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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well it does work for me. I run Crimson Editor, English-Finnish-English dictionary, Betsson poker client and Spotify without any problems. @tf: It doesn't work for me and I don't know why, even the shortcut doesn't work. I doubt it's my sound card, because I can run Nexuiz just fine. And LMAO I didn't know it was pre-compiled. How dumb can I beeee.... I still think it's KK's fault, because I didn't have this problem with Jaunty Jackalope. I guess I'll just play antigravitator and nexuiz Another thing I noticed on startup, is a "error" at startup. You know when the glowing animated white ubuntu icon shows up? That is when I get a small error at the bottom saying that it's waiting for /home to be mounted. I have a separate home partition, chose one partition to be used as /home in the partitioning program, did I do anything wrong? And as for compiling, gee you must be very systematic tf, if you prefer compiling instead of having them all organized and easily removable through package manager!
  2. Yes, that was the model number. They had different serial number and temperature As for Cindy(my computer), the HDD arrived(I had to go all over to another city and find a stupid UPS delivery warehouse to get it, and I live in the freaking capital!). I've installed KK on it. Thanks to all who replied on the thread. I think I could buy an SSD drive when it is affordable. Only install the programs and the system to make them faster(possibly).
  3. You use this in a css file: CSStd { background: white; color: black;}td:hover, td:active, td:focus { background: black; color: white;} :hover, :focus and :active ensure compatibility with most browsers. But please, please don't use tables, they are horrible.
  4. Yes, exactly!Climate change is unstoppable. It's too late and it's too hard. We can't change. This is a normal biological cycle, let me explain:Let's think there is a population of voles in the forest. Now this is a small population. There is enough resources(food and territory) for this population. The result is population growth obviously. Now the population is much larger. It's consuming more food than the environment is producing, there is less space, the populations of predators who feed on the voles have grown to match the vole population and there are diseases and other crappy things. The result is that the population comes crashing down. And then, the same thing starts all over again.The same thing is happening to us, as we have already gone over that line. We are consuming more than the ecological(and by this word I don't mean in all the stupid sense hippies and Al Gore is promoting this word, but the actual meaning of it in scientific sense) locker should be consuming to keep the ecosystem in balance. The problem is very embarrassing, we are no smarter than the vole.There will always be idiots like Al Gore trying to make some $$$, €€€ and ??? on every disaster. Fun thing about disasters: The rich become even more rich and the poor just get more poor. Even the scientists are developing "eco-friendly" crap just to make a quick buck.
  5. Oh Barcelona is gonna loose this sooo bad If Ronaldo is playing, then real wins.
  6. Shots for regular flu? Damn, that's so stupid. No offense to anyone personally but taking a shot for flu is just dumb. I would rather get the flu. The only problem is, I'm not getting the flu. Ironic, isn't?As for H1N1 vaccine. It increases the risk of some kind of brain disorder.shadowx:Nice numbers, but you analyze them in a wrong way. 0.4% of people who get the virus die. 0.03% percent(in your example) of people WHO GET THE VACCINE, die. You can't say that those getting the vaccine would have gotten the virus. Thus, you can't compare the danger. Here in Finland, there have been 11 deaths caused by the virus. All victims were already sick, the virus just kind of finished them off. I'm healthy, I almost never get any flu and if I do, I'm not puking, having fever and screaming from pain all the time. The doctor told my mother that she or my 6 yr old bro shouldn't get the vaccine, because they are totally healthy. I am too, and I would rather kill that son of a bleep virus myself :)With this kind of vaccine, made in a hurry and tested on monkeys, we don't know the long term effects. There is also no data of how the vaccine behaves when injected into under 3 year olds and children between age 10 to 17. All the recommendations for these age groups are not backed up by ANY DATA. Mind you, I would rather go with normal drugs designed for influenza treatment which are tested and used many times and are proven to be effective.If a lot of people around you get the virus, you have a greater chance of getting the disease than a rare vaccine side effect. But as most kids in my school will take the shot, the risk of me getting the piglet is small(hahaha, now that's a smart freaking move). And even if I did get the virus, there's even a smaller chance of dying because I'm in good condition(well, can you run 3 km in 12 minutes?).
  7. Not having enough time or money to publish your own content doesn't justify copyright infringement. Don't copy. Read a lot of articles, improve your English spelling and sentence structure. Then, after reading a few other articles on other news channels, publish your own BASED on the information provided there, don't copy. This is copied from the footer of the eWeek site: Do you realize you're breaking the law here? Someone might contact xisto and tell them you're copying from their site, and your hosting could be suspended or totally canceled. Please, don't start off a site as a content thief. Copying from other sites is also bad for your SEO. You won't get much search engine traffic, you're just hurting your own site and breaking the law.
  8. Hi all, I decided to chill out a little and then start doing this thing again from scratch. So this time I have a completely new layout and the color theme is... you guessed, blue. But with a white background so it's readable. This layout is also liquid 80% width with the sidebars maintaining their original width, which 200px.I have no banner, because I want to design the site first, then add the banner. I already have some ideas for the banner, like a small electron orbiting a proton for the "o"-letter. I really don't know how to add something that gives the impression of graphic tutorials, coding tutorials and maybe some other stuff. Any other ideas for the banner are appreciated and welcome.So, are the navigation buttons good? I'm not really sure about what to put as a font color in there for the navigation, dark or bright colors? The top menu is for the pages. I'm going to have a static project page(for downloads, project files, you know), I'll link to it that way. The navigation for the categories will be in one of the sidebars(the one on the left probably, I won't have any problem with text-aligning). The category navigation is not going to have any particular background, only a transparent one to have a larger area to click on.Moving on to sidebars, are the top and bottom images good, how about the background color? So, I tried to make a reflection-like thing.. I'm not sure about the bottom image tho. I mean, if it reflects that way and it looks like the light is coming from above, then it has to have a shadow-like thing in the bottom. Or should I just clone the top image, flip it and use it as the bottom image.I'm using arial font, is it readable enough? The font size is 16px in the content-area and 20px in the top page-navigation.About the footer, it's going to be a simple grey box inside the white content-area. Keeping it that way(simple, I mean, any other changes are welcome).Overall, how is it?I also have a small question. I don't know if I should make this a wordpress theme or a sNews theme. sNews has its benefits, small, lite, simple. But I don't know how to upgrade sNews if a new version is released. Wordpress is an easy upgradeable, but it is such a pain to try and deal with all the code. And I would have to keep track of every freaking margin, new cpanel, new features in the source when a new version comes out so I don't end up with a screwed up theme all over the place.Here's the screenshot(dial-up alert):
  9. Hi and welcome to T17 forums.Make sure you read the rules and the thread called "Pre-signup FAQ", both are located at the Xisto Readme(link to it is above the shoutbox).Making long posts is important, otherwise you won't get enough MyCents and also making a lot of useless posts can earn you a warn and maybe a suspension.So, make sure you follow the rules and well, have fun.
  10. Yes I do, I use Sky.fm's Jazz radio to find some good new music. (no, I don't like the saxophone when there's too much of it. I listen to jazz because most good drummers are jazz drummers. Rock drummers are just freaking boring and the sound they produce makes me want to puke. No creativity at all, only boring basic beat, the only good rock drummer I know is the one in deep purple)/rant :)I do listen to rock via internet radio too, it's energetic, I just don't listen or try focus on the drums.I use Spotify(on WINE, of course ), I guess it's kind of an internet radio, I just pick the songs. I use Rythmbox on linux to manage my podcasts and other, it's very easy to use.I've never even tried web designing and web developing podcasts tho, so it's still pretty new for me. I never even realized I could find more web developing tips through other channels than just plain text documents. I'll try out the podcasts mahesh provided through the link.
  11. The windows system recovery only recovers the settings and registry, not files.In your case I suggest you use a file recovery tool. If you uninstaller hasn't overwritten the files, they are recoverable. When you delete something, it stills exists on the drive, the only change is that it is marked free to write on. So, if you haven't reinstalled windows yet or done something really strange to your drive, you can recover the program files that were deleted and you should be able to run fine. Additionally if you can't do the thing I mentioned above, reinstall the OS or install the software that you had installed before again, and you should run fine. But make sure you install everything back.
  12. I tried removing shell script file extension, mimicking a desktop file and doing it, but it just doesn't work! The compiled program I'm trying to add to the gnome menu is a First-Person-Shooter called AssaultCube. There's also a .deb available for it at playdeb.net. I tried installing from the playdeb repositories but the game sounds were so screwed up that I decided to compile. The compiled version's sounds are not as screwed up as the deb one, but they get worse as I continue playing the game for a long time. So is this my sound driver screwing things up? I can feel how my laptop heats up a lot while playing this game. I never had the problem with 9.04, is this new drivers that my hardware doesn't work well with? ARGHHH I still feel Ubuntu 9.10 was released for the sole reason of "a new version has to be released every 6 months". This is wrong, a new version should be released when IT IS FREAKING READY. If anyone bothers and has time to(and maybe wanna shoot someone for no good reason ) you can try out compiling AssaultCube and tell me how it runs onn your machine. It's a nice game to play once in a while. Here are the instructions for compiling the game(dependencies and stuff like that...): [b] Compiling AssaultCube[/b] If you find you need to compile a special binary for your operating system, follow these steps. Open a console Make sure all needed libraries are installed - you can do this by running the following command: sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-image1.2-dev libopenal1 libopenal-dev libvorbis-dev Make sure to select yes if it asks you to install additional packages cd ~/AssaultCube/source/srcmake installmake clean Congrats, AssaultCube should now be compiled and you can execute the new binary simply by starting the shell file.And if someone also bothers, you could try adding the desktop file for it and tell me(us) how it went(Thanks to anyone who does this, I'll give you a cookie if I happen to meet you in real life ) As for wine, I found out at WINE HQ that the newest version(beta) doesn't have to be compiled and it can be installed from WINEHQ repositories.
  13. Nice layout and all, but I don't like the way you copy your content from other sites! Without even citing the source or modifying anything!That's plagiarism! I hate that. I wouldn't like anyone to copy-paste all the crap I've wrote and worked hard for and publish it on his/her site.
  14. Baniboy

    Bad Drivers

    In Finland, all I can say about driving is that people stop at the lights and are usually pretty calm drivers(They stop for the walkers to cross the streets even if they have had the time to go through), I've never seen a car speed through the red lights except an ambulance.As for other rules, I don't know. I live in the capital, I use bus, subway(not the restaurant chain), trains, tram, my bike and my legs. There's no need for a personal car here, every corner is accessible by some public transportation. Helsinki is said to have the best public transportation system in Europe, but those are just the results of a tourist survey.
  15. You can install a local server and run your scripts there. I don't see that as a problem. One small local server pack installation is not a very hard thing to do. There are many choices, WAMP(windows, apache, mysql, php5) and XAMPP on windows, LAMP on Linux.
  16. Well, after you add the domain as an add-on domain to your cpanel, it automatically uses the sub-folder as its "root" folder. No needs for redirects.
  17. Emesene is a simple IM client designed to look like windows live messenger. @tf and TS: I tried downgrading using this guide: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But it isn't working, after a reboot, I'm still left with Grub2 beta. I'm going to try again later. And it's so unstable piece of bleep! Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, what a piece of junk, who the hell decided to use that on Karmic Koala? if I only could get my hands on him... All those files point to an executable, and I want to link to a shell script. I found a way to add these launchers in "System -> Preferences -> Menu(or something, I don't know, I have the Finnish version). I tried adding there and using shell script without luck. Do you run compiled WINE? I've yet to try compiling it but does it have 1 executable which I could run to launch the whole thing? Do you use shell scripts for desktop files?
  18. Hi trapsters. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala today after I got my new hard drive. I have a few questions tho. After installing, Grub is taking so much longer to load. Is this normal? Anyone else experienced this kind of thing? I can also see (in the boot-loader menu) that it's a beta version of Grub, can I downgrade to a stable version?When I have special effects on medium and I use the gnome panel to minimize and maximize windows, minimizing works fine but maximizing comes with a delay. Why is this? Some kind of graphics load thing? I prefer speed, so I'm happy without this if I can't get it to work. Is there any alternative software which will give me visual effects?I don't really like the new IM client empathy, it doesn't let me choose how much space I want in the typing-space and takes up a lot of memory, so I removed it and replaced with Emesene, which I used earlier before the HDD failure with Ubuntu 9.04.Now let's move on to other questions.I know how to(well, a little) compile a program from source in terminal, but the compiled things can only be started with the shell script? How can I add compiled stuff to the gnome panels menu(like have it in the option for example to define which programs are used to play various formats). And also have it in the right category(Accessories, Games, Internet, etc). Am I able to do this? Because without this I can't see how I'm going to make any use of a compiled WINE for example.
  19. This addiction is fought off like any other non-physical addictions.All you have to do is to replace interneting with the internet people by something else that interests you.I play drums, do muscle exercises, go jogging etc. Any other activity does, after you've understood this, you can't get "addicted" to anything mentally. I change my activities the way I like them, and I can stop doing any of them at any time. The only thing I can't do is do nothing, so you could draw a conclusion that I am addicted to being active. And by active I don't mean lying in the bed thinking for yourself is wasting time, as that is important, having moments of peace to think. Being "active" doesn't count out entertainment, all you have to do is SOMETHING. Then you can easily have many activities in a day, and nobody will assume you're addicted to anything, neither will you, but you'll be addicted to all those things, and you can become a very versatile since you can adapt to any situation and leave your earlier activities behind.The point is, if you have something else to do, you can easily dump your "addiction". Scheduling makes your stuff a lot easier. I have a certain time in the day when I play drums, I have 3 days in week set for working out and 1 day in week only for jogging. I hang out at t17, watch movies, listen to music.Schedule is the key, as you'll know what you want to do before that time comes and can avoid "wasting time" on only one thing.
  20. Let me update the biological definition, I ripped this one off Wikipedia: AWW... variation was already there, (adaptation) I suppose it means genetic adaptation. Yes, a very clever way to avoid robots... + plants, most single-celled organisms, viruses etc. Pain is just a message that nerve cells send to the brain to report damage, then the central nerve system reacts to it to avoid more damage. Self-sustaining is up there 1st in the list above. I'm going to assume you meant my sentence of "Yet it is considered life". Okay, messed up the words a bit. Replace it with "Yet it is considered a living organism". Besides, aren't living organisms considered "life"? There are no major differences in the anatomy of human and "animals". And no I'm not going to even start with the "creation"-part, as I don't know if you mean "godly creation" here. I assume you're not a young earth creationist tho. *forget about whaa...?* hasta la vista, memories. I didn't have the time to research and find exactly what they mean, so I put an "I think" there to indicate that I was not sure. You do not have to point out about something I did intentionally. And I was right. As for program compiling thingy, I didn't really get it so I'll leave it alone for now What I meant is that is the program capable of writing its source code and compile it by itself. Moving on... Life cannot survive without variation(didn't really mean the exist part, I was sleepy) as using the same resources would generate a new environment for the population to live in. Without variation, natural selection can't happen and the organism can't adapt to the new environment that is totally different. The first organisms on earth that are speculated to be capable of photosynthesis, they produced oxygen. They couldn't have lived forever, as they would've ran out of carbon dioxide since they produce more oxygen than CO2. So there came the first cells that could take advantage of the oxygen and an atmosphere that could reflect some of the harmful radiation back into space. Organisms have their own effect on their environment. Sorry for saying life can't exist without variation, my bad. EDIT: anwiii, there wasn't anything I could reply to you since all you say is that you don't care about science and its way of grouping things. I can't find the history of the definition you asked for, you could try searching more, I've to go to bed now
  21. Are we talking about normal flu here or some kind of mutant virus thing? If we're talking about common cold, then WTF?! You get vaccinations for those? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We don't get those here in nordic countries. That's just a waste of time and money. You know what vaccinating for useless things causes? They freaking become immune to it. There are also many viruses that cause the common cold, you can't vaccinate for them all. A little pressure on the immune system is not bad once in a while. I don't usually get sick, maybe a small throat infection or something, but when I do get sick, I get really, really sick. If you're talking about influenza on the other hand, it's understandable.
  22. Lol glad my sig makes people laugh, didn't get why it's funny tho.. maybe I unintentionally added a joke in there As for sex, I said what I said because of this sentence in your post. Your post has been edited yesterday, and I remember reading something else in your post too. not sure tho As for anwiii and user, stop arguing, it leads nowhere.
  23. @anwiii: Do genpets fulfill the biological definitions? Do they have self-sustaining biological processes, are they capable of reproduction, growth and development? And how the term "robot" means that it is NOT an organism? The link you provided is just an example of bioengineering. @truefusion: I don't really get what you're trying to prove here?Pain is a response to stimuli. Are you saying that an organism feels pain for no reason? I'm guessing you response was a little hurried into. Sure organisms respond to pain, but that's after the organism has responded to a stimuli with "pain". Besides, many single-cellular organisms don't have a central nerve center. So they chemically respond to the stimuli directly, like some bacteria release anti-antibiotics(don't know what they are called in English) when they encounter antibiotics of a certain type. This of course doesn't apply if they aren't capable of responding to that particular stimuli. Viruses are considered the "edge of life".For example, Chlamydia bacteria also can't reproduce without a host cell. Yet it is considered life. Viruses respond to stimuli, they require a host cell to replicate but it's the same as I need proteins to grow. They use the contents of the cells for their advantage and replicate. They are also affected by natural selection and mutation like most if not every other life forms on this planet. They aren't dead, but not exactly living either, they're a RNA/DNA chain(and sometimes the combination of both) inside a protein coat. Creatures? I don't know if that is a term for multi-cellular organisms in English, but I'm going to assume you mean multi-cellular organisms here, correct me if I'm wrong. Bacterias and "other living things" can't make "exact copy of the original", this is because of mutation. Bacterias have as much mutation and natural selection happening in their populations as we "creatures" have in our populations. I'm sorry that I put "self-replication" in place of reproduction. My bad, I corrected it now. But anyway, let's move on. By self-sustaining I think biologists mean the capability to get the external resources to sustain its biological processes. Of course everything has to die sometime, exclude that. This is the exactly kind of discussion I wanted to take place here. So what defines life in your opinion?Is that program capable of reproduction, growth and development? Excluding python scripts that don't need compiling. You could compare compiling to viruses needing a host cell, but can you make your program to use a compiler and compile a copy of itself? In addition, I'm going to say that biologists missed one thing in the things that defines life. My suggestion is the ability to variate and by variation more practically I mean mutation of genetic code, but there might be life forms that do not posess genetic code. Think about it, life can not exist without variation. Without variation, the resources burn out and the possibility to have a stable ecosystem formed by many organisms is destroyed. Remembering tho, definitions are man-made and the point of them is to group things. So we can make difference between things, living things and non-living things, gas and liquid, HP and AMD ().
  24. It's OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode). It's widely used already on cellphone market. It's based on small LED lights. One pixel is one led light. This means every pixel has a light source of its own and other light sources are not required. This means slimmer screens and saved power since the background light doesn't need electricity.The good things about OLED:Better colorsBetter contrastShrinks your electricity bill.The bad thing about OLED technology:Its lifetime is shorter than normal LCD and Plasma TV's lifetimeTechnology is quite new and although there are OLED screens for consumer purposes, it's not really at an affordable price.
  25. You did the right thing. Don't regret it, you can be sad about it, but don't regret. Usually it's fine to have an age difference(actually I even remember reading about a research where they found out that having a wife 5 years younger than yourself results in more lifetime, anyway...), but when we are talking about under-aged girls and boys, things are a little different.You sure could've dumped her more gently than you describe above, like explain why you can't be together and stuff tho. Above it seems that you got mad or something.She or her family might sue you for using an under-aged girl for your advantage if you have sex with her, so it's not a good idea. You can be sued even if she's willing to have sex with you.Think, a little bit, is sex the only thing you do with your girlfriends? That's all they mean to you? a sex partner?If you don't care much about sex and just want to be with her... otherwise, wait for 3 or so years.How can you be trouble with the statutory rape law if you haven't took advantage of her sexually? I don't know the laws of that country you live in(you didn't mention which country you live in btw, all you said is "this country").
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