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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I made an amateur animation of how you hit with the stick. As you can see, you move your wrist just a little at the start so the stick bounces back enough. After the stick bounces back, you use mostly fingers to force it down one more time and just move your fingers to starting position. The stick will bounce back and you won't have to use your wrists much anymore. You just try "closing your hand" without forefinger or thumb. Using this technique, you won't have to use wrists like the guy in the video. Keep the ends of all 3 fingers below the stick. 3 fingers is stronger and has more endurance than just 2 or 1. Use wrists + fingers when you hit accents(= louder notes). You won't have any control if you don't keep the pinkie below the stick. Play slowly, focus on the single stroke roll and when you develop some muscles between your thumb's "root" and forefinger as well as the muscle right below your smallest(hopefully) finger. These muscles will give you control over the stick, you can force it to whatever position you want it to, you can force when it hits the pad as hard as it hit the last time even if it hit the pad and didn't bounce back well enough. Doing single stroke roll enough during every workout creates muscle memory, which means you can do it without thinking about it or focusing on it. This will give you the power to do all kinds of crap that sounds cool while you're doing the roll(like placing accents in strategical spots to make it sound good).Happy drumming, and the grip I told you about will feel awkward at first, but you'll get used to it. Just practice on the snare drum.As for the realisticness of electric drums. Usually toms have a loose surface, in electric drums, the surface tightness isn't adjustable and it's same for all the pads but it's a good way to practice.
  2. Well it really sucks that we must suffer for the things those spammers do. Anyway, good to know it's not some error or anything. But I thought that when you edit a post and delete content from it, your myCENTs will decrease? Like getting negative mycents when mods edit/delete your post. Can't say, never happened to me. I have to say that 2 minutes isn't very much tho, especially when you have a large posts. I guess I have to get used to previewing post from now on.
  3. And also, my post count is staying the same even tho I post. MyCENTs don't transfer or even get updated either. Is it just me or...?
  4. oh, no replies? does it suck that much?
  5. Yes, buy a damn throne, a good one here costs about 50 . It's a good kit. One thing to remind you of tho, you should first start playing drums and then decide if you want to buy a kit. Because if you decide you don't like playing them, you have wasted your money. Anyway, here's a tutorial to teach you match grip: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It tells you what you want to know, but the teacher's grip isn't very good(= Somewhat like what you said, like you're gonna throw it). So I took a picture of myself holding the stick like it should be hold: The thing is that you have to hold the stick between your thumb and the index finger in the pic. Now, you use the rest(try closing them) to move the stick so it hits the drum, all three, you have to use your pinkie as well, although you won't want to at first. When the stick hits the pad, it'll bounce back. All you have to do is to let it bounce back. Try to not wrap your index finger around the stick, it'll suffocate the bounce. I have long fingers, so I leave the rest of the index finger rest in the air like that. So when the stick hits the pad/drum, let it come back without suffocating the bounce with the 3 fingers you forced it down to. So from where should you hold stick? Search the spot this way: Hold your stick above the pad using the match grip I taught you above, then, don't hit the pad intentionally but just let the stick drop(not completely out of your hold, just so it has the freedom to move). Search the spot where it bounces more and is more stably than other spots. This is the spot you're going to keep between your thumb and forefinger.(you can also try to find the balance point of the stick and move 2 inches back, but it won't work that good). Then learn the singe stroke roll. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Again, disregard what he's saying about the match grip. You can see he's holding it against what he says in his left hand. Anyway, using that technique is beneficial at first, but will stop you from being fast and having control. Because when you play fast, you won't do it with the wrist, but the fingers. This guy is using almost nothing else than his wrists(mostly because he's suffocating the bounce himself) and he looks like a freaking robot. Anyway, see that "click" button in your drum module? click on that. Will take you to the metronome settings. The metronome is the annoying company of drummers. Adjust the speed to "80", then use the arrow buttons to navigate and time it to "300"(the last one on top left) meaning it'll last for 5 minutes. Now click the button that has the words "on/off, tap". Press that and the metronome should start its annoying noise. Now, do the single stroke roll(try 4x at first, then move to 8x and 16x if you can do it without messing up) in the same rhythm as the metronome. Keep it consistent. And trust me, this will pay off later. Now, if you're right handed, you started the first hit on the beat with the right hand. Time the metronome to 300 secs again and start with your left hand this time, harder, isn't it? That's why you're going to focus more + add 60 seconds more. Do all this and report back.
  6. Hi trapsters. It's been a while I made any sigs, so I made this thing as a warm-up. Going to make more later.No brushes, just some free vector graphics I found on the web, a pic of my drumsticks, a blurry pic of my piano and a snare drum image. Kept the text simple as well.I made this in GIMP if anyone was interested in knowing that.Criticism is appreciated. I'm not going to improve this one as I'm planning to make more of these, but suggestions of how this could've been done better are appreciated as well so I remember where I went wrong.
  7. The fact that mobile browsing is becoming popular doesn't change how lame it is. So in this, that just tells me that they're trying to grow their market share. Indeed they aren't doing that for fun, that would be crazy because it's lame. Your opinion and statistics are two different things, keep them separate, please. And that qwerty phone must be pretty big if you think you can type fluently on it. Why not just get an Mac Mini or something, cheaper than the iPhone?
  8. I'm sorry, is iPhone a book? anyway...There's no sense in that. eBook readers do much more than just view iphone app books or whatever. iPhone is a toy/brick with a touchscreen. If you already have a phone and MP3 player, there is no sense in getting a new toy of course if you don't want iPhone anyway. And kinda ironic is when you're saying he's getting a bulky and expensive thing then you recommend him a small-screen phone that isn't any good when it comes to eBooks. You need a good-sized screen to read, not some 3" touchscreen.
  9. Yes, the index.php file. You put the contents of the first codebox in the <head> tag, okay? It will get your blog title, keywords meta tags etc. from the MySQL database. You know the PHP code that gets your blog content in index.php(= your posts)? Replace it with the content in the second codebox. As for the .htaccess, it should be named exactly ".htaccess", not "htaccess.txt". So do these things and tell us what happened. .htaccess let's you set passwords for folders, deny folder access, deny other things and redirect things. When used with mod_rewrite() in PHP, it'll let you have more SEO-friendly URLs(= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of https://de.wordpress.com/). You can't find the .htaccess-file because it's hidden. Access root via FTP and select to show hidden files&folders. Then just upload your own .htaccess file(or the one wp generates for you). Yes, just make pages with wordpress and move your html code for the page content to the wp page-making thingy. Remember to choose to edit as source. After that simply reconstruct the links in the menu and you're done. There's "Google XML Sitemaps"-add-on for WP. Always worked for me. Have fun. And thanks for calling me not that bad
  10. I think you should really take a look at the product in real life before you buy it. Because there is a chance that the screen will annoy your eyes. I would go with Kindle as it has a bigger development team. I'm suspicious when it comes to Amazon's actions tho. Because I heard that it deleted an eBook from all Kindles. I wouldn't like to be monitored and controlled like that. So I say go get one that doesn't annoy your eyes(and has a good screen size), is affordable and so on. The fact that this thing contains an MP3 player should say something. If you already have a MP3 player, I recommend going with one that is more focused on the reading part.I don't own an eBook reader so don't take my word for this.
  11. I don't have an ancient phone FYI. And yes, having fancy crap on your phone doesn't make it any better for browsing. When you can type fluently with your phone's keyboard. I've used Opera Mini too, came with my Nokia 6267(or whatever it was). And me calling mobile browsing lame is purely based on my opinion, you don't have to attack people for their opinion. It's just that the screen is small, you can't type fluently, flash doesn't work very well... I want performance, usability, etc. And you don't have those with cellphones.
  12. I can't tell you anything about the error, sorry. But it looks nice, like everything else on your site. You're the man. I like the RSS button. But you need to work on the links, because the blog is at index.php, when you click home, it leads to index.html and when you click the blog link you'll be connected to blog.php. So you could change the top menu to link to same things. And move the blog to it's own directory instead of root, like /blog or something. Another thing is, let wordpress make your head by itself. Enter this code in head tag: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" /> <title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" /> <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&format=link'); ?> <?php //comments_popup_script(); // off by default ?> <?php wp_head(); ?>That'll give you the title and stuff. Make sure you don't delete your own CSS meta link in the head tag. Insert it at the bottom, in case the wp_head() is getting its own stylesheets, this will be a part-time solution. If this happens(check the source in browser), find that stylesheet file and replace it with your own. As for the fact that it reconnects to index when I try viewing a post, try this out instead of whatever php code you're using, leave out the parts you don't want: <div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <h3 class="storytitle"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <div class="meta"><?php _e("Filed under:"); ?> <?php the_category(',') ?> — <?php the_tags(__('Tags: '), ', ', ' — '); ?> <?php the_author() ?> @ <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div> <div class="storycontent"> <?php the_content(__('(more...)')); ?> </div> <div class="feedback"> <?php wp_link_pages(); ?> <?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comments (1)'), __('Comments (%)')); ?> </div> </div>Try also modifying permalinks in settings. And updating .htaccess file. And damn, you make me jealous! I'm not the visually creative type, I guess. Anyway, what are you going to publish on your blog?
  13. I'm not trying to disprove creationism with evidence for evolution. I'm disproving creationism with simple logic that suggests that things can't pop into existence. You're messing with two different theories here, keep them separate. I wasn't attacking the "biology" in creationism, but quantum mechanics.Do you just have to repeat what I have already said or is this about the CENTs? Because as I already said, evolution doesn't explain the origin of matter, big bang doesn't... AHHHH! I'm totally wasting my time here. The theories of Big Bang and Evolution DON'T EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN OF ENERGY. All they do is combine the facts and give you an explanation. Now, please don't make me repeat that again, will ya. One more time and I'll freaking explode, people just don't seem to get what these particular scientific theories are for. It's like saying that the theory of general relativity doesn't give the answer to the origin of matter. Stop with this argument because I'll just ignore it from now on if you don't bring anything new to that argument. As for Einstein and Darwin, even if they did, it wouldn't matter. You're saying that because these men believed that way, it's correct or not correct. You're doing the "popularity fallacy"-trick, might work on some rednecks, but you'll be disqualified instantly in any proper academic debate. Don't make assumptions like "everything needs a beginning". As that assumption can be enough to keep people from debating with you when you have hidden assumptions, or in this case not so hidden. Everything needs a beginning would result in an endless cycle of beginnings. And let's not start assuming things about existence itself, because that is one thing I don't think we can ever understand. We have to be outside the system to monitor the things happening in the system itself. We can't get outside existence to monitor existence in the universe itself.
  14. Thanks to OpaQue or anyone else who listened to me and others. The timing problem in the shoutbox is still present tho, if you haven't fixed it when I was asleep...It's good that you listen to us and fix things, so thanks.
  15. Different people are attracted to different kinds of facial structures. I may accept that the majority of their research group may be attracted to a certain distance between the eyes, but beauty itself is in my opinion based on the feeling the images create. There may be some general standards, but you can't with absolute certainty say that everyone has the same feelings. That's why some people like anal sex but others don't. That's why many like when the female has a wide waist compared to other parts of the body but some like smaller waist. While there is a logical explanation for preferring bigger waist, there is no other explanation for variation other than the simplest thing I can come up right now. VARIATION. When you see a beautiful woman/man, you don't consciously calculate if she/he is beautiful or not. You judge it by your own opinion, your own definition of attractiveness which is generated by your genetic code. Besides, even if you could prove that a race is less intelligent than others, it wouldn't matter. Because the race with less intelligence would have strength in other things. It all depends on the environment and the needs of a society. Being less/more intelligent doesn't make you any more or less valuable.
  16. I myself define racism as being against someone purely because of their ethnic background or other not-so-meaningful things. If it could be scientifically proven that a race has a bigger chance of producing intelligent people.To me, I don't personally think that intelligence itself variates much between individuals or races. Because the DNA is mostly the same. I guess it would be education and the growing environment that would have a chance of changing the IQ.Intelligence is the same, what matters is where that intelligence is directed.More or less brain activity doesn't mean the individual is stupid. Brains deal with so much more than intelligence.
  17. Wonder if you can have adblock installed on that. But anyway, mobile surfing is lame.
  18. It is? Because the last time I checked the definition of evolution in biology it was the genetic change in a population of organisms over generations. You just didn't like it because you agreed with it and then you wanted to prove to yourself that I can't use that to prove the "theory of evolution". And FYI, when I'm busy I usually assume that people realize I'm talking about the theory of evolution when I'm talking about evolution and biology(+you don't have to pick on my mistakes, I usually correct the ones I see when I look at the submitted post, I didn't have the time to do it this time). Anyway, as I was saying... Let me repeat, the debate is hopeless. I'm not trying to disprove creationism because it's impossible due to the amazing imagination of the human mind. You can't disprove it by evidence, because the creator is "metaphysical" and "works in mysterious ways". Besides, proving creationism true still doesn't mean that evolution is false, because evolution(aw crap! I forgot it again! ) can be proven in REALITY and with EVIDENCE. You asked for it, now you're gonna get it. Owning the existence of space under one minute: Space is defined as the boundless distance between particles which has no kinetic energy. By the laws of thermodynamics, possessing no kinetic energy means that it doesn't exist. Besides, space wouldn't exist without energy. "Space" is part of the four-dimensional continuum we call space-time. Happy now? By your logic, everything that doesn't exist is metaphysical. I have this retarded monkey in my room that makes me damn good cappuccino every morning, it's metaphysical and it exists, you can't disprove its existence by anything because we can't detect metaphysical things. Yes, I've bumped into it a few times. But since you can't prove that "mind" is metaphysical... Oh really? So isn't a DNA test + thousands of experiments done by certified scientists and just plain logic evidence for evolution? While there isn't any evidence for things popping into existence out of nothing. And for the attempting to explain the creation of matter. Evolution doesn't. Accepting the theory of evolution as true doesn't mean that you agree with the big bang theory or even the theory of gravity. The theory of big bang yet again just tells how it happened, not why it happened. It seems to me that you want an all-in-one explanation to give peace to your mind instead of actually trying to find it out through evidence. The theory of big bang doesn't suggest that energy came from nothing. Nothing comes from nothing(or is it just the limitation of my intelligence?). This suggests that whatever energy is or is made from, is eternal. Or there is some other explanation. Whatever it is, we don't discover it by reading science fiction and fantasy. It all depends, if you accept that there must be a beginning for everything,or do you accept that we just don't have enough information about the subject to draw a conclusion. False analogy. Most of the people believed that the earth was flat. It didn't make it flat, now did it? BTW, Einstein and Darwin weren't creationists, FYI. You've read too much of creationist quote-mining. Even if they were creationists, it wouldn't freaking matter at all. Because they didn't have the resources of evidence and information we have today. And telling that things are impossible to understand because we don't have an explanation now is kinda dumb. And stop with the complexity argument, it's so dumb and old that I don't even try to reply to it anymore. Instead, try finding the answer yourself.
  19. Why would black people would find that offensive? That's just stupid. The problem is simply that the facial structure of some black people is different. We have to accept that there are certain biological differences. It isn't racist, but realistic. You can't make software compatible with EVERYTHING, you make mistakes and compromises.
  20. Oops sorry didn't notice it was an OLED one. Does LCD LED-TV suffer from pixel loss like regular LCD? Anyway, the problem with OLED is that it loses its performance somehow(I don't remember), I think it had something to do with the blue color. I think the burn-in problems occur when you leave the same non-moving image on the screen for a relative period of time.Anyway, great buy and I hope your sound system can match up.
  21. I'm not much of an expert in these things so I just have to say this.Why not plasma? I thought plasma TVs had better pixel quality or at least better contrast. Or is it about the price? Do you get better quality LCD than you would with Plasma with a same price? I heard Samsung makes good plasma TVs, we have one in our living room.
  22. Wow, from biology to nuclear physics and quantum mechanics! Bravo! Now I'm getting back to the topic itself.The theory of evolution suggests that species evolve over generations and the outcome is guided by natural selection.Here you can see how I prove evolution to be true under one minute:DNA mutates over generations, do you agree?If the output isn't an efficient one to survive in the environment, the individual is more likely to die than other individuals representing the same population. DO YOU AGREE?Then you agree that evolution is true./endAs for evolution versus creationism... the debate is hopeless. One is stating that everything came from nothing and the other one explains the diversity of ecosystems. They don't shut each others out, but really, it seems to me a little unrealistic to choose creationism, which has 0 evidence behind it. That is why I challenge anyone to introduce me to even one piece of evidence that proves the concept of "everything came from nothing". As for metaphysical things, I challenge you to prove that such things exist.As for the energy discussion and all, I guess I came a little too late into the conversation, but I've had something to say about it too. too long, didn't read
  23. LMAO, I can show you how co2 traps heat. It has been used for greenhouses for many years. The fact that the idiot who made the article wrote this: just proves that you have no argument in this whatsoever.
  24. Oh, okay. But it seems a bit extreme that you have banned over 30 000 members? 1/3 of registered members are banned? Yes, but doesn't IPB let you customize the templates so you could use another shoutbox? If not, then IPB sucks, too. Great, I'll contact him as soon as I have my site up. What seems a bit confusing is how the information about the hosting services are a bit everywhere. Why not just make one page where you introduce the services(maybe SEO, maybe not). Because now the main page is linking to forum threads as well as a page that has the 500 mb space outdated info and others. And the home link is at the bottom of the side navigation? I wasn't exactly talking about the theme, but the outdated info. If the pages are static(I know they are php, but...), then can you let me or someone else modify the source so there could be valid information in those "boxes" in the index?
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