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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I have seen you rant about pornography multiple times now, but you never really mention any actual reasons (I haven't noticed). I guess it's because you're christian (have seen you preaching all over the forum...), but I expect rational thoughts for reasoning rather than a book. So, what makes it so wrong, nirmaldaniel? And by pornography I mean the legal type. And those countries do it because of religious (well not actually, more of a group control method) reasons. And to comment the 10th thing interwebz have ruined... I don't think "soloing" makes you want sex with a partner any less? May be a replacement, but I don't think someone would choose porn over real sex like one could choose chatting on IM rather than meet in person.
  2. If you were joking, disregard this, but I fear you may have actually been serious... God has gone crazy? Really, from all of the things in the stupidness pool available for you to blame the earthquakes on, you chose your that your god has gone crazy? The funniest thing is that you think it has started happening now. Like Christians, other believers and disbelievers haven't been killed by disasters in equal, statistically correct numbers all over history. And the way you talk about muslims and other disbelievers makes me sick. But again, that's how they teach you to talk about and treat people not belonging to your religion in your book, so I can't really blame you on your moronic post. EDIT: Added some angst to the post.
  3. Hi gwizz, and welcome to the forums. If you're interested in the hosting services, I recommend reading this thread, so you know the procedure. There are many other graphics-oriented people here and I'm sure you'll find yourself enjoying here. We have a signature of the week-contest here and anyone can participate, so make sure you check that out. Also you can show off your work here if you want. See you around, and don't forget to post!
  4. 1. I am no expert but they kind of seem to include that in the package (PyGTK). Like into the python distribution. So I guess if I have to do a GUI app I either have to use PyGTK in PyMaemo or PyQt. Yea it's fun to have all those things to work with but currently it's like putting a monkey in front of a computer. I don't know how to... 2. Oh, thanks for clearing that out. 3. So I'll try to develop some useless apps/scripts with Python first as I don't know what kind of project I would like to work on. Then move to C++ when I have a goal. After a small research of programs made by PyQt I noticed the list wasn't as "impressive" compared to C++ Qt. Speaking of C/C++, what's the difference between them? Like is C++ and upgrade of C like XHTML-HTML? Do I have to learn C before C++ or should I just go ahead with C++ when I want to? Thanks for the link, I even learned something about PHP there (I didn't remember endif... lol. Always used else break for that). Some of the stuff I haven't yet learned so I don't know what the code meant y in Python. But it's helpful, thanks. Btw, have you tried PHP-Qt? Just read a little about it. Kinda cool but I fear may be ineffective compared to other languages in Qt as it is a server-side scripting language. They say they have an easy way for making GUIs (Qt Designer), tho. Thanks for helping.
  5. I know C is cross-platform. I just meant like it doesn't run on a cross-platform runtime that acts the same way. Like Qt platform is cross-platform so your software acts the same in all operating systems, although Qt isn't about one language like Java. I could be horribly wrong with everything in the last sentence tho... I will definately check out stackoverflow, thanks for the advice. I don't have a lot of previous programming experience, so I'm just starting with an easy one. I'll try to learn C++ and Qt after Python before I go to university. Although I'll be reading physics and not computer science, probably. Just tired of being such a programming newbie all the time. All you pro-programmers here showing off your scripts and what-not I don't want to stop at PHP... PyMaemo is said to be an effort to bring Python libraries to the Maemo 5 platform (on their site). Basically it seems to be a Python distribution for Maemo. I found nothing relating to PyGTK in their FAQ. PyGTK and Qt and PyQt (these terms are killing me) are available on my phone from what I can tell by looking at the repositories' development section. Is Python any good for creating GUI apps? Or is it convenient just to script with it and leave the complex stuff to the complex languages. At some point I want to create applications that don't just run in the terminal. Is it bad compared to C/C++ for GUI applications? And should I learn C++ before moving to Qt or start with PyQt after learning Python? Thanks for helping you both!
  6. Hehe, so there are many fanboys... JK You didn't reply to the argument in quotes. Anyway, the fact is that the iPhone has been marketed heavily, and you know what happens when something is shoved down people's throats... they start buying it. I'm not stating that it is a bad device or anything, just revealing why it's a success. And you have to admit, I don't see anyone at moment going through all the great smartphones today and picking a 700 $ phone over something that's cheaper and has more features. No, they buy it because perhaps they like the way Apple deals with things on their devices or they just haven't looked around to see what the competitors are like. Marketing and branding. A few might really want to buy something that costly just because they could play a lot of games on it. Also I'm sure many bought the device because they wanted to show off their hyped phone to their friends. Okay, the reason why people are so 'opinionated' is because of normal human nature. If I come along a stupid and pointless video on youtube, I make sure my voice is heard. I don't troll, just tell a few of the flaws of the video in the comment section. People criticize things, get over it. The reason why people make fun of the ipad and criticize it should be clear. It's marketed as the best tablet on earth while it brings nothing innovative and new to the field of tablets. Look at the features of some real tablets on the market now and then look at the features of the iPad. Then also watch this video. Admit, it's funny! And it was made before apple even thought of making tablets Okay back to the real reasons, archos makes good tablets. iPad isn't useless, unless you look at the price. You have to pay more for 3G and it doesn't have a USB port. It doesn't come with a replaceable battery so you can't have a spare one with you when traveling. It doesn't allow multitasking. Not a lot of memory compared to the fact that this is an entertainment device. You have to jailbreak it (aw come on, you know why), just like you have jailbreaked your phone, deadmad7. No flash. While I hate flash, I also need it. It's too early to ditch flash. First we need a good alternative. HTML5 isn't that ready, and I like using services like GrooveShark and Farmville. Youtube is becoming more HTML5. Apple is saying they are providing the best web experience, and I don't see that as more than a lie. Even my phone has a better "web experience". Look at the rest by comparing similarly priced tablets with this device.Conclusion: it doesn't defeat the other tablets, unless we start talking about apps. Well actually, if you buy and archos tablet with Win7 (android models also available) you have a lot of software. It doesn't replace a smartphone. Obviously lol. And, it doesn't replace a mini-laptop. So, by features, it goes somewhere between a small tablet and a really small internet tablet, like the Nokia N810 or something similar. So the conclusion is that it's a some kind entertainment device with limited features. It's a good device, but the price doesn't match. It's like an iPod touch and they're charging for a bigger screen and e-book reading? I'd have totally thought it was an April fool if the product was announced at that day. I hope I cleared out the reasons why many of the tech nerds say this is a useless device. It's not, but it's competitors are way better and way cheaper. That is why some products of apple are considered fanboy products. Marketing something heavily results in success, and Apple knows marketing if anything.
  7. Hi guys. So, until now, all I've been using when it comes to programming langueages is PHP. I got a new phone and I want to program apps for it. The phone I'm using is a Nokia N900. The platform is Maemo 5 (Linux-based) and I have basically two choices when it comes to making apps for it; Python or 'PyMaemo' and Qt. I heard Qt is as hard as C, and I also read that Python takes less time to write than C or Qt. So I've taken up Python, mostly because I know PHP and I don't like declaring variables before using them Lazy me... First I plan to learn the 'regular' Python and then after hopefully gaining enough knowledge move onto the Maemo platform. So, I hope I didn't bore the hell out of you people with that little story of my dreams. Anyway, I'm reading the documentation at the official python website and I'm on page 1 in the last section now. So far I've found it somewhat easy to follow, tho some terms still are a bit unclear to me. Spent about 3 hours learning and trying out stuff and sometimes guessing things a bit ahead based on my knowledge of PHP (though still haven't figured out why 22 returns zero, ). I haven't coded a script yet, because the documentation I've been reading so far only teaches about the terminal interpreter and stuff like that. The coding part will come later, I guess. I also found that I can use the Python interpreter in the X-terminal on my phone as well, though I find it a bit awkward to type terminal commands on a small keyboard. I'll setup SSH later when I'm developing for the phone, I think. What I found kinda weird is that there's a 2.6.4 Python version installed on my Ubuntu system, and the latest stable version (2.6.5) is already released on the python website. So I'm not sure if I should wait until the Ubuntu repositories are updated or download the release from thePython.org website. It says it's a source tarball for Linux so I guess I'll have to compile it. So, if I have to compile it, do I have to uninstall the current repo version of Python that I have installed? Even more stupid is that my phone has an even older version, 2.5.4, installed. Argh... Another 'problem' is that they're teaching us Java in school. And I don't like it. Takes too much time to make it do something, and I can do the same thing in Python much faster. So far I've also heard that Java programs consume a lot of memory and power. To me it just seems that Java is a trend that they're shoving down people's throats. I'm not an expert or anything, but I only see the advantage of cross-platform made easier and web applications when it comes to Java vs. C/C##. I just wish someone came up with a good development platform and stop the Java madness on non-web applications. Qt is nice, and I think I'll try to learn that later after I've got to know Python and Java. With Qt I can also develop for Symbian and OS X instead of only developing for MeeGo and Maemo 5. I'm also asking for advice regarding what languages I should learn and maybe some advantages of the more complicated programming languages (I know it's a matter of taste, but anyway, just do it). What makes separately creating variables so much better anyway? Or were the Java developers a little crazy with all that caffeine in their veins? Being a newbie, I would appreciate if you could give me a simple (but logical) task I could do with Python to have something else than simple tut example-duplication to do for a while. Thanks for the replies in advance.
  8. Tiger? Puma? My post quality is going so down with these one-liners... damn
  9. Eyes are from one of those big-eyed monkey thingys, the mouth is from a big cat, I don't know which so I'm just gonna say a leopard.
  10. Exactly, lol this would actually work, but IE is a horrible product, so it won't. Just like nobody in their right mind would consider learning IE filters for CSS gradients and other neat CSS3 features but just make good looks for the real browsers, no sane person will upgrade to 7 or Vista to get IE9. And IE9 is like what IE7 should've been. Too late. Anyway, until they fix their bugs so I can actually browse and not wait for half an hour to navigate to a page and provide good add-ons, I won't consider any change..
  11. Not sure either but I think he means that the render must be contracting the environment and theme of the sig. Like a halo character in a landscape image full of flowers or something... I don't know! Anyway, if it's what I think, the halo guy in flower field is taken Oops, or maybe I'm just reading it wrong, it may be a character render which is in a appropriate environment. Like a halo character in a battlefield or something.
  12. Exactly Just kidding. Basically what you're saying is that they came up with an app that uses VOIP or a protocol like such to make calls? Nothing new. Okay maybe on the iPhone, but that phone has been left behind when talking about the features... The only advantage I see is user-friendliness (which I don't care of) and apps. Anyway, does it work over 3G? If not then that's kinda lame. I would rather text or Skype than run around looking for Wi-Fi hotspots. You would think it's possible over 3G, because that would simply be more practical for people having mobile broadbands or whatever. Anyway, good to hear iPhone finally got Skype... And naughty boy, jailbreaking phones... What are you gonna do when you could use a bit of that warranty?
  13. Calm down. A, you can't mess up the time continuum, that's why it's called a continuum. B, read some actual scientific books and not some pseudo-named books that explain nothing about everything, read real science instead and learn how to interpret it.
  14. Thanks a lot. If I get more positive feedback, I'll code this down and use on the site. Even if I don't I might share this as a freebie. Thanks, deadmad7I am changing the logo. I'm currently trying to get familiar with Blender, so I can make a 3D questionmark and maybe some effects. I'll make a proper RSS logo as well. Never really liked social bookmarking, I rarely add sites on Facebook or Twitter as links and I'm having a hard time believing why anyone would want to add a tutorial of mine in their links. After all, this is not a business site. I'm not sure what you exactly mean by SEO friendly but yes, I'm going to use <h> and <b> elements for keywords and I'm inserting my sidebar after the actual content box in code, and then float them in position. I don't have the comment box etc in place because I'm still designing and haven't coded or converted the design to a WordPress theme yet. I make my designs with GIMP and code them down using Crimson Editor running under WINE on Ubuntu. <---- Cheapo Okay no, it's because I don't need PhotoShop or Dreamweaver, I wouldn't use most of PS features or use WYSIWYG to create my pages even if I owned them. Nor will I download pirated copies... Reason for EDIT: I haz grammar skilz
  15. Okay ignore that last post, gosh that was ugly, the blue I mean. Anyway, I''m still working on the latest template, but I made a new one as well:I know the book thing isn't the ideal thing as a logo, I was thinking of a 3D questionmark colored like the freebies link in the menu bar.The tutorials menu link is going to open a drop-down menu when hovered on as well as the freebies link if I end up adding sub-categories.So, how is it?
  16. Okay sorry I haven't kept you updated, but it works now! It appears it was the codec. Now I removed some dust from inside of my laptop as well so it runs pretty smoothly. Thanks for suggesting the codec!
  17. As far as I know BH actually has a job, and is a volunteer or something like that here. So why should this be his highest priority? Aren't people allowed to have a life outside of the computer anymore? But yes we need more mods. Please, just hire some mods! I'm sure there are many people here that would qualify.
  18. Alright, people. Why don't you actually read the WHOLE TOPIC AND ALL THE POSTS before replying. You're just repeating what has been said. I didn't say the actual evolution is 'stopping', I said - you know what, why should I freaking repeat what I said? Read yourself...Okay I said that we aren't becoming smarter as a specie anymore as we used to, and the individuals that wouldn't survive 'naturally', as much as I hate that word being used like this, survive because we provide them with care. And so the survival of the fittest to be able to bread is no longer in action in that part.That is what I said and if some new dude to the thread starts the same stuff over again I'm going to be reporting that as a useless post. Read the thread and don't repeat the statements that have already been stated.
  19. Yes, of course, you're just trying to hack into a wireless network. Have you considered taking law school recently? :angel: okay topic is a bit old...Anyway, any business (any with some brain cells) nowadays uses WPA2. Even I can hack WEP, even on my phone with aircrack. If it's on channel 6 of course...
  20. I disagree. People uploading their videos on youtube and putting background music should be completely OK. In fact, I see no reason why it would harm the company or the artists. You know why? I have seen people ask "what's the name of that song" in the comment section a couple of thousand times!And there comes WMG and makes youtube mute the audio track and all the comment section is filled with is "f*** WMG".People don't also go on and listen to their favorite music on youtube. They're just checking it out. That's why so many bands have their own channel where they publish their music videos and/or songs.I'm talking about the WMG and other useless companies that employ a bunch of loser-CEOs who were apparently bullied as a kid. All they want is money. So by going on and banning these audio tracks on youtube, they eat up the artists' money AND make it harder for people to find their music. And this is how they keep their jobs... Using music as a background track in a youtube video is in "Fair use", at least it should be.Besides, why do they even care of the (max 10 minute) clips on youtube? People that watch that crap wouldn't buy it anyways.
  21. Hilarious comment on the site you provided the link to! Oh whatever, just let it be. I'm sure an Apple fanboy will show up in this thread shortly explaining how awesome his/her brick-with-a-touchscreen is because it has so many (useless) apps. What amazes me the most is that people actually pay for these apps... I have my own brick with a touchscreen as well. Not apple's, tho. Because I actually like to run multiple apps at the same time. And I rarely pay for computer software, I would never pay for mobile phone software lol..
  22. Okay, I tried to open it up, but I don't have the small screwdriver to fit the screws. I don't even remember how I opened it the first time.So, until I go buy one, I used a vacuum and aimed it at the cooler's hole. Amazingly, that actually worked! It does heat up, but not even near how much it did before the quick vacuum.And about the RAM problem, it builds up without any reason. I don't start any additional programs so it just builds up all by itself on Ubuntu. I'm just a little curious because it didn't use that much RAM before.
  23. Thanks for the info.What a shame they've changed the placement of the window buttons. I kinda like that I have the window name and window buttons separate. That is, if they haven't aligned the name to the right. That would really get me into trying out Kubuntu... Hope somebody hacks this thing and returns the positioning back to normal! Or the developers change it back themselves after they receive the hate-mail I'm s... *cough* :PAnyway, by after-boot performance I actually meant stuff performing faster, like window management, GUI and other stuff in general. Not the one dependent on my 100+ open firefox tabs :angel:
  24. You got a gold mine! Build a mechanical machine that uses up that power under the hood just for fun. Like you said, there isn't much left to do with it anymore... You might be able to sell it to a collector tho. :angel:
  25. Okay, so Cindy, my laptop, isn't doing very well. Lately things have started to fall apart, just like what HP apparently designs their products for, to fall apart after the warranty is over. Anyway, I have noticed that my laptop overheats. The other day I was playing Perfect World on minimum settings, and this thing got really hot. Hotter than ever before. I had played this game before for hours without any problems whatsoever. And after overheating, starts the lagging. I still keep pushing it, and it suddenly shuts down. Currently I'm using an USB fan and pointing it to the laptop to cool it down and play. But that's not a very good way to handle the situation I suppose. Many of the more demanding tasks are causing overheating. I did open this laptop up a while back to replace a hard drive, you think I've managed to screw the contents up somehow? Like bump the heatsink off or something? It was very tightly packed inside.. And then there's the RAM problem. I used to use only 700-900 MB ou of 3 GB RAM back in the days with Vista. Now it's gone suddenly to +1GB. I use ubuntu, used to use around 350 MB with no programs running. Nowadays I boot up, and I see the 370 at first, then it somehow mysteriously builds up to 600+ slowly? What the hell? My laptop model is HP DV-7 1090eo. The specs: Any help? Thanks very much.
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