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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I don't know about the FTP servers and that stuff. BUT, attach the drive(internal one, I suppose) to your computer running ubuntu, right-click on the mounted drive(on your desktop as an icon) and select "compress". Choose the compressed file's path to be your 1TB HDD and let it roll. That is how I backup stuff Except my home folder, that's a little tricky -.- You might get a permission denied message, so make sure you're running file-roller(compression software) as root in terminal.Good luck
  2. Oh I just had to vote for deadmad this time, although it was a close one with rob's and tf's sigs, I have to admit I'm not much of a game render fan.dm7, is that plasma filter going over a supernova effect or am I just dreaming that you did that with GIMP? I don't know how you got the transition in colors with the plasma tho, it looks cool Oh well, it was a shame I couldn't participate. I was doing a water whirl thing and then things got a little out of hand with my creative block Maybe next time. Still busy writing tuts.
  3. Few more days? You said this is going to be closed tomorrow(27th), are you expanding space-time here?
  4. Oh christianity has many similarities to many other religions. Ever heard of mithra? Well it was an ancient persian god that had been born from a virgin. He was also the son of god. Later, church tried to defeat Mithra's religion by making up Jesus' birthday to be the same day they celebrated Mithra.Islamic teachings are also similar to christian ones. Although Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet like muhammed, adam, noah etc. They don't try to deny all other religions, they're saying that other judean religious books have been modified by human, so they aren't valid anymore.As for buddha, nope. Buddha never talked about any god.
  5. Try using FTP to access the files.It seems that they're running out of space on your server.(I smell overselling )
  6. Shouldn't you make the rap on your own since it's your girl? Because that's kind of the idea of it isn't it...?
  7. Try Camstudio the free version. Works like it should, never used Camtasia though so I can't compare the features.
  8. Oh I enjoy looking at people gathering their morals and then realizing how self-contradicting they are and then they have to make up these silly rules so their morals make some sense to them. Don't get me wrong, I agree, but the reasons and terms you use to disjustify chimeras(by saying they are unreal, lmao) are ridiculous. Just tell the truth, don't make up silly theories. Say that you don't like it because it you feel weird, say that you don't like it because you are scared, don't give people that this is wrong this is right b.s. Chimeras do exist, completely natural thing. Most are born dead. Offspring of two species. Speciation is defined as to when the genetic code in the different populations have mutated so far that they can't cross-breed anymore. Exceptions do exist. The picture there is just as likely as any other weird mutation. The genetic code is still mostly sheep's. Speciation isn't defined with appearance, but the contents of the genome. This is either a chimera or just a mutation. Most likely a mutation.
  9. Wow, you sound very paranoid of something you don't obviously understand. See, there wasn't science anywhere in there. It was the result of a man humping a sheep. If the dude had used a condom, on the other hand, it would be science. There wasn't anyone playing god, but playing their sick fantasies on a poor sheep.If you have any ethical reasons for being against biological research on the other hand, please share them. Anyway, it's a shame they burnt it. I'm sure researching the dead sheepman would've been a nice project to work on by any biologist as it's a result of cross-breeding.
  10. I didn't find any, seems like you got one of those script kiddies on your account. Did you delete the files?
  11. Well, farmville is not a time consuming game, ya know? You just plant some stuff and leave. At least I play it like that, you don't have to stand there waiting for the crops to grow? It's the only game I play tho.
  12. Well it really depends on the movies you watch. I watch stand-up performances, comedy movies etc. More of a story line person as well. Graphics themselves aren't going to matter or be worth paying if you're like me. If you watch action/scifi-styled movies, then high definition is a nice thing to have as can give you a better visual experience. If the movie is good and you want to enjoy it at the best quality, it's worth paying for I guess.
  13. I have one."You look like a person that would light the room up like a million watts light bulb with her smile"*wait for her smile*"oh, candle light is cool, too"Now I don't really get why you need pick-up lines anyway. Talking normally and flirting should seal the deal. And if it doesn't, keep in mind that you can always call her a lesbian with a loud voice because she didn't like you. /joke
  14. But anyone into website hacking could find out by the head tag if you're using wordpress or not(may apply on other CMSs). As for me, I don't link to anything in my footer, I just willingly add powered by wordpress text in there(you can have a look at it, hint hint ). For punk kids doing templates. It shouldn't matter. It's still the right thing to do. For example, let's think you made a nice template and gave it free to everyone. The only thing you would require would be a simple linkback or at least the mentioning of your name. If the license of the template enforces this, it's illegal (and wrong) not to do so.tf, you have made a CMS(which I couldn't download btw for some odd reason ). I'm not sure if you want people to keep the footer content "Powered by TrueFusion CMS 0.9.7" in the footer, but I'm sure you would prefer that people do?(it sounds all spooky and weird too; "truefusion" ).As for outbound links. Using display:hidden; can't help SEO, because search engines don't understand CSS if I'm not wrong. They view the site as lynx would(or something). I don't know if hiding in HTML helps either. Anyway, that stuff(CMS version, name, etc) shows up in your meta generator tag unless you strip it.
  15. Well, being around these free website software stuff for a while, I have noticed a trend of sites who don't give credit to the free software they use.Why in the name of anything?! Does it make the site unprofessional? Does it make the visitors think you didn't make the whole site? because you didn't? It's free, the least the users could do is provide a linkback of some sort or credit. But often they manually remove any links between their site and the actual CMS they're using. It's stupid, because you can just visit the admin cpanel folder/file and everything is there. For example gtuts.com, it's using wordpress...
  16. Well I can access our whole city's schools network, all I need is a password to access them which I don't have. And access to drive C is kinda useless... And gosh your college is screwed up if you can access everything without password! wtf?! Don't you have internet there where you work?
  17. Sandwich, fruits, yogurt, fruit yogurt, whatever. Idea of melting cheese sounds good as well and I do that quite often. Not with an English muffin tho.
  18. Haha, why don't you guys just use an Ubuntu live-CD(or life-CD as I tend call it). I do that because windows sucks and it's slow on our school's machines. We don't have anything blocking anything here in school tho Just use ubuntu cd and tor along with it, you'll do fine.
  19. Both techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. The traditional grip may be used to produce a different kind of sound. Another thing is that it may be just tradition, showing off or small adjustments to the mechanics(AKA bounce, power, speed etc.) of playing. I personally think that you may have a more dynamic range between silent and loud with the traditional grip although learning how to properly hit the accents on the traditional grip might take a little longer while you just "hammer" with the match grip. Why many jazz drummers use it might be because you have to keep your right hand on the cymbal/ride and then left is free to do anything. Then you can add all kinds of nice things with the left hand and being capable of really silent notes is something you need if you want to do complex stuff. Another reason might simply be comfort, you might feel more comfortable with the match grip in some styles, traditional grip in some styles, etc. It is completely up to the person who plays, both styles are just as good in general if you know how and when to use them. Left hand is often weaker, so maybe they use that to boost up their left hand(practicing with that might be a little more interesting so one might practice harder to master it and strengthen their lefty in the same time). Maybe he does get more mph, maybe he gets more comfort or a better range between loud and silent. Yes, standard rock drumming is kind of boring which is mainly because many rock guitar players/singers expect everyone else to fill in the holes while they do their awesome solo/scream to hide the high notes they can't reach() and then after that the song is over... No time for drummers! Anyway, I'm in a band and we mainly play rock-style(not the modern garbage, but the old garbage ) stuff and I refuse to just be the background-man So I sometimes play longer and complex fills/small solos in songs. For songs you should start with, learn the shuffle beat(it's a triol beat, very interesting) and then try to play "highway chile" by Jimmy Hendrix without fills(just the beat) and a little slowed down tempo. Then you should also learn what you do with the ride in a jazz song(the triol-styled one) and then try playing "Moanin'" by Art Blakey, again without fills (and you don't have to slow down much if at all). I suggest you try jazz songs where the main leader is the saxophone or piano and the drummer is playing simple stuff. My favorite thing about jazz, you don't need singers (haha ). Not that I dislike singers or anything, but I like focusing on drum/guitar/piano/saxophone notes and not the lyrics. It all depends on the style tho, you can't pretty much focus on anything else than the lyrics in a pop song Enjoy what each style/song has to offer. As something interesting and challenging to try, i suggest reggae! Fun and hard to play because the placing of the bass is so odd, at least in old reggae, in the modern ones the bass drum is all over(it's alright, but just makes it less challenging). Bossanova and other latin beats and samba are always challenging and a lot of fun although I wouldn't listen to something like that when I just want to listen to music. But playing those is really fun! Try funk, too! Funk pretty much is like rock except that it's funky and you get to *misplace* the hi-hat accents in those funky parts of the beat. Learn as many styles as you can!
  20. Sky, all you have to do is to design a template or have it designed by someone here. Then you can code it into html and css. After that, grab PHP functions from an existing theme on whatever forum software you're using. Use the PHP code to display the content. I believe IPB has some built-in functions to get data such as new threads and stuff like that from the database. Read their knowledgebase or check out some tutorials for that.I'm not volunteering to design, I'm not very good at it. But if you need a layout or help in making one, I can help as far as it's about HTML and CSS code.
  21. This tutorial is the 4th one I'm writing on my site. Actually intended to do earlier, but I got stuck when I tried making CSS flyout menus tutorial. Anyway, if you're having troubles in creating new 2 or 3-column layouts, here's a tutorial which is aimed to help you in just that. I know a lot of newbie web-designers/developers don't know how the thing exactly works, but just copy/paste other's code. So this is for you to learn how to make it yourself. DIY The article Any comments are appreciated here or at my site. And yes I know it's CSS also and I should've put this in the CSS subforum...
  22. From what I read your technique is somewhat as I described to you, but remember to not wrap your index finger around the stick and squeeze(pay attention to that when you're playing). Yes, it's a little hard on your muscles and focus first, but when it all goes to muscle memory so you can do that automatically on the background when you play. Another thing is the physical limitations of the wrist when playing fast. I can't play with wrists when the tempo is over 130 while playing x16. As for keeping the stick above/below/on the joint, to what feels more comfortable, just make sure you can still have your little finger below the stick. I prefer not to keep below when playing because it hurts when I hit the accent notes(my index finger's joints). Another thing is that after you've played for a while, your brains I guess automatically move the stick around to fit the way you're playing. For example, keeping it on the fingertips when hitting ghost notes and really holding the stick tight above your joints when hitting the drums hard. But this comes with experience. Regarding how you should have your wrists, it depends on the style. The way I'm holding in the picture is american, french grip(the fastest) has it's own ways(kind of side ways) while german is more powerful. American is something in between. Position as you like, just make sure that the stick's "path" is from up to down, not sideways too. One tip, try to have more stamina than power. The power will come over time, but stamina and accuracy will come when you do those 5-20 minutes long rudiment workouts with metronome. Also since I started talking about the rudiments, you should also try double stroke roll and paradidle since you seem to have become more comfortable with the grip. And yes pics or videos as anwiii mentioned would be good. I don't critique, I guide/give advice And sorry for not replying to your last post, I'm quite busy right now
  23. Nameless, the angelic feel is kind of intentional(heavenly blue ). You don't have to worry for long tho, a new layout is coming soon!(yes, again). In the meantime, why don't you try out some of those tutorials there, birds whispered to me that you want to learn more about web development.DevilMade, the images are placed there because they are related to the article. I had placed them on the right, but another member said that they look weird that way. Putting them above the text is even more weird. Anyway, I'm not going to change that yet, but I'll try to find a way to present them in a way that doesn't annoy people.Thanks for your comments!
  24. HTML and XML aren't scripting languages, but markup languages. CSS also isn't scripting. PHP is server side scripting/programming. Javascript is executed in the browser, Java can be used to do both. PHP is easier to use. Java can be used to make games like Runescape, or those multiplayer pool/chess games you can play in your browser. Java can also be used for bank accounts to have a secure connection and stuff. And I'm talking about Java on the web, as a desktop application Java is just another programming language by which you can write programs such as Azureus/Vuze + it needs compiling. Javascript is like a simplified version running in the browser without accessing database and stuff, that's php's job. And HTML doesn't do the job, using HTML to make your content on the pages is pretty lame. You use databases for that. And that actually meant what it was, you use databases, Nameless! You're using drupal, which uses PHP and MySQL if I'm not terribly mistaken.
  25. I have to say that I have noticed these things too. The activity isn't like in the old days, and spammers seem to bite off T17 one by one... little bits at every time... And now we can't edit our posts. This cuts me really deep(do a quick search, I bet most of my long posts have been edited at least once or twice) even tho I haven't been saying anything. Stupid Spammers! The whole thing isn't working... what kind of impression does a forum with "a great community ready to help you anytime" give when you find out the edit feature isn't available after 10 minutes? Apart from that, I see what you've written in the description: So there has been other things bothering you? What? I know the mods are evil, but that can't be the case?
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