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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. LoL really. I really feel sorry for republican-brainwashed people that never look at the actual evidence but just believe whatever they are told.Anyway, here it goes so hold on to your pants.Normal cycle? shut up! Really, how do you explain that tests done to determine the world's carbon dioxide levels matches with the warming? jeez... How do you explain the warming matches with the age of using fossil fuels? Really, if you don't have evidence for your "normal cycles".Sun's activity? Sun's electromagnetic activity and sun spots have reduced, yet there still is warming. Wanna know why? BECAUSE OF THE FREAKING GLACIERS. They are freaking melting! When they melt, they cause a chain reaction and melt more.And a side note, global warming isn't caused because of the destruction of the ozone layer. It's the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps more heat so the more we have carbon dioxide, the hotter it gets. It's simply the way of physics, so if you want disagree with all good physicists in the world, I demand evidence.
  2. Yes. I think there is a power plant in Arizona that works by directing sun's energy into water to heat it up using mirrors. And there also can be sun panels which use the light to produce electricity.But in many areas of the globe, for example in Finland where I live, there isn't sunlight all year long. This would make the country's power source dependent on other countries. To make such thing work, we would need perfect world peace. There wouldn't any fear of anyone cutting the power off.Another thing would be injustice! Does someone living near the equator deserve the wealth that their resource gives them more than someone who lives near the poles? No? Yes? So all countries would have to abandon their borders, share all the power, and the ones that use more power than other would have to pay more for the maintenance as well.Many summer cottages are using sun panels here already as their power source, as you have sunlight almost 24/7 here at summer.Another problem is something impossible to solve. We have exceeded the carrying capacity of our planet. We consume more energy than the global ecosystem would require us to stay stable. In other words: we're all gonna die.
  3. Hey dude, you have a cookie problemo or something in there. Because when I logged in my linux account, it let was letting me vote again even tho the IP is the same? Is it safe to base a poll on cookies?OOps sorry didn't notice you already knew about that.
  4. You know what this thread is about, so let's just go right to business. 1. The shoutbox sucks. Today I was talking to a member and all of a sudden all my shouts appeared on the top and it seemed like I had gone crazy and was talking to myself. So, please, it's annoying. Use a new shoutbox or at least try to fix the current one! 2. The main page is weird. Really. Look at the left side on below the link "Earn AD-REVENUE for writing here!" there is one empty grey box. Is it supposed to be there? Or is it just my adblock blocking an ad which is supposed to be there? And what the heck is "TRRAAPPP - Main"? You call that a category name? Does that even mean anything? 3. Too many categories. Why there has to be a guest forum and Xisto answers forum separately? Couldn't you just blend them together? Why there is a separate sub-forum for plumbing, power tools etc when it only contains 3 threads? I REPEAT: 3 THREADS. The same thing for the whole home & garden forum. It's really annoying to search through all this crap to find something that I was actually looking for. Why waste space for all these categories? Why there is a totally empty "Society" forum with more than half a dozen sub-forums? A lot of useless categories. Like "spirituality and beliefs" then comes "spirituality and religion", oh for god sake couldn't it be blended to one "spirituality"-forum? It has only 240 threads in it! And no, this is just me warming up! 4. URLs that don't exist? Why there are website names in category names when those websites don't exist? It's just stupid. Like "trappedinshit.com *NEW*", what th...? It's not even new anymore. Same thing with wellnesspositive.com and livebusinesstalk.com + other that I may have missed. 5. The footer links to: http://www.guide2host.com I didn't check if that page is even up to date, but it looks dull. Do something about it. 6. What happened to "design Xisto contest"? Will the information in site index EVER GET UPDATED? Please, I beg you, if you can't do that, let someone else(trusted member, like me ) do that for you. 7. How I'm member number 71,342 but the site index but the site index tells that the forum has 60,868 registered members, something fishy is going on. More to come. Continues with the complaints: 8. Why the comma in the thread name is like that? It should be in the same line as the word before it, not in the description line. The comma isn't even needed, the description line is styled in a different way and people can't be that stupid that they don't notice it's the description.
  5. Hi Welcome t the forums, I see you're experienced in graphics. If you're looking for hosting as well(or in case you might in the future), I recommend registering at https://support.xisto.com/. Also read this thread to get an idea of how hosting services work here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/106-free-web-hosting-service-registration-3-easy-steps-to-your-new-free-website/ Make yourself at home. Just remember to have mostly long posts that are on-topic and decent and you'll do fine.
  6. Practically, yes. But you used the wrong words. Heat is the thermal energy in transfer. Temperature is used to measure how rapidly it transfers. By heat I assume you mean thermal energy, as it is usually referred to as heat. When you touch the ice cube, rapidly moving particles collide with the ice cube's particles in the surface. The particles in your hand slow down because they just transfered some of their kinetic energy to the ice cube. And you feel cold.
  7. You seem to already be online enough, so why not read real books for change? If you like short stories, go to your local library and borrow a novel collection. You'll have many short stories to keep you entertained before going to bed. And you don't have to search for them every time you have read one through.
  8. I voted for rvalkass. I like the glow on the sword's end, but I think it would be a little better if it would be bigger or give it some more glow. Because now it looks good, but it didn't catch my eye at first, the mask took almost all my attention. It would look cool when everything else is kinda greenish and this one end of the sword glows blueish light. It looks cool like that, though. Nice
  9. Nope, probability doesn't exist. Though through the concept of probability, we can guess what is the most likely thing to happen. Let's think I throw dice. The probability of getting 1 is 1/6, or is it? It all depends on how I throw the damn thing, in which angle it comes down. And I know how to throw to get 6 all the time btw, nice thing to mess with friends with when we play monopoly . And there's one thing some people don't seem to get when we are talking about the time continuum. You can't change it. If you calculated that the movement of current particles will lead to me being a famous liar(hah no offense anyone, just kidding!), and remember it would have lead to only one thing, it doesn't matter if I consciously do anything to help me become a lawyer or not, IT WILL STILL HAPPEN. This whole thing doesn't matter anyway, I don't know why people are so keen to think and talk about it. Just relax, and continue your life normally, make decisions like you have always. No we don't get anything different. Life, our decisions, every movement of every particle needs a cause, interaction between particle has lead to us existing. All that, has lead us to making the decision of sending our crap through space. You can't change the time continuum. As I said, if you agree with the things I listed in my earlier post, then free will is bull. Or if you think that there isn't a need for a physical cause for physical things happening like truefusion, it doesn't matter. Because we can never change, predict or recall time continuum. Calculating such a thing would be impossible. The lesson, be less philosophical, people! Little bit of philosophy isn't bad, but you achieve nothing else than confusing yourself by thinking about how you know the chair you're sitting on exists.
  10. Free will would require randomness, which doesn't exist. Owning free will in a few minutes: There is energy and matter in this universe that react with each other. Do you agree? If no, then stop reading. Within this system that we call the universe, every physical action needs a cause. (aka particle1 collides with particle2 and causes it to accelerate/deaccelerate or some other form of interaction). Chemical reactions or energy transfer within the system don't happen without a cause inside the system.Do you agree?So if you could analyze the amount of energy of every particle and every burst of energy(+ the direction), you could predict where, when and why particle1 hits particle2. So it would be unrealistic to think that particle3 went moving at the exact time p1 and p2 hit each other without interacting with anything in any way.Do you agree?So particle1 hit particle2 and it released energy which caused particle4 to bind with particle6. This way things have only one way to happen. You don't expect particle5 to suddenly bind with particle6 without any cause. So if you want, you can predict what is going to happen, when particle1 starts moving for some reason. You could also recall what happened, aka calculate why and how p1 got moving.Do you agree?So you agree that when you make a choice where you have multiple options, everything that has happened before, every particle that has interacted with anything, has lead to this moment. Making choices again is a chemical/physical reaction in the brains or anything else that controls the functions of the organism. So those interactions couldn't have happened in any other way. So you agree that things have only one way to happen. So you choose, but it's not free, it's the result of all the interactions between the particles. You're forced to choose what you choose.Owned*off to cook*
  11. @anwiii: Your post is useless(sorry dude). I wasn't inviting you to the conversation by mentioning your name. All I was simply telling was how I got the idea of making such a thread, just popped in my mind when talking to you and Nameless_. I was interested in knowing how other people recognize living things from non-living things and their definitions for them. I couldn't care less of you spamming here about how you don't care about science and definitions(and everyone uses definitions, even you). And FYI, this wasn't about science, just didn't find a sub-forum for philosophy and stuff. I smell BBQ yeah, sarcasm. So as you would describe it, reacting to damage. Good enough, now I get what you mean(as I have not yet found any organisms that don't respond to damage. Single celled organisms have their own ways of detecting future "extreme discomfort"). Feeling extreme discomfort... wouldn't it mean the virus is already dead? Anyway, I don't know the reasons why you don't accept stimuli but extreme discomfort (although I could have a guess). If I remember correctly, biological definition for death is when the organism cannot sustain its biological processes anymore (for multi-celled organisms for example cannot get the nutrients to the cells anymore). So you should try asking this from a biologist or something. I wouldn't scientifically define the remains of a dead organism a "non-living organism" - as it doesn't comply with the definitions of an organism anymore?(self-sustaining, responding to stimuli, etc.) No. The DNA is already within the cell, all it has to do is to reproduce more of it. And it would contain the information required to reproduce more. What I meant was, would the program be able to write a copy of its own source down to a for example c document and then compile it. And every time this happens, some damage would be inflicted on the source (kind of like adding random strings here and there, or deleting some). Through regeneration, it would create a better program (suiting to its environment). This would fill the adaptation one in the list. I totally crashed while reading the first sentence , you had me lolling for some time. I'm very disappointed. Water can have chemical compounds dissolved in it. Duh, plants under water for example? And considering many underwater volcanoes, carbon dioxide, sodium and sulfur components, small amounts of oxygen, etc were dissolved in the water. So it's safe to say that the first organisms on earth used these nutrients directly and then evolved into ones that could produce the oxygen by themselves through some kind of early chloroplast(I don't know if you know how photosynthesis works). It's again easy to speculate that the population of cells which could produce oxygen and support their own metabolism that way would rule the cells that had to live using the small amounts of oxygen available in the water. So these cells could've produced more and more oxygen and replacing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Oxygen-rich atmosphere would stop more UV radiation, which was the main reason why the lifespan was so short and it wasn't possible for other kinds of organisms to live there. And then it was possible for other organisms to feed on the ones that bind sun's energy into their cells. Doing this they would've released more carbon dioxide completing the ecosystem. The only part of the ecosystem that's not self-sustainable are the chemicals that aren't reboundable, like sulfur oxides and of course, the sun(because sun isn't a self-sustaining energy source, nothing is). Well, instead of trying to debate these(actually you sound more like you're trying to discredit than debate), I would like to know your definitions. The whole thread was about telling about your own definitions, which you haven't yet done. So, could you please do that, too, and of course continue the conversation we have here if you have more to talk about. EDIT: Why is it that when you, me and a few others maybe start talking in a thread, it becomes dead to everyone else? Nobody joins the conversation after it has started off, or is it just the "too long - didn't read"-thing?
  12. Indiana Jones sux And FYI, I have only tasted sheep brains, once, and I didn't like the taste. Anyway, someone should try eating monkey brains and told me if they taste good or not. Then, if they did taste good, I'd eat. I don't think it's very healthy tho, since brains have a lot of fat in them, so maybe I would eat one half for lunch with some fries and the other half for breakfast between bread slices
  13. Well, usually when people code CSS on their own(from the start), they have logical names for element classes and IDs. I saw that your css file had a lot of classes which contained numbers and letter combinations which didn't make sense. Let me say that using ready-made templates and modifying them to your needs is not a negative thing in any sense. I just told that if you're not familiar with the code, don't edit it to fix the errors, as you might cause some other errors. Nothing negative... Peace out. And the grammar errors aren't fixable with spell-checkers and dictionaries, as those only check the spelling of the words. The first grammar errors I found were in the about us page as somebody here already pointed out. However, I didn't have any time to dig deeper, sorry. As for google tools, I don't know how they work. I have used php contact forms and e-mail redirects on the server side. I set up the contact form to send the message to an address which had my domain name. Then I redirected it using the e-mail redirecting in CPanel.
  14. Well, I don't see why eating brains is so much different than eating any other organs of an animal. And I don't see why eating monkey meat is so much different than eating fish or beef?Eating sheep's brains and many other animals' brains like pig's brains is accepted in many countries, so why is monkey so different?Some tribes that live near or inside rain forests do eat monkey meat. Media brainwashing... What if I told you eating deer meat is disgusting? You'd be wondering why. So I'm wondering why are monkey brains so disgusting to you?I would eat those freaking brains(if I got them prepared for free ), but only if I'm sure they have been handled carefully and the preparer has a sense of hygiene(like any other food). I know that if you cook brains(boil), they become very slimy-kind of thing. So if it's cooked in a way that they aren't slimy and actually taste like something, I would. I would not eat raw brains tho, because of hygiene.
  15. Overall good design, I would look more into the top navigation bar. The white to black gradient for the active and hovered button does it's job but I get the feeling it doesn't fit in with the other buttons. So try out a background color of #521d1d, maybe that works(you can try making a gradient that has around the same color) There are many grammar errors as well, which doesn't fit in the picture of a professional site you create in the "About Us"-page. And you're using flat files. Which is totally fine since you aren't running a complicated website that would need dynamic content, but if you made your site dynamic, the management of content would be much easier on your end. So I recommend it, you waste less time with code and more time doing those nice flash clocks. The way you give your e-mail address and IM contact IDs is dangerous. You'll get tons of spam. So use an image instead or make a php contact form. It's also not very professional to have a contact e-mail of a business with a popular domain name such as gmail.com. Rather use the e-mail of your domain. I think google has some tools for this. Those are errors, but those are hacks which make the site compatible with all browsers. So don't hear TDH on this one, instead fix the errors, and your site will be mobile-compatible too. But as I look at the source, I don't really think you made this on your own, but used a template or something else. So don't fix those HTML errors if you don't know what you're doing.
  16. Ideal for what? Making your own weather forecast in your country or playing crysis on 4 different processes? lol As for the hard drive... Do you really need that for all the porn and games you download? Don't you ever delete things? And I would've chosen NVIDIA over ATI. Don't know if those are better than the NVIDIA ones.. \offtopic: Your site is down, dude! /offtopic
  17. As to add to the topic a little more, you said they were doing the research for 30 years? what the...? In a scientific research, you have to research with the same evidence all the time. I can't measure the size of a bread when I'm freaking cooking it, now can I?!Did they test the old phones which there was 30 yrs ago? How are those ugly pieces of junk comparable to modern ugly pieces of junk today like the iPhone? No same protocols, different wave lengths...ARGH
  18. Actually, disgarding the test results, reality tells us otherwise.It's like I would test if Uranium radiates and the test results turned false. Mobile phones produce electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiation has it's effect on the DNA. The body has it's own ways of repairing(and by repairing I mean destroying) the cells which aren't controlled by the body anymore. Sometimes this fails, and the infected cells just grow stronger in numbers, and there's no way of stopping it "naturally".If exposed to stronger electromagnetic radiation(and by stronger I mean stronger than the normal radiation in nature), there is a chance of cells being mutated and not getting destroyed my the body, leading to a possible cancer case. People have had cancer on the spot where they hold their phone while speaking to it. Most of them are curable but can be fatal or at least cause you to loose you hearing ability in your right/left ear. Of course all this depends on the strength of the electromagnetic wavesNever trust a test result that contradicts the facts. The scientific community needs cash, it got corrupted in the early days of the discovery of Global Warming. The US president gave them money to "do more research" even tho they already had enough test results to make a conclusion. Ever since, most test results have been "affordable"(the most recent big lie and example of this is the swine flu vaccine).
  19. Oh, see those php code lines/bits in the templates? replace the files with your template files and mimick the structure. Done.Like there is a php function getting the categories, copy paste that to your own template file(and change the extension of the html files to ".php").
  20. Booting into a xp installation CD results in a BSOD. Don't know why, maybe it's crappy vista preventing downgrade? I've been fighting with my computer for the last months, it seems like I fail on every step...Anyway, installed k-lite mega pack. Haven't yet tried to play HD stuff with it as I don't have the files anymore.
  21. I'm currently trying to build a website, fix my linux installation and just handle vista. I can't really join your team(gonna put 70% of my computer activity developing my own site).Anyway, you shouldn't publish your email address just like that. You will get tons of spam. I would've published an image which contained the address instead. There are other ways to hide it as well, I remember reading about one on jlhaslip's site(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). You could try that out if you give your e-mail address away like this on your site, too.
  22. I used the partitioner that came in the LiveCD of Ubuntu. Just set the mounting point to "/home" while the other one remained "/".But anyway, now I have bigger problems... Ubuntu is booting into some kind of shell. I installed XAMPP before I did this thing, does that have an effect? I can uninstall it through shell, gotta try that, but it's getting pretty late. I'll also post on the ubuntu forums but I thought I would leave this post cook here for a while, maybe someone could help me here before I posted on their forums.Another thing is that I uninstalled lamp and accidentally broke some packages, then I ran sudo apt-get -f install(don't remember if it was "install -f" or "-f install"). It fixed everything, I installed XAMPP, hibernated my computer, after a wake up sounds on assaultcube worked perfectly.(BTW, it lagged in antigravitator earlier, too.)So I shut down and go to sleep, the next time I boot, the OS list in GRUB looks different(the order, I mean) and when I boot into Ubuntu, I boot into some kind of terminal or something. I tried recovery mode, checked out fixing some packages and stuff, but didn't work.Do you use Gentoo? I considered using Debian, since a test result on facebook suggested that to me(I know, kinda stupid...) So, is debian any good? I know it doesn't have the same ease of installing since there are ISOs for different processor types? Anyway, I wanted to know, what are the advantages of using such distros.(well, I know debian isn't an ultra-pro-nerd OS, but isn't it a little more complicated to use than Ubuntu?) There must be reasons why people use these other than eliteness. ()
  23. It seems that some of the content on your site(if not all, I didn't search through all) is copied. Get your own damn content and don't copy other people's work!I have no interest in visiting such sites that are maintained data thieves. Let me explain, I saw the last line telling the source but,a) The source should be direct link to the article you are referring to. When you use a source, you read the article's content and you your own article based on that - not copy the whole damn thing. If you do copy, I appreciate that you have the FIRST LINE of the article informing that the content is not original, but someone other's work. Something like "This article was originally posted...".Besides, copying other people's content isn't good SEO, you won't get many advertisers wanting to advertise on your site, and not much search engine traffic.As for the poll, why it's only from Excellent to Below Average? Are you afraid of bad results?
  24. *Jumps of joy* Thanks for replying!!! I might do a wordpress template, but wordpress is changing all the time and I would have to keep up with the changes, I would also have to make a few dozen php files(as wordpress has different files for archives, pages and stuff like that. That is why I'm considering sNews, I would have only one file to make and the system will be small and packed in one single php file plus the php file presenting the template. I would therefore have more time to produce content. sNews is so great, I'll have to only add a php include function, and some functions getting content from the database(which is only 4 x 1 line of php code for the whole template). @ Jim: I just noticed you also posted! Anyway, I have already made one so I know how to, thanks for offering help(or did you..?) anyway! And thanks for calling it nice!
  25. Thanks a lot for replying, inverse bloom! And as for ones who didn't reply, I'm very disappointed in you. nah just kidding! Reply, or I'll come there and... you know, screw up your collection of pirated movies! Yes, you are right, this was kind of a "back to the basics". Anyway I did try out the white gradient overlay, but it didn't work, but thanks for suggesting. It made it look like a box and it didn't really work out as I don't want a blue and wide border for the sides of the "box". But thanks for suggesting, whenever I want to make a glossy box, I'll remember this. I made a copy of the nav button hover image(actually are in the same image, just sliding the thing around to make it work) and put it as top and bottom border, although you may not notice it due to different backgrounds. I've changed my mind a bit, I don't want glossy or reflecting and bright lights, I'd rather go with smooth stuff until I'm ready to make a totally shiny template with reflections and stuff like that. If you still have more suggestions, please feel free to say them. Are they now better than the originals? As for the line width and middle column problem is that this was intended to be liquid 80% wide of the available space. The sidebars would've always been 200px wide and the middle column would've just filled the rest, so it really depends on your window size and screen resolution . I put my trust in you now and made it a fixed 960px now. Does it look any better?(and I'm expecting other people to reply to this question as well, I need multiple opinions, even tho inverse is so excellent in designing) Which is better for tutoring purposes, fixed 960px or liquid 80 % width? I just thought that people with high resolution screens might not want the content be in a "small box" in the center of the page. Yes there is a slight gradient on the main blue banner.I tried out the black to white gradient with 5% opacity, but it didn't have much effect so I raised it to 10%. Still, no big difference if you ask me. Thanks for helping me out man, and I'm loving your 3D modeling images(the ones in your site's portfolio). And I'm waiting to get more replies(hopefully from more members this time) EDIT: here's the screenshot:
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