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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. So, me, anwiii and Nameless_ had a small discussion the other day. There was a short moment we were discussing about definitions, and defining life and organism came up.Basically the biological definition for an organism is a living system which means that it responses to stimuli, has self-sustaining biological processes and is capable of reproduction and growth.What do you think? Is there anything else? If you had a definition of your own, what was it?If someone builds a robot that fills all these conditions, are you ready to call it life?
  2. Well, the problem is this:Girls are too complicated. Unless you have been around them for a while, you can't predict anything. Like why everything has to be a big drama?Putting yourself in other's shoes works for regular issues, but not when we are talking about relationships and the opposite sex. Girls and guys have a completely different mindset when it comes to relationships. Like some girls don't seem to understand that guys are horny 24/7. Not understanding this may lead to being used since some people out there are ready to act and say anything just to get laid. Girls aren't stupid(in general), they just don't understand how the opposite sex thinks about relationships.Now, it's your turn to justify your claim of boys being dumb.
  3. Sure there are threats for Linux. There are viruses and worms for Linux too, but no widespread ones. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware
  4. Waste of money? These were spacecrafts that did this as a "side-job" or as a practice. So don't rant about how your government is wasting money, find things out yourself. And these were all detected with wave-length technology, which means there are 25 buckets of water only on the surface, nobody knows how much there's when you go deeper than 3-5 millimeters. Don't judge on the first sight. It's like I'm driving to a shop and I see a snake and take a photo of it = waste of fuel and causing of global warming. See, I was already going shopping, and although I had my engine running for a while, it isn't of that harm, I got the nice photo, didn't I?
  5. Oh I have already lost my interest(not that I ever had any interest) in many subjects in school. My grades are usually excellent. Why?Why do I hate Swedish, couldn't care any less about physical education and I don't really like our IT lessons either and still get good grades in them? Because I am determined. I want those good grades, I study before the exams, listen to what the teacher rambles in class and almost do my homework ().I do all this because I want to get to a school where you have to at least have an average grade of 8,72. Mine is 8,9. This is a school that has a class where they have more science lessons and they teach more advanced science. I want to hit 9+ average this year just for the sake of it. I don't enjoy Swedish, PE and some other subjects, but I do enjoy high grades, will get a job more easily. I jog to have a higher PE grade, I study for the exams in Stinky Swedish and other yucky subjects. I really liked Physics and Chemistry in school in the past years, but we have a new teacher that sucks very much, and the lessons don't interest me anymore. After this year I'll go to a school thats English name could be "high school". There I'll be for the next 3-4 years depending on the courses I take. Maybe I'll get interested in school physics and chemistry again there if it's fun.So if people lose interest in the SUBJECTS THEY CHOSE in college, it's their own damn fault.
  6. Hello and welcome! There are many members interested in the same things as you are, and are able and willing to guide you if you need any assistance. So I think you'll fit in quite easily here. A few things to inform you about, Xisto is not a regular forum. Therefore you should check out these topics: http://forums.xisto.com/Free-Web-Hostdpost&p=428 (this tells you how the system works and how you get hosting) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the rules, this is a must, as Xisto rules differ from other forums' rules.)
  7. Which website? This forum or somewhere else? Sorry for the late reply.Well this doesn't exactly have anything to do with thermal energy, but I'll answer. If that cup of tea has something that contains unstable atoms then it is possible. This is called radioactive decay. This is when an unstable isotope slowly(or rapidly) get ripped apart. Examples of these can be Iodine and Cesium. Find out more on these topics: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/68143-2-fusion-this-one-came-out-a-little-late-but-oh-well/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/68167-3-nuclear-fission-read-it/
  8. *Well if you like to call me a a higher power, feel free to do so* :D Uh, why didn't they cover up their machine parts? Because this is kinda dumb... But it is high tech equipment and is not built to take damage. (like a fierce violent attack from the overflying evil bird, I bet it was Captain SM's evil parrot ) As for the black holes. Similar collisions happen in space all the time and no black holes yet. Well, at least if there are, I don't see any gigantic black holes in middle of sun's surface (check it yourself, just remember the sunglasses ). Its possibility is so low, it shouldn't even be considered as a possibility. I wouldn't really be amazed if all the problems of the hadron collider is caused by some country hicks "protesting against the creation of black holes". The whole black hole thing was actually just news channels trying to get viewers with stupid exaggeration of things. That's what they do, and that's why I hate them. And having a black hole with a mass of two protons(probably less) in a vacuum... END OF THE WORLD!!!!! oh Give me a break... Black holes need a certain amount of mass around them. If there's not enough mass, there's nothing rotating. It's gravity couldn't even pull an atomic core apart. Well, actually it could, but it can't because while it has enough gravity when you get close enough to it, then half of the subatomic particle is out of the range of the pull. I hate the commercial media, always talking BS about everything. Erm... sorry for that rant. Anyway, it's truly very funny that a piece of bread caused the problem, I bet those scientists are very pissed off at birds right now
  9. There many others and free ones too. Here's a small list: Paint Shop Pro (paid) Corel Draw (paid) Photofiltre (free) You can find more here: http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/
  10. erm... Evidence, please? And how has that anything to do with science. Very off-topic if you ask me. Especially when you have no evidence for almost anything you claim there. "time has a beginning"? *erm... any evidence?* Define eternity(with logic, of course) and I could even think of time as a linear thing. You do have a point there tho, everything that has a beginning isn't eternal.Now to the thread itself... @Shadowx: Photons don't have mass. You're trying to use the theory of general relativity(which relies on the fact that photons travel at the speed of light) to prove that photons don't travel at the speed of light. Now take a look at that... I suggest you take a look at special relativity, too. Photons have no mass(no rest-mass, no anything), but they do have a momentum You can't move faster than the speed of light(or even reach the speed of light). This isn't a practical fact, it's a mathematical impossibility. As far as I know, light's speed is not relative (as the movement of particles usually). The speed of light is absolute (yet again, a mathematical problem.) It cannot be reached. Photons never accelerate to the speed of light. This is because they are already moving at the speed of light. For more information, take a look at this page where a question is answered by Laura Whitlock: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. A little quote here(hope this helps you out a bit to understand): So no, if you're on a space ship and traveling at almost the speed of light, the speed of light will still be 300 000 km/s faster than you as the quote above also states. As for this thing You wouldn't be traveling faster than the speed of light through space. So time traveling that way is impossible. Light next to you would still bypass you at the speed of light. You aren't moving through space, space is moving. More info here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. I'm not a hardware fanatic, but there's something that caught my eye: Isn't that something like 1000? That sounds affordable, the first desktop in our house cost that much. It was in the old days... it's still up and running tho.Here's that 3X7R3M3 Baniboy desktop's specifications: AMD Athlon something(don't remember) 1.9 GHz ATI Radeon X300 (ow yeah! This can run crysis, I bet it can run 2 of them at the same time! ) 512 MB RAM! (It's all antique now, I guess I could get a nice price of these on eBay as a collection item ) 2 Optic memory readers/writers That's about all I remember about it's specs
  12. Format it using a third party software, so you won't have to format the drive when you're installing XPI'm not sure if XP installation CD demands to format the drive whether it's empty and already formatted or not, but it's worth trying.EDIT: Somehow those managed to reply faster than me Sorry for providing info that you were already provided with.
  13. They aren't. I have C and E on my primary drive and D on my secondary drive. Wait till you see how my conversation with the HP support went. Here it is translated in English: Baniboy: Hey, *I tell my serial number and some other things.* I have a hard drive problem, and the other one might be failing [...] theHPdude: Right, make a recovery disc, a new hard disk will be delivered. And that's it. Either he had a bad day and he just wanted to get rid of a caller, or HP has a very good customer care. The only thing I don't really like about HP is that all the computers you buy from them come pre-installed with all kinds of junk, like Norton, "My HP games" and other crap that I don't really need. What kind of other problems? Other than poor-man's hardware Yes, expensive indeed... I could get one of those too. Are they any faster to read/write on? The HP support staff member told me that I can upgrade, change and replace RAM memory and HDDs without throwing my warranty out of the window(but don't touch the CPU or motherboard, he said). I'm not sure if SSDs are compatible with my motherboard? Is there any difference in plugging stuff in? Wikipedia says there shouldn't be any compatibility issues as they emulate normal HDDs, but that's just wikipedia, any moron with an internet connection could've edited it ( ). What is troubling me is that SSD performance decreases over time. So, what I've been thinking of(well, "been thinking of it for the last 5 minutes") is this kind of setup: I already have two 232 GB drives. So, I'm guessing the one that's failing could be used as a my "trunk"(well, we already have a 1 TB Buffalo hard drive in our house, that's been my trunk for a while now). Then I would have one partition on the primary HDD for Linux, one small partition on that same drive for occasional gaming and other stuff that I do on winblows. Does this sound like a good setup? I could do this, BUT it's this stupid windows vista disk management that doesn't let me shrink my C partition more than 78 GB. I have more than 150GB of spare space to use on my primary HDD but this ugly piece of junk doesn't let me free it for Linux! ARGH! Another option here would be to wait until the new HDD is delivered. Then I could use that whole drive for Linux. I then would have the first one for Windows and the "secondary" drive for Linux. The only problem in this is that I would have over 170GB of space going to waste on the primary drive. Any other suggestions? I asked about that too, he said that I should make a Recovery Disc. Takes up two DVDs, already done it. Thanks for replying! Your replies were helpful. I didn't get a new primary drive because it's not failinf yet. Any ways to make it fail faster?
  14. Well, you can be sure it's not mine! Cindy(I just named my computer, omg) and I have been through a lot together. Last week we had our first hard drive failure. :(I had my first Linux experience on Cindy. She's not hot, she hasn't the best CPU and there isn't much to say about her Graphics Card and RAM cards either, but she has been through many power interruptions during startup, so many times I have attached so many USB crap she hasn't even been able to boot because of the lack of power. She might suck by your standards, but she's my baby /Joke Anyway here are the specs:
  15. I don't think it'll. But what I think it might do, is buy an existing company that produces consoles already. That would make the arrival much more easy. I think Apple has enough resources to buy Nintendo, or a much smaller and unknown console company. It'd have the console technology ready to be developed. Plus Apple would already have a set of developers that are capable of producing games for that platform.
  16. Ah, yes, DRM is annoying. Well, helping you break the law would be a crime, but google is your friend :)That's as far as I'll go.If you really own them and the restrictions are annoying(plus you're not going to spread it in your friend circle), then I wish you the best luck.
  17. You might have noticed how I've been venting out stuff on shoutbox, so here's my thread related to it. Like I don't have enough problems to deal with already, can't play HD video, can't install XP, I'm building a template and this stupid problem is holding me back quite a bit. Add Hard drive failure to the list, all I need now is a BIOS failure or something, but I'm sure that one is just around the... <insert computer blowing up sound here> Ok, now to the problem My secondary HDD is failing. This is my drive D. I first noticed it after upgrading to Karmic Koala. It gave me a warning for both drives. Look at them below. I used CHKDSK on windows and the memory diagnostic tool I have in the boot menu. Both said the same thing, the C drive is fine but the D drive is screwed up. So what will I say to HP? What will they think if I say that? "I'm sorry, but I have booted into linux Live-CD and it tells me to replace the C drive, too"? I have only about 25 days of warranty left. At least it's a good thing I found this thing in time. What I want to also know, is that could've linux caused the problem? I had my Ubuntu installation on that drive. So, what exactly happens when I have millions of bad sectors? The D drive is going down hard for sure, but what about the C drive? It just says I have lots of bad sectors. Can't I remove them? (like out of sight, not actually getting rid of them, as that's probably impossible..).My primary hard disk also has a recovery partition. If I replace the hard disk as Ubuntu suggests, I can't recover the factory settings of the computer any more. Is there any way to back-up the recovery partition? Another thing is, the D drive is failing now, what if C is next? But what if that happens after warranty expiration? HP won't replace my hardware, will it?Any other suggestions? Like how the hell I'm going to explain this to HP?Thanks for help in advance.EDIT: I've completely uninstalled Ubuntu. I'm now posting using the live-CD. I was using windows, but I can't stand that buggy piece of junk for long. :)Always screwing things up,Baniboy
  18. How I managed to miss this topic?? A little late, but here I come! OMG!! THANKS!!! Really, I couldn't have even thought of being nominated for anything!! thanks very much! I'll continue doing more GFX *opens up GIMP* OMG!! Another one! Thanks a lot! Well, I prefer helping (well, at least trying to help) through shoutbox because it's faster to respond and help through it. Thanks for the nomination! Here's my relatively short list: Lives at Xisto - Nameless_ - Well, you really do post a lot, and long posts too. And for the last few months, I feel you never left the forums, not even for lunch Dr. Phil Wannabe - iGuest and anwii! No other way to put this thing Most Valuable Poster - Well, the first member that popped in my mind was truefusion! Your posts are spam-free(), very informative and helpful. Trapper of the Year - The Simpleton! You post a lot, and your posts aren't spam, they're fun to read and I enjoy reading some topics that you post. Moderator of the year - jlhaslip - You helped me last year with my codes and a lot of other stuff, you deserve this. I forgot to vote last year. Okay, that's it. Thanks for the nominations again. And remember to post more nominees! We don't have enough of them. Like tech geek is empty, and I really don't know what to put in there.
  19. I tried it out too! Here's my conversation: Okay, I kinda told my age but who cares, I'm not the only 16 year old on the net am I? EDIT: The cake makeout thing was kinda a joke
  20. Well, all the calendar has in it is birthdays. The application page has an error saying they don't accept applications. The only thing custom pages contains is some old GFXcrew stuff. And last but not least, the gallery, which redirects to the homepage.It's kind of hard to make a use of these if you ask me... Sorry for a short post but[...]
  21. umm.. nice. But what has this to do with operating systems subforum? I assumed the topic starter meant this kind of remote viewing. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  22. I have nothing to say about the subject of this topic itself, but I have something else to say.Thissubforum, "What Is..." is not for posting questions. Take a look at the subforums describtion:[quote]Did you discover something today or learn something new? Tell it to others, and exchange general knowledge and information.[/quote]You should ask a moderator to move this.
  23. Actually, from what I've read, you don't stop paying for the connection after it's cut off. The ISPs do however, take a hit in this thing. People usually want a faster connection so they can download stuff faster. When downloading torrents might get your connection cut off, people will stay with their medium connection speed. ISPs will have less costumers buying the "megaspeed" connection. It's kind of interesting. People that download stuff will encrypt their data, and the only ones left doing piracy will be just regular people. So all this law is going to "strike" is just occasional pirates that don't cause too much harm. By the constitution of yours, nobody else can legally punish except the court. So by the lines of this law, if you're suspected for downloading, even if you don't, you're guilty unless proven otherwise. This is not a way for a legal system to work. Anyway, you can also be sued AFTER your internet is cut off because you had been been naughty. This is then issued by court. The court will then (usually) punish by jail time or ticket(s), plus you'd have to pay for the anti-piracy lawyer's fat pay bills. Why this kind of law then is taking place? It is because the anti-piracy organizations don't have enough evidence that could cause pirate to lose the court case. So they're given the right to punish without a court case and without evidence. (Anyone here seen the movie "Judge Dred"? ) Another problem with this is that the European Union has decided that access to internet is a right, and you can't cut the internet off for a crime as punishment. MI5 and MI6 (UK's wannabe intelligence agencies FYI) have said that this law makes people encrypt their data. When everybody encrypts their data, real cyber criminals are harder to detect and trace down to a location. If I made it sound like I'm on the wrong sideof the law, READ IT AGAIN, FROM NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW(and no, caps doesn't mean I'm shouting, I'm simply drawing your attention). Piracy is morally wrong, so you pirates out there, don't try to use these arguments to defend piracy. I'm not defending piracy, I'm simply telling you the problems that come with this law now being accepted.
  24. Well, nice theories... Here's how I think Xisto is high in the rankings. Has anyone noticed that every external link is being redirected from Xisto servers? What if they have something redirecting search engine bots back to where they started? Normal people obviously get redirected to wherever the link linked while search engine bots have to come back and crawl the page once again. So... $$$$
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