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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well, since anwiii's wish got bleeped up already, I'll wish in peace...I wish I could write 5 tutorials in one hour
  2. You should have WiFi and bluetooth disabled when you don't need them, this will increase battery life.Lower the brightness of the screen.Have only essential processes running.Use software that doesn't punish the CPU. Get a lite OS on it.Tune the settings to reduce the brightness of the screen or blackout when the computer is idle.
  3. Hmm, I agree. I'm just sucking in this atm, everything is slipping out of my hands... The font is tahoma. I'll try to make a logo similar to that in the image you provided, thanks for helping in that. Okay, I'm going to make it multiple levels to fit everything I have into one bar. I made a new design(oh yes...). I have these 2 now, the other one doesn't have all the searchboxes and other "extra" stuff in it yet because I haven't coded it yet: I forgot to change the font to tahoma in the sidebar in this one before exporting tho. Now, I removed the breadcrumb trail in the original one: I was thinking of having both, just because it seems a little more standard to have a logo link and a home link. I've now changed the logo on my site to be a link also. I've shoved them all into a "tutorials" parent in the new design, but if do that that in the blog-like design, I'll only have 2 links in there and it'll look kinda empty(except if I get rid of one of the bars).I also changed "Home" into "Tutoriary.com". What can I say, I'm slow, though I was a bit lazy about coding when I made this, I couldn't have ever got it done in 30 minutes. I know how to do it(regarding the knowledge), I'm just slooooooooooooooooowwwww.10 % of my visitors use IE, and with the average 8 visitors per day I have, I'm not sure if I want to leave that 10 % out by using CSS3? I'm using 5 images to get rounded corners for everything right now. The file size of all the images I use on that purple blue template is around 25 KB, with those 5 images are taking up 5 KB. I could shove them into one image to reduce http requests and use bg positioning to use them... The problem with SVG is again, browser support, it would be great otherwise. Cutting the design to separate images is pretty much easy, I just merge all layers, press R and start cropping, saving and undoing. Thanks for replying(where are all the other people, trap is so inactive nowadays), and don't forget to review the second template, too!
  4. Hi guys and gals(not sure if there are any here anymore). So, currently my site looks like this. I've, however, made a new template for my site: This was designed and coded by me(yes, I've coded it). I used GIMP for the graphics and the almighty Crimson Editor for coding. (+ made it on Linux, so it's all open source if you don't mind my gfx driver being closed source ) I would like to hear your opinions about this template. I'm open to suggestions you may have. Still, be gentle, it took me 4 hours to code this(ZOMG). I know the breadcrumbs aren't in an exactly perfect alignment with the text, but it looked a bit dull when I had EVERYTHING starting from the left with 20px margins. So I've centered it for now. BTW, my first design that's automatically compatible with IE without tweaking afterwards I'm going to change this using your suggestions that I (hopefully) will receive and then convert it to a wordpress theme to be used on my site. Thanks in advance!
  5. Well, you could use a catcha on account registration to prevent those bots from registering new accounts. Also hire some mods there and let them deal with the spam for you (slaves... bwahaha ). Restrict the amount of PMs that one can send in a day or whatever. Also look for any anti-spam plug-ins for your forum software to prevent this from happening in the future.
  6. Maybe we could get IRC here? Like melded into the user system so your regular login to the forums work with that? At least it would work. I'm not sure if OQ will think this is a good idea thinking bandwidth-wise, but whatever
  7. As a side note to truefusion, you can actually use the balance between Helium and Hydrogen to estimate our sun's age. The real problem with dating methods used on stars is with big stars. Because radioactive decay is present in their cores and dominates the energy production over the fusion reaction. So it makes it more complicated with more variables such as iron and nickel rates, and everything between hydrogen and those in the periodic table. Anyway, god(s) could've created the sun however and blah blah, just as a side note.I have to agree not calling people idiots. I'm all in for telling people how stupid their/other's actions, beliefs and opinions are, but I don't think it's right to attack anyone personally. Regardless, Kent Hovind and Ray Comfort are still idiots Lying to people like that, they should be ashamed of themselves!
  8. Oh you made a classic mistake too. After the third wish, you'll be turned into the one granting the wishes and be trapped in the lamp until someone else makes 3 wishes. I wish I got good results from tomorrow's Swedish test. NOTE: I'm going to blame whoever ruined this wish if I get a bad grade
  9. You want to display them horizontally in the MySQL database or in a web page?
  10. Softpedia and Sourceforge. Sourceforge isn't a review site, you can find good software, however.
  11. One tip, don't lower yourself to their level. Just ignore the preachers. Don't get in a debate with people that don't agree on the simple rules you play on (logic, mostly). If they say you're going to end up in hell, just say your hell would be spending the eternity with religious people. And one thing, DON'T EVER, EVER, ASK FOR EVIDENCE.They already know they don't have evidence, you wouldn't really hear their silly excuses and false analogy if they had evidence. Don't debate people like that, it's like playing chess with a pigeon, they poo on the board, knock down all the chessmen and fly to their friends and brag about how they won. Don't get in a debate with a person threating you with his/her imaginary friends. You should, however, debate people (the ones that have interesting arguments), so you learn to question and not just assume. It's fun sometimes.This brings up how religion is immune to criticism. If they weren't in doubt of their own beliefs, they wouldn't be offended. This kind of behavior is generated by organized religious groups, which have given people the idea that because people believe in something, you shouldn't criticize it. Basically this comes down to a few things, it's a commonly accepted opinion that you should be able to criticize other people's opinions. It is also accepted that religion is a personal thing. Making it personal is a somewhat opinion, and it shouldn't be immune to other people's opinions. Yet it is accepted that you shouldn't judge religion. Why? Because they don't want someone to remind them about the ridiculous things about their belief. They don't want to think, they want to ignore. So let them be in their bubble, but don't let anyone shut YOU up. Ask them for arguments and shoot 'em down one at a time so they just refer to their hurries and don't bother you on the topic again. You still see them using the same arguments against other people tho, that is an indicator of ignorance and how they have no arguments left.Seriously, when I hear an atheist/unbeliever joke, I laugh. Most of the time at the stupidity and irony, but I don't get offended as they are generalizations in most cases. I'm willing to have a debate about the arguments people use against disbelief anytime and enjoy it. It's just very time-consuming tho, a bad side-effect.
  12. ahh... I didn't start it. I was just telling shadowx that other people might be interested in the topic even tho he seems to hate christianity. No need for you to say how "unbelievers" ruined a 'harmless' topic. It smells like bad attitude. About the other things, I agree. But why aren't you writing something relevant to the topic?
  13. You seem to assume that I'm a christian. Ironic... By saying paganism itself has no ground to stand on I didn't mean that christianity does. No historical record has ever proven paganism (or whatever) to work. Neither do we have empirical evidence linking to that(like voodoo and other bs). I didn't say you went offtopic, by "offtopic/" I meant I'm writing offtopic stuff. I wouldn't tell you went off topic by text and a weird slash on one line, so chill. Were you going to continue "well the pope for one), because I don't see any closing for that "("? All I see is some ranting about how the christian values are bull and nothing to actually explain why the pope would care. Apparently the pope already knows. Maybe he just has gone a little cucu after all those years. I meant it isn't true anyways, so who cares if they copied? Well, show me some logical reasons and I will, I promise. Good luck.
  14. Offtopic/even if you don't care, someone else might. That is why we have spirituality and other loco stuff subforums. And I don't think you have the necessary rights to shut people up for posting non-spam posts. Anyways, that 'devil worship' itself has no ground to stand on anyway, so why even mention? Yes they copied almost everything, who cares?
  15. You write them using a normal text editor, save as ".bat"-files and then run. Running with visual basic... well, you just give the command to run the script I guess, I'm not sure I don't know VB
  16. Wow, I've made some login systems(back in the days when it was warm), and I always use a md5 hash to verify password. How the hell can someone be so 'smart' to save the password itself to the database?! It should be done like this:You have md5 hash of the user's password in the databaseThe user inserts password on loginYou convert the password to md5 and compare with the one in the database, if they match, loginYou have to be a really dumb programmer nowadays to have the passwords themselves saved up there... IN TEXT FILES?! Not even in a dynamic database?! Were they trying to get hacked on purpose?
  17. Wow that looks really cool. You could make an ice block with your name on it, it would look nice.I don't know if it's me or what, but shouldn't the cloud kind of go over the sun, because now it looks like the clouds are behind the sun(kind of).How did you make the waves. I've always been interested in making waves, but it always turns out looking really weird. I can do waves with with the script fu or whatever that comes with GIMP effect thingy, which isn't really that good...I like the way you've put stars in the image making it so natural without me going "what the hell sun and stars?!" I think this would've looked better if you had provided us with a high resolution image.About the melody, did it take you 3 minutes to draw that?! JK Ahh, I gotta learn how to play that! I'll get all the girls since they all seem to be a fan of that movie! i think it's going to be a little harder than the eine kleine nachtmusik(mozart piece) I'm having troubles with nowadays :)Took a look at the xcf too. Making new layer #3 invisible gives kind of nice effect on the water and the star-area, but the clouds and the sun don't look right...Great job. So, when you're going to put these on facebook so I can become a fan?
  18. It is for publishing, I'm going to use it on my site. The content is tutorials like always. I actually did what you said, just randomly browsed around. I lost myself on a site called softpedia and I liked the top bar they had. Tried to mimic it with a lighter background and white-transparent gradient. I've now made a prototype of it. Something just feels wrong. Maybe it's the colors or stuff... I'm not sure about the flowing with the content and backwards etc. I'm going to make a new thread for the design after I've coded it down. I find it kinda weird that I've always made my 'better' designs at night. wt* is that? it's creepy! Thanks for helping tho. I had enough rest, it was weekend. I also tried meditating, but I couldn't, which is weird because I have meditated before... I think I'm not going to do drugs(or "brain enchancement"), I am an 'artist', but not that serious artist Just coffee... Thanks for the tips. Doings plans on paper isn't my thing tho so I'll skip that one I know the need to dump projects a lot, too hehe. I usually just keep the parts I like and dump the rest tho. It's just that this time, I'm trying to make a breakthrough of some sort(as you may remember I'm not really a design person, haha) in web design. I'm expecting a little too much of myself and nothing pleases my eye. Well, I know I'm not in much of a position to give any tips, but I can tell how I started. I browsed all these template sites, I mimicked the design and colors of some templates, I've never published those tho, they were horrible But hey, that's how you learn. First you could start off by learning how to code those layouts before you add in design. There are many web graphic/coding tutorials out there, too(like on my site they're for amateurs, but may be useful otherwise..). Get familiar with your tools and just start doing it. You'll notice how all your old designs look worse and worse in your eyes when you make new ones, that's progress
  19. Oh I read that in a little hurry :)In fact, I've seen adobe's downloads website trying to install norton security scan, you can prevent by un-checking a checkbox The most annoying kind are those Firefox plug-ins you can't delete or deactivate! However, by the latest post of the thread starter, it seems that it came with the reinstallation.
  20. Many times when you install software on your computer, there's a little checkbox there checked to also install some crapware like yahoo toolbar or some security scan when you're about to download adobe flash for example. Always customize your installs to prevent this kind of intrusion from happening. Now, simply uninstall those programs and be careful from now on. + download your software from trusted sites, you get less malware. @tf:Isn't it kind of rare that a manufacturer would include 2 competing scanners in a pre-built computer?
  21. Alright, I've been trying to design a new template for my site, but every time I try to do something, I'm out of ideas, it turns out ugly as hell or it's worse than the current one. I don't have any inspiration, any help? Like what to do. Because this isn't going anywhere! I'm bored, don't know what to do, I'm just wasting time.I know I could just use one of the WP themes on the web, but I want to make my own, I want to make something unique. One of the members here was already kind enough to suggest a nice theme for my website, but I still want to make my own. I'm just playing nexuiz and boring the crap out of myself. I don't know what to do anymore.What you do when you have no inspiration? I have slept well, etc. Nothing...
  22. Wow no offense but this isn't much of a tutorial. Several ways to do this, it's not 1970's when the internet first got launched, you know. I usually just click with the scroll on my mouse. I don't get how this is a "very useful" tip?
  23. Login using "admin@yourdomain.xxx". Try the cpanel password. If that password doesn't work, just make google send you the password to your alternate e-mail account :)Good luck
  24. The only strategy game I own is "Heroes of Might and Magic III", I think. Not sure. I didn't play it much. Well, it's not a real-time strategy, more like a turn-based tragedy :)It was the first PC game that I bought. Had some fun with it, then it got a little boring, the enemies just beat the crap out of me all the time when I played enough to reach a somewhat advanced level(it didn't even have levels, but whatever). Never really tried actual real-time strategy, but I can guess how stupid it would turn out. Is it like playing chess without turns and you have to make your moves before the other one does, no time to think, hu? That would be stressing. I guess I'll just stick to Nexuiz, AssaultCube and Antigravitator. Does anyone know any free, good strategy games(turn-based) I could try? Interested in trying out those.
  25. Baniboy

    Blah Blah Blah!

    Yes I have encountered a problem of not-so-interesting new topics. Many seem to be repetition, or just topics that I don't know much about(nothing wrong in that). All I'm saying is that when we have so many members here that post many short posts worth 0 in quality, isn't the SEO affected in some way? Really? The degrading amount of new quality content is worrying me. Especially with the more technical topics.Oh yes there aren't many women in the forum, maybe it's simply a chain reaction? Too many men. I don't know many female web designers either, so you don't expect them to wonder here for hosting services, so that should explain it? Besides, why you need more women here? Does it even matter?
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