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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I'm rolling on a 132kB/s(NOTE: BYTES) connection. (it should be only 120 kB but I somehow get a faster connection on linux, I wonder why...) It's about 1800 MB to retrieve so I think it's ok to wait 4 hours. I would have to download 700 MB and wait 1.5 hours for the disc image anyway. Besides, I would have to download additional packs after that as well. I can also continue the download later if I'm not finished yet, so I won't have to leave it on over night.3 hours and 31 minutes left
  2. Nah, I use the built-in update. Takes 4 hours with my connection...
  3. Yes, you can write reviews, and if your content is good, you could also ask for donations(probably won't work). You can promote other websites and get some that way.(well that's advertising..)I don't think text ads annoy people too much, really. You just have to place them right.Why ads "won't do anyway"? Sure there are some Indonesian companies you could advertise. Google adsense might also be available in Indonesia. Check it out.
  4. Well... I've yet to try karmic koala, when will it be released or is it already released? I don't mean the beta or anything but the final release.
  5. As for the rpm problem, here's the solution. You can also use wheels with teeth and then use chains with them. But make sure the teeth are the same size in both wheels! With this solution you'll also get more force, so moving the whole arm and going against springs should not be a problem (unless your arm is gonna weight a LOT).Have fun! :PAs for triggering movement, you can't do this mechanically without just using buttons and mechanical switches. If you want to wear some kind of glove and by moving that, the arm would move, you gotta enter the programming section. I think those things are made using visual basic...
  6. So this is what you're trying to do? Explain more is I understood wrong.You could also use hydraulic. In fact, I recommend hydraulic pumps and stuff over the motor movement thingy you've chosen. Instead I would use the motor for the fingers, hydraulic for wrists and other major movements.You could make yourself a kind of a switch which reverses the poles and then you've got motion to the opposite direction. If you want movement and power only in one direction, then use springs to "open the arm". But the motor will be screaming if you have strong springs, so make sure they are just enough to open the hand.Describe more.
  7. Duel booting? never tried that out before, but I'm sure linux would beat the crap out of windows in a duel boot. It's like they're dueling and the winner is the one that boots first? You have to improve your English, Ash. :PAnyway, where did you get the idea that it takes up more recourses than one os? If you want to save recourses, what you should actually do is use linux.
  8. Baniboy

    PHP Games

    You don't need to buy anything to use java. And flash IS compatible with linux!
  9. Here are the specs of my computer:I have a HP dv-7 1090 (laptop):Processor: AMD Turion X2 Ultra Dual-Core mobile ZM-80, 2.10 GHzRAM: 3 GB, 800 MHzVideocard: ATI Radeon HD 3450, 256 MBMemory: 2x 232 GB Hitachi (5400 rpm) HDDOS: Ubuntu and Vista Premium I don't know, is 2.10GHz slow for HD? I wouldn't like reinstalling the whole thing. I'm using a 1920 x 1080 "monitor", the TV. My graphics card's decoding is hardware-based, so it should run with HD videos? It's supposed to support x264 too. I'm not using linux to play FullHD, as the drivers on linux aren't good enough.I also found a review here. Pretty confusing, isn't it?Apparently, the card is for watching HD movies, but doesn't work for me? I must be cursed or something.. Anyway, maybe the second quote about clock speeds is for non-mobility radeon 3450 and the regular one. what is a form factor? I'll try shutting down every useless process and stuff. I considered clocking, too, but I don't want to fry my card. Does vista ready sticker do anything? I tried looking the card specs up at amd's website on this page. After clicking on the link of "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450 Graphics" I get an error page. I found another site that gives me the specifications of the card. All these specifications are confusing, they all give different results. I hate AMD right now, can't even have an error-free site for me to check the right specifications. Screw them! Any more ideas? I could install xp, but I'm not sure it'll work..
  10. Baniboy

    PHP Games

    If you ask me, I'll suggest you use java. It'll run the same way on every operating system and it's compatible. You can also use SSL (correct me if I'm wrong). I've seen pretty nice turn-based games done by it like billiard, tank war thingy, and some others. I'm going to learn java after I'm done with javascript and php. We are going to learn it in school and I want to learn it before that so I can score an A again! :PAnyway, if you want to use PHP for making a game, it's going to be complicated. What I would do is use loops to find out which action has to be executed and then execute that action(displaying it with ajax of course). You could also use switch, but I've never really liked switch..
  11. Well, I know a way you can hack it. Check if booting from an external device is allowed. Then just install a linux distribution on it!Or...If the filtering and all that stuff is software-based, change the hard disc. Install a new OS on that new hdd and you can then install whatever you want on it. You could try formatting the old hard disc but you would lose all your windows 7, software and other things. So just wait a few years after the HDD switch and then attach the old one with w7 on it to the laptop.Baniboy, always guiding you through things you should never do. (sounds like a commercial)
  12. The first post in this thread is kinda confusing! and Are you trying to uninstall or install IE8? They are different things you know -.- Everyone else seems to have figured it out that you want to uninstall(they don't apparently look anywhere other than the topic title, I'm very disappointed in them now Just Kidding) I don't know how to uninstall IE, but I know how to disable it in XP: 1. Click the "start" button and choose "set program access and defaults", this will open up a new window. 2. In the current window there are icons on the left side, click on the one with "add/remove windows components". This will open a new window. 3. Now, there are component names and checkboxes are next to them. uncheck "Internet Explorer" and click ok. It'll now take a while... done! I don't know what those errors mean if you're trying to install IE8. If you still get the error, try disabling IE first with the step-by-step instructions above and installing IE8 after that.
  13. You can try out partition recovery software. You could also install linux and have a look at what it says about your device. You could also get an external HD case and connect it via USB and see what happens.Anyway, by high probability, your data is gone. sorry =(
  14. HI! I'm one of those nasty dual-booters you mentioned "Why?", you ask. My response is "why not?". Well, I use Ubuntu for listening to music, browsing, gaming(wined and native), coding and a bunch of other stuff.Windows for synchronizing my mp3 player, my phone and some gaming. (Summary: windows itself has no qualities I enjoy of, only using it because of compatibility with devices and games)When I don't have to use windows to do whatever I want to do, why the hell would I boot to such buggy piece of crap? The only reason windows is popular is because it just has a big market share so consumers get this winblows rammed down their throats because programs come to that platform. That, my friend, is why I dual boot. The other day my friend was at our place and I booted to windows(don't know why, but it happened... ). I got frustrated because of the slowness and bugs when was using windows explorer. He said something like "it's what computers do, it's normal". All the time was thinking that if I had booted in linux, I wouldn't have any problems like now. That is it! It shouldn't be "normal" for something to just stop working. That is typically tells you that something is wrong(in this case it's windows).So, why a mac os too? hmm... Let's see, you like the mac os, the software, the interface... why not? If you own one computer, you like linux for whatever reason and mac for working, you also have windows for compatibility reasons. Seems like a good combo to me.As for "you can't wine everything".. OW YEA? WATCH ME I've already wined programs I think are worth using on linux. Even windows programs run better on wine than on windows, shouldn't that tell something? :)EDIT: You can install directx on wine too, just use winetricks(a program)
  15. *CORRECTION* ignore the last sentence, as it is wrong, you don't need dreamweaver for anything. Now answering your question You can never leave HTML if you really want to design a website. Using WYSIWYG editors, but they don't provide you with the freedom that coding does, besides, working with them without knowing HTML could be hard. So if you're not comfortable with coding and/or using content management systems(CMS), then maybe this is not exactly your thing.
  16. Actually I'm talking matroska files, a friend sent me a few. I want to plug my laptop to our TV with HDMI cable, and watch it on the bigger screen. I don't want to reduce the quality, the whole idea is to play high-quality video. Well, which are the better codecs? I'm playing them on vlc and they lag, I play the on Mplayer on linux, they lag. So is there some magic codec around?I could update my graphics card, but it's a laptop and I've never opened up one. One of the other things that worries me is that it has warranty left, so if I open it up, *poof* warranty is gone. Besides, I don't know if any other graphics card fits in the laptop! It's pretty big yes, chose it because I want a big screen and enough power.
  17. Made it on ubuntu. The cake itself was intended to be open source too(), but IPB didn't accept the attachment, so... Oooh, entertainment, is that the entertainment I'm thinking of? This isn't a bachelor party, SM
  18. Okay, my video card isn't the best possible(ATI Radeon HD 3450, sounds complicated but operates like a garbage can), but I would like to play HD video without lagging all the time, or at least less lagging. 800 € laptop's video card is cursedAny software that makes this possible, I don't mind if it's windows/whatever(just not solaris or mac os )
  19. Hi! Well, today is Saint Spa- I mean Michael's birthday! I thought of making him a virtual cake, so here it is!Made it in GIMP, a little disappointed in the cake itself but whatever :PHappy birthday! Enjoy your cake!For those interested in the gimp file: it didn't let upload an xcf file and I'm too lazy to upload it to a file host, maybe some other time.
  20. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it is.
  21. I used gimp to make the graphics. As for the server-side scripting, I've chosen sNews cms to do the job, I'm currently coding in PHP to get this template to work with sNews.As for designing in Photoshop, here's how I make templates:1. Write out the layout in HTML and CSS. This makes the structure.2. Adjust fonts, make graphics and stuff like that which give the template its look.3. this isn't a part of the actual template, but I code the php scripts for the site at this stage.EDIT: here's the sNews theme I made:This is a raw version, I still have to play around with fonts and their colors.And yes, more ideas to make it look better are still welcome!EDIT2: oops, there is a typo in the screenshot...
  22. Hi everyone, I haven't replied here because I have noticed that I can't really make nice looking graphics when I have school on the same day. Anyway, thanks for your replies. I'll be replying to them below. I made a new banner with a gradient stroke kinda thing. Looking forward to see what you think about it. I'm using arial for it. Yes there is a lot of blue, so guess how I solved the problem? By adding more blue! Well, not actually, I just tuned down the brightness a little bit. I made the text smaller, 16px. Its task is to be plain and simple, I'm not reconstructing microsoft.com here am I. I'm assuming by buttons, you mean the links in the navigation. Well, let's wait and see if I come up with something to change them to... I don't get it, how it looks like a blog template? Because it's a two column layout? I didn't get your point on this. There are many sites that look like that without being blogs. Maybe it's not that it looks like a blog template, but most blog templates just happen to look like that. This kind of layout is useful, I think... Thanks for replying Yes, I lowered down the background colors brightness to give people's eyes a little rest, the first design was way to bright. Thanks for replying, however, I hoped you would've replied a little more in depth and judged the design a little more, so I can make it look better. I'll upload this, but after I'm done with it. I tried adding some science things to it, but it didn't look good, so I stopped. I'm using arial in the body, so I used that in my new banner too. Thanks for replying. I didn't exactly get your point? Why should I photoshop it? it's already coded. Thanks for the offer, but I was going to add some functionality and interactivity with javascript, which hasn't anything to do with server-side scripting. I don't like using pirated copies of products. Anyway, thanks. I'll publish when ready. Thanks, remember to reply to the updates too! Anyway, I made a new banner, 2 different background gradients and images, tell me which one is better?
  23. Because you need to pay for the books(which are expensive btw) and also for your living(food, the rent...). The education itself is free. I know this because all nordic countries follow this standard except Iceland I think. I live in Finland(next to sweden) where education itself is also free, and books are also free until you are done with the 9th grade. After that you have two choises, a school where you learn about everything in general(length is about 3-4 years depending on the amount of courses your take), and then there is another option, a school where you learn the occupation you want to(for example, nursery, merchant, laborant...). The second one's length depends on what are you studying. You can also do these both at the same time, this gives you some kind of advantage when you're applying for a job. There also is an option to work and study at the same time, it's kind of like "learn while you're working"-thing, out of 4 weeks, you spend 1 week in school. Amazingly, there is also an option to do all these 3 at the same time. Anyway, after all this, you have to options, (again), continue with learning an occupation(possibly a higher status occupation than the one you studied earlier that requires for you the have passed the lower one's classes), or you can continue to university, now it won't be general education, but the subjects you choose. (some classes like English and Swedish + some other foreign language is required tho).
  24. well, it's none of their business, you could've just told them something like you wanted to browse privately. Never panic, just make something up on the go. Besides it is your right contact any ip without being restricted unless that is an illegal site. I assume that by porn being illegal you mean child and rape porn and other illegal things. I don't know if porn is illegal in where you live...
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