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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. If you visit the site (hahaa, I'm luring people in there), you can see that the images are related to the articles there. So I have the WP logo there next to a WP-themed post, I have the final product of a graphics tutorial next to its introduction etc. I moved the images to the right to make it easier to understand.I reduced the height of the bar to 16px. I'm using the padding for the anchors now and resized the padding. Is power tasting good, tf? Me doing everything you tell me to do Just kidding.
  2. Just waiting for the order Anyway, it's now uploaded and activated. Now I have 2 articles left, too(sadly I also lost my only comment ). I'll do as many as I can tomorrow, but I'll only have around 3-4 hours to do anything tomorrow. I do have a sitemap which I've submitted to google and bing bong or whatever(that dumb search engine you use to google things without google and find out it's worse than google) And yes there goes the neighborhood! I'm planning on defeating all tutorial sites bwahahahaahaaa I'll be ordering unlimited plans and receiving multi-million dollar checks from google in no time! + I'm going to buy google! So it's like I'm receiving checks from myself! /joking
  3. Hi again trapsters! Since I see nobody has replied since my last post here, I'm going to update the screenshot above! I put the searchbox in the vertical navigation bar, I put wordpress pages next to the logo or whatever. Now, I'm just waiting... for SOMEBODY TO REPLY Give me your opinion about the new look I've designed, please.
  4. The background isn't very appealing to me, it doesn't fit very well with grey-white theme your site seems to have. I'm viewing the site on a 1440x900 screen. The background image ends and then suddenly reveals a red background color. You could have the background image end/start from the background color if you want to keep the image in the background. I suggest you get rid of the background image and put a dark grey background color contrasting your content box, which would immediately have the viewers attention in the content, not wondering why the background is so weird.You might also want to get rid of the animation in the left navigation when you hover on the buttons. You should put the "frontpage" at the top, before anything and also call it "home", people are used to that and will notice that quickly. Just making the navigating on the site easier can make more money if you place ads. It'd give a less messy impression. You could also get rid of frontpage link completely as you already have a "home" button at the top of the page.Regarding the flash object on top of your template. When I click the play button again after clicking it already, it starts the audio file again ON TOP of the current one playing. So you should really have that play button to turn into a stop button after it has been clicked on. The text "duckapple" in the flash object increases in size after you hover on it as well as the mouse turning into its "link-mode" giving the impression that it's a link even tho nothing happens when you click on it.Every box-like object in your template has round corners, it would seem kind of natural that the box your content is in would have round corners, too.The content seems to be good enough from what I've looked at(a few articles). Seems like a nice site to visit when you want to kill some time(like youtube etc.). Just try driving more traffic to your site.
  5. Yes, he is using it, but I can't be sure as the video quality isn't that good. He uses it because fingers are faster than wrists. Nice to see you noticed.His accuracy in the solos are so inhuman lol. I have to say tho I sometimes don't like when good drummers just perform speed. That has no melody(mostly) at all. Nothing really amazing in doing the single stroke roll without accents or any noticeable change in a solo. But I did like the acceleration part, especially when he moved to the side of the drum as it kinda reminded me of bossanova. All this judging doesn't mean that I can play any better I like speeding, but not for long periods in a solo.
  6. Hi everyone. Sorry I'm replying a little late(kind of). So, I'm getting into making the new wordpress theme for my site. I'll show you a screenshot so you can tell if this new design is better than the current one. My screen is 1440x900 pixels, I have a few panels and toolbars so I apologize for the 20:5(kinda) view ratio in the screenshot. Omg I just noticed that the upload option is totally gone? Why is that? I'll embed a pic then... The drop-shadow for the category navigation isn't going to be like that, I don't know why it even is that way. I'll fix it soon. Thanks for your kind comments. I'm going to put the search box next to the logo if it looks like I'm going to have room after I put the pages(home, about etc.) like tf suggested. I have this very simple logo with a blurry, almost unnoticeable light blue glow. I like this design more than I like the current design. So I want to know if you like this more, too! The rss button glows blue light like that only when hovered on. BTW, should I put some kind of frame for the rss button? @anwiii: Good news! This is an old domain. Anyway, I got indexed by google almost instantly after I submitted my sitemap. The mail account is working very well as well. I think you're kinda right when you say I should separate(how the hell you know so much about SEO? you hacking inside google bots or something? JK). So I decided to leave science and software for now, concentrate on graphic/GIMP and HTML&CSS tutorials. When it's running smoothly, I'll start a software subdomain and maybe a science one too. But this is going to happen when I have a new theme. First I thought that because this is a teaching site, I can have things mixed up a bit, but I know it won't hurt to start with only one main subject and that is web design. And I would have content 24/7 with all these subjects, but I guess 1-2 tuts a week is fine(or is it?). @inverse_bloom: Thanks for replying. I'm working with this new design right now, but I'll improve the earlier when I release it as a wordpress theme.(that is if I end up dumping it). @deadmad7: Thanks. There are 5 articles there ready for you to read, I didn't get what you mean by me getting some content there? I'm writing more articles again soon. EDIT: Would it be a good idea if I put the search feature in the top "pipe" thingy? What else could I put there?
  7. I'm sure some of you might know the guy, but I found this solo of his and thought of posting a link to it here. Anyway, Buddy was a jazz drummer(jazz drummers are generally better than drummers playing other styles as their main one). Anyway, he is still told to be the best drummer that ever lived. It's an opinion, but HE IS. He died in 1987 if I'm not forgetting things. May he Rest With Sticks. Here's the link to the video: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy.
  8. People's email addresses change. To me this doesn't seem very useful. It's more reliable to have a lawyer or something to do this. If you want this letter to say that you love your close ones, well that's really pathetic! You should've told it to them when you were alive, if you didn't, you don't deserve to tell them that after you're dead. You don't mess with people's minds.But I can think of one way. You could do some really cool pranks with this But no, I'm not that heartless.
  9. Hi Nathan. Welcome to the forum but please, tell us more about yourself. I see Johnny already mentioned the credit system, here's a link that'll give you more information about the topic: click Don't pay attention to that if you aren't here for hosting. Anyway, see ya around!
  10. I shortened the introductions to only 2 sentences or so. There is only 1 post per category on the main page right now, so I'm not sure if you're commenting the current state of the site or the future one when I get down and dirty with writing?Many teaching sites(excluding graphics teaching sites) are very simple when it comes to design. All I did was use images instead of plain css. It is very simple, and it might not be very pleasant to some visitors like you, but the content is more important here. I'll try to make a more exciting template soon after I get started. The current template was described as okay in another thread tho, but I can't wait to get my hands on messing around with a new one.I also changed the layout to be 960 pixels wide now and changed the font size to 13 px.Thanks for replying
  11. thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply. I changed things to liquid and it's now 80% of the page, but then it seems a bit crunched so I changed it to be 960px wide. Displays around 15 words when in 1024 px width screens. The website itself is somewhat ready(maybe). I made a topic for it here. We can continue talking about the design if you still want to, here or there. Anyway, I didn't have time to do the thing with the blue borders or enlarge the side columns' width tho. I also changed the font size to 13 px. Wonder if that's good or not. Anyway, I've seen many tutorial sites use wide space for text, so I thought of using too. I'm not sure if it works on my site tho, need more opinions. As for the logo, it's going to be changed.
  12. That is fluid with fixed side columns. It's 80% of the page. I didn't exactly get what you mean by crunched? is it looking funny in your browser? I fixed the positioning of the tags&category. It's now at the bottom of the post. It was there because I used the classic theme to grab the php functions to my theme, and it had remained that way. I removed the arrows, no ideas of what to put there instead. Any ideas? Centered and sharpened the logo like you suggested. I made the links in the content area blue. The story titles still remain grey because they look too ugly in blue. Any improvement or did it just go downhill?Any comments about the content as well?Thanks for helping
  13. *fixed. Lol it seems it was trying to get the stylesheet from my localhost And don't start with the sarcasm, that hurts but I guess that IS simple
  14. Hi all, I just uploaded my new website. I'm using wordpress and a custom theme made by myself to keep things simple. Had some complications with database importing as it would show the wrong time(5th instead of 8th!). Anyway, it's up now and I have a few articles ready there. Layout is kept simple, but the logo still needs some things(like a new logo?!) . This was going to be released before X-mas but I had to go see my cousins in Sweden(mom made me ) I'm going to keep the site active and post 1-2 article(s) every week and maybe if I get enough visitors, I'll put up some (small) ads. But I don't need money so that's not much of a goal now. I would like to know if site seems interesting to you, is there something I've done horribly wrong etc. I'm going to make fav icon and rss buttons but I've been busy lately and school started so... If you want to find a little more about the site, read the about page or the first article called "Welcome to *******!"(first one). Anyway, because I haven't put SEO up yet I kindly ask that you don't mention the name of my site here as T17 has killer SEO which would then harm my site's SEO by flooding the search results. I know people won't google the site's name very often but if they do... I know my site looks kind of dull since I haven't images, so I'm going to put images relating to the posts and stuff. This site isn't about pleasing your eyes anyway, so I'll again keep it simple. I would also like to hear some advice about writing? Am I using too much quotes or "()" in my posts? Is it bizarre, annoying? Should I use more complex sentence structure or something? Mention anything else you want to comment about, too. As well as suggestions on what the hell I should do with the Logo. Kindly also report all the bugs you have found on my site. Thanks for everyone who helped me design the template, you were very helpful. Unfortunately I didn't have time to add into the design the things mentioned in the last post by inverse bloom in the template thread, I'm sorry. I'll try that later as soon as I get a graphics tutorial done. Oops! Almost forgot the link! Visit My Website
  15. Well, is playing poker gambling? thin line...I'm a type of player that always calculates the chances. If you calculate that it's highly probable that you win, is it gambling? And btw, I almost never go on minus when playing poker, on internet. I don't call it gambling, I call it winning. Same as you bet if you're going to win a chess match. Or arm wrestling.
  16. I agree. I would want to make money off my work if I had worked hard on it and it was worth the money.But open-source developers usually work in teams and they volunteer for it. And besides, having open-source stuff I think encourages software developers who want money for their work to invent new things and to be better than the free alternatives as well as lower their prices. But companies like adobe haven't obviously learned it price-wise. It would be nice if PhotoShop would cost less than 300 $. Less people would download pirated copies and they would make a profit.
  17. 1. Are you trying to confuse me with word games or something ? I'm saying I don't know. But if things need an origin(like you assume after I've told you not to 3 times or something ), it wouldn't be possible and I gave you the reason. It's you that are shortsighted here, creationism states that something had to make everything, because everything couldn't exist without some reason. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense, since the thing creating the universe would need a cause itself(= demanding a cause for everything is short-sighted). Instead, if everything having to pop out of nothing like in creationism, it had been there forever, you wouldn't need a cause. Or would ? because the movement of particles do need a cause even if existence doesn't. Which would lead us to the ultimate cause? But wouldn't that itself need a cause. Thinking about this won't lead anywhere, that's why you have to say that you don't know. You can't even guess anything in this subject without contradicting yourself and making exceptions in your own logic to try to desperately prove yourself that it makes sense. And especially, don't ever start doing it without evidence, it's so pathetic when people do so. 2. What's up with the "big bang doesn't explain this and that" then? + you didn't answer my question at the end. My entire point was that you don't have any evidence for creationism even tho you don't have anything to disprove it with. You don't have any evidence to disprove my retarded cappuccino-maker monkey either. You just believe in creationism because you don't understand and it's freaking you out, so it seems a little easier to ignore and pretend to know. 4. Where I said they did? 5. Lol, you just repeated what I said. I'm saying we don't know, so let's not assume. You don't know, but you assume and try to find facts that fit your views instead of giving in. 7. When I consciously contradict myself, put an exception to the rule AND give you the reason for it... You're too excited, man. Calm down if you feel that it's contrary, that's beyond me. But whatever, back on topic. 8. Never said I was wasting time, I said it took up time. If you feel like wasting your time, close the tab/window/whatever. Easy for you, it takes me 1 hour or so to write one of these. Ignoring the facts and questions that I use to tear things down doesn't make them ineffective. And FYI, reading that takes more than a minute 1. So you're saying a magical being with a magic hat came and made everything out of nothing, arranged amino acids into DNA, made it variable and BOOM life came to be. Me, I can prove that DNA is the result of particle interaction, the variation of it is a result of particle interaction etc. You're putting a magical being behind everything because you don't know and want a peace of mind, I admit that I don't know. And particle interaction isn't random FYI. Irreducible complexity doesn't exist, you're just assuming. And life didn't have to start complex. 2. Desire to reproduce? It's a chemical reaction, there is no "desire" for single-celled organisms, how you explain that? It's a chemical reaction, just because you don't understand the reproduction of DNA doesn't mean you have to tell a story about how it was magically constructed by something higher. It's how life works. Capable of reproduction = passes genes on, incapable of reproduction = doesn't pass genes on. Natural selection is its name, remember? Why doesn't a brick have the "desire" to reproduce? 3. Not actually, there is no death-gene that we know of. Death is simple erosion. The body can't produce certain chemicals to renew certain types of cells(neurons for example). It's not "designed" to die off. If you claim so, provide evidence, please. I'm not placing faith in arbitrary interaction of particles, but I can prove to you that life is a result of them. You can't prove that the cause of these interactions is controlled by a higher being. That's why I refuse to believe in bronze-age myths without evidence. I accept that I don't know(which you have a problem with admitting obviously), I don't draw conclusions out of nothing because I don't know. And no, I'm claiming that admitting that you don't know is more intelligent and logical than trying to make up an answer without evidence. I'm asking for evidence of things popping into existence out of nothing, which you don't provide me with. That is when you fail at your attempts to prove creationism to be true. BTW, where's tf?
  18. Hmm... we had those sig thingies as awards last year? Well I guess SM was a little busy this year :(Thanks for all the voters and participators and stuff. SM, every tyranny has to end some time You held the power for too long. And surprised that ash won the most awards!Lol I guess the shoutboxer award is a synonym to "spammer" and "the annoying guy speaking to himself in the SB" :DAnd Thanks SM for arranging the awards
  19. I don't think this law is perfect when you look at the legal side of things, but pirates caused it to take place. Now they are whining about it. I suggest you gather the last bits of your dignity and morals and go cry behind the corner.
  20. Hi kazunari. You could've told us more about yourself. Anyway, here's a thread to give you a quick start: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/106-free-web-hosting-service-registration-3-easy-steps-to-your-new-free-website/ Don't spam and just post decent posts and you'll soon have enough money to order hosting.
  21. Me begs to disagree. I'm not teaching him only one way to play drums. I'm teaching him the match grip the right way so he doesn't suffocate the bounce like all those youtube drummers. You say you've never played the drums before. I beg to ask, have you ever played any musical instrument that you have to technically master? Because if you have, imagine me playing piano with my thumbs and index fingers only? Does that sound like a technique newbie would choose right away because it's easier or something that is taught by the masters of playing piano? Sometimes you need someone who guides you so you don't end up bleeping up your own playing. Holding onto the stick like you're hanging from it forces you to waste energy to bring the stick back up to hit it down again, which could be used to create great music. Besides, you can't hit ghost-notes properly(= the notes you barely hear but can sound cool when used) with wrists only. I could teach him match grip, french grip, traditional grip etc, just letting him now about the easiest. If you don't start with the right technique, it'll be harder to change that to play better after you've got used to it. And I'm telling this from experience, I too started with the bastardized hold and suffocated the bounce, I didn't do rudiments either, but when I got a new teacher that didn't just teach me beats(that I didn't even play in the right rhythm thanks to the fact that I wasn't advised to use the metronome for longer than 10 minutes in a row), my playing got much better. Sticks have only one way of bouncing, and developing your own style isn't the best option if that style isn't as good as other styles. It's like high-jump in sports, do you expect anyone to jump with the old style (see pics of it, use g-search) anymore? No, because that doesn't bring as good results as the style they use nowadays. Developing your own style will come, yes, but that's when you already know how to play the kit, just giving him a good start. @Rob: I forgot to say, try to keep your hands and sticks so they don't look like this: ||, but like this: /\, and just sit up straight, relax shoulders and you can play without getting any painful side-effects(well, that is if you aren't trying that on purpose).
  22. Actually, pay attention onto what's under the welcome message, it says how many times you've hit the pads And "whazzaaaaaaaa?" would be really funny sound when you start your MP3 player or stereos heh
  23. Thanks for your comments. I'm a little disappointed in the sticks too. But changing the display modes or colors didn't really do the thing, and I couldn't add any more transparency, since the drum would show through. The situation is hopeless, because if I used the perspective tool to correct the angle, it would twist my sticks :PI'll try moving the sticks a little so you can see it's "i" since it's a small change.Well I didn't join the SOTW because I can't really make winter-themed signatures(maybe if I put an ice effect on the sticks? )
  24. 1. No, things being unable to pop into existence out of nothing implies that things were already there. You're still assuming that everything needs a beginning again, try to look at things from multiple perspectives. I never said that energy, or what it consists of has an origin. 2. Yes, you did. Why would you repeat the obvious things all the time? And by obvious things I mean you saying that the theories of evolution and big bang don't explain the origin of matter. Is there any argument in that? It's like me saying that because apples are red, carrots must be blue. Saying that big bang doesn't explain the origin of matter doesn't justify or prove creationism. If we had evidence for creationism(things popping into existence out of nothing), things would be different. I know this isn't what you exactly said, but just clearing this out for you. And for believing in creationism, do you mean the bronze age mythologies or just believing that something created everything? 4. By explanation I mean the actual things they are supposed to explain, not the freaking origin of energy. And there is no evidence in our possession to disprove the theories of Evolution or Big Bang. Otherwise they would've been disqualified many years ago. 5. Actually I'm very interested in physics. My knowledge of thermodynamics and understanding of energy goes beyond highschool physics. And using the scientific method, you don't need a theory to disprove another theory. A theory itself must be falsifiable with testable facts. For example, the standard model. The standard model doesn't need something to take its place to be disproved. All you need to do is to prove that the Higg's particle doesn't exist, which is what they're doing in Switzerland with LHC. Although we don't have "evidence" of things popping into existence out of nothing, we have no evidence that they do either, so we can conclude that we don't know and not suffocate the seek for the answer by saying that a higher creature did it. 6. But it did give the impression of what I accused you of. Sorry if I understood it in the wrong way. And by saying that it would be disqualified in any academic debate I was giving you hint that what you said was not an argument and would be understood the way I did. And I never said that all creationists are unaware of the scientific principle, you answered to an argument which I never said. 7. It was your own fault that you were too excited of finding me "contradicting" myself that you forgot to read the reason why I typed that. I can't take the responsibility for your ignorance. Moving on... *Gosh I have to stop messing myself with these debates in the future, takes so much of my time.* Stop picking on the small typos that I couldn't edit! The theory of evolution suggests that species evolve and the evolving in a macroscale is controlled by natural selection. If you agreed with what I said, I don't care anymore if you don't want to agree with the theory of evolution. I just broke it down to small parts so it will be more digestible and you'll agree with it without realizing it. Yet again I repeat the question I asked from nolan, are we talking about energy or organisms? I think we're talking about both + christian creationism, right(because if we do, evolution and creationism are exclusive)? So, by following the bible and agreeing that it has passed over 2000 years since Jesus died, you can conclude that everything is around 6 000 years old. If you want to skip over that, let's do it. But you still have to explain how something can come from nothing. FAILActually, that evidence is more than enough to prove the theory of evolution to be true, but since you started this with false analogy, let's finish it. Medical journals? That's where you look for evidence against evolution? Anyway, I can give you an example. In Africa, large amount of the population has a gene that causes cancer(or something, I'm not exactly sure), but that same gene also reduces a risk of dying to malaria. In Papua-Guinea(or whatever it is in English) a cannibal-tribe has developed full immunity to prion-diseases(= Braincell disease, most known ones are mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease). This was caused because they ate the brains of the ones that died because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_%28disease in the 1900's. Most of the population died. Immunity was created in just 3-5 decades. This is just a small example. And I need some examples of these "observations" you've made to conculde that life should've died off a long time ago. Yes, your logic, you took my logic and twisted it into something evil And of course I limit existence to physical things, I thought you had figured that out already by now? And I was kinda expecting that to be brought up. FYI, the only forms of energy are potential and kinetic energy. Have a look at the laws of thermodynamics one more time, then read some quantum mechanics and wonder why we can't reach 0 Kelvin, I'm sure you'll experience an enlightenment during the process. And I believe I mentioned this already in my "Thermal Energy", thread, look that up if you don't want to spend the next 4 weeks reading the basics of quantum mechanics. And yes, every non-physical thing is metaphysical. But that wouldn't prove anything. You can't use mathematical patterns to describe something that's not physical. Using the same pattern I could prove why space is infinite, all you have to agree is that existence takes place in non-existence. If space is non-existence, 0 = 0, 0 - 0 = 0. Even if metaphysical realm exist as in your arguments(magical world where god is having his morning coffee? ), there is no evidence of it interacting with the physical realm. With the word "prove", I mean that if you could provide me with evidence or logic that suggests that metaphysical/non-existing can affect the physical. I need some examples of this at least. If mind is metaphysical, so is making decisions, and if making decisions is metaphysical and launches physical processes, I need examples. Now I'll just go and release my frustration by playing violent games, that's what you creationists want, isn't it? Encourage me to kill!(not that I need much encouragement) Just kidding
  25. Thanks, rob. I just thought that because there had been 14 views and no replies
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