Xp has many other features, such as rules and stuff like that, so I recommend trying it if you want to control your network, it's also freeware. The site I got it from was bandwidthcontroller.com, it has more cool networking tools too!
  6. So, I have a STUPID LITTLE BROTHER that likes to watch STUPID CARTOONS on STUPID YOUTUBE. It's really irritating to browse the net and download stuff while most of your internet speed goes to stupid youtube watcher, especially when I try to download via P2P. Our internet speed is about 110KB/s, so you can imagine what is happening to me?! I want a way, to limit the speed of the desktop computer to 50KB/s (NOTE: I'm not talking about bits, but bytes). Is there any free software out there that will run in the background limiting the speed to 50KB/s? Or can I do it in any other way? I'm not using a wireless router, it's just lan, a dsl modem wired to two computers. (I'm not evil, I just want for it to be like half for the desktop and a little more than half for me )
  7. Well, I can help,tell what you want to know, what you're missing in your essay. You can also look around the net and try to find out what it's about.And you have to do some research yourself, that's why it's an essay, so you learn something while you're writing it.Anyway tell me what you need help with/more explaining about and I'll be glad to help you.
  8. Hello, drakeb666. I also have been playing drums for almost 2 years now, and a little bit of piano. You might want to check the Xisto readme (link is above the shoutbox) to get an idea of how things work around here. I like heavy metal too! And my IQ is 129 Anyway, start posting and you'll soon get your hosting. Make sure you register at https://support.xisto.com/, your myCENTs won't be visible until you register there. Keep your posts long. The number of posts don't matter here, only the quality. Too many one-liners, and you'll get a warning/ban. Anyway welcome and good luck.
  9. What?! I can play .vob files on WPM? you don't need VLC to play them. My videocamera records in .vob format and I can easily play that with windows media player and dvd player/recorder.
  10. Of course you can, but it'll look stupid when you have the buttons in a row and they all have the same image with the same lightning on them. Anyway, here's how to do it regardless of the looks: Search for a lighting image and import it to the image the way you like it. Do the border-trick and you should be fine.
  11. I have not much more to say than;1. Make sure you have all the connections, if you do, open up your pc and clean up the dust.2. Remove all additional devices, usb sticks, webcam, anything, even mouse and keyboard.3. If it doesn't start, use the warranty card if you have one, or have it fixed otherwise.
  12. Navigation buttons give a nice, detailed look to your website. So, unless you're doing a website with a very simple template, it might be a good idea to read this article. Picking the right colors and shapes is essential, you can find out which colors fit your website simply by trying them out. In this tutorial, you'll learn to give that nice look to your buttons, probably the same look that some glossy buttons have. You can do this all simply by some gradients, bucket fill tool and round rectangle function. Requirements: GIMP, and some knowledge about how to use it. 1. Let's start by making a new image with white background, this example will be 150 x 40. 2. Pick a dark color, this will have to fit with your websites color palette. In this example it will be dark blue. Now fill the whole image with that color like this: 2. Now go pick a much lighter color and use it as foreground color, then pick a slightly lighter color than the one you already picked for the foreground color and use it as background color. 3. Create a new image with half the height of the last one, then draw a gradient "foreground to background" from bottom to top. Copy paste this image to the top of the image you filled with a dark color, now it should look something like this: 4. Merge all visible layers. "Select -> all" (or something similar, I don't know, I'm using the Finnish version of GIMP ). Now "select -> round rectangle (or something similar)", put the value of rounding to 50 if it already isn't. 5. You should now see a selection which has round corners. Copy paste this selection to a new image with a transparent background. 6. So, you have the button shape, it should look something like this: 7. Now you need the edge, select all content(not the transparent area tho) and then "select -> border". Enable anti-aliasing and tune the border width to 2-3 px. Press OK and now you should see the border selected. 8. Pick BLACK as your foreground color and choose gradient "FG to Transparent", you should still have the border selected. Choose the mode "soft light" and opacity 40 % for the gradient tool. Now use that gradient to make button's side/sides to be darker. simply start from where you want the dark spot to be and drag to the lighter spot. If it's too dark, simply tune down the opacity. You can also use the exact opposite for the other side/sides, from white to Transparent gradient! At the end, save the image as a gif/png Here's how the ready button COULD look: (notice also that it's good to have a font color that has high contrast depending on the image, for example if you use blue, don't use blue font too! Maybe light blue... ) You can also make the button all ONE gradient, but that won't look like this one. But remember to make nice 3D-like borders, shadows look nice too! This tutorials applies to all kinds of color palettes, so you'll just have to find the right colours, merge them and make your own button. If you want buttons that change styles when your mouse hovers around them, I suggest that you only change the color of the font on hover AND you can also make the shadows on the borders to change to the exact opposite place. You can achieve that by making the borders on their own layer, and then mirror them in vertical and horisontal positions, then save them as hovered images. Also another nice trick is to leave all those hover tricks and just use this: EXTRA: open the ready button, then choose filters -> artistic -> softglow. Tune the glow to full, press OK and save the file! Here's another example about ONE gradient button, it's hsv clockwise gradient from a blue color with the border trick: Hope I helped!
  13. Baniboy


    Wine is good, but I don't think you'll be able to play all the newest games with it. Some games are even purposedly made that they won't work with WINE.But you can always try dual booting if you're a gamer. Therefor you'll be able to boot to windows when you want and play games. But since you only want to "try" ubuntu, you should get a LiveCD and try it out without installing, so you'll see if you like it or not(you'll probably like it since it hasn't BSOD ).
  14. No thanks! B)One question: Did you turn into cabbage during that week? :PBut really, that's terrible, I'd rather run twice the amount I run now every day than try that diet out. Of course, if you're in some hurry and you have no other ways of doing it, then this might be a good idea. It would be my choise just after plastic surgery and suicide.
  15. I have no idea about how you could achieve what you wnt. But I tested my code editor with your phrase using find and replace and it worked for me. You could try another code editor, like crimson editor or notepad++. Which one are you using? That is weird indeed, but you could also make the html form yourself, I know it'll take a long time if you have a long form, but hey atleast it'll work(or will it?). Try another code-editor, that's all I can say!
  16. How about a internet browser? Since you're looking for something harder It's a nice long project too or maybe a game?
  17. Welcome to Xisto forums, PSYCHONAUT. Make sure you read about the new credit system in the Xisto readme. You should also read the rules and get to know how stuff works here. But before you rush to anything, you should register at Xisto - Support.com/billing with the same e-mail address you registered here. This will be your billing account, your posts will earn you myCENTs, when you have 100 CENTs, they will be converted into 1 xistodollar. When you have enough xistodollars, you'll be able to buy the hosting package you desire. Let me point out too that the amount of posts isn't important, you'll get a lot of CENTs only if you have a long post that isn't off-topic. Spamming will earn you a warning, and you can't purchase hosting when you have warning, so it's not a good idea to go on a posting rampage and post spam all over the forums. Glad to have you here. Best wishes, Baniboy
  18. Software is made by software?! What the...?Software is made by people, they code in a particular programming language and then compile it, there's no program that "codes" another program by itself, there's always a human behind.And as far as I know, the first computers used Basic, the programming language. And you had to program it yourself, after 30 minutes of work, you would've programmed it to print "hello" in the screen. No software is making software... there's always the people who code it by hand. If you ment code editor as the "software that makes another software", then it's just the man who entered text into the computer, which had a gigantic amount of 22 bits memory So yea, you nowadays, you need a code editor, compiler and some coding skills.
  19. "Formalities"?! You open terminal and type sudo apt-get *softwarename*, then enter password?I can understand how hard that is... Even using the repository is easier than windows process.And AlokNsh, why you ask about the software in ubuntu forums? Every program in the repository is safe and tested!
  20. Hello, I've already talked to you with the shoutbox, but I thought to welcome you anyway B)Welcome to the forums. I do some graphics too, I'm not very good tho Basically web graphics with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9 (long name ) and GIMP.I use both Ubuntu and vista. There are lots of members here who know all kinds of programming, all I know is a little php/mySQL. I suggest you get familiar with XHTML, it comes handy.
  21. Control Panel -> the folder image in there -> go to the last tab, enable/disable what you want.If you've already tried that, I don't know what you should do, ask help on technical forums(Xisto for example), but never rush in reformatting!
  22. Oh dear, you've got this all wrong, it doesn't matter on how many posts you've made.Here's how the system works:You post something, and you get myCENTs for it, when you've got 100 myCENTs, it will get transferred into 1$ and moved to your xisto account.When you have enough xistodollars for the domain/hosting you want, you may purchase it.LET ME MAKE THIS THING CLEAR TOO: You DO NOT get myCENTs for the amount of posts you make, the system is automatic, it (as far as I know) gives you CENTs based on how many charecters, keywords and other stuff is in your post, so you should have a lot of content that has a lot to do with the subject, so don't go offtopic a lot. Spamming will result in warnings/ban depending on what the mods think is appropriate.
  23. You could switch to phpBB3 and get phpBB3 SEO Premod, it has all the SEO mods installed.It has1. Advanced meta tags generator, it will search through the topic and insert meta tags. 2. URL rewrite, it will rewrite your dynamic page to a simple "relevantinformation.html" as you want. The topic title will be in the url.3. Gym sitemaps and RSS feed, this will help your forums to get ranked high. It automatically makes XML sitemaps for you and then you can submit them to search engines. RSS is also handy, you can boost the popularity of your forums by letting people be alerted when there's new topics/posts on the site. 4. It also generates you a .htaccess so you don't have to mess with it yourself. WARNING! The rewrite mod needs this .htaccess (THE ONE THAT THE AUTOMATED GENERATOR GENERATED) to be in the root directory, otherwise only your index page will work! 5. Zero duplicate, this will ensure you'll not have the same topic url twice. You should enable this in the very beginning of your forums.All this will get you ranked very high, it also pings google when your sitemap gets updated.Hope I helped.Good luck with the forums.
  24. Oh sorry I forgot to tell that I already made it work, I visited Finnish ubuntu IRC chat lines and forums and requested help there. Nobody seemed to figure it out so I reinstalling the realtek driver manually on windows. It worked, I think the driver somehow got damaged when I reinstalled vista. Well, now it's working. Thanks for the searching tho, I might find some new stuff on there about how to optimize the driver...
  25. I have heard that it was the admins who got sued, not the site itself.They were sued for helping people to get illegal content. So the site itself is running. I wonder if they got someone to keep the site up while they are in jail(are they going to get in jail? or do they only get tickets?).
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